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Ditemukan 1813 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Spohr, Kristina
"In 1989-90 the map of Europe was transformed peacefully-without a war, unlike other great ruptures of the international order such as 1815, 1870, 1918, and 1945. What role did international summitry play in the dénouement of the cold war? So far scholars have focused on long-term systemic factors, Gorbachevs reform agenda, or the impact in 1989 of people power. This major multinational study, based on archives from both sides of the Iron Curtain, adopts a novel perspective by exploring the contribution of international statecraft to the dissolution of Europes bipolar order. This is done through the examination of key summit meetings from 1970 to 1990 across three phases Thawing the cold war, living with the cold war, and transcending the cold war and in three main strands: the superpowers and arms control, their triangular relationship with China, and the German question. The threads are drawn together in a sweeping analytical conclusion. The book includes fascinating insights into key statesman such as Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, Leonid Brezhnev and Mikhail Gorbachev, Willy Brandt and Helmut Kohl, Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping, both as thinkers about the international system and also practitioners of summit bargaining. Particular attention is devoted to the cultural dimensions of summitry, as performative acts for the media and as engagement with the other across ideological divides. Written in lively prose, this book is essential reading for those interested in modern history, contemporary politics, and international relations addressing issues that still shape the world today."
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
John A. Marston
"Following Heonik Kwon, this article explores the social and cultural underpinnings of the Cold War (and Cambodia’s stance of neutrality in relation to it) as illustrated through the life of a colorful Cambodian monk, Dharmawara Mahathera. Long resident in India, Dharmawara became a confidant of Norodom Sihanouk as the latter negotiated independence and Cambodia’s new geopolitical realities. Dharmawara was one point of connection between Sihanouk and India at the time Sihanouk was drawn to a position of neutrality and to the Non-Aligned Movement associated with Jawaharlal Nehru and Zhou Enlai, and his story illuminates some of the cultural interface underlying the politics. He would assume a profile in emerging institutions of international Buddhism, such as the World Fellowship of Buddhists, which in their own way related to developing geopolitics. He subsequently attracted the attention of American diplomats in Cambodia in ways that illustrate something of how the Cold War came to be negotiated on the ground. His tensions with the Cambodian monastic hierarchy help us better understand the latter’s role at a historical conjuncture. I argue that Dharmawara helps us understand Sihanouk’s emerging philosophy of “Buddhist socialism.”"
Kyoto : Nakanishi Printing Company, 2022
050 SEAS 11:2 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Garlan Archista Duarsa
"Penelitian ini ingin membahas perkembangan teori Democratic Peace pasca Perang Dingin. Periode tersebut dipilih karena terjadi peningkatan jumlah negara demokrasi yang signifikan, dan runtuhnya Uni Soviet yang merupakan musuh bersama negara-negara demokrasi. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan metode kajian pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pendapat para akademisi yang beragam mengenai teori Democratic Peace pasca Perang Dingin. Para akademisi yang mendukung penerapan teori Democratic Peace pasca Perang Dingin memiliki dua argumen utama, yaitu landasan normatif dan struktural demokrasi. Sementara para akademisi yang mengkritik teori tersebut mempunyai tiga sanggahan utama: (1) operasionalisasi konsep yang bermasalah, (2) landasan normatif dan struktural yang bermasalah, dan (3) relasi demokrasi dan perdamaian yang bermasalah.

This research will analyze the development of Democratic Peace Theory post Cold War. That period has been chosen because it witnessed an increasing spike of new democracies, and the fall of Soviet Union, which were the common enemy for the democracies. This research will use literature review methods. The result of the research shows the variety of arguments presented. Those who support the notion of Democratic Peace post Cold War have two main arguments, the normative and structural foundation in democracies. While those who criticize the idea of Democratic Peace have three main rebuttals: (1) issues in concept operations, (2) issues in the normative and structural foundations, and (3) issues in the relations between democracy and peace.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dave Emmilio Zegno Fudi
"Berlin sebagai ibukota Jerman tidak hanya dikenal dengan peninggalan historis dalam bentuk budaya material (material culture) seperti monumen atau bangunan dengan gaya arsitektur tertentu, tetapi juga menyimpan kisah spionase dunia pada era Perang Dingin. Sebagai “pusat pertarungan“ ideologi Perang Dingin, Berlin sangat lekat diasosiasikan dengan spionase. Kesan ini sering diangkat sebagai tema berbagai produk media, baik yang diproduksi di dalam atau luar Jerman. Salah satu produk media populer yang mengangkat tema spionase di Berlin adalah serial manga Spy X Family (2019) karya Tetsuya Endo. Penggambaran kota Berlint dalam serial manga ini dapat dimaknai sebagai representasi Berlin pada era Perang Dingin. Dengan menganalisis serial manga ini secara semiotik, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan bagaimana Berlin sebagai wilayah sentral pada era Perang Dingin direpresentasikan dalam budaya populer. Analisis semiotik terhadap penggambaran landscape dan kehidupan di kota Berlint dalam manga Spy X Family ini merepresentasikan kota Berlin sebagai pusat spionase yang tertata rapi dan menyediakan ruang tinggal yang layak bagi penduduknya.

Berlin is not only known for its historical heritage in the form of material culture, such as monuments or buildings with a particular architectural style, but also for keeping stories of world espionage during the Cold War era. As the arena of ideology contestation of the Cold War, Berlin is closely associated with espionage. This impression is often used as the theme of various media products produced inside and outside Germany. One of the popular media products with the theme of espionage in Berlin is the manga series Spy X Family (2019) by Tetsuya Endo. The depiction of the city of Berlint in this manga series can be interpreted as a representation of Berlin during the Cold War era. By analyzing this manga series semiotically, this study aims to reveal how Berlin, as a central region during the Cold War era, was represented in popular culture. This semiotic analysis of the depiction of landscape and life in the city of Berlint in the Spy X Family manga represents the city of Berlin as an espionage center that is neatly arranged and provides decent living space for its inhabitants."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vincent Wiguna
Sejak awal berdirinya, Indonesia sering diasosiasikan sebagai pemimpin di institusi kawasan Asia Tenggara, The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Berakhirnya Perang Dingin membuat peran yang dilakukan Indonesia semakin beragam. Tulisan ini akan melihat posisi Indonesia dan kondisi lingkungan yang mendorong Indonesia dalam menjalankan peran di ASEAN. Secara kronologis, tulisan ini akan melihat peran Indonesia di ASEAN pada masa Orde Baru pasca Perang Dingin, peran Indonesia di ASEAN pada masa krisis ekonomi Asia 1997, dan peran Indonesia di ASEAN pada masa pasca krisis ekonomi 1997. Tinjauan pustaka ini berusaha untuk menunjukkan konsensus, perdebatan, dan kesenjangan akademis dalam topik ini. Dari pemetaan literatur yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada masa Orde Baru pasca Perang Dingin, Indonesia tetap mampu menginisiasi kerja sama di ASEAN walaupun signifikansi ASEAN sempat dipertanyakan. Pada masa krisis ekonomi Asia 1997, krisis ekonomi, kebakaran hutan, dan instabilitas politik di Indonesia menjadi sumber masalah di ASEAN. Krisis tersebut membuat Indonesia berperan pasif di ASEAN. Pasca krisis, Indonesia kembali menunjukkan kepemimpinannya dengan menginisiasi Komunitas ASEAN maupun memediasi konflik di kawasan, salah satunya adalah kasus Preah Vihear. Namun pada periode pertama pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo, Indonesia dinilai tidak lagi memprioritaskan ASEAN dalam kebijakan luar negerinya. Indonesia berfokus pada urusan dalam negeri dan mencoba berperan lebih di tingkat internasional. Secara umum, peran Indonesia di ASEAN didominasi di sektor keamanan dan politik. Kajian literatur menunjukkan bahwa kepentingan, kepemimpinan, dan dinamika politik internal dan internasional memengaruhi peran yang dilakukan Indonesia di ASEAN.

Since its inception, Indonesia has often been associated as a leader in the institution of the Southeast Asian region, The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The end of the Cold War made Indonesia's role more diverse. This paper will look at Indonesia's position and environmental conditions that are driving Indonesia to play a role in ASEAN. Chronologically, this paper will look at Indonesia's role in ASEAN during the post-Cold War New Order, Indonesia's role in ASEAN during the 1997 Asian economic crisis, and Indonesia's role in ASEAN in the post-1997 economic crisis period. This literature review seeks to show consensus, debate, and academic gaps in this topic. From the literature mapping conducted, it can be concluded that in the post-Cold War New Order era, Indonesia was still able to initiate cooperation in ASEAN even though the significance of ASEAN was questioned. During the 1997 Asian economic crisis, the economic crisis, forest fires and political instability in Indonesia were a source of problems in ASEAN. The crisis made Indonesia a passive role in ASEAN. After the crisis, Indonesia again showed its leadership by initiating the ASEAN Community and mediating conflicts in the region, one of which was the Preah Vihear dispute. But in the first period of President Joko Widodo's administration, Indonesia was considered to no longer prioritize ASEAN in its foreign policy. Indonesia focuses on domestic affairs and tries to play a greater role at the international level. In general, Indonesia's role in ASEAN is dominated in the security and political sectors. The literature study shows that the interests, leadership, and dynamics of internal and international politics influence the role of Indonesia in ASEAN."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ooi Keat Gin
"Malaya attained independence on August 31, 1957 from
Britain. However this new nation faced a communist insurgency
known today as the ?Malayan Emergency? (1948-1960). Then
in 1961, Tunku announced a wider federation of ?Malaysia?,
viz. Malaya, British Crown Colonies of Singapore, Sarawak
and North Borneo, and the protectorate of Brunei. Countering
communism was a principal motive for ?Malaysia?.
Sarawak?s leftist elements were rejected with an armed
opposition. Malaysia was formed excluding Brunei. Amidst
its birth pangs, Malaysia faced hostile neighbors Indonesia
and the Philippines; the former objected by way of
Konfrontasi (1963-1967) while the latter laid claim to Sabah
(formerly North Borneo). Malaya/ Malaysia was borne in the
midst of the Cold War (1947?1991), a bipolar world between
the US and the USSR. Malaya/Malaysia is utilized as a case
of analysis and evaluation in the context of the twin trends
of continuities and transformations in tracing the historical
developments from the 1950?s to the 1990?s. The risks,
motives, and challenges that prompted the shift in foreign
relations reveal as much of the personality of the political leadership, the prevailing situations, and conditions from
within and circumstances from without.
327 SUV 8:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joseph Kristanto
"Tulisan ini akan melihat perkembangan kehadiran Amerika Serikat (AS) di kawasan Laut China Selatan semenjak berakhirnya Perang Dingin. Dengan mengeksplorasi literatur-literatur yang membahas hal tersebut, penulis berharap mampu menghasilkan suatu gambaran yang utuh terkait dengan evolusi kehadiran AS beserta dengan kebijakan luar negeri yang dibuat oleh AS terkait dengan isu Laut China Selatan. Pembahasan terhadap ke-34 literatur yang diangkat dalam tinjauan literatur ini kemudian menghasilkan sejumlah temuan berupa: (1) misi naval presence United States Navy (USN/AL AS) merupakan komponen penting dari strategi kebijakan luar negeri AS; (2) terdapat peningkatan kehadiran AS di kawasan Laut China Selatan dalam beberapa waktu terakhir, meskipun hal ini terbukti gagal untuk membendung perilaku agresif China sebagai akibat dari ketiadaan strategi raya yang mendasari kebijakan luar negeri AS di kawasan serta keengganan AS untuk membangun suatu kerja sama ekonomi dengan negara-negara di kawasan; (3) peningkatan kapabilitas sistem anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) China membuat AS harus mencari strategi baru untuk bisa mempertahankan kebebasan operasionalnya di kawasan yang berujung pada lahirnya strategi Air-Sea Battle (ASB); (4) diperlukan kerja sama yang lebih erat dengan negara-negara di kawasan apabila AS ingin membendung China. Sementara itu, terdapat pula sejumlah celah penelitian yang berhasil diidentifikasi oleh penulis, utamanya yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan kapabilitas AS dalam menghadapi praktik grey zone oleh China, termasuk pelibatan penjaga pantai AS dalam Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPs).

This literature review will take a closer look at the evolution of the United States’ presence in the South China Sea region since the end of the Cold War. By exploring works of literature that discussed this particular issue, the writer hopes that this literature review will be able to provide a comprehensive understanding regarding the evolution of US presence and foreign policies in the South China Sea region. After analyzing the 34 pieces of literature discussed in this literature review, the writer argues that: (1) the naval presence mission of the United States Navy (USN) is an important component in US foreign policy strategy; (2) an increase in US presence in the South China Sea could be seen in recent times, although it has to be admitted that this surge in US presence has proven ineffective in curbing China’s aggressive behavior as a result of the absence of a comprehensive grand strategy that underlies US foreign policy in the region and US’ reluctance to establish a comprehensive economic cooperation with its allies and partners in the region; (3) the increasing capabilities of China’s anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) system have compelled the US to seek new strategies to maintain its operational freedom in the region, resulting in the emergence of the Air-Sea Battle (ASB) strategy; (4) establishing closer cooperation with countries in the region is a must if the US wants to contain China. The writer also identifies several research gaps, particularly concerning the development of US capabilities in dealing with China’s grey zone practices in the region, which could also include the involvement of the US Coast Guard in Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPs)."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
LaFeber, Walter
Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2008
327.7 LAF a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Luh Bayu Purwa Eka Payani
"[Perang Dingin yang berakhir pada tahun 1990 telah mengubah konstelasi politik dan keamanan dunia. Kemunculan banyak negara baru yang dulu tidak terlalu dominan dalam politik dunia, kini menjadi pemain yang cukup diperhitungkan seperti Jepang. Setelah mengalami kekalahan pada Perang Dunia Ke-II, Jepang menjadi negara yang tidak normal karena tidak memiliki kekuatan militer.Sejak saat itu pula, Jepang menggantungkan keamanan nasionalnya di bawah perlindungan payung keamanan Amerika Serikat. Seiring berjalannya waktu, struktur keamanan global maupun regional telah berubah. Kemunculan China sebagai kekuatan regional baru, pengembangan senjata nuklir Korea Utara, modernisasi militer Korea Selatan, serta banyaknya masalah baik teritorial maupun sejarah di Asia Timur telah mempengaruhi Jepang untuk mengubah kebijakan Pertahanannya. Perubahan kebijakan ini diwujudkan dalam dua usaha yaitu usaha internal melalui peningkatan kekuatan pertahanan Jepang dan usaha eksternal melalui peningkatan diplomasi pertahanan Jepang dengan negara-negara di kawasan Asia Pasifik.

The end of Cold War in 1990 changed global political constellation and security. The emergence of new global power that were not determined in the past, now have a very significant role in global politics such as Japan. After losing to U.S allies in the World War II, Japan became abnormal state because she did not have military power. Since then, Japan has been depended her national security on U.S security umbrella. After Cold War, the situation surroundings Japan has changed. China rose as a new global power, nuclear weapon possession by North Korea, South Korea's military modernization, and territorial disputes among them give impacts on Japan?s Defense Policy. The change of Japan's Defense Policy is indicated by two attempts, which are internal efforts and external efforts. Internal efforts are executed by increasing military power and external efforts are executed by developing defense diplomacy through security arrangements with the Asia Pacific countries. The end of Cold War in 1990 changed global political constellation and security. The emergence of new global power that were not determined in the past, now have a very significant role in global politics such as Japan. After losing to U.S allies in the World War II, Japan became abnormal state because she did not have military power. Since then, Japan has been depended her national security on U.S security umbrella. After Cold War, the situation surroundings Japan has changed. China rose as a new global power, nuclear weapon possession by North Korea, South Korea’s military modernization, and territorial disputes among them give impacts on Japan’s Defense Policy. The change of Japan’s Defense Policy is indicated by two attempts, which are internal efforts and external efforts. Internal efforts are executed by increasing military power and external efforts are executed by developing defense diplomacy through security arrangements with the Asia Pacific countries., The end of Cold War in 1990 changed global political constellation and security. The emergence of new global power that were not determined in the past, now have a very significant role in global politics such as Japan. After losing to U.S allies in the World War II, Japan became abnormal state because she did not have military power. Since then, Japan has been depended her national security on U.S security umbrella. After Cold War, the situation surroundings Japan has changed. China rose as a new global power, nuclear weapon possession by North Korea, South Korea’s military modernization, and territorial disputes among them give impacts on Japan’s Defense Policy. The change of Japan’s Defense Policy is indicated by two attempts, which are internal efforts and external efforts. Internal efforts are executed by increasing military power; and external efforts are executed by developing defense diplomacy through security arrangements with the Asia Pacific countries.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Parker, Jason C.
"During the cold war, the superpowers endeavored to win hearts and minds through what came to be called public diplomacy. Many of the target audiences were on the front lines in Europe. But other, larger ones resided in areas outside Europe, in the throes of decolonization and poverty. Among these lands, for all the drama of war, intervention, and revolution, the majority experienced the cold war as public diplomacy, as a media war for their allegiance rather than as a violent war for their lives. In these areas, superpower public diplomacy encountered issues of race, empire, poverty, and decolonization, all in flux as they intersected with the cold war, and with long-running anti-imperialist currents. The challenge to US public diplomacy was acute, as the image of the United States was inseparable from Jim Crow and from Washingtons European alliances. Yet the greater consequence of these campaigns was not for American diplomacy, but rather for postwar international history, when the non-European world responded to this media war by joining it. Newly independent voices launched public diplomacy campaigns of their own, making for a crowded field. In addition to validating the strategic importance of public diplomacy, this proliferation of voices articulated a different vision. Reappropriating the space left between the poles of the superpower conflict, this global conversation formulated the Third World project around a nucleus of nonalignment, development, and anticolonial racial solidarity. The Global South response to the Cold War thereby helped to coalesce the third world as a transnational imagined community."
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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