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Desra Rahmatia Illahi
"Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh komitmen, motivasi, dan disiplin terhadap kinerja karyawan pada Organisasi Pengelola Zakat OPZ di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan di OPZ X dan OPZ Y. OPZ X merupakan salah satu lembaga amil zakat di Indonesia yang dibentuk oleh masyarakat. Sedangkan OPZ Y merupakan lembaga pengelola zakat yang dibentuk oleh pemerintah dan bersifat non-struktural. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Pada penelitian ini, komitmen terdiri dari tiga dimensi yaitu normative commitment, affective commitment, dan continuance commitment. Motivasi terdiri dari tiga tipe yaitu existance, relatedness, dan growth. Disiplin terdiri dari empat dimensi yaitu kualitas disiplin, kuantitas disiplin, kompensasi, dan konservasi. Sedangkan kinerja karyawan terdiri dari empat dimensi yaitu hasil kerja, perilaku kerja, atribusi kompetensi, dan komparatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa komitmen berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan pada OPZ X dan OPZ Y. Motivasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan pada OPZ X dan OPZ Y. Disiplin berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan OPZ X dan OPZ Y.

This study is examine the influence of commitment, motivation, and discipline aspects on employee performance of Organisasi Pengelola Zakat OPZ in Indonesia. This study is conducted in OPZ X and OPZ Y. OPZ X is the one of amil zakat institution in Indonesia that is formed by the society. While OPZ Y is formed by the goverment and characterized as non structural type. This study was conducted by using descriptive quantitative approach. In this study, commitment aspect has three dimensions normative commitment, affective commitment, and continuance commitment. Motivation aspect has three types existance, relatedness, and growth. Discipline aspect consist of four dimensions quality of discipline, quantity of discipline, compensation, and conservation. While employee performance has four dimensions work results, work behaviours, attibution competences, and comparativeness. The results of this study indicate that commitment has influence on employee performance at both OPZ. Motivation has influence on employee performance at both OPZ. Discipline has influence on employee performance at both OPZ.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pemanfaatan tenaga ekspatriat menjadi dilema tersendiri bagi manajemen, yaitu di satu sisi sangat dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan kapabilitas organisasi terutama kinerja inovasi karyawan, tetapi di sisi lain dapat menimbulkan kerugian yang besar bagi perusahaan bila mengalami kegagalan. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk membahas tentang pengaruh peran ekspatriat terhadap kinerja inovasi karyawan pada perusahaan penyedia jasa telekomunikasi seluler di Indonesia melalui mediasi alih pengetahuan, kapabilitas organisasi, dan budaya organisasi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode survei. Responden yang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 167 responden berasal dari 8 perusahaan penyedia jasa telekomunikasi seluler di Indonesia dengan response rate 47%.
Temuan utama penelitian adalah peran ekspatriat berpengaruh positif secara signifikan terhadap kinerja inovasi karyawan melalui mediasi kapabilitas organisasi. Hasil penelitian lain adalah alih pengetahuan yang terjadi secara langsung ternyata dapat berpengaruh negatif secara signifikan terhadap kinerja inovasi. Hal ini disebabkan banyaknya alih pengetahuan yang terjadi tetapi tidak dapat diimplikasikan di perusahaan penyedia jasa telekomunikasi seluler di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian penting lainya adalah budaya yang berlaku, karena akibat akulturasi budaya, ternyata dapat berpengaruh negatif secara signifikan terhadap kapabilitas organisasi. Hal ini disebabkan budaya yang berlaku kemungkinan masih kuat dipengaruhi oleh budaya hirarki dan budaya klan yang berfokus pada perbaikan internal unit kerja, sehingga apabila berhubungan dengan unit kerja lain akan menimbukan ketidakcocokan.
Kemudian berdasarkan temuan penelitian ini maka disarankan perusahaan perlu menyeleksi secara ketat pengetahuan yang akan dialihkan berdasarkan koordinasi dengan unit kerja lain; selain itu perlu dilakukan perubahan budaya yang lebih berfokus ke eksternal, lebih banyak koordinasi dan kerjasama lintas fungsional, mengurangi birokrasi, dan pemberian insentif guna mendukung kinerja inovasi karyawan; serta lebih memanfaatkan peran ekspatriat semaksimal mungkin untuk peningkatan kinerja inovasi karyawan.

The utilization of expatriates role became management dilemma because on one side expatriates were needed to lever organization capabilities especially employees’ innovation performance but on the other side the failure of expatriates could make a huge cost for organization. The purpose of this thesis is examine the influence of expatriates’ role to employees’ innovation performance at the companies of cellular telecommunications service provider in Indonesia through mediation of knowledge transfer, organizational capabilities, and organizational culture. This research is quantitative research using the survey method. The participants in this study were 167 selected employees including expatriates, expatriates’ subordinates, expatriates’ peers, and expatriates’ superiors from 8 main companies of cellular telecommunication in Indonesia with response rate 47%.
The main finding of this research is the expatriates’ role significantly positive affect employees’ innovation performance through the mediation of organizational capabilities. The other finding is surprising that knowledge transfer could occur directly turns significantly negative impact on employees’ innovation performance. This is due to the number of knowledge transfer that occurred but could not be implicated in cellular telecommunications services companies in Indonesia. Another surprising result is that there are cultural influences, as a result of acculturation, could affect negative significantly to organizational capabilities. This is due to acculturation that occurs is likely strong influenced by the cultural hierarchy and cultural clan which focus on internal improvement for internal work unit, so when dealing with other work units will have disastrous friction or incompatibility.
Then from the findings of this study, there were suggested that companies need to filter the knowledge which would be transferred must be based on coordination with other related work units. Thus it was a danger impact to transfer of knowledge directly from expatriates to employees without coordination with other related work units. The other suggestion is the cellular telecommunication services provider companies need to change of organization culture over to an external focus, more coordination in multifunctional level, reduce bureaucracy, and the provision of incentives to support employees’ innovation performance, as well as better utilizing of expatriates’ role as much as possible to increase employees’ innovation performance.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pinder, Craig C.
New York: Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008
658.314 Pin w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sofa Dwi Purnomo
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Hanie Fatimah
"Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara Perceived Organizational Support (POS) dan intensi untuk meninggalkan pekerjaan pada karyawan PT. XYZ. Pada tesis ini dilakukan juga intervensi Effective Feedback Training pada atasan yang dilanjutkan dengan pemberian POS dan menurunkan intensi untuk meninggalkan pekerjaan. Data dari 10 orang karyawan pada level staf dari cabang klinik yang dihitung dengan menggunakan korelasi Pearson menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan signifikan yang negatid antara POS dan intensi untuk meninggalkan pekerjaan, dengan r = -0.929. Artinya jika POS ditingkatkan, maka intensi karyawan untuk meninggalkan pekerjaan dapat diturunkan. Dalam tesis ini, POS ditingkatkan dengan pemberian effective feedback trainingpada atasan, dan dilanjutkan dengan praktek pemberian feedback dari atasan kepada bawahan. Efek intervensi diukur dengan membandingkan data pre dan post-test pada variabel POS dan intensi untuk meninggalkan pekerjaan dengan menggunakan paired-samples t-test. Hasil menunjukkan adanya perbedaan signifikan pada POS dan intensi untuk meninggalkan pekerjaan pada karyawan PT. XYZ setelah diberikan feedback dari atasan, dengan nilai t sebesar 3.017 dan signifikansi 0.015.

The purpose of this research is to study the correlation of Perceived Organizational Support (POS and intention to turnover of the employee at XYZ Company. In this thesis, researcher conducted the Effective Feedback Training for the supervisor, then the supervisor practice the feedback process to subordinate, to improve POS and reduce intention to turnover. Data from 10 employees from clinic branch that calculated with Pearson Correlation shows that there's significant correlation (negarive correlation) between POS and intention to turnover, with r=-0.929. It means, when the POS was improved, the intention to turnover could be reduced. To improve the POS, researcher conducted the effective feedback training for supervisor, and the supervisor practice the effective feedback process to the subordinate. The effect of the intervention is significant from the compared-mean test (Paired-Samples T-Test). It means there is significant differences in POS and intention to turnover score after the intervention. The value of t is 3.017 and the significant level is 0.015."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanifa Rizka Hakiki
"Bank Mandiri, sebagai salah satu bank terbesar di Indonesia, dengan cabang yang ada hampir diseluruh provinsi di Indonesia dan tentunya dengan kualitas pelayanan yang baik tentu hal ini tidak lepas dari peran sumber daya manusia yakni karyawan itu sendiri yang secara bersama membangun kredibilitas Bank Mandiri. Dengan menyandang predikat Best Service Excellence Bank pada tahun 2011 lalu, Bank Mandiri tentu memiliki tata kelola yang baik dengan sumber daya manusia didalamnya. Mengambil latar belakang tersebut, penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk melihat salah satu faktor pembentuk kinerja yang baik, yaitu komitmen organisasi dan motivasi kerja. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk melihat apakah ada pengaruh positif antara komitmen organisasi dengan motivasi kerja. Tentunya dengan komitmen organisasi dan motivasi kerja yang tinggi, karyawan akan memiliki kinerja yang baik untuk bersama membangun perusahaan sesuai dengan tujuannya. Komitmen organisasi yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah komitmen afektif, kontinuans dan normatif. Sedangkan motivasi kerja yang dijadikan landasan pemikiran penelitian ini adalah motivasi kerja intrinsik dan ekstrinsik karyawan. Ternyata setelah dilakukan penelitian terhadap 150 orang karyawan Bank Mandiri area Depok dari berbagai departemen pekerjaan dan berbagai jabatan yang ada, di dapat satu kesimpulan bahwa ternyata faktor komitmen kerja yang terdiri dari kontinuans dan normatif lebih mempengaruhi secara positif motivasi kerja ekstrinsik dan motivasi intrinsiknya. Sementara komitmen afektif mempengaruhi secara negatif baik terhadap motivasi kerja intrinsik dan ekstrinsik. Hal ini tentu menjadi catatan tersendiri bagi pihak Bank Mandiri dimana manajer Bank Mandiri harus dapat lebih menghargai karyawannya, memberikan bonus yang pantas akan kinerja karyawannya serta memberikan perhatian lebih bukan hanya pada diri karyawan tersebut tapi juga pada keluarganya.

Bank Mandiri, as one of the largest banks in Indonesia, with branches that exist almost throughout the provinces of Indonesia and come with good service quality is of course it is role of the human resources employees itself jointly build the credibility of the Bank Mandiri. With bore the title of Best Bank Service Excellence in year 2011, Bank Mandiri certainly has a good governance with a human resources therein. Take the background, this research was carried out to see one of the factors forming a good performance that is, organizational commitment and work motivation. This research was intended to see if there is a positive influence of organizational commitment with work motivation. Of course with high level of organizational commitment and motivation, employees will have a good performance to built the company in accordance with its purpose. The commitment of the organizations examined in this study is affective, continuance and normative commitment. While the work motivation, which provided the foundation of thought in this research, was intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of employees. As it turns out, after an examination of the 150 employees the Bank Mandiri Depok area from various departments work and a wide variety of positions exist, a conclusion turned out that normative and continuance commitment was more influencing in a positive way on extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Affective commitment while negatively affecting both work against intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. This must be a record for the Bank Mandiri which means the manager should be able to better appreciate their employees, giving bonuses of its employees and as well as providing more attention not only on the employees themselves but also on their families."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khairunnisa Sugi Fatma
Penelitian ini meneliti mengenai pengaruh Leader Member Exchange Terhadap Innovative Behavior Dengan Job Engagement dan Organization Engagement Sebagai Mediasi. Penelitian ini meneliti pada industri pertambangan menggunakan kuesioner yang didapatkan dari 290 responden yang bekerja di kantor pusat PT XYZ sebagai salah satu perusahaan pertambangan BUMN. Hipotesis penelitian dirumuskan dari penelitian sebelumnya dengan mengalami sedikit modifikasi dan diuji menggunakan structural equation model (SEM). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Kualitas Leader Member Exchange memiliki efek positif pada Job Engagement, Kualitas Leader Member Exchange memiliki efek negatif pada Organization Engagement, Kualitas Leader Member Exchange memiliki efek positif pada Innovative Behavior, Job engagement memiliki efek positif pada Organization engagement, Job engagement memiliki efek positif pada Innovative Behavior, Organization engagement memiliki efek positif pada Innovative behavior. Job Engagement terbukti memediasi antara Leader Member Exchange dan Innovative Behavior, Organizational Engagement terbukti memediasi antara Leader Member Exchange dan Innovative Behavior di kantor pusat PT XYZ.

This study examined the effect of Leader Member Exchange on Innovative Behavior on which is influenced by the role of Job Engagement and Organizational Engagement as a mediator. This research examined the mining industry using a questionnaire obtained from 290 respondents working at Headquarter office of PT XYZ. The research hypothesis was formulated from previous studies and added hypothesis and tested using structural equation model (SEM). The result showed that quality of Leader Member Exchange has positive effect on Job Engagement, quality of Leader Member Exchange has negative effect on Organization Engagement, quality of Leader Member Exchange has positive effect on Innovative Behavior, Job engagement has positive effect on Organization engagement, Job engagement has positive effect on Innovative Behavior, Organization engagement has positive effect on Innovative behavior. While Job Engagement directly influence Leader Member Exchange and Innovative Behavior, Organizational Engagement directly influence Leader Member Exchange and Innovative Behavior of employee at Headquarters office of PT XYZ."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Baldoni, John, 1952-
New York: Amacom, 2012
658.4 BAL l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Baldoni, John, 1952-
New York: Amacom, 2021
658.4 BAL l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Prakoso
"In this globalization era, technology plays a very important role in determining the state's economy. The vast development ol technology demands that the protection system of intellectual Rights. Patent in particular, to be enhanced. Patent is part of intellectual Rights which gives protection on technological invention. Patent protection is very strategic as through the protection, the spirit of inventors' creativity to produce more inventions would be nurtured which will lead to the development of new technology. From this new technology development, the direct impact would be on the increase of investment. The increase of investment would then lead to the society prosperity.
Based on empirical data, there is accumulating increase of backlog reviews on patent yearly. If this problem is not solved. it would create bad image on Directorate General HKI, to the nation in general, in establishing patent system. ln that sense, the writer is interested to research on the role of leadership as an external factor of Patent Reviewers and motivation as an internal factor of Patent Reviewers to their work performance. The aim of this research is to explain the role of leadership and motivation to the work perfomance of Patent Reviewers at the Directorate Patent, Directorate General of Intellectual Rights, Department of Law and Human Rights, RI.
The research method in used is a survey method on the whole population of Patent Reviewers which comprised of 65 people. Before conducting the analysis, a validity test was conducted on all instruments by using Pearson correlation technique and reliability test by using Spearman Brown technique. Verified and reliable data then was analyzed further by using correlation test of Rank Spearman to determine the relation between leadership - performance and motivation - performance. As to determine the relation between both leadership and motivation on performance, multiple correlation analysis is used. Variable with higher the correlation score is the one of the two variables with stronger relation to performance.
From the analysis, it can be concluded that between motivation and performance, there is a medium level of relation with correlation level of 0.574. Between leadership and performance, there is a very low level of relation with correlation level of 0.103. As to the relation of both leadership and motivation to performance, there is a strong relation with correlation level of 0.639. Hence, it can be concluded that motivation has a stronger level of relation to performance compared to leadership.
Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the result on field approved with the existing theory. Furthermore, the high performance of Patent Reviewers was intiuenced by high motivation of Patent Reviewers in conducting their tasks. The amount of patent backlog was due to the lack of effectiveness of leadership existed at present in indulging Patent Reviewers performance.
Related to these Endings, recommendations from the writers to improve the level of Patent Reviewers' performance are as follow:
1. In the effort of improving Patent Reviewers' performance, the Directorate of Patent needs to implement performance management process.
2. The Directorate Patent needs to improve control upon Patent Reviewers' work performance as to minimize backlog. Hence, information technology support is needed in the form of Management lnformation System collaborate with control on all output of patent reviews. With this information technology support. each supervisor will be more effective and efficient in controlling the Patent Reviewers' performance.
3. To create positive work environment for performance improvement and give more work motivation, the Directorate should give rewards for high performance Patent Reviewers and punishment for those with low performance as stated in the regulation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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