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Anjani Sekarsari Percaya
"Women worldwide have come a long way in combatting systematic and patriarchal barriers in employment. More and more women are taking on jobs and female labor force participation has reached historical highs in recent years. Mobility studies have pointed out the differences in men and women rsquo s commuting patterns to work as a consequence of gender inequality on employment. This research found that there is a difference in men and womens commute in Indonesia through descriptive and inferential analysis using a modified Multinomial Logit model, using national data from the National Labor Survey SAKERNAS 2017. Moreover, other socio demographic and employment pattern factors were found to influence commuting time. This study concludes that there is a difference in men and womens mobility behavior related to their employment and raises the topic of mobility data limitations in Indonesia.

Perempuan dari seluruh dunia telah berjuang jauh dalam membasmi halangan halangan bersifat sistematis dan patriarkal dalam bekerja. Semakin banyak wanita bekerja dan partisipasi perempuan dalam dunia pekerjaan telah mencapai rekor tertinggi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Studi studi lampau mengenai mobilitas telah menunjukkan perbedaan antara pola mobilitas ulang alik antara laki laki dan perempuan sebagai konsekensi dari ketidaksetaraan antar gender pada dunia pekerjaan. Riset ini menemukan adanya perbedaan antara pola mobilitas ulang alik antara laki laki dan perempuan diIndonesia melalui analisa deskriptif dan inferensial menggunakan Model Multinomial Logit termodifikasi, menggunakan data nasional dari Survei Angkatan Kerja Nasional SAKERNAS 2017. Selain dari itu, faktor faktor sosio demografi dan pola pekerjaanlainnya telah ditemukan berpengaruh terhadap durasi waktu ulang alik. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan antara perilaku mobilitas laki laki dan perempuan yang melibatkan pekerjaan mereka dan memulai pembicaraan mengenai keterbatasan data mobilitas di Indonesia."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Halimah
"Kota metropolitan memberikan kemudahan akses bagi antarkota dan antarkabupaten untuk saling terhubung satu sama lain dan hal tersebut memberikan dampak terhadap masyarakat kota untuk melakukan mobilitas non permanen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi seberapa besar pekerja perempuan dalam rumah tangga berkarir ganda terjebak secara spasial dibandingkan laki-laki. Jebakan spasial (spatial entrapment) adalah fenomena terjebaknya perempuan dalam jarak tempuh yang lebih pendek dan waktu tempuh yang lebih singkat. Kajian ini menggunakan data mikro dari Survei Angkatan Kerja Nasional (SAKERNAS) 2018 yang dilakukan oleh Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia (BPS). Pendekatan penelitian adalah kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif untuk melihat hubungan antara variabel bebas dan variabel terikat melalui analisis tabulasi silang. Kemudian, analisis inferensial digunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen secara inferensial. Model analisis inferensial yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi multinomial logit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perempuan terperangkap dalam jarak perjalanan yang lebih pendek dan waktu perjalanan yang lebih singkat apabila pendapatan laki-laki lebih tinggi, meskipun ia memiliki status kerja formal di setiap wilayah metropolitan. Pendidikan laki-laki yang lebih tinggi, moda transportasi publik maupun privat yang digunakan perempuan, dan jumlah anggota rumah tangga juga memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap terjebaknya perempuan dalam mobilitas kerja di wilayah metropolitan.

Metropolitan cities provide to easy access for intercity and inter-districts to connect with each other and it has an impact on urban communities to carry out nonpermanent mobility. This study aims to identify how much female workers in double career households are spatially trapped than men. Spatial entrapment is the phenomenon of being trapped by women in shorter distances and shorter travel times. This study uses micro data from the 2018 National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). The research uses quantitative approach, descriptive analysis and inferential analyses. Descriptive analysis to see the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable through cross tabulation analysis. Then, inferential analysis is used to determine the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable inferentially. The inferential analysis model used in this study is multinomial logit regression. The results show that women are trapped in shorter travel distances and shorter travel times when men's income is higher, even though they have formal employment status in each metropolitan areas. The higher education of men, the modes of public or private transportation used by women, and the number of household members also have a significant effect on women's entrapment in work mobility in metropolitan areas."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Richie, Beth E
New York: Routledge, 1996
305.48 RIC c
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Balqis Aathifah
"Paradigma terhadap peran setiap gender membatasi kebebasan perempuan untuk hadir di ruang publik sehingga menciptakan segregasi gender terhadap ruang. Sarana olahraga merupakan salah satu contoh ruang yang selalu dikaitkan dengan ruang untuk laki-laki. Perkembangan zaman modern menciptakan ideologi baru dalam melibatkan perempuan ke ruang publik yaitu dengan menciptakan ruang khusus perempuan secara eksklusif. Ruang khusus perempuan diciptakan untuk memenuhi hak perempuan dan memberikan pengalaman spesifik bagi perempuan terutama dalam merasakan kenyamanan dan bebas dari kekhawatiran. Di Indonesia, terdapat kolam renang telah menerapkan segregasi ruang berdasarkan gender khusus perempuan dengan adanya strategi spasial. Kompleksitas dari ruang spasial kolam renang yang tersegregasi gender ini juga mampu memicu pengalaman perempuan di kolam renang.

The paradigm regarding gender roles restricts women's freedom to occupy public spaces, leading to gender segregation in these areas. Sports facilities are often seen as male-dominated spaces. Modern developments have introduced new perspectives on involving women in public spaces by creating exclusive female-only areas. These spaces aim to enhance women's security, privacy, comfort, intimacy, and self-determination. Swimming pools are an example of sports facilities that implement gender segregation through spatial strategies. Architectural elements such as accessibility, legibility, enclosure, permeability, and visual attractiveness influence the quality of these spaces and shape specific spatial behaviors for women."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Devonia Alfansi
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggarisbawahi bagaimana perempuan dapat mengarahkan karir mereka di industri teknologi yang selalu bergerak, tidak dapat diprediksi, dan bergerak cepat dengan performing gender. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa tech adalah industri yang dominasi laki-laki dan terobsesi dengan maskulinitas, menjadikannya lingkungan yang diskriminatif bagi perempuan. Namun, kurangnya penelitian menyelidiki bagaimana perempuan menavigasi karir mereka dalam lingkungan yang dinamis. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini ingin mengisi kesenjangan dari penelitian sebelumnya dengan melihat bagaimana perempuan bernavigasi di lingkungan teknologi yang bergerak cepat, tidak dapat diprediksi, dan dinamis karena pendekatannya yang gesit, obsesi terhadap skala, pertumbuhan, orientasi keuntungan, dan ketidakstabilan akibat PHK. Studi ini mewawancarai delapan perempuan dari dua perusahaan OTA dengan tiga peran: product manager, designer, dan engineer. Dalam lingkungan teknologi yang selalu berubah ini, perempuan harus mengatasi fluks sosial dan ketidakpastian ini serta menilai dan menyusun strategi untuk maju dalam karier mereka. Dengan metode penelitian kualitatif, penelitian ini berpendapat bahwa perempuan secara sosial mengarahkan karir mereka di bidang teknologi dengan melakukan gender bertahan dan berkembang dalam lingkungan yang dinamis. Dengan demikian, perempuan melakukan feminitas dan maskulinitas. Mereka beralih di antara karakteristik gender biner untuk memainkan performativitas mereka.

This research aims to underscore how women can navigate their careers in the ever-moving, unpredictable, fast-paced tech industry by performing gender. Previous research showed that tech is an industry of male domination and its obsession with masculinity, making it a discriminatory environment for women. However, a lack of research investigated how women navigate their careers in a dynamic environment. Therefore, this research wants to fill the gap of previous research by looking at how women navigate in a fast-paced, unpredictable, dynamic environment in tech because of its agile approach, obsessions with scale, growth, profit orientation, and instability due to layoffs. This study interviewed eight women from two OTA companies across three roles: product managers, designers, and engineers. In this ever-changing tech environment, women must overcome this social flux and uncertainty and assess and strategize to advance in their careers. With the qualitative research method, this study argues that women socially navigate their careers in tech by performing gender survive and thrive in a dynamic environment. In so doing, women perform femininity and masculinity. They switch between the binary gender characteristic to play their performativity.

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astika Tresnawati
Ketidaksesuaian ketrampilan telah menjadi masalah di pasar tenaga kerja di Indonesia. Berhubungan dengan hal tersebut, makalah ini menganalisis pengaruh kesesuaian antara jenis jurusan dan pekerjaan di pasar tenaga kerja. Indonesia akan menghadapi kelebihan pasokan populasi penduduk usia kerja, sehingga pemerintah membuat suatu kebijakan mengenai sekolah kejuruan. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa relevansi antara ketrampilan dan pekerjaan meningkatkan pendapatan di pasar tenaga kerja. Penelitian in menggunakan data SAKERNAS 2013 dengan fokus terhadap analisis gender. Model empiris Mincer diaplikasikan sebagai basis untuk mengestimasi pengaruh tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lulusan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan yang jenis jurusan dan pekerjaannya sesuai menikmati gaji 13.5% lebih tinggi dibandingkan yang tidak sesuai. Efek ini tidak berbeda nyata secara statistik antara pria dan wanita. Selanjutnya, efek ini mencapai titik tertinggi pada awal karir di pasar tenaga kerja untuk pekerja pria, namun menunjukkan pengaruh pada pertengahan karir bagi para pekerja wanita. Hal ini mungkin dikarenakan perbedaan tingkat mobilitas antara pekerja pria dan wanita.
Walaupun prosedur kesesuaian antara jurusan dan pekerjaan dimungkinkan menunjukkan hasil yang tidak signifikan, namun penelitian ini mendukung hasil beberapa penelitian sebelumnya mengenai kesesuaian jenis jurusan dan pekerjaan di pendidikan kejuruan. Walaupun demikian, penelitian ini juga memberikan bukti baru bagi pemerintah untuk memantau kebijakan pendidikan kejuruan karena masih menghasilkan ketidaksetaraan gender dalam memberikan pelatihan dan pekerjaan.

As skill mismatch has become the problem in the labor market in Indonesia, this paper examines the effect of the matching between vocational major and occupation in the labor market. Facing the excess supply of working age population, Indonesian government has imposed the vocational policy. Previous empirical evidences showed that the relevance returns of skill and occupation increases earnings in the labor market. The paper uses SAKERNAS 2013 data. A special focus will be on the role of gender. A basic Mincer model is applied to estimate the impact. The results show that the vocational graduates who have major and occupational matching enjoy 13.5% higher wages than those with mismatched. Meanwhile, this effect is not statistically different for males and females.
Furthermore, the effect reaches the highest point at the early career in the labor market for male workers, but in the middle of their working age for female workers. This may be due to the differences of the job mobility rate between men and women. Although the matching procedure may produce insignificant result, this research supported the prior studies on the major and occupational matching in vocational education. Nevertheless, this research provides novel evidence for the government to monitor the vocational education policies as it still generates gender inequality in providing training and job availability.
;As skill mismatch has become the problem in the labor market in Indonesia, this paper examines the effect of the matching between vocational major and occupation in the labor market. Facing the excess supply of working age population, Indonesian government has imposed the vocational policy. Previous empirical evidences showed that the relevance returns of skill and occupation increases earnings in the labor market. The paper uses SAKERNAS 2013 data. A special focus will be on the role of gender. A basic Mincer model is applied to estimate the impact. The results show that the vocational graduates who have major and occupational matching enjoy 13.5% higher wages than those with mismatched. Meanwhile, this effect is not statistically different for males and females.
Furthermore, the effect reaches the highest point at the early career in the labor market for male workers, but in the middle of their working age for female workers. This may be due to the differences of the job mobility rate between men and women. Although the matching procedure may produce insignificant result, this research supported the prior studies on the major and occupational matching in vocational education. Nevertheless, this research provides novel evidence for the government to monitor the vocational education policies as it still generates gender inequality in providing training and job availability.
;As skill mismatch has become the problem in the labor market in Indonesia, this paper examines the effect of the matching between vocational major and occupation in the labor market. Facing the excess supply of working age population, Indonesian government has imposed the vocational policy. Previous empirical evidences showed that the relevance returns of skill and occupation increases earnings in the labor market. The paper uses SAKERNAS 2013 data. A special focus will be on the role of gender. A basic Mincer model is applied to estimate the impact. The results show that the vocational graduates who have major and occupational matching enjoy 13.5% higher wages than those with mismatched. Meanwhile, this effect is not statistically different for males and females.
Furthermore, the effect reaches the highest point at the early career in the labor market for male workers, but in the middle of their working age for female workers. This may be due to the differences of the job mobility rate between men and women. Although the matching procedure may produce insignificant result, this research supported the prior studies on the major and occupational matching in vocational education. Nevertheless, this research provides novel evidence for the government to monitor the vocational education policies as it still generates gender inequality in providing training and job availability.
, As skill mismatch has become the problem in the labor market in Indonesia, this paper examines the effect of the matching between vocational major and occupation in the labor market. Facing the excess supply of working age population, Indonesian government has imposed the vocational policy. Previous empirical evidences showed that the relevance returns of skill and occupation increases earnings in the labor market. The paper uses SAKERNAS 2013 data. A special focus will be on the role of gender. A basic Mincer model is applied to estimate the impact. The results show that the vocational graduates who have major and occupational matching enjoy 13.5% higher wages than those with mismatched. Meanwhile, this effect is not statistically different for males and females.
Furthermore, the effect reaches the highest point at the early career in the labor market for male workers, but in the middle of their working age for female workers. This may be due to the differences of the job mobility rate between men and women. Although the matching procedure may produce insignificant result, this research supported the prior studies on the major and occupational matching in vocational education. Nevertheless, this research provides novel evidence for the government to monitor the vocational education policies as it still generates gender inequality in providing training and job availability.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Malang: Universitas Brawijaya Press, 2015
362.559 8 GEN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Graham, Sharyn Leanne
Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia, 2018
306.708 DAV kt
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ellen M. Yasak
"Negara memiliki kewajiban untuk menghapus diskriminasi terhadap perempuan dan laki-laki di semua bidang kehidupan. Gender steretiping berbahaya ketika membatasi kapasitas perempuan dan laki-laki untuk mengembangkan kemampuan pribadi mereka, dalam mengejar karier profesional dan menyangkut pilihan hidup. "
Jakarta: Ary Suta Center, 2019
330 ASCSM 45 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Poetri Primagita
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara positive gender identity, patriarchal belief, dan importance of gender identity dengan konflik identitas pada pemimpin wanita di Indonesia. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua studi. Studi pertama merupakan survei dilakukan dalam dua tahap pengumpulan data yang melibatkan 151 pemimpin wanita di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan negatif signifikan positive gender identity dengan konflik identitas pemimpin/wanita. Ditemukan pula hubungan positif signifikan patriarchal belief dengan konflik identitas pemimpin/wanita. Namun, tidak ditemukan hubungan yang signifikan antara importance of gender identity dengan konflik identitas pemimpin/wanita. Studi kedua merupakan studi kuasi eksperimen dua kelompok, yang bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan konflik identitas pemimpin/wanita yang dirasakan oleh partisipan dalam kelompok positive gender identity dan kelompok kontrol. Sampel studi kedua berbeda dari sampel studi pertama, namun masih dalam populasi yang sama N=70 . Manipulasi dilakukan dengan menyajikan stimulus tertulis, kemudian partisipan diberikan self-report berisi item-item konflik identitas pemimpin/wanita dan positive gender identity. Hasil penelitian studi dua menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan konflik identitas pemimpin/wanita yang dirasakan oleh partisipan dalam kelompok positive gender identity dengan partisipan dalam kelompok kontrol.

This study aimed to determine whether there are a significant relationship between positive gender identity, patriarchal belief, and importance of gender identity with identity conflict in women leaders in Indonesia. This study consist of two studies. The first study was a survey with two stage of data collection involving 151 women leaders in Indonesia. The result shows that there is a negative significant relationship between positive gender identity with woman leader identity conflict. We also found there is a positive significant relationship between patriarchal belief with woman leader identity conflict. In contrast, there is no significant relationship between importance of gender identity with woman leader identity conflict. The second study was a quasi experimental between subject design, aiming to examine the differences of woman leader identity conflict perceived by participant in positive gender identity group and control group. Sample in the second study is not overlap with the sample in the first study, but they came from the same population N 70 . Manipulation is done by presenting written stimulus, then participants are given self report contained woman leader identity conflict and positive gender identity items. The result of the second study indicated that there is no significant differences woman leader identity conflict perceived by participants in positive gender identity group and control group."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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