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Masanori Sakamoto
"Humans perceive their body posture, size, and position in space even when they do not look at their body. The ability to perceive the body correctly is essential to move accurately in space. The purpose of this review is to introduce the reader to the latest views on the role of peripheral afferent signals in the generation and alteration of perception of the body. First, the contribution of proprioceptive and cutaneous signals to perception of the body is introduced. Common methods to investigate these signals are muscle vibration, skin stretch, or electrical stimulation. These methods provide evidence that the perception of the body is flexible. Second, effects of multisensory integration on perception of the body are described. The combination of visual, tactile, proprioceptive, and auditory signals alter the perception of the body, suggesting that multiple sensory signals contribute to perception of the body. Third, the distortion of perception of the body after the loss of sensory signals is reviewed. Anesthesia or amputation of limbs, as well as experimentally-induced disintegration of sensory signals drastically alter the perception of the body. Fourth, neural mechanisms underlying the generation, or alteration, of perception of the body is described. The premotor and parietal cortices play a key role in perception of the body, as they are involved in multisensory integration. In the final section of the review, implications of the ways sensory information shapes perception of our body are discussed for athletic performance."
Tokyo: The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 2017
610 JPFSM 6:5 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kaniusas, Eugenijus
"The first volume is devoted to the interface between physiologic mechanisms and arising biosignals, whereas the second volume is focussed on the interface between biosignals and biomedical sensors. The physiologic mechanisms behind the biosignals are described from the basic cellular level up to their advanced mutual coordination level during sleep. The arising biosignals are discussed within the scope of vital physiologic phenomena to foster their understanding and comprehensive analysis."
Berlin: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laghi, Andrea
"Multidetector-row computed tomography (MDCT) has become a fundamental imaging technique for the study of many anatomical districts in different clinical situations, as it provides a fast, reliable, and accurate simultaneous evaluation of different organs, including parenchyma, hollow viscera, vessels, and bony structures. It has also equipped the radiologist with the ability to explore areas that in the last decade were largely ignored by CT, especially the coronary arteries and the colon, and to limit invasive diagnostic tests (e.g., catheter angiography) to those cases in which interventional procedures are required.
The examination quality and the consequent diagnostic accuracy of MDCT are the results of an optimized study technique, which nonetheless needs to be adapted to the particular clinical situation of the patient, while bearing in mind the radiation exposure. Another fundamental parameter in the optimization of MDCT is the protocol for the intravenous injection of iodinated contrast material; in these studies, multiple variables, some modifiable by the operator and others patient-dependent, must be considered based on the aims of maximizing arterial and venous enhancements whilst minimizing the dose of iodine injected, saving money, and increasing patient safety.
Through the presentation of cases addressing different anatomical regions and various clinical indications, including emergency and neuro-imaging, this volume seeks to provide the general radiologist and trainee specialist with a guide to the main study protocols to be implemented in order to optimize examination quality and, consequently, facilitate the diagnostic process."
Milan: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kuning Tiadi
Keberhasilan pembangunan dibidang kesehatan adalah cermin ketepatan setiap pimpinan kesehatan didalam mengambil keputusan dan merumuskan kebijaksanaan. Keputusan dan kebijaksanaan merupakan pemecahan masalah yang terstruktur dimana bentukan strukturnya terdiri dari berbagai informasi yang terkait dengan permasalahan yang dihadapi.
Informasi merupakan hasil olahan dan analisa terhadap data yang dihimpun melalui suatu sistem yang dibangun baik dalam bentuk survey atau laporan rutin. Salah satu kriteria Informasi yang baik adalah yang On time dan On demand , oleh karenanya data hasil laporan rutin menjadi penting artinya didalam menjalankan manajemen suatu organisasi.
Rentang organisasi Departemen Kesehatan, yang lebar dan berjenjang, menghendaki suatu sistem informasi yang handal. Keberadaan Puskesmas yang relatif dekat dan merata ditengah-tengah masyarakat, adalah sumber informasi yang baik bagi Departemen Kesehatan. Oleh karena itu sejak dikembangkannya Konsep Pembangunan Puskesmas, Departemen Kesehatan telah mengembangkan sistem informasi dengan bentuk pencatatan dan pelaporan Puskesmas. Yang pada akhirnya disebut Sistem Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Terpadu Puskesmas ( SP2TP).
Luas wilayah dan heterogenitas letak geografi mengakibatkan tidak terjaminnya kelengkapan laporan yang diterima oleh jenjang administrasi yang lebih tinggi seperti di Propinsi dan di Pusat.
Untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan informasi dengan mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan data yang tersedia, perlu mengganti atau mengisi data yang tidak lengkap dengan menggunakan metode statistik yang dikenal yaitu Metode Imputasi. Agar hasil pengolahan dan analisa dapat menjadi informasi yang representatif harus ada batasan - batasan yang digunakan.
Bertitik tolak dari permasalahan tersebut, peneliti mencoba untuk menggali batasan-batasan data yang masih layak untuk dilakukan Imputasi agar diperoleh informasi yang baik dengan memanfaatkan data yang tersedia. Untuk itu, dilakukan simulasi imputasi dengan menggunakan data yang lengkap dari laporan SP2TP dari Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta tahun 1998.
Dengan diperolehnya batasan-batasan data yang layak untuk dilakukan imputasi, diharapkan kebutuhan informasi dapat terpenuhi sesuai dengan dengan kriteria yang diharapkan.

Application Imputation Method on Health Center Data Processing Collected through SP2TP in 1998Reliable information is an information, which is supported by accurate, timely, actual, inter-related and continuing data. To obtain information that meet the above criteria the existence of health center dosed to the community is suitable to be the source of good health information.
in line with the increasing health problems faced by health sectors, the role of information is becoming more important in detection and prioritizing the problems and developing intervention policy to be applied. in order to provide health information, in 1981 Ministry of Health endorsed SP2TP. With the SP2TP, it is expected that the responsible person in every level of administration will obtain reliable and correct health information.
However, in the implementation of SP2TP, the management has not yet integrated with other health center program, both in provision of resources and utilization. Therefore, the activity is considered as an additional burden for the health personnel. Planning system is dominated by top down policy creating less concern and low compliance of health center in recording and reporting the activity and the result. As a consequence, the data collected through SP2TP is becoming in complete and less accurate.
Health center contributions in providing information on health situation in the working area is indicated through extend of community's reliability toward health center, which is reflected through number of community visit to health center.
Criteria required on the presentation of information are uon time" and "on demand". Incompleteness of health center data collected through SP2TP indicated a barrier in fulfilling the criteria. Basic statistic method used in collecting and analyzing the data usually with an assumption that the data iscomplete. Incompleteness of health center data as a big influence in the result of processing and analyzing data.
To obtain health information timely and in representatively by using available data, a statistic method which can accommodate data in completeness is required. One of the statistic methods to be used is by filling or changing of the missing data with imputation method. Data variable used in this thesis are antenatal data (Ki and K4) in 1998 based on the report of Yogyakarta Province submitted to the central level.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Edvine
Penelitian ini bcrtujuan unluk mendapat gambaran tcntang utilisasi alat medis
canggih MRI di RSPAD Gatot Soebroto sehingga bcrguna bagi manajcmcn rumah sakit
dan Ditkes Ditjen Kuathan Dcphan sebagai pelaksana pengadaan untuk RS TNI scrta
sejauh mana MRI dapat digunakan dan dimanfaatkan khususnya oleh anggota TNI, PNS
serta keluarganya dan pasien umum lainnya dan untuk mengetahui pcndapatan, biaya
scrta tingkat pemulihan biaya alat canggih MRI di RSPAD tahun 2006.
Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa selama tahun 2006 jenis pemenksaan MRI
yang paling banyak dilakukan adalah MRI Vertebra cervical / thoracal I lumbbsacral
sebanyak 1029, kemuclian MRI Kcpala sebanyak 803 dan MRI Abdomen bagian atas
sebanyak 46 kali. Total jumlah pasien keseluruhan tahun 2006 adalah 4582 pasiun.
Jumlah pasien yang menjalani pemeriksaan MRI terbauyak adalah masyamkat umum
(Yanmasum) yaiiu sebanyak 2545 pasien. Biaya pemcriksaan MRI bagi pasien dinas dari
TNI AD tidak dipungut biaya apapun, sedangkan pasien dinas dari TNI AU dan TNI AL
dikcnakan biaya sebesar 50% dari tarif yang berIaku.Pendapatan Unit MRI berasal dari
pasien Askes dan pasien umum serta pasien dinas TNI AL dan TNI AU. Pendapatan yang
diperoleh tahun 2006 adalah scbcsar Rp2.877.500.606. Biaya yang terkail dengan Unit
MRI bcnjumlah 2.861.475.228. Pendapatan alat kesehatan MRI sudah menutup biaya
yang dikeluarkan dengan sisa pendapatan scbcsar Rpl6.025.378 . Hal ini ditunjukkan
dcngan lingkat pemulihan biaya alat MRI yang sudah mencapai l00,56%.
Dengan dikctahuinya gambaran utilisasi, biaya yang dikeluarkan dan pendapatan
unit MRI di lnstalasi Radiologi RSPAD Gatot Soebroto, maka manajemen dapat
mclakukan evaluasi tarif berdasarkan perhitungan biaya satuan pemcniksaan yang
komprehensif yang juga dapat digunakan sebagai bahan revisi bcsamya tarif sehingga
dapal mencapai tingkut pemulihan biaya yang diharapkan. Perlu dilakukan upaya
pcningkatan utilisasi alat canggih MRI mclalui kegiatan sosialisasi, seminar untuk dapat
memasarkan jenis pemeriksaan-pemeriksaan dengan alat MRI, dilakukan kerja sama
dengan rumah sakit lain yang tidak mcmiiiki peralalan MRI, sehingga peningkatan
kunjungan teljadi pada pasien umum, dilakukan sistem penjanjian, sehingga idle capasity
di tengah jam kerja dapat diperkecil. Selain iiu perlu dijalin kerjasama antara PT Askes
dengan Unit MR] yang saling menguntungkan, karena biaya pemanfaatan alat canggih
merupakan biaya yang dianggap cukup besar bagi pasien. Perlu perencanaan biaya pemeliharaan dan perbaikan scrta kalibmsi alat kcsehatan dan sarana penunjangnya Bagi
Institusi Dcphan gambaran utilisasi, biaya satuan pemeriksaan dan pendapatan unit MRI
di Insmlasi Radiologi RSPAD Gatot Soebroto dapat digunakan sebagai bahan masukan
pengadaan alat kesehatan caxmgih lainnya di linglcungan Dcphan. Perlu dilakukan
penelitian lanjutan yang lebih komprchensif terhadap alat canggih kesehatan dengnn
menggunakan data yang lebih mcmadai baik dari segi kelengkapan data maupun

This research aimed to get the description 'about the utilization of the medical
equipment sophisticated MRI in RSPAD Gatot Soebroto especially the utilization of MRI
by the TNI member, PNS as well as his family and the public's other patient and the
revenue, cost and cost recovery rate of MRI in RSPAD in 2006.
From results of this research was known that during 2006 the MRI
examinations that often was carried out was MRI Vertebra cervical/thoracal/lumbosacral
was 1029, afterwards MRI Head was 803 aIId MRI Abdomen the upper partwas 46
times. The total number of the whole patient in 2006 was 4582 patients. The number of
patients who underwent the MRI examination most was the public patient (Yanmasum)
that was 2545 patients. The MRI examination cost for the service patient from TNI AD
was not adopted the cost anything, whereas the service patient from TNI AU and TNI Al
was put on the cost of 50% ofthe tariff that available.
Revenue of Unit MRI came from the patient of health insurance and the public's
patient as well as the service patient 'INI Al and TNI AU. Revenue that was received in
2006 was Rp2.877.500.606. The cost that was related to the MRI Unit was
2,86l,475,228. The income of the MRI medical instrument has closed the cost that was
spent with income as big as RpI6.025.378. This was shown with the MRI recovery rate
of the implement cost that has reached 100.56%
The management could carry out the evaluation of the tariff was based on the
calculation ofthe comprehensive cost of the examination unit that also could be used as
the revision material of the tariff size to be able to achieve the cost recovery rate that was
hoped for. Must be carried out by increase efforts of utilization of the MRI through the
socialization activity, the seminar to be able to market the kind of examinations with the
MRI implement, was carried out by the work was the same as the other hospital that did
not have MRI equipment, so as the increase in the visit happened to the public's patient,
was carried out by the agreement system, so as idle capasity in the middle ofthe working
horns could be reduced.
Moreover must be established by the co~opcration between PT Askes and the
MRI Unit that was mutually beneficial. Needed planning and the improvement as well as
calibration of the medical instrument and means of the maintenance?s cost. For the
Dephan Institution, the cost and the income of the MRI unit could be used as the
procurement input of the other sophisticated medical instrument in the Dephan.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shinta Fauziah
"Terjadinya peningkatan pengguna aplikasi seluler mendorong peluang untuk mempermudah konsultasi kesehatan melalui telemedicine di era pandemi COVID-19. Di Indonesia sendiri terjadi peningkatan penggunaan telemedicine selama pandemi COVID19. Namun, setelah pandemi COVID-19, masyarakat cenderung akan berkonsultasi secara offline kembali karena ketika berkonsultasi pada telemedicine masyarakat akan merasa beresiko karena tidak dapat bertemu dokter secara langsung dan layanan online seringkali menimbulkan isu-isu privasi. Rasa ketidakpastian dan beresiko dapat dikurangi dengan membangun kepercayaan masyarakat melalui proses trust transfer. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang dapat memengaruhi trust transfer agar masyarakat tetap berlanjut menggunakan layanan konsultasi telemedicine walaupun pandemi COVID-19 telah berakhir. Kemudian dilakukan penyebaran survei kepada masyarakat Indonesia yang sedang atau pernah berkonsultasi menggunakan aplikasi telemedicine dan mendapatkan 457 responden valid. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan analisis PLS-SEM dengan bantuan program SmartPLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa trust in doctor dipengaruhi oleh perceived reputation, telemedicine quality, dan familiarity. Kemudian trust in telemedicine dipengaruhi oleh disposition to trust dan telemedicine quality. Sedangkan trust in technology dipengaruhi oleh perceived reputation, telemedicine quality, dan familiarity. Selanjutnya trust in doctor dan trust in technology berpengaruh secara positif terhadap trust in telemedicine services namun tidak berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap continuance intention. Selain itu, satisfaction dan perceived usefulness berpengaruh positif secara langsung terhadap continuance intention.

The increase in mobile application users encourages opportunities to facilitate health consultations through telemedicine in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Indonesia, there has been an increase in the use of telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, after the COVID-19 pandemic, people tend to consult offline again because when consulting on telemedicine, people will feel risky because they cannot meet doctors in person and online services often cause privacy issues. The sense of uncertainty and risk can be reduced by building public trust through the trust transfer process. Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors that can affect trust transfer so that people continue to use telemedicine consulting services even though the COVID-19 pandemic has ended. Then the survey was distributed to the Indonesian people who were or have been consulted using the telemedicine application and got 457 valid respondents. This research is quantitative research using PLS-SEM analysis with the help of the SmartPLS program. The results showed that trust in doctor was influenced by perceived reputation, telemedicine quality, and familiarity. Then trust in telemedicine is influenced by disposition to trust and telemedicine quality. Meanwhile, trust in technology is influenced by perceived reputation, telemedicine quality, and familiarity. Furthermore, trust in doctor and trust in technology have a positive effect on trust in telemedicine services but do not directly affect continuance intention. In addition, satisfaction and perceived usefulness have a direct positive effect on continuance intention."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"It is realized that an important thing in medical image visualization serving is to be able to see human as observe. Nevertheless, certain noise is rising in image acquisition causes image quality is reducing. An image involvement is a process in which an image can be best analyzed. Denoising is a one of the image enhancement techniques. An adaptive thresholding technique based wavelet serves to reduce noise from medical image. A discrete wavalet transformation is used in this research. The STH (Soft Thresholding), HTH (Hard Thresholding), and MPTH (Multiscale Products Thresholding) methods are used to calculate and compare as medical image Denoising results. Two criteria, MSR (Mean-to-Standard Deviation Ratio) and CNR (Contrast-to-Noise Ratio) have proposed to perform as Denoising at medical image. From the result, it can be concluded that denoising by using MPTH (Multiscale Products Thresholding) method, the values of MSR (Mean-to-Standard Deviation Ratio), CNR (Contrast-to-Noise Ratio) are greater than STH (Soft Thresholding), and HTH (Hard Thresholding) can be obtained."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Diagnosis dan dukungan perawatan merupakan salah satu faktor utama dalam hal perawatan kesehatan. Metode tradisional diagnosis secara tatap muka antara pasien dan dokter dalam rangka monitoring dan menjaga kestabilan kesehatan sudah mulai sulit untuk dilakukan. Hal ini dikarenakan banyaknya hambatan-hambatan yang muncul, baik hambatan finansial, geografi, dan waktu. Teknologi informasi khususnya telekomunikasi dapat membantu mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, yang secara tidak langsung akan dapat membantu pengembangan sistem kesehatan di sebuah negara. Salah satu solusi yang dapat digunakan adalah penerapan m-Health pada sistem kesehatan. m-Health didefinisikan sebagai sebuah penggunaan mobile communications and network technologies dalam melakukan perawatan kesehatan. Pola penerapannya menggunakan mobile phone sebagai point-of-care device. Hanya saja, penerapan sebuah teknologi baru dalam suatu negara tidak dapat begitu saja dilakukan. Terdapat faktor-faktor yang perlu diperhatikan agar penerapan teknologi baru dapat berjalan secara optimal. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kelayakan penerapan m-Health untuk diagnosis dan dukungan perawatan kesehatan pada negara berkembang dengan menggunakan studi kasus negara Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metodologi causal comparative terhadap penerapan m-Health di negara maju. Analisis kelayakan akan dilakukan terhadap empat aspek, yakni aspek ekonomi, teknologi, sosial, serta organisasi.

Diagnosis and treatment support is one of the main factors in health care. Traditional methods of diagnosis in person between patients and physicians in order to monitor and maintain health stability is getting hard to do. This is because many of the obstacles that arise, whether financial constraints, geography, and time. Telecommunications in particular information technology can help overcome these problems, which will indirectly help the development of health systems in the country. One solution that can be used is the application of m-Health in the health system. m-Health is defined as the use of mobile communications and network technologies in the conduct of health care. Pattern application is using mobile phones as point-of-care device. Only, the application of a new technology in a country can not simply be done. There are factors that need to be taken to ensure that the application of new technologies can run optimally. The study aims to determine the extent to which the feasibility of applying the m-Health for the diagnosis and support for health care in developing countries by using a case study of Indonesia. The research was conducted using causal comparative methodology for the application of m-Health in developed countries. Feasibility analysis will be conducted on four aspects, namely the economic, technological, social, and organizational."
[Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia], 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elita Wibisono, Harrina E. Rahardjo
"Overactive bladder (OAB) merupakan suatu kondisi yang
sering terjadi dan diperkirakan sekitar 455 juta orang (11%
penduduk dunia) pernah mengalami gejala tersebut. Kondisi
ini dapat memberikan dampak yang signifikan bagi kualitas
hidup pasien. Tatalaksana lini pertama OAB adalah terapi
konservatif dan medikamentosa dengan obat antimuskarinik.
Bagi pasien yang resisten terhadap pilihan terapi tersebut,
terdapat beberapa alternatif tatalaksana, antara lain operasi,
stimulasi elektrik, dan injeksi toksin botulinum. Dari antara
pilihan tersebut, percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation
(PTNS) merupakan pilihan yang invasif minimal. PTNS bekerja
dengan menstimulasi pleksus saraf sakral, sekelompok saraf
yang berperan dalam regulasi fungsi kandung kemih. Setelah
mendapat sertifikasi food and drug administration (FDA) pada
tahun 2007, PTNS semakin banyak digunakan dengan hasil
menjanjikan. Pada tinjauan pustaka ini disajikan berbagai
studi nonkomparatif dan komparatif yang membandingkan
PTNS dengan prosedur sham, terapi antimuskarinik, dan terapi
kombinasi yang menggabungkan PTNS dan antimuskarinik
dengan data yang mendukung penggunaan PTNS pada OAB."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ketut Suastika
"The relative significance of
the parallel middle body and stern form in the wake formation of single-screw
large ships and their contribution to the ship?s viscous resistance are studied by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). A
10450-DWT tanker is considered by varying the ratio of the
parallel-middle-body?s length to the ship?s length (Lmb/L) and by varying the shape of the stern form from a
V-like to a U-like underwater stern transom section. In all the calculations,
the principal dimension and the displacement of the ships are kept constant. A
larger value for the parallel-middle-body relative length (Lmb/L) of ships with the same stern form results in a
larger drag coefficient but does not affect the nominal wake fraction
significantly. A change in the shape of the underwater stern form,
from a V-like to a U-like section, results in a much larger drag coefficient
ascribed to the much larger wake fraction. The stern form dominantly affects
the nominal wake fraction and the ship?s viscous resistance compared to the
parallel-middle-body relative length."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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