"Berkembangnya era digital dan teknologi informasi menyebabkan terjadinya inovasi yang dapat merubah tatanan industri yang sudah ada, sehingga terjadilah disruptive innovation. Salah satu industri yang terkena dampak tersebut adalah industri musik. Dengan adanya Spotify, iTunes, Joox, Deezer, dan platform streaming lainnya, kaidah dan model bisnis industri musik bergeser dari distribusi salinan fisik ke produksi konten secara digital. Musisi independen sekarang dapat menghasilkan album sendiri, menerbitkan dan mendistribusikan konten secara daring, dan mempromosikan musik tanpa bantuan perusahaan musik label. Pertanyaan utama yang diarahkan ke industri musik adalah apakah perusahaan musik dapat mempertahankan bisnisnya 5 sampai 10 tahun mendatang.
Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menganalisis dampak lingkungan eksternal terhadap perusahaan musik, dan mengusulkan model bisnis baru dan ekosistem dijital yang dibutuhkan untuk bertahan di industri ini. Subyek penelitiannya adalah PT. Musica Studio. Faktor eksternal yang dianalisis untuk industri musik terbatas pada masalah hak cipta dan pengembangan telekomunikasi. Porter's Five Forces Model of Competition digunakan untuk menganalisis lingkungan eksternal. Berdasarkan analisis tersebut, ancaman dari substitusi dan pembeli tergolong besar sehingga memerlukan model bisnis yang baru. Transient Advantage dan Strategi Canvas digunakan untuk menganalisis strategi subyek.
Model bisnis dibuat dengan menggunakan model 9 building blocks business canvas. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan tokoh yang bekerja di industri musik dan juga kuesioner yang disebar secara daring. Berdasarkan hasil studi, subyek disarankan untuk meningkatkan bisnis pengelolaan hak cipta dan pendanaan. Ekosistem dijital yang diperlukan dijabarkan.
The development of digital and information technology gave birth to disruptive innovations that shifted the way the current industries are operating. One of the key industries that have been seriously impacted by this disruption is the entertainment industry and more significantly the music industry. The presence of Spotify, iTunes, Joox, Deezer, and other online store and streaming services, have made the traditional ways of music industry obsolete or no longer valid. The era of physical copies was forced to retire and the business game of the entire music industry shifted from physical copy distribution to digital content production. Independent musicians can now produce their own music, publish and distribute the content online, and promote their music without the help of a music company labels. The major question directed at the music industry was whether a music company can sustain its business for the next 5 to 10 years. The aim of the case study is to analyze the external and internal environment impact on the music companies, and propose a new business model and digital ecosystem required to be able to sustain in the industry. The subject of study was PT. Musica Studio. The external factors analyzed for music industry were limited to copyright issues and telecommunication development. Porter's Five Forces Model of Competition was used to analyze the external environment. Based on the analysis, threat of substitute and buyer are considered high and therefore a new business model was required. Strategy Canvas and Transient Advantage were used to analyze the subject's strategy. The business model was generated using business model canvas 9 building blocks. The data were obtained via interviews with key people working within the music industry as well as questionnaire administered online to 409 respondents. Based on the analysis and discussion, subject is advised to focus its business on copyrighting and investor partnership funding. The required digital ecosystem was described."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017