ABSTRAKKebakaran lahan dan hutan merupakan ancaman terhadap lingkungan hidup.
Kebakaran lahan dan hutan dipengaruhi oleh pola penggunaan lahan untuk
budidaya. Karakteristik wilayah rawan kebakaran di Kabupaten Pelalawan adalah
wilayah yang memiliki kawasan hutan dengan fungsi hutan produksi konversi dan
hutan produksi terbatas; memiliki tutupan lahan dengan jenis hutan lahan kering
sekunder, semak belukar, semak belukar rawa dan tanah terbuka; serta memiliki
jenis tanah dan sistem lahan berupa endapan aluvial dan tanah mineral perbukitan
rendah, serta jenis tanah gambut dengan kedalaman rendah sampai sedang.
Kemunculan hotspot sebagai indikator kebakaran lahan dan hutan memiliki
hubungan dengan pola curah hujan rendah yang terjadi dua kali selama setahun di
Pelalawan, yaitu antara Januari─Februari dan yang paling ekstrim pada
Juli─Agustus. Langkah mitigasi kebakaran yang dilakukan pemerintah belum
diikuti dengan alternatif solusi budidaya tanam tanpa api. Perubahan budidaya
jenis tanaman semusim ke tanaman keras adalah bentuk adaptasi yang dilakukan
masyarakat. Laju pertumbuhan penduduk berpengaruh nyata terhadap peluang
terjadinya kebakaran lahan dan hutan. Tekanan terhadap penguasaan ruang
sebagai dampak dari pembangunan mempengaruhi kearifan lokal penggunaan api
dalam pengelolaan lahan. Terbatasnya akses terhadap modal perekonomian
menjadi salah satu faktor penghambat trasformasi sosial ekonomi dan budaya dari
pertanian subsisten menjadi agraris, sehingga penggunaan api masih menjadi
bagian dari budaya pengelolaan lahan.
ABSTRACTLand and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.;Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture., Land and forest fires threatening the environment. The occuring of fires influence
by land use for cultivation system. Characteristics of fires vulnerable zone in
Pelalawan district Riau province indicated by the present of forest area with
function for convertion and limited production; land cover type from secondary
dryland forest, scrub, swampy scrub and open area; and alluvial to plain hilly
mineral soil and land system, and shallow to moderate depth of peat swamp. The
present of hotspots as indicator of fires occuring in land or forest area correspond
with the lowest amount of rainfall which happend twice per annum within the
study area, it is happend between January to February and extremly happend in
July to August. The mitigation action proposed by government poorly associate
with alternative solution for zero firest cultivation. The shifting from short period
to parennials agriculture commodity was the adaptation effort taken by the
community. The growth of population influence the opportunity of fires may
occur. The present of land tenure management due to development impact has
influencing the local wisdom in using fires for land management. The limited
acces to capital of economic being a barrier to the succes of social cultural
transformation from subsisten to agrarian cultivation, thus the use of fires still
being part of land development culture.]"