"Partai politik memiliki peranan strategis untuk mendistribusikan kader menjadi wakil di pemerintahan. Faktanya, partai politik terjebak dalam arus korupsi dan dinilai sebagai lembaga yang paling tidak dipercaya oleh publik, khususnya di kalangan milenial. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, maka diperlukan upaya revitalisasi agar partai politik menjadi modern, inklusif dan dapat memberikan akses kepada pemuda untuk berkontribusi secara strategis. Perbaikan citra partai politik dapat berimbas terhadap menguatnya kepercayaan milenial untuk terlibat lebih jauh dalam partai politik. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah Ketua Umum DPP PSI, Ketua DPP PSI, Tenaga Ahli PSI, Anggota PSI, serta narasumber pembanding seperti Direktur Eksekutif Perludem. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa keberhasilan PSI menjadi partai politik yang berbadan hukum dan menjadi peserta pemilu tahun 2019 tak dapat dilepaskan dari kepemimpinan Grace Natalie dan pengurus lainnya dalam memberdayakan partisipasi politik kalangan milenial. Komposisi kepemimpinan pengurus PSI terbagi ke dalam tiga aspek, yaitu jenis dan gaya kepemimpinan, komunikasi politik, serta modal sosial yang dimiliki. Partisipasi politik yang telah diakomodir oleh PSI untuk kader dan anggotanya berjumlah 10 jenis partisipasi politik yang masuk dalam kategori electoral participation, consumer participation, party participation, protest activity, dan contacting Tantangan dalam pemberdayaan pemuda di PSI ada empat, yaitu intimidasi fisik, korban hoax dan fitnah, dilema ekonomi, dan ketidakpercayaan diri dalam berpolitik.
Political parties have a strategic contribution to distribute their cadres until they represent as part of the government. In other hands, political parties were in the flow of corruption and regarded as the most unreliable institution by the public, especially among millennial generation. Based on these conditions, it is necessary to revitalize the political party become modern, more inclusive and should provide access for youth to have strategically contributed to the party. Based on these conditions, it is necessary to revitalize the political party become modern, more inclusive and should provide access for youth to have strategically contributed to the party. we assumed by Improving the image of political parties can impact developing millennial beliefs to engage further in political parties. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method with case study approach. Participants in this study consisted of the General Chairman of the DPP PSI, the Chairman of the DPP PSI, PSI Staff, PSI Members, and the expert opinion from Perludem Executive Director. The results of this study found that the leadership of Grace Natalie and other committee of PSI were success make PSI into become a legal party for being a participant in the 2019 and also empowering millennial generation to contribute in political participation. Grace Natalie and other commitee of PSI leadership aspect were divided into three aspects, namely the type and style of leadership, political communication, and social capital owned. Political participation had been accommodated by PSI for their cadres and members in the form of electoral participation, consumer participation, party participation, protest activity, and contacting. Unfortunately, in order to the empowerment of youth in PSI, they still have to face four big challenges such as physical intimidation, hoax and defamation, economic dilemmas and low self confidence in politics."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2018