Honey content is constructed by a high sugar content. One parameter of the honey qualities can be seen from the sugar contained in it. Therefore, a system is needed to predict additional sugar content as one of the authenticity parameters of honey and can be used to classify original honey and adulterant honey. The honey image is obtained using the transmittance mode in the VNIR wavelength range of 400 - 1000 nm. The complete system consists of a Hyperspectral camera on 224 band, slider, 150 W halogen lamp and light diffuser. The processing method performs image correction, segmentation, feature extraction, feature reduction, regression models, and classification models. Partial Least Square Regression (PLSR) was used as a reduction feature and a regression model for quantitative analysis using the honey transmittance profile. Soluble Solid Content (SSC) is measured using Digital Refractometer Pocket Hand Held as reference data. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used as a feature reduction and Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used to classify the original honey and adulterant honey. Five types of honey from the same producer were used as honey samples. The artificial sugar is added to the original honey to produce 6 variants of Soluble Solid Content. RMSE and R2 results for each test data are 2,33 dan 0,84. The results obtained from the test data for the classification models are 88,9% for the accuracy, 12% for the missclassification rate (MR), 4% for the False Positive Rate (FPR), and 5% for the False Negative Rate (FNR). Based on these results, the system can be used as an alternative method for predicting SSC and classifying original honey and adulterant honey with very good accuracy.
"Salah satu data pelacakan objek yang menarik untuk diteliti adalah citra termal inframerah. Data tersebut tahan terhadap perubahan cahaya bahkan dapat dihasilkan pada kondisi tanpa cahaya. Disamping kelebihan yang dimiliki, pelacakan objek pada citra termal inframerah tersebut memiliki tantangan yang berbeda dari pelacakan pada citra visual spektrum, seperti kontras rendah yang merupakan karakter dari citra termal inframerah menyebabkan deteksi tepi antara objek dan latar belakang mempunyai kesulitan lebih tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan metode pelacakan dengan akurasi tinggi dan dapat diimplementasikan secara real-time (20 frame per detik). Metode yang diusulkan pada penelitian ini adalah Optical Flow Tracker (OFT) dengan penambahan transformasi log adaptif (aLOFT) untuk meningkatkan kontras citra. Penambahan metode adaptive pre-processing tersebut mampu meningkatkan performa OFT. Tracker aLOFT cukup kompetitif ketika dibandingkan dengan state of the art tracker pada tantangan motion blur PTB-TIR 2019 Benchmark dengan hasil akurasi 0.905 dan kecepatan komputasi 64.9 fps.
One of the interesting objects tracking data is thermal infrared images. It is because of its ability to see in full darkness, no shadow effects and illumination robustness. However, those images object tracking has different challenges from visual images tracking, like low contrast of thermal images that cause difficulty to recognize the edge between object and background. Therefore, this research has the purpose to produce the tracker that is good in the precision score and still works in real-time (20 frames per second). In this paper, the authors proposed an adaptive log transform to enhance optical flow tracker (aLOFT) for thermal infrared images. The result of this method shows that adaptive pre-processing helps the tracker to outperform a better result compared to different preprocessing methods. The aLOFT tracker is competitive when compared to the state-of-the-art tracker PTB-TIR 2019 Benchmark in the motion blur problem with an accuracy of 0.905 and a computing speed of 64.9 fps.