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Ditemukan 120520 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Katharina Puspa Ningtyas
Jurnal ini membahas mengenai kritik sosial yang ingin disampaikan oleh Kim Chi Ha terhadap pemerintahan Park Chung Hee dalam tiga puisinya yang berjudul Tanenun Mokmareumeuro, Yeoul 2 dan Jageun Geoseul Boja. Jurnal ini ingin memperlihatkan keadaan Korea Selatan yang menderita akibat pemerintahan Park Chung Hee yang otoriter dan anti demokrasi, melalui kritik yang disampaikan oleh Kim Chi Ha melalui simbol-simbol yang ada di dalam puisinya. Metode yang digunakan adalah melalui pendekatan semiotik dengan metode kualitatif serta analisis deskriptif dan penggunaan metode studi pustaka sebagai metode pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ketiga puisi karangan Kim Chi Ha menggambarkan pemerintahan Park Chung Hee yang anti demokrasi, tidak memperlakukan rakyatnya secara manusiawi dan tidak adanya hubungan yang harmonis antara rakyat dan pemerintah.

This journal discusses the social criticism from Kim Chi Ha to Park Chung Hee 39 s government in his three poems entitled Tanenun Mokmareumeuro, Yeoul 2 and Jageun Geoseul Boja. This journal wants to show the state of South Korea suffering from authoritarian and anti democratic of Park Chung Hee rsquo s government, through criticism delivered by Kim Chi Ha by symbols in his poetry. The method used is through semiotic method with qualitative methods and descriptive analysis and the use of literature as a method of data collection. The results of the research from this journal are through the criticisms of Taneun Mokmareumeuro poetry, Yeoul 2 and Jageun Geoseul Boja, seen that the Park Chung Hee government is an anti democratic government, does not treat its people humanely and there is no harmonious relationship between the people and government."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kedatangan Hwagyo ke Korea diprakarsai oleh empat puluh pedagang dari Dinasti Qing di akhir abad ke-19. Dinamika kehidupannya melewati banyak masa hingga sampai ke masa Park Chung Hee. Studi ini akan berfokus pada kehidupan Hwagyo di masa Park Chung Hee. Studi ini dimulai dari sejarah cikal bakal masyarakat Hwagyo di Korea. Kemudian, studi ini akan menampilkan corak umum pemerintahan Park Chung Hee beserta kebijakan-kebijakannya yang terasa diskriminatif bagi kaum Hwagyo di Korea. Studi ini menggunakan metode sejarah yang terdiri dari tahap heuristik, kritik sumber, interpretasi dan historiografi. Selain itu, studi ini juga menampilkan cuplikan wawancara terhadap kaum Hwagyo yang merasa terdiskriminasi oleh kebijakan-kebijakan pemerintahan Park Chung Hee.

Hwagyo 39 s arrival to Korea was initiated by forty merchants from the Qing Dynasty at the end of the 19th century. The dynamics of their life went through time up to the time until Park Chung Hee rsquo s era. This study will focus on the life of Hwagyo in Park Chung Hee 39 s era. This study starts from the history of the Hwagyo in Korea. Later, this study will discuss about Park Chung Hee 39 s government and its discriminatory policies againts Hwagyo in Korea. This study uses historical methods consisting of heuristic stages, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. In addition, the study also features few interviews with Hwagyo who feel discriminated against by Park Chung Hee 39 s government policiesHwagyo 39 s arrival to Korea was initiated by forty merchants from the Qing Dynasty at the end of the 19th century. The dynamics of their life went through time up to the time until Park Chung Hee rsquo s era. This study will focus on the life of Hwagyo in Park Chung Hee 39 s era. This study starts from the history of the Hwagyo in Korea. Later, this study will discuss about Park Chung Hee 39 s government and its discriminatory policies againts Hwagyo in Korea. This study uses historical methods consisting of heuristic stages, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. In addition, the study also features few interviews with Hwagyo who feel discriminated against by Park Chung Hee 39's government policies."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"In 1961 South Korea was mired in poverty. By 1979 it had a powerful industrial economy and a vibrant civil society in the making, which would lead to a democratic breakthrough eight years later. The transformation took place during the years of Park Chung Hee's presidency. Park seized power in a coup in 1961 and ruled as a virtual dictator until his assassination in October 1979. He is credited with modernizing South Korea, but at a huge political and social cost.
South Korea's political landscape under Park defies easy categorization. The state was predatory yet technocratic, reform-minded yet quick to crack down on dissidents in the name of political order. The nation was balanced uneasily between opposition forces calling for democratic reforms and the Park government's obsession with economic growth. The chaebol (a powerful conglomerate of multinationals based in South Korea) received massive government support to pioneer new growth industries, even as a nationwide campaign of economic shock therapy-interest hikes, devaluation, and wage cuts-met strong public resistance and caused considerable hardship.
This landmark volume examines South Korea's era of development as a study in the complex politics of modernization. Drawing on an extraordinary range of sources in both English and Korean, these essays recover and contextualize many of the ambiguities in South Korea's trajectory from poverty to a sustainable high rate of economic growth."
London: Harvard University Press, 2011
951.950 4 PAR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2011
951.950 4 REA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saskia Dwi Putri Maharani
"Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh norma 
Konfusianisme dalam kebijakan rok mini di Korea Selatan pada tahun 1973. Kebijakan rok mini adalah salah satu kebijakan yang ada di dalam Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Ringan atau Gyeongbeomjoecheobeolbeop yang disahkan pada tahun 1973. Dalam undang-undang ini, salah satu jenis pelanggarannya berupa paparan tubuh wanita yang memakai rok mini.  Saat itu, biasanya polisi membawa penggaris saat berpatroli dan sering kali menghentikan para wanita yang memakai rok untuk diukur panjangnya. Jika rok yang dipakai mempunyai hemline 17 cm diatas lutut, maka wanita tersebut diberikan sanksi. Kebijakan ini dibuat karena pandangan akan rok mini tidak sesuai norma dan tradisi busana wanita Korea yang berlaku saat itu sehingga menciptakan kontroversi. Oleh karena itu, rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana norma Konfusianisme menjustifikasi kebijakan rok mini untuk wanita muda di Korea Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis yang dibantu dengan studi pustaka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan normakonfusianisme sebagai pengaruh pembentukan kebijakan rok mini Korea Selatan pada tahun 1973. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembentukan kebijakan rok mini pada tahun 1973 dipicu oleh norma Konfusianisme khususnya pada etika berbusana bagi kaum wanita pada era Joseon. Norma ini ditekankan kembali pada masa Park Chung-hee yang konfusianis melalui kebijakan tersebut, guna memperkuat identitas bangsa Korea
This study analyses the influence of Confucian norms on the miniskirt policy in South Korea in 1973. Miniskirt policy is one of the policies contained in the Minor Offences Act or Gyeongbeomjoecheobeolbeop which was passed in 1973. In this law, one of the violations is overexposure, which refers to women wearing miniskirts. At that time, the police usually carried a ruler on patrol and often stopped women who wore skirts to measure the length. If the skirt worn has a hemline of 17 cm above the knee, the woman will be penalized. This policy was made because the view of the miniskirt does not fit the norms and traditions of the Korean women clothing, which creates controversy. Therefore, the research question in this study is how Confucianism norms justify the miniskirt policy for Korean women. This study uses a descriptive analysis method with the help of literature study. This study aims to explain Confucian norms as the influence of the establishment of the South Korean miniskirt policy in 1973. The results show that the establishment of the miniskirt policy in 1973 was caused by Confucian norms, especially dress etiquette for Korean women which were regulated by Confucian officials in the Joseon era. This norm was re-emphasized during the Park Chung-hee era through this policy, where Confucianism was a value that was applied to his government to strengthen the identity of the Korean nation. 
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kil, Joun-Sik
Seoul: [publisher not identified], 1972
951.904 KIL p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jen, In-gwon
Seoul : beehaksa, 2006
KOR 951.902 JEN p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kil, Doun-Sik
Korea: The Republic of Korea, 1972
923.151 9 KIL p (2)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Anindita
"Film CJ7 《长江七号》 adalah film bertemakan fiksi ilmiah yang disutradarai oleh Stephen Chow. Film ini mengambil latar belakang Kota Ningbo, Provinsi Zhejiang dan secara garis besar menceritakan hubungan ayah dan anak yang tengah berjuang hidup dalam kemiskinan. Baik ayah maupun anak, Zhou Tie dan Xiao Di kerap menerima perlakuan diskriminasi. Sebagai seorang ayah, Zhou Tie tetap menasehati Xiao Di agar tetap terus memiliki integritas dan bersikap baik meskipun memiliki keterbelakangan sosial. Di tengah-tengah kemelaratan, hadir seekor alien kecil bernama CJ7 yang serba bisa. Pada klimaks film, Zhou Tie meninggal akibat kecelakaan maut di pusat konstruksi. Peneliti mengumpulkan informasi dan penelitian terdahulu, serta melakukan analisis terhadap kritik sosial. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa setelah melalui interaksi dengan tokoh-tokoh lain dan hilangnya tembok diskriminasi pada akhir film, film ini membuktikan bahwa fungsi film tidak hanya sebagai hiburan melainkan juga membawa pesan moral dan edukasi.

CJ7 《长江七号》 is a science fiction movie directed by Stephen Chow. The movie is set in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province and is mainly about the relationship between a father and son who are struggling to live in poverty. Both father and son, Zhou Tie and Xiao Di often receive discrimination. As a father, Zhou Tie still advises Xiao Di to continue to have integrity and be kind despite his social retardation. In the midst of squalor, a little alien named CJ7 comes along who is versatile. At the climax of the film, Zhou Tie dies in a deadly accident at the construction center. The researcher collected information and previous research and analyzed social criticism. The results revealed that after going through interactions with other characters and the disappearance of the wall of discrimination at the end of the movie, this movie proves that the function of movies is not only as entertainment but also carries moral and educational messages."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azmil Muftakhor
"Film Capciptop adalah produksi Ravacana Films yang bekerja sama dengan produk sambal ABC. Film ini secara garis besar bercerita tentang kehidupan di masyarakat, salah satunya mengenai prasangka buruk. Di dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan atau membuktikan sikap prasangka buruk disertai kritik sosial berdasarkan dialog antartokoh yaitu Bu Tri, Bu Tejo, dan Bu Karman yang dapat menimbulkan pikiran negatif pada dirinya sendiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan teori semiotika dari Roland Barthes sebagai acuannya. Data yang didapat berupa adegan dan dialog yang ada di film Capciptop melalui Youtube. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan data dari sikap prasangka buruk yang meliputi iri hati, kedengkian, kecemasan dan timbul permusuhan. Selain itu juga, ditemukan data dari kritik sosial adanya fenomena yang sering menjadi perbincangan umum yaitu rumor penggunaan penglaris. Berdasarkan teori tersebut terdapat tahapan penelitian yang mencakup makna denotasi dan konotasi yang ingin disampaikan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Selain itu, teori yang disajikan dalam penelitian ini berupaya untuk menemukan makna implisit dan eksplisit dalam film Capciptop.

The Capciptop film is a production by Ravacana Films in collaboration with ABC chili products. In general, this film tells about life in society, one of them is about negative prejudice. The aim of this research is to show or prove attitudes of negative prejudice accompanied by social criticism based on dialogue between characters, namely Mrs. Tri, Mrs. Tejo, and Mrs. Karman which can cause negative thoughts in themselves. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method and semiotic theory from Roland Barthes as a reference. The data obtained is in the form of scenes and dialogues in the Capciptop film via Youtube. The results of this study found data from attitudes of negative prejudice which include envy, jealousy, anxiety and hostility. Apart from that, data from social criticism also found that there is a phenomenon that is often discussed in general, namely rumors of the use of sellers. Based on this theory, there are stages of research that include denotation and connotation meanings to be conveyed directly or indirectly. In addition, the theory presented in this study seeks to find implicit and explicit meanings in the Capciptop film."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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