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Indira Novadiani
Tidak bisa dipungkiri, bahwa faktanya kota teruslah berkembang. Populasi manusia selalu meningkat setiap harinya. Akibatnya, dengan lahan yang ada, kota harus dapat menampung kegiatan manusia didalamnya yang terus memiliki kebutuhan yang juga terus meningkat. Hal ini menimbulkan perkotaan haruslah memikirkan solusi yang tepat untuk permasalahan tersebut, salah satunya dengan pengembangan lahan secara vertikal.Skripsi ini membahas bagaimana bangunan bawah tanah dapat menjadi solusi bagi permasalahan perkotaan. Berbagai studi literatur akan menjelaskan bagaimana arsitektur bawah tanah terus berkembang, dan berbagai kota telah mengembangkan pembangunannya ke atas maupun ke bawah dengan berbagai pertimbangan. Pada akhirnya perkotaan yang memiliki kepadatan penduduk memerlukan pemisahan level dalam pembangunan kota tersebut. Kini bangunan bawah tanah di berbagai kota di dunia telah dimanfaatkan dan terus dikembangkan, yang mana telah menjadi salah satu solusi bagi perkembangan perko
taan padat di dunia.

It is undeniable, in fact the city continues to grow. The human population is increasing every day. With the existing conditions, the city must be able to accommodate human activities within which continues to have a need that is also increasing. This creates the right solution to overcome it, wrong with the development of the land.This thesis discusses how underground buildings can be a solution to urban problems. Various literature studies will explain how underground architecture continues to evolve, and cities have evolved their development up and down with various considerations. In the end the urban population has a population density in the level of development of the city. Now underground buildings in various cities of the world have been exploited and continuously developed, which has become one of the solutions for the world 39 s dense urban development."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fathurrizal Muhammad
"Salah satu solusi kemacetan lalu lintas di Jakarta adalah dengan membangun sistem transportasi massal berupa Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), khususnya penerapan struktur terowongan bawah tanah. Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang pemodelan perilaku terowongan terhadap pengaruh beban gempa dan menghitung perilaku terowongan melingkar dalam kondisi statis dan dinamis akibat efek gempa. Analisis kondisi statis menggunakan teori Muir Wood dalam LTA (2002) dan kondisi dinamis menggunakan teori Wang (1993) dan Panzien (2000) dalam FHWA (2009) serta didukung dengan metode numerik PLAXIS v.8.6. Kedalaman terowongan MRT di area Fase 1 berada pada kedalaman 11 meter dan di modelkan di fase 2 dengan kedalaman yang sama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya perbedaan perilaku sirkular terowongan pada kedua jalur MRT Jakarta dimana menunjukkan fase-1 Dukuh Atas memiliki deformasi terowongan dalam kategori aman sedangkan untuk fase-2 menunjukkan kondisi deformasi terowongan yang melewati batas aman persyaratan terowongan yaitu lebih dari 20 mm.

One solution to traffic congestion in Jakarta is to build a mass transportation system in the form of Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), especially the application of underground structures. This study examines the behavioral modeling of earthquake effects and interaction behavior in static and dynamic conditions due to earthquake effects. Analysis of static conditions using the theory of Muir Wood in LTA (2002) and dynamic conditions using the theory of Wang (1993) and Panzien (2000) in FHWA (2009) and supported by the numerical method of PLAXIS v.8.6. The depth of the MRT in the Phase 1 area is at a depth of 11 meters and is modeled in Phase 2 with the same depth. The results show that the difference in circular behavior shows that on both Jakarta MRT lines where phase-1 Dukuh Above has deformation in the safe category for phase-2, it shows deformation conditions that exceed the safe limit requirement, which is more than 20 mm."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Goel, R.K.
London: Elsevier, 2012
624.19 GOE u (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Umair Muhammad Nur
"Direktorat Jendral Sumber Daya Air Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Citarum yang
bekerja sama dengan Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR)
akan membangun alur distribusi pipa penyediaan air baku untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan air minum disekitar lokasi tersebut. Lapangan – Z menjadi lokasi untuk
pemasangan pipa bawah tanah yang nantinya dipakai untuk mendistribusikan air.
karenanya perlu dilakukan identifikasi lapisan tanah untuk kemudian dapat
menggambarkan keadaan bawah permukaan sebagai bahan pertimbangan
pemasangan pipa bawah tanah. Identifikasi pada lapangan – Z menggunakan
metode tahanan jenis konfigurasi Wenner-Schlumberger dengan menggunakan
data 4 lintasan, 47 elektroda dan jarak spasi sebesar 5m. Daerah penelitian masuk
kedalam formasi gunung api, persebaran litologi batuan pada daerah penelitian
mencakup batuan lanau dan lempung yang memiliki kisaran nilai tahanan jenis 0 –
37,9 Ωm, batuan tuff dan breksi yang memiliki kisaran nilai tahanan jenis 38 – 228
Ωm, dan lava andesit yang memiliki nilai kisaran diatas 229 Ωm. Didapatkan hasil
interpretasi dari penampang 2D yang diolah menggunakan Res2dinv berturut-turut
yaitu pada lintasan A-A¹ pipa tidak menerus pada lintasan ini, pada lintasan B-B¹
pipa berada litologi lava andesit yang memiliki pendugaan sebagai andesit yang
rentan, pada lintasan C-C¹ pipa berada pada litologi batuan tuf yang memiliki rentan
nilai tahanan jenis 69 – 115 Ωm, pada lintasan D-D¹ pipa berada pada litologi
batuan tuf yang memiliki rentan nilai tahanan jenis 69 – 115 Ωm

The Directorate General of Water Resources at the Citarum River Basin, in
collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), will
build a distribution channel for raw water supply pipes to meet drinking water needs
around the location. Field-Z is the location for installing underground pipes, which
will later be used to distribute water. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the layers
of soil in order to be able to describe the subsurface conditions for consideration in
the installation of underground pipes. Identification in the Z field uses the Wenner-
Schlumberger configuration resistivity method using 4 paths, 47 electrodes, and 5
m spacing. The research area is included in volcanic formations. The distribution
of rock lithology in the study area includes silt and clay rocks, which have a
resistivity value range of 0–37.9 Ωm, tuff and breccia rocks, which have a resistivity
value range of 38–228 Ωm, and andesitic lava, which has values in the range above
229 Ωm. Interpretation results obtained from 2D sections processed successively
using Res2dinv are as follows: on the A-A1 line, the pipe is not continuous on this
track; on the B-B1 line, the pipe is andesitic lava lithology, which has an estimation
as a vulnerable andesite; on the C-C1 line, the pipe is located in tuff lithology, which
has a resistivity value of 69–115 Ωm; and on the D-D1 line, the pipe is located in
tuff lithology, which has a resistivity of 69–115 ohm
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The important role of underground construction is becoming obvious, from civic engineering aspects to the ever increasing price of land. The growing demand for surface transportation infrastructure and the increasing demand for electricity. From the mining aspect, the underground mining is the only way to keep the mines producing continuously. All of the mentioned cases, underground excavation will not only play an important role for many years from now but will also offer a challenge to domestic contractors and experts in underground construction."
IMJ 3:1 (1997)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bagas Fahmi Sormin
Dalam Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) Jembatan dan ACSE-24 tentang Konstruksi Desain Tahan Banjir disebutkan bahwa ada pengaruh gerusan pada desain jembatan, namun tidak ada langkah yang jelas untuk menghitungnya. Penelitian ini akan membahas langkah-langkah untuk menghitung gerusan yang terjadi disekitar pondasi menggunakan metode California State University (CSU) dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap beban hidrodinamik yang terjadi pada pondasi menggunakan persamaan kekekalan momentum dan hukum kekekalan massa. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat bantu aplikasi SAP2000 untuk mengetahui besarnya lendutan yang terjadi dan membandingkannya dengan lendutan ijin sehingga tidak terjadi keruntuhan pada struktur pondasi jembatan. Variabel yang diuji dalam penelitian ini meliputi kepadatan, jumlah kurva, periode ulang, durasi hujan, koefisien Manning, dan ketinggian inflow. Data variabel divariasikan untuk mengetahui variabel mana yang paling sensitif terhadap gerusan dan defleksi yang terjadi dengan melakukan analisis sensitivitas menggunakan metode korelasi Pearson. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi pembesaran bidang kontak gaya kerja sehingga perlu diperhitungkan debit kritis yang mengakibatkan defleksi maksimum yang terjadi pada pondasi.
In the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for Bridges and ACSE-24 concerning Flood Resistant Design Construction, it is stated that there is an effect of scour on the bridge design, but there are no clear steps to calculate it. This study will discuss the steps to calculate the scour that occurs around the foundation using the California State University (CSU) method and how it affects the hydrodynamic load that occurs on the foundation using the conservation of momentum equation and the law of conservation of mass. This study uses the SAP2000 application tool to determine the magnitude of the deflection that occurs and compare it with the allowable deflection so that there is no collapse of the bridge foundation structure. The variables tested in this study include density, number of curves, return period, rain duration, Manning coefficient, and inflow height. Variable data were varied to determine which variables were most sensitive to scour and deflection that occurred by performing sensitivity analysis using the Pearson correlation method. The results show that there is an enlargement of the contact area of ​​the working force so that it is necessary to calculate the critical discharge resulting in the maximum deflection that occurs in the foundation."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayudha Nandi Pradipta
"Kota-kota besar di Indonesia, terutama di Jabotabek cenderung mempunyai kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi. Hal ini semakin membuat lahan untuk transmisi saluran udara tegangan tinggi (SUTT) 150 kV semakin terbatas, bahkan saat di Jakarta tidak diperbolehkan lagi membangun SUTT. Hal ini dapat diatasi dengan membangun Saluran kabel Tegangan Tinggi (SKTT) 150kV. Di sisi lain, terdapat instalasi eksisting di bawah tanah sehingga penggelaran SKTT harus disesuaikan pada suatu kedalaman, agar tidak saling bersinggungan dengan instalasi tersebut.
Kajian ini membahas hubungan kuat hantar arus (KHA) SKTT 150 kV terhadap penggelaran pada kedalaman 1-10 meter dengan referensi KHA pada permukaan tanah (0 meter) dengan menggunakan metode analisis statistik, NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate Return) dan PBP (Payback Period) pada data yang diperoleh dari spesifikasi pabrikan, beberapa kontrak konstruksi, dan persetujuan gambar konstruksi.
Hasil dari penelitian ini, yakni dengan asumsi pada operasi 1 sirkit kabel trefoil dengan panjang sirkit 5,022 km di dalam tanah dengan resistivitas termal ρT = 1 K.m/W (sesuai menurut kondisi garansi pabrikan), dalam periode ekonomis 40 tahun menunjukkan bahwa dengan ANOVA (menggunakan tingkat nyata/taraf signifikansi α = 5%), tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan ratarata kuat hantar arus (KHA) terhadap setiap level kedalaman penggelaran pada 3 kabel uji pada setiap kelompok dimensi kabel (1000mm2 dan 2000 mm2). Namun, terdapat perbedaan signifikan rata-rata selisih nilai KHA di setiap level kedalaman tanah terhadap KHA di permukaan tanah pada kabel uji 1000mm2, walaupun tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan rata-rata persentase KHA kabel di setiap level kedalaman terhadap KHA di permukaan tanah untuk seluruh kabel uji.
Secara keekonomian, dari level kedalaman 1-10 meter diperoleh estimasi NPV berkisar dari Rp 768 milyar sampai dengan Rp 534 milyar untuk kabel uji 2000mm2 dan berkisar dari Rp 574 milyar sampai dengan Rp 410 milyar untuk kabel uji 1000mm2. Terlihat bahwa kedalaman penggelaran berpengaruh lebih signifikan terhadap NPV kabel 2000mm2 daripada NPV kabel 1000mm2. IRR cenderung tidak berbeda untuk seluruh kabel uji, yakni antar 23% sampai dengan 18% (masih di atas MARR yang ditentukan, yakni 5,27%) sehingga investasi dalam kondisi ini masih dapat dinyatakan layak. PBP untuk seluruh kabel uji cenderung tidak berbeda, yakni 5 tahun untuk kedalaman 1-3 meter, dan 6 tahun untuk kedalaman 4-10 meter. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai karakteristik umum teknis dan ekonomis untuk mendukung perencanaan umum jangka panjang instalasi SKTT 150 kV menggunakan kabel 1000mm2 dan 2000mm2 di area Jabodetabek.

In Indonesia big cities, especially in Jabodetabek region, it tends has high-density of population. This affects on lack of land availability for 150 kV over-head line (OHL) transmission, even there is unavailability to erect OHL circuit in Jakarta due to the local government regulation. To overcome this, underground cable (UGC) transmission could be a solution. However, there are existing installations laid on the ground, consequently, UGC as the later installation one should be adjusted on the safe burial depth to avoid collision with the existing installations.
This paper discusses on relation of ampacity (current carrying capacity) of 150 kV High-Voltage UGC transmission at different common cable cross-section sizes applied in Jabodetabek region to its laying at 1 to 10 meter-depth referring to the ampacity value at the land surface laying (0 meter-depth) using statistics, NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate Return) and PBP (Payback Period) analyses by data from cable manufacturer specifications, construction contracts, and approval drawings.
This results that presumed on 1 circuit (cct) operation of 5,022 km cable in buried soil with the thermal resistivity ρT = 1 K.m/W , within 40 years at the manufacturer guarantee conditions showed that by ANOVA (using significance level, α = 5%) there is no significance of current carrying capacity (CCC) average against each of depth of burial among 3 cable tests of each dimension. However, there is a significant difference of on-buried to on-surface absolute Ampere value among 1000mm2-cable samples, even though the percentage of on-buried CCC differences against on-surface CCC value is relatively similar.
In economics, the NPV of are ranged from Rp 768 billions to Rp 534 billions for 2000mm2-cable and from Rp574 billions to Rp 410 billions for 1000mm2-cable. From those ranges, it shows that depth of burial affects more significant to the 2000mm2 cable NPV than that is 1000mm2 ones. The IRR tends to be typical for whole of the cable samples which is ranged from 23% to 18% (above determined MARR 5.27%) which means that an investment is still feasible on this condition. The PBP is also typical, which is 5 years for 1 to 3 meters depth of burial and 6 years for 4 to 10 meters depth. This may be used as a general technical and economical characteristics of UGC 1000mm2 and 2000mm2 installations in Jabodetabek region in order to support plan and/or to build government policies regarding its long-term installation planning.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pariseau, William G.
Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008
624.151 32 PAR s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Dharmawan
"[Kegiatan ekonomi bawah tanah adalah masalah umum di setiap negara terlepas dari tingkat perkembangan ekonomi dari suatu negara, termasuk Indonesia. Kegiatan ini tidak dihitung dalam perhitungan PDB. Dengan demikian, hasil perhitungan PDB tersebut akan membuat bias kebijakan yang diambil oleh pemerintah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kondisi ekonomi bawah tanah di Indonesia, karakteristiknya dan faktor penyebabnya. Penelitian ini juga akan
menguji hubungan antara ekonomi bawah tanah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia serta pendapatan pemerintah dari sektor pajak. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ukuran ekonomi bawah tanah di Indonesia untuk periode 1999–2007 masih relatif tinggi yaitu sekitar 18% - 21% dari PDB. Akibatnya, kondisi ini akan memberikan dampak negatif pada pertumbuhan ekonomi dan juga mengurangi pendapatan pemerintah, terutama dari sektor perpajakan, hal ini akan membatasi kemampuan pemerintah dalam penyediaan barang publik kepada
masyarakat. Ada beberapa cara yang dapat ditempuh oleh pemerintah dalam mengurangi ekonomi bawah tanah, tetapi pemberantasn tingkat korupsi dan peningkatan kualitas pemerintah dalam rangka meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat adalah langkah utama yang perlu diambil oleh pemerintah Indonesia;Underground economic activities are a common problem in every country regardless of the level of economic development, including Indonesia. These activities are not counted in GDP measurement; thus, they will skew government
policy decisions. The aim of this study is to examine the current condition of the underground economy in Indonesia, its characteristics, and the causes of its increasing growth. This study will also examine the relationship among the underground economy, Indonesian economic growth, and government tax revenue. The findings show that the size of the underground economy between 1999 and
2007 is relatively high at approximately 18% to 21% of GDP. Consequently, the underground economy has a negative impact on economic growth and also reduce government revenue, primarily tax revenue, thereby limiting the government’s ability to provide goods and services. Although, there are several ways to reduce the underground economy, reducing the level of corruption and improving governance in order to increase social trust is the most important action that can to
be taken by the Indonesian government.;Underground economic activities are a common problem in every country
regardless of the level of economic development, including Indonesia. These
activities are not counted in GDP measurement; thus, they will skew government
policy decisions. The aim of this study is to examine the current condition of the
underground economy in Indonesia, its characteristics, and the causes of its
increasing growth. This study will also examine the relationship among the
underground economy, Indonesian economic growth, and government tax revenue.
The findings show that the size of the underground economy between 1999 and
2007 is relatively high at approximately 18% to 21% of GDP. Consequently, the
underground economy has a negative impact on economic growth and also reduce
government revenue, primarily tax revenue, thereby limiting the government’s
ability to provide goods and services. Although, there are several ways to reduce
the underground economy, reducing the level of corruption and improving
governance in order to increase social trust is the most important action that can to
be taken by the Indonesian government, Underground economic activities are a common problem in every country
regardless of the level of economic development, including Indonesia. These
activities are not counted in GDP measurement; thus, they will skew government
policy decisions. The aim of this study is to examine the current condition of the
underground economy in Indonesia, its characteristics, and the causes of its
increasing growth. This study will also examine the relationship among the
underground economy, Indonesian economic growth, and government tax revenue.
The findings show that the size of the underground economy between 1999 and
2007 is relatively high at approximately 18% to 21% of GDP. Consequently, the
underground economy has a negative impact on economic growth and also reduce
government revenue, primarily tax revenue, thereby limiting the government’s
ability to provide goods and services. Although, there are several ways to reduce
the underground economy, reducing the level of corruption and improving
governance in order to increase social trust is the most important action that can to
be taken by the Indonesian government]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lutfiana Cynthia Devi
"[Penggunaan ruang bawah tanah sebagai alternatif akibat terbatasnya tanah di kota-kota besar. Penelitian secara yuridis normatif, yang bersifat eksplanatoris, dengan analisis kualitatif. Pemanfaatan ruang bawah tanah untuk keperluan usaha di bawah Terminal Blok M menurut Hukum Tanah Nasional serta pemberian hak atas penggunaan ruang bawah tanah oleh PT Langgeng Ayomlestari kepada pihak lain. Hukum Tanah Nasional tidak mengatur secara tegas mengenai penguasaan
ruang bawah di tanah yang berdimensi tiga, sehingga pemberian ruang-ruang di bawah tanah Hak Pengelolaan untuk keperluan usaha tidak tepat. Dibutuhkan suatu lembaga hak baru yaitu Hak Guna Ruang Bawah Tanah dan Hak Milik atas Satuan Rumah Susun;The use of underground space as an alternative due to limited ground in large cities. This is the normative judicial research, eksplanatoris, and data
analysis in qualitative. The utilization of underground space under the Blok M Terminal for the commercial use reviewed based on National Land Law, and the granting of the using underground space rights by Limited Liability Company Langgeng Ayomlestari to other parties. National Land Law does not regulate about the use of underground specifically, which is three dimensional so that the granting of the using underground below Hak Pengelolaan land for commercial use is inappropriate. Need specifically regulation to use basement, The use of underground space as an alternative due to limited ground in
large cities. This is the normative judicial research, eksplanatoris, and data
analysis in qualitative. The utilization of underground space under the Blok M
Terminal for the commercial use reviewed based on National Land Law, and the
granting of the using underground space rights by Limitesd Liability Company
Langgeng Ayomlestari to other parties. National Land Law does not regulate
about the use of underground specifically, which is three dimensional so that the
granting of the using underground below Hak Pengelolaan land for commercial
use is inappropriate. Need specifically regulation to use basement]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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