ABSTRAKKabupaten Bogor mendapat peringkat sepuluh tertinggi Indeks Pariwisata Indonesia oleh Kementerian Pariwisata Indonesia 2016. Kabupaten Bogor memiliki banyak potensi wisata alam, budaya, dan buatan sehingga jumlah destinasi wisata bertambah.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis perkembangan objek wisata dan faktor yang berhubungan signifikan dengan perkembangan objek wisata di Kabupaten Bogor tahun 1990-2016. Variabel yang digunakan yaitu objek wisata, ketinggian wilayah, kemiringan lereng, faktor aksesibilitas jenis moda transportasi, jenis jaringan jalan, dan jarak objek wisata dari pusat kota . Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis spasial, deskriptif, dan statistik Chi-Square . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan objek wisata Kabupaten Bogor setiap periodenya meningkat seiring dengan rata-rata pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk per-periodenya, serta didominasi jenis objek wisata alam. Perkembangan objek wisata terbanyak terjadi di Zona Bogor Tengah dengan ketinggian 100-500 mdpl, kemiringan lereng 0-8 , berada di jalan lokal, dapat dijangkau kendaraan roda empat, dan berjarak dekat dari pusat Kota Bogor. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik bahwa ada hubungan signifikan antara perkembangan objek wisata tersebut dengan faktor aksesibilitas berupa jenis jaringan jalan dan jenis moda transportasi.
ABSTRACTBogor Regency has gained top ten ranked Indonesia Tourism Index by the Ministry of Tourism Indonesia 2016. Bogor Regency has a lot of potential for tourism nature, culture, and man made so that it causing an increase the number of tourist destinations. The purpose of this research is to analyze the development of tourism objects and factors that are significantly related to the development of tourist attraction in Bogor Regency in 1990 2016. Variables that used are tourism object, elevation region, slope, accessibility factors types of modes of transportation, type of road networks and the distance from tourist attraction to the center of city . The analytical method that used are the spatial analysis, descriptive, and statistics Chi Square . The results showed that the development of tourist attraction of Bogor Regency each period increases with the average population growth in every periods, which is dominated by types of natural attraction. The most development of tourist attraction occured in Zona Central Bogor with 100 500 meters above sea level, slope 0 8 , located on the local roads, can be reach by four wheeled vehicles, and close to the center of Bogor. Based on the statistical test, there are significant connection between the development of a tourist attraction with accessibility factors such as the type of road networks and types of transportation modes."