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Wahyuni Kurniawati
"Berjalan merupakan moda transportasi utama untuk sebagian besar manusia di seluruh dunia dan merupakan penghubung dari moda transportasi satu ke moda transportasi lainnya. Jalur pedestrian di Jakarta belum mampu memberikan kenyamanan bagi pejalan kaki. Fasilitas Pejalan kaki diukur menggunakan walkability index. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji permintaan berjalan seseorang dilihat dari faktor demografi sosial ekonomi dan kelayakan berjalan. Faktor tersebut diduga memengaruhi persepsi minat dan preferensi berjalan kaki. Teknik prngumpulan data pada penelitian ini mengunakan observasi, survey kuesioner, wawancara singkat kepada pejalan kaki. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan tabulasi silang serta menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan analisis regresi logistic. Penelitian dilakukan di dua jalan yakni jalan Jenderal Sudirman dan Jalan Salemba Raya. Fasilitas pejalan kaki pada kawasan tersebut memiliki index walkability sebesar 67,3 di jalan Jenderal Sudirman dan 54,75 di jalan salemba kramat raya. yang menandakan kualitas yang sedang. Berdasarkan pengujian, terdapat kaitan pada faktor demografi sosial ekonomi sedangkan untuk kelayakan berjalan tidak berkaitan dengan permintaan berjalan. Hal ini mengindikasikan perlunya usaha pemerintah untuk meningkatkan permintaan berjalan seseorang dengan melihat dari faktor tersebut, tidak hanya dengan penambahan fasilitas pejalan kaki saja. Karena dengan fasilitas pejalan kaki yang baik, masyarakat DKI Jakarta belum tentu mau berjalan.
Walking is a main mode transportation for many of the world rsquo s people, and connecting one mode transportation to other transportation. Pedestrian ways in Jakarta is not comfortable for pedestrian. Its mean, the sidewalk is not walkable, inadequate and pedestrian facilities are often dilapidated. Pedestrian facilities measured by walkability index. The aim of this research is to analyze demand walking based on demographic, sosio economic, and walkability factors. Data collection techniques use observation, questionnaire survey, and short interview to pedestrian. This study use qualitative method with cross tabulation and quantitative method with logistic regression. Pedestrian facilities in Jalan Jenderal Sudirman has walkability index of 67,3 and Jalan Salemba Raya Kramat Raya has an index walkability of 54,75. That rsquo s mean those way in a sufficient condition. The result found that walkability factor is not related with demand for walking, and there is a good correlation of sosio ecomomic and demographic factor. This indicate that the local governments in DKI Jakarta have to increasing the demand for walking, based on sosio economic and demographic factors, not just focus on increasing the quality of pedestrian ways walkability , even the sidewalk in a good condition, people in Jakarta is not necessarily willing to walk."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vancasius Gunawan Meyer
"Keberadaan papan reklame diduga dapat mempengaruhi pengemudi, khususnya pengemudi yang melintasi Jalan Muhammad Husni Thamrin dan Jalan Jenderal Sudirman di Jakarta Pusat. Pengemudi yang merespon papan reklame bereaksi terhadap rangsangan stimulus dari luar pengemudi melalui penginderaan yang peka terhadap bentuk - bentuk energi tertentu (gambar, cahaya, warna dan bentuk) dari papan reklame. Jika sejumlah penginderaan disatukan dan dikoordinasikan di dalam pusat saraf yang lebih tinggi (otak) maka pengemudi dapat mengenali dan menilai suatu objek papan reklame, yang menyebabkan pengemudi bereaksi secara fisik.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain korelasional, untuk mendapatkan prediksi yang akibat dan konsisten mengenai bagaimana pengemudi (sebagai responden) merespons atau memberi tanggapan mengenai objek papan reklame.
Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuesioner yang disampaikan kepada responden atau subjek penelitian berupa sejumlah pertanyaan atau pernyataan. Teknik ini dipilih karena subjek atau orang yang diteliti adalah mengetahui keadaan dirinya sendiri. Apa yang dinyatakan oleh subjek kepada peneliti adalah benar dan dipercaya serta interpretasi subjek tentang pertanyaan/ pernyataan yang diajukan adalah sama dengan apa yang dimaksud oleh peneliti. Penskoran atas kuesioner merujuk pada skala model Likert. Selain itu, sebagai pelengkap, digunakan pula instrumen penelitian lain berupa kamera video dengan stopwatch untuk mengetahui perbedaan waktu reaksi di pemberhentian lampu merah (traffic light) yang ada papan reklame dan yang tidak ada papan reklame.
Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah koefisien korelasi Pearson Produk Momen untuk menghitung koefisien korelasi antara skor total X (persepsi terhadap papan reklame sebagai variabel babas) dan skor total Y (reaksi pengemudi dalam mengemudikan kendaraan sebagai variabel terikat). Koefisien Determinasi digunakan untuk mengukur seberapa besar variabel - variabel independen dapat menjelaskan variabel dependen, untuk itu digunakan koefisien multi korelasi atau koefisien determinasi. Pengujian hipotesis dengan T-test digunakan untuk mengetahui signifikan atau tidaknya variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen secara individual untuk setiap variabel.
Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa pengemudi kadang-kadang saja merasa terganggu penglihatannya ketika menyaksikan papan reklame dan adakalanya pula mereka mengurangi kecepatan kendaraannya. Pengemudi tidak pernah melakukan gerakan menyilang (zig zag) dan terkesima di pemberhentian lampu merah ketika menyaksikan papan reklame. Terdapat hubungan korelasi yang positif, namun tergolong rendah antara penyajian papan reklame dengan reaksi pengemudi dalam mengemudikan kendaraan. Nilai korelasinya adalah 0,351, koefisien determinasi 12,3% dan t hitung (4,245) > t label (1,645).
Dengan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan penyelenggara papan reklame hendaknya perlu lebih mempertimbangkan keselamatan para pengemudi dan kelancaran lalu lintas. Kecenderungan pengemudi berhenti terlalu lama di traffic light yang ada papan reklamenya juga dapat menghambat arus lalu lintas. Mungkin perlu ditinjau kembali kebijakan daerah putih (white area) di pemberhentian lampu merah (traffic light) dari pemasangan papan reklame dan sejenisnya.

Existence of advertisement board anticipated can influence driver, specially the driver getting through Muhammad Husni Thamrin Street and Jendral Sudirman Street in Central Jakarta_ Driver which respond to the advertisement board then react to excitement of stimulus from outside driver through sensitive sense over the forms of certain energy (picture, light, color and form) from the advertisement board. If a number of the united senses and coordinated in center of higher level nerve (brain) hence the driver can recognize and assess an object of advertisement board, so that cause the driver react in the physical.
This research use correlation design, its reason because making consistent and accurate prediction about how driver (as responder) react or give response to the object of advertisement board.
Instrument of Research that used is questionnaire submitted to responder or subject of research in the form of a number of question or statement. This technique is selected because subject or one who is checked knows his self-circumstance. What expressed by subject to researcher it is true and trusted and also interpretation of subject about question I statement raised is equal to what such by researcher. Score for questioner refer at scale model of Likert. Beside that, as complement, used also instrument of other research how many camera of video with stopwatch to know difference of time react in red light cessation (traffic light) existing of advertisement board and which is there is no advertisement board.
Data Analyses Method that used in this research is coefficient correlation Pearson Product Moment to calculate correlation coefficient among total score of X (perception to advertisement board as independent variable) and the total score of Y (react driver in driving their cars as dependent variable). Coefficient Determination is used to measure how big the variables independent can explain dependent variable, which used by coefficient multi Correlation or coefficient determination. Hypothesis examination by T-test is used to know significant or not the independent variable to dependent variable individually to every variable.
Result of this research shows that, drivers sometime just to feel annoyed by its eyesight when witnessing advertisement board, and sometimes lessen speed, Driver have never conducted movement traverse (zigzag) and agape in cessation of red light when witnessing the advertisement board. There are correlation which are positive but pertained to lower between advertisement board presentation with driver reaction in driving their cars with its value correlation is 0,351, determination coefficient 12,3% and t count (4,245) > t table (1,645).
With this research result is expected that an advertisement board organizer shall consider safety of all traffic fluency and driver. Driver tendency desist too long at traffic light with there is advertisement board also can pursue traffic current. It may be necessary revised a white area policy (white area) in red light cessation (traffic light) from advertisement board installation and of a kind.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Arya Sumasno
"Kemacetan Jakarta menjadi masalah yang cukup serius dan sampai sekarang tidak ada penyelesaian atas masalah tersebut. Kemacetan di Jakarta sudah menjadi hal yang lumrah terjadi, hampir di setiap jalan arteri besar di kota Jakarta terjadi kemacetan pada jam-jam sibuk. Berdasarkan Tomtom Traffic Index 2019, Jakarta mendapatkan peringkat ke-10 sebagai kota termacet di dunia, dengan nilai Traffic Index sebesar 53%. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui berapa besar Traffic Index diruas Jalan Arteri, dalam kasus kali ini, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman dipilih sebagai tempat penelitian. Analisis besaran Traffic Index sangat bergantung terhadap waktu tempuh. Waktu tempuh didapatkan dengan melakukan survey langsung di lapangan menggunakan kamera pribadi. Survey dilakukan pada siang hari dan sore hari. Dengan cara merekam lalu lintas kendaraan dari jembatan penyebrangan orang. Berdasarkan Tomtom, nilai Traffic Index Jakarta pada saat hari survey di siang hari sebesar 21% dan pada sore hari sebesar 51%, sedangkan nilai Traffic Index hasil survey pada siang hari sebesar 47,99% dengan waktu tempuh rata-rata sebesar 6 menit 23 detik, terdapat perbedaan sebesar 21%, sedangkan nilai Traffic Index hasil survey pada sore hari sebesar 58.34%, dengan waktu tempuh rata-rata sebesar 6 menit 50 detik, terdapat perbedaan sebesar 7,85%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai Traffic Index siang hari dan nilai Traffic Index sore hari pada Jalan Jenderal Sudirman arah Bundaran HI – Senayan, termasuk dalam kategori macet. Dan untuk waktu kemacetan terparah, terjadi pada waktu sore hari.

Jakrta’s traffic congestion is a serious problem and until now there has been no solution over this matter. Traffic Congestion in Jakarta has become a common thing, almost every major arterial road in the city of Jakarta is jammed during rush hour. Based on the 2019 Tomtom Traffic Index, Jakarta is ranked 10th as the most congested city in the world, with a Traffic Index value of 53%. The purpose of this research is to find out how big the Traffic Index is in the Arterial Road section, in this case, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman was chosen as the research site. Analysis of the amount of the Traffic Index is very dependent on travel time. Travel time is obtained by conducting a direct survey in the field using a personal camera. The survey was conducted in the afternoon and evening. By recording vehicle traffic from pedestrian bridges. Based on Tomtom, the Jakarta Traffic Index value during the survey day in the afternoon was 21% and in the afternoon was 51%, while the Traffic Index value from the survey during the day was 47.99% with an average travel time of 6 minutes 23 seconds. , there is a difference of 21%, while the Traffic Index value of the survey results in the afternoon is 58.34%, with an average travel time of 6 minutes 50 seconds, there is a difference of 7.85%. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the value of the Traffic Index during the day and the value of the Traffic Index in the afternoon on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman in the direction of Bundaran HI – Senayan, are included in the traffic jam category. And for the worst traffic jam, it happened in the afternoon."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Amalia
"Berjalan kaki bukan hanya merupakan moda transportasi dasar yang murah dan mudah di dalam suatu kota yang pergerakan manusia dan barangnya tinggi dan kompleks, namun disebut juga sebagai perekat moda transportasi. Trotoar adalah salah satu jalur bagi pejalan kaki. Namun sayangnya trotoar tidak dianggap sebagai infrastruktur yang melekat pada sistem transportasi dan perancangan kota yang baik. Tidak adanya standarisasi yang baku dari segi fasilitas dan pengontrolan terhadap pemanfaatan non pejalan kaki yang ada sehingga kondisi trotoar bervariasi dari segi fisik dan sosial. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan persepsi pejalan kaki terhadap kondisi tersebut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengamatan partisipasi aktif dan wawancara mendalam dengan informan sebagai pejalan kaki dengan menggunakan tiga indikator persepsi, yaitu motif, harapan, dan minat. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapat kategori persepsi yang beragam dari tiap indikator persepsi di mana kelengkapan fasilitas dan penyalahgunaan oleh kelompok non pejalan kaki di tiap fungsi bangunan berbeda.
Walking is not just a mode of transportation that is cheap and convenient base in a city. In a city, the movement of people and goods are high and complex, but is also known as adhesive mode of transportation. The sidewalk is one lane for pedestrians. But unfortunately the pavement is not considered as an infrastructure that is attached to the transport system and good urban design. The lack of standardization in terms of facilities and control of the use of non existing pedestrian sidewalk makes a varies condition of physical and social. This research aims to discover pedestrian perception because of those condition. Data collected through observation and active participation of in-depth interviews with informants as a pedestrian by using three indicators of perception, such as motive, expectation, and interest. The analysis used is descriptive analysis. The results of this study concluded that there are varies of perception category for each perception indicator which is facility completeness and use of non-pedestrian for each building function are different."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Windy Aprilia
"Pelican Crossing adalah penyeberangan dengan alat pemberi isyarat yang dioperasikan oleh pejalan kaki dan akan menghentikan arus lalu lintas kendaraan. Pejalan kaki harus menekan tombol untuk meminta waktu hijau pada pengendara kendaraan sehingga pengendara kendaraan berhenti dan pejalan kaki dapat menyeberang jalan. Sebagai kota metropolitan, Jakarta Pusat padat akan aktivitas. Peningkatan jumlah kendaraan bukanlah menjadi faktor utama penyebab terjadinya kemacetan. Ada faktor lain seperti pergerakan pejalan kaki yang menyeberang jalan menggunakan pelican crossing sehingga menyebabkan antrian dan tundaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pejalan kaki yang menyeberang pada pelican crossing terhadap panjang antrian kendaraan, menganalisis karakteristik arus lalu lintas dan pejalan kaki akibat adanya pelican crossing dan mengaplikasikan model yang menghubungkan antara karakteristik arus lalu lintas dan pejalan kaki pada pelican crossing. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan survei kondisi eksisting lalu lintas. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi Vissim untuk membangun model simulasi mikro. Model dibuat berdasarkan data survei kemudian dilakukan kalibrasi dan validasi agar mendekati kondisi di lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fasilitas pedestrian crossing berdasarkan perbandingan skenario penanganan dan kondisi eksisting, performa terbaik ditunjukkan oleh skenario ke 2 dengan menghilangkan pelican crossing pada wilayah studi, dengan rata-rata total panjang antrian adalah 164 meter dan rata-rata delay adalah 45,27 detik. Namun secara keseluruhan, total panjang antrian dan delay pada skenario 1 dan skenari 2 memberikan hasil yang baik. dan throughput yang dihasilkan meningkat dari kondisi eksisting, untuk arah utara ke selatan, skenario 2 menunjukkan volume kendaraan keluar yang tertinggi diantara lainnya yaitu 5552.05 smp/jam, naik   2655.92 smp/jam (47.83%). Lalu untuk arah selatan ke utara, skenario 2 menunjukkan volume kendaraan keluar tertinggi yaitu 6944.99 smp/jam, naik  2246.76 smp/jam (32.35%).

Pelican Crossing is a crossing with a signaling device that is operated by pedestrians and will stop the flow of vehicle traffic. Pedestrians must press a button to ask vehicle drivers for green time so that vehicle drivers stop and pedestrians can cross the road. As a metropolitan city, Central Jakarta is busy with activity. The increase in the number of vehicles is not the main factor causing traffic jams. There are other factors such as the movement of pedestrians crossing the road using Pelican Crossing, causing queues and delays. This research aims to analyze the influence of pedestrians crossing at the pelican crossing on the length of the vehicle queue, analyze the characteristics of traffic and pedestrian flow due to the presence of the pelican crossing and apply a model that connects the characteristics of traffic flow and pedestrians at the pelican crossing. The research was carried out by surveying existing traffic conditions. The analysis was carried out using the Vissim application to build a micro simulation model. The model is created based on survey data and then calibrated and validated to approximate conditions in the field. The research results show that based on a comparison of handling scenarios and existing conditions, the best performance is shown by the second scenario by eliminating pelican crossings in the study area, with an average total queue length of 164 meters and an average delay of 45.27 seconds. . However, overall, the total queue length and delay in scenario 1 and scenario 2 provide good results. and the resulting throughput increases from existing conditions, for the north to south direction, scenario 2 shows the highest outgoing vehicle volume among the others, namely 5552.05 pcu/hour, an increase of 2655.92 pcu/hour (47.83%). Then for the south to north direction, scenario 2 shows the highest outbound vehicle volume, namely 6944.99 pcu/hour, an increase of 2246.76 pcu/hour (32.35%)."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
": Street space, as a form of public space, accommodates various activities. Jenderal Sudirman Street in Salatiga is an example of a main street downgraded to a lesser classification because it has to accommodate accumulating function and activities. This condition has a direct bearing on the development of the physical Setting of formal activities on the street space. Informal act ivities emerge as a response of space user to the existence of establish formal activity Setting. Predominant commercial function, especially traditional markets, give rise to informal activities in the form of street vendors and its internodes. Limited high-value street space causes conflict among its users. The aim of this research is to formulate types of relationship among formal and informal activity in the street space than describe element which interconnected based on type of relationship . This can be achieved by identifying factors influencing the relationship between behavior of informal activities and formal physical Setting. The method applied by this research is behavioral mapping. This method applies a mapping technique called Placed Centered Map to identify the pattern of various activities happening at an activity node and another mapping technique, Person Centered Map, which identifies the pattern of a street user character dynamically along the street space which function as public space. This method can be used to describe specific human needs at the physical Setting depending on local behavior. Relationship between growing informal an formal activities developing in the same street space will be interconnected an mutually influencing, especially in character, intensity an the physical Setting of street vendors as informal activity. This research has found different types of relationship, interconnected elements and relational pattern between formal and informal activities at Jenderal Sudirman Street, Salatiga. The research focuses on the relationship between traded commodities and the street vendors motivation. In conclusion, four types of relationship were established : same commodity relationship, complementary commodity relationship, neutral commodity relationship and no relation with no street vendors in the area. Elements which interconnected from each type of relationship are fixed element that are pedestrian ways, building character and building set front ; semi fixed elements that are display and drop off area ; and non fixed elements that are pedestrian intensity, speed of vehicle and internodes. This research also found various factors which influence the relationship that are concentric commercial area such as traditional market as main activity nodes, linier commercial area such as shop matters will be attract ed people to walk along the street, access to the building block area, operational time of formal activity, various street users, building physical character and achievable distance for pedestrian."
720 JAP 3:1 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cornelius Oki Kusuma
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pramoedya Ananta Toer, 1925-2006
Jakarta: Lentera Dipantara, 2007
959.8 PRA j
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizqa Fadilla Hikmah
Program preservasi adalah kegiatan penanganan jalan, berupa pencegahan, perawatan, dan perbaikan untuk mempertahankan kondisi jalan agar tetap berfungsi optimal melayani lalu lintas, dilakukan setiap setahun sekali di semester awal. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menentukan prioritas preservasi jalan nasional di DKI Jakarta. Ruas jalan nasional yang dipilih adalah Jalan Daan Mogot, Jalan Ciputat Raya, Jalan Kartini, dan Jalan TB.Simatupang sebagai studi kasus. Menggunakan data sekunder yaitu nilai IRI, volume lalu lintas, dan jenis preservasi jalan. Data diolah menggunakan program SPSS 23 dengan uji asumsi klasik regresi yaitu uji normalitas residual, uji multikolinieritas, uji heteroskedasitas, uji korelasi pearson, dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Diperoleh persamaan keterkaitan antara nilai IRI dengan volume lalu lintas dan jenis preservasi jalan untuk setiap ruas jalan. Prioritas preservasi jalan nasional tersebut berdasarkan nilai IRI dari yang besar ke yang kecil yaitu Jalan TB.Simatupang prioritas pertama, Jalan Ciputat Raya prioritas kedua, Jalan Kartini prioritas ketiga, dan Jalan Daan Mogot prioritas keempat.

Preservation program is activity of prevention, maintenance, and repair needed to preservation road condition to keep functioning optimally to serve the traffic and conducted once a year in early semester. The final report aims to determine the priority of national road preservation. The selected national roads are Daan Mogot Street, Ciputat Raya Street, Kartini Street, and TB.Simatupang Street as case study. Using secondary data that is the value of IRI, traffic volume, and type of road preservation. Data processed using SPSS 23 program with classical regression assumption test such as residual normality test, multicolliniearity test, heteroskedasitas test, pearson correlation test, and multiple linier regression analysis. Model is obtained between the value of IRI with traffic volume and type of road preservation for each road segment. The priority of the national road preservation is based on the value of IRI from the big to the small one, namely TB.Simatupang Street first priority, Ciputat Raya Street second priority, Kartini Street third priority, and Daan Mogot Street fourth priority."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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