ABSTRAKProses integrasi antara Uni Eropa dengan negara-negara anggotanya dapat dilihat melalui berbagai perspektif. Diantaranya adalah perspektif regional, identitas, keamanan, dan ekonomi. Negara-negara anggota Uni Eropa pernah mengeluarkan Perangko commemorative untuk memperingati momentum integrasi mereka ke Uni Eropa, dan peristiwa-peristiwa penting terkait Uni Eropa. Penelitian ini mencoba mendalami data-data terkait perangko dengan lambang dan karakter Uni Eropa, serta melihat motivasi dan tujuan 28 negara anggota organisasi supranasional tersebut. Pencetakan Perangko tampaknya bukan hanya dapat disebut sebagai suatu kegiatan filatelis, namun juga kegiatan dengan motif politis diikuti oleh alasan bahwa Perangko memiliki fungsi untuk membantu pencapaian kebutuhan politik suatu negara, terutama kebutuhan diplomasi, diseminasi informasi, sosialisasi, bahkan propaganda. Tesis ini akan melihat Perangko sebagai alat diplomasi publik negara-negara anggota Uni Eropa dan penegasan mereka sebagai anggota Uni Eropa.
ABSTRACTThe integration process between the EU and its member states can be seen through various perspectives. There are regional, identity, security, and economy perspective. European Union members states had issued a commemorative postage stamp to commemorate the momentum of their integration into EU, and important events related to the European Union. This study tried to explore related data with the symbols and characters of the European Union, and knowing the motives and purposes of EU members states. Stamps seems not only be referred to as a philately, but also activities with political motives followed by the reason that the stamp has a function to assist the achievement of a country 39 s political needs. Particularly the needs of diplomacy, information dissemination, socialization, even propaganda. This thesis will see stamps as a public diplomacy tool member countries of the European Union and their affirmation as a member of the EU."