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Ditemukan 180014 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Aviola Ghassani
Bahasa Mandarin meskipun adalah bahasa yang sulit dipelajari, namun seiring dengan kemajuan perekonomian Cina, maka banyak orang tertarik untuk mempelajarinya. Proses pembelajaran yang panjang di dalam kelas, menuntut seseorang untuk berjuang agar dapat menggapai pemerolehan bahasa, pengetahuan budaya dan cara berpikir yang baru yang belum pernah dipelajari sebelumnya. Perjuangan pemelajar sudah tentu perlu mendapat bantuan dari pengajar. Pengajar dalam proses pengajarannya memerlukan perangkat metode ajar yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan kelas, dengan demikian baru dapat membuahkan hasil yang baik. Perangkat metode pengajaran yang terintegrasi merupakan hal terpenting dalam proses perolehan bahasa Mandarin sebagai bahasa kedua. Makalah ini membahas kekurangan dan faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi pemerolehan bahasa Mandarin pada pemelajar sekolah SDT Pelita Hati.

Although Mandarin is a language which is difficult to learn, but along with the progress of China 39;s economy, many people are interested to learn it. A long process of learning in the classroom requires learner to struggle to gain new language acquisition, cultural knowledge and the way of thinking that they never been studied before. The answer to the struggle of the learner certainly needs is to get help from the teacher. Teachers in the teaching process need a tool way of teaching method that suits the needs of the class, thus only can produce good results. The integrated set of teaching methods is paramount in the process of acquiring Chinese as a second language. This paper discusses the shortcomings and factors affecting the acquisition of Mandarin on the Pelita Hati SDT school students. "
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Ton berfungsi sebagai pembeda makna, sehingga menguasai ton adalah hal yang tidak dapat dihindari jika sesorang ingin mencapai profisiensi tinggi dalam Bahasa Mandarin. Penelitian ini bertujuan meneliti pengaruh tingkat kesulitan ton dan proses pembelajaran pada pemerolehan ton kosakata bersuku satu dan dua pada mahasiswa semester satu S1 Bahasa Mandarin di sebuah Universitas Swasta di Jakarta. Instrumen penelitian berupa: kuesioner, observasi kelas, tes membedakan ton, dan tes melafalkan kosakata. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan urutan pemerolehan adalah ton 4 > ton 1 > ton 3 > ton 2. Namun, jumlah suku kata dan letak ton dalam kosakata mempengaruhi persepsi dan produksi ton. Di samping itu faktor bahasa pertama pemelajar, keakuratan ton pengajar, dan metode pengajaran terbukti mempengaruhi pemerolehan ton.

In Mandarin, tone is functioned to differentiate meaning. Thus, it is a must to master tone for one to acquire the highest proficiency in learning the language. This research is meant to observe the influence of tone difficulty and learning process on acquisition.This research uses monosyllabic and disyllabic word as the subject of research conducted in a private university in Jakarta. Subjects of the research are students of the first semester majoring in Mandarin. The instruments used to conduct the research are: questionaire, observation, tone marking test, and pronunciation test. The results of the research shows that overall acquisition of tone 4 > tone 1 > ton 3 > tone 2. But number of syllabel and position of tone in the word have influence to tone perception and production. Furthermore, learner's first language, teacher tone accuracy, and teaching method have influence on tone acquisition."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dania Kosim
Salah satu alternatif untuk menjawab masalah kepercayaan terhadap pelayanan
kesehatan dan mengelola rumah sakit agar dapat memperbaiki kinerja serta
meningkatkan sekaligus mempertahankan kualitas pelayanannya adalah dengan
menerapkan konsep Total Quality Service. Fokus utama dari Total Quality Service
adalah melibatkan pelanggan pada pengembangan proses pelayanan jasa sedini
mungkin. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor Total
Quality Service (TQS) terhadap kepuasan pasien di ruang perawatan ibu RSIA
Buah Hati Ciputat.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan
kuantitatif. Sedangkan desain penelitiannya adalah cross sectional. Sampel pada
penelitian ini adalah 100 orang pasien dengan dasar perhitungan menggunakan
BOR pada masing-masing kelas perawatan. Analisis menggunakan uji Chi-Square
dan regresi logistik berganda. Saran untuk bagian administrasi, rumah sakit perlu
menyediakan sistem antrian yang digital serta sistem pendaftaran online. Untuk
mempercepat proses pembayaran, bagian kasir disarankan menginput data tagihan
pasien dari beberapa unit terkait setiap hari. Untuk meningkatkan kompetensi
SDM, rumah sakit memberikan seminar dan workshop in house terutama
mengenai budaya organisasi dan perilaku, membentuk tim budaya, memberikan
penilaian kepada unit-unit di rumah sakit. Dari segi infrastruktur, rumah sakit
disarankan untuk memperbaiki fasilitas pendingin ruangan, menyediakan fasilitas
umum, serta lebih memperhatikan fasilitas kebersihan dan kenyamanan ruang

One alternative to address the problem of confidence in the health service and
manage the hospital in order to improve performance and enhance and maintain
the quality of service is to apply the concept of Total Quality Service. The main
focus of Total Quality Service is involved in the development of customer service
processes as early as possible. The purpose of this research to know the factors of
Total Quality Service (TQS) that affecting the satisfaction of the patients in the
mother?s ward in RSIA Buah Hati Ciputat.
This study is a descriptive correlation with quantitative approach. While the study
design was cross sectional. The sample in this study was 100 patients on the basis
of calculations using the BOR in each class treatment. Analysis using Chi-square
test and multiple logistic regressions.
The results of the study there was a significant relationship between
infrastructure, quality of personnel, clinical services, administrative services and
experience of medical care with patient satisfaction in the mother?s ward in RSIA
Buah Hati Ciputat. Indicators of safety and social responsibility are not
associated with patient satisfaction in the mother?s ward in RSIA Buah Hati
Ciputat. Suggestions for the administration, hospitals need to provide a digital
queuing system and an online registration system. To speed up the payment
process, the cashier suggested inputting patient billing data from several related
units every day. To improve the competence of human resources, the hospital
provides training, seminars and workshops, especially regarding organizational
culture and behavior, form a team culture, provide an assessment to the units in
the hospital. In terms of infrastructure, hospitals are advised to fix the air
conditioning facilities, providing public facilities, as well as more attention to the
cleanliness of the facilities and comfort of the treatment room .;One alternative to address the problem of confidence in the health service and
manage the hospital in order to improve performance and enhance and maintain
the quality of service is to apply the concept of Total Quality Service. The main
focus of Total Quality Service is involved in the development of customer service
processes as early as possible. The purpose of this research to know the factors of
Total Quality Service (TQS) that affecting the satisfaction of the patients in the
mother?s ward in RSIA Buah Hati Ciputat.
This study is a descriptive correlation with quantitative approach. While the study
design was cross sectional. The sample in this study was 100 patients on the basis
of calculations using the BOR in each class treatment. Analysis using Chi-square
test and multiple logistic regressions.
The results of the study there was a significant relationship between
infrastructure, quality of personnel, clinical services, administrative services and
experience of medical care with patient satisfaction in the mother?s ward in RSIA
Buah Hati Ciputat. Indicators of safety and social responsibility are not
associated with patient satisfaction in the mother?s ward in RSIA Buah Hati
Ciputat. Suggestions for the administration, hospitals need to provide a digital
queuing system and an online registration system. To speed up the payment
process, the cashier suggested inputting patient billing data from several related
units every day. To improve the competence of human resources, the hospital
provides training, seminars and workshops, especially regarding organizational
culture and behavior, form a team culture, provide an assessment to the units in
the hospital. In terms of infrastructure, hospitals are advised to fix the air
conditioning facilities, providing public facilities, as well as more attention to the
cleanliness of the facilities and comfort of the treatment room ., One alternative to address the problem of confidence in the health service and
manage the hospital in order to improve performance and enhance and maintain
the quality of service is to apply the concept of Total Quality Service. The main
focus of Total Quality Service is involved in the development of customer service
processes as early as possible. The purpose of this research to know the factors of
Total Quality Service (TQS) that affecting the satisfaction of the patients in the
mother’s ward in RSIA Buah Hati Ciputat.
This study is a descriptive correlation with quantitative approach. While the study
design was cross sectional. The sample in this study was 100 patients on the basis
of calculations using the BOR in each class treatment. Analysis using Chi-square
test and multiple logistic regressions.
The results of the study there was a significant relationship between
infrastructure, quality of personnel, clinical services, administrative services and
experience of medical care with patient satisfaction in the mother’s ward in RSIA
Buah Hati Ciputat. Indicators of safety and social responsibility are not
associated with patient satisfaction in the mother’s ward in RSIA Buah Hati
Ciputat. Suggestions for the administration, hospitals need to provide a digital
queuing system and an online registration system. To speed up the payment
process, the cashier suggested inputting patient billing data from several related
units every day. To improve the competence of human resources, the hospital
provides training, seminars and workshops, especially regarding organizational
culture and behavior, form a team culture, provide an assessment to the units in
the hospital. In terms of infrastructure, hospitals are advised to fix the air
conditioning facilities, providing public facilities, as well as more attention to the
cleanliness of the facilities and comfort of the treatment room .]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hana Nurul Hasanah
"Ton merupakan salah satu unsur penting dalam sistem bunyi Bahasa Mandarin. Keakuratan pengucapannya mendukung terciptanya komunikasi lisan yang efektif. Akan tetapi, menguasai pengucapan ton bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah bagi pembelajar. Tesis ini memfokuskan penelitian pada ciri-ciri kesalahan tonal pembelajar pemula secara akustis dan letak kesalahannya pada waktu dibandingkan dengan versi rekonstruksinya. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara merekam ujian lisan di akhir semester. Informan penelitian yang berjumlah sepuluh pembelajar merupakan peserta ujian mata kuliah pilihan Bahasa Cina Dasar II. Para pembelajar umumnya sulit mencapai keakuratan pengucapan ton dalam rangkaian ujaran.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ketinggian ton sekitar dan letak ton yang salah dalam kalimat mempengaruhi jenis kesalahan yang muncul. Adapun jenis kesalahan yang mendominasi adalah kesalahan penggantian. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menemukan aturan sandi ton 3 pada tiga buah atau lebih ton 3 yang berdampingan perlu diterapkan dengan penyesuaian secara sintaktis dan fonologis. Penelitian lanjutan diperlukan untuk menelusuri sumber kesalahan tonal yang dilakukan pembelajar pemula dengan B1 Bahasa Indonesia.

Tone is one of important elements in Mandarin phonetic system. The accuracy of its pronunciation results an effective verbal communication. Nonetheless, mastering tone pronunciation is not a simple subject for a learner. This thesis focuses on the study of acoustic characteristics among beginning learner?s tonal error and locating the error by a compare to its reconstruction version. The data taken from the recording of verbal examination in the final semester. The ten informants are Mandarin learners who participate in the examination of optional subject study Basic Chinese II. Mostly, they have difficulty in achieving accurate tone's pronunciation within string of sentence.
The study shows that the height of the surrounding tone, affect the type of error that emerges. However, the common errors that arise are the substitution error. In addition, this study also found that tone sandhi rule within three or more of adjoining third tone should be implemented regarding to syntactic and phonology adjustment. A further study need to be conducted in order to investigate the source of tonal error made by beginner learners whose Bahasa Indonesia is their first language.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Laksmana Sarwana
"Tesis ini membahas tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan dividen di Indonesia. Umumnya orang berpikiran bahwa besarnya dividen ditentukan oleh besarnya laba. Namun demikian, pada kenyataannya arus kas merupakan faktor yang lebih penting dalam menentukan besarnya dividen. Dalam penelitian ini penulis mencoba untuk menganalisis faktor ? faktor apa sajakah yang mempengaruhi dividend melalui model linter yang dimodifikasi, diantaranya net operating income,cash, flow from operation, dan lagged dividend yield. Selain itu juga dilakukan perbandingan apakah ada perbedaan faktor ? faktor yang mempengaruhi dividen antara perusahaan dengant tingkat pertumbuhan yang tinggi dengan tingkat pertumbuhan yang rendah. Penelitian mengambil seluruh perusahaan yang membagikan dividen tunai secara berturut ? turut selama tahun 2008 - 2012
Dalam penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa arus kas operasi merupakan memiliki hubungan yang posittif terhadap perubahan kebijakan dividen baik bagi perusahaan dengan tingkat pertumbuhan yang tinggi maupun perusahaan dengan tingkat pertumbuhan yang rendah.

This thesis discusses the factors that affect dividend change in Indonesia. Most people think that the amount of the dividend is determined by the profits. Nevertheless, in fact cash flow is a more important factor in determining the amount of the dividend. In this study the authors tried to analyze the factors that affect dividend policy using modified Lintner?s models, such as net operating income, cash, flow from operations, and the lagged dividend yield. It also made no difference whether the comparison of factors affect the company's dividend policy with a high or low growth rate. The study took all companies which distribute cash dividends respectively during the years 2008 - 2012.
This study concluded that operating cash flow has positive correlation with changes in the dividend policy for both companies with high growth rates and companies with low growth rates."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novi Kusumadewi
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devi Iriyanti
"Sebuah upacara pernikahan membutuhkan surat undangan. Di Indonesia, ada surat undangan pernikahan bilingual yang ditulis menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Mandarin. Dalam sebuah undangan memuat informasi nama kedua pasang mempelai, tanggal dan tempat berlangsungnya suatu acara pernikahan.
Jurnal ini berfokus pada analisis format dan tata letak isi surat undangan, serta dilihat dari makna pragmatiknya. Penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk menganalisis data. Penulisan jurnal ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan perbedaan tata letak dan makna pragmatik dalam surat undangan pernikahan berbahasa Indonesia dan Mandarin.

A wedding ceremony needs wedding invitation letter. In Indonesia, there are wedding invitation letter that written using bahasa Indonesia and Mandarin language. In an invitation letter contains the information of the bride and groom, date also the place where the wedding ceremony will be held.
This journal will be focusing on format analysis and the layout of the invitation letter, and also seen from its pragmatic meaning. The writer will be using qualitative method for analyzing the data. The aim of this journal is to explaining the differences between the layout and pragmatic meanings in wedding invitation letter in bahasa Indonesia and Mandarin language."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fabiola Indah Puspitosari
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi sikap konsumen di Jakarta terhadap pembelian barang-barang luxury fashion dan melihat ada atau tidaknya pengaruh dari sikap konsumen terhadap intensi pembelian barang-barang luxury fashion. Pengolahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi dalam program SPSS 20.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa brand consciousness, materialism, dan fashion involvement terbukti secara positif mempengaruhi sikap konsumen di Jakarta terhadap pembelian barang-barang luxury fashion. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan antara sikap terhadap pembelian barang-barang luxury fashion dengan intensi pembelian barang-barang luxury fashion.

This thesis analyzes factors influencing Jakarta's consumer attitudes towards purchasing luxury fashion goods and predicts the influence of attitudes on the intention to buy these luxury items. The data collected was processed with SPSS 20, using factor analysis and regression method.
The results of this research indicates that brand consciousness, materialism, and fashion involvement proved to positively influence consumer attitudes in Jakarta towards the purchase of luxury fashion goods. The results shows that a significant relationship between attitudes toward luxury fashion goods with the purchase intention of buying luxury fashion goods.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Mauludy
Program pensertipikatan tanah merupakan salah satu upaya dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Dampak yang dihasilkan dari pensertipikatan tanah memberikan insentif terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui penggunaan seripikat tanah sebagai jaminan dalam mendapatkan kredit di lembaga-lembaga keuangan dan keberadaan sertipikat tanah dapat memberikan dampak positif terhadap peningkatan nilai tanah. Banyak penelitian akademik yang berkonsentrasi terhadap dampak dari pensertipikatan tanah, namun sedikit penelitian yang membahas mengenai permintaan sertipikasi tanah. Dampak positif yang dihasilkan dari pensertipikatan tanah sesungguhnya merupakan faktor pendorong bagi masyarakat untuk mensertipikatkan tanahnya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa sejauhmana penggunaan sertipikat tanah sebagai jaminan kredit, nilai tanah, biaya perolehan sertipikat tanah dan tingkat pendapatan mempengaruhi permintaan sertipikasi tanah di daerah perkotaan. Penelitian terhadap permintaan sertipikasi tanah dapat memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik dari program pensertipikatan tanah, serta dapat membantu pemerintah untuk mengambil kebijakan dalam hal pengembangan program pensertipikatan tanah itu sendiri. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa penggunaan sertipikat tanah sebagai jaminan kredit, nilai tanah, dan tingkat pendapatan berpengaruh positif terhadap permintaan sertipikasi tanah, sedangkan biaya perolehan sertipikat tanah berpengaruh negatif terhadap permintaan sertipikasi tanah.

Land certificating program is one effort in improving the society welfare. The resulting impact on land certification gave an incentive in improving the society welfare through the use of land as collateral in obtaining credit in financial institutions and the existence of title deed can have a positive impact on increasing land values. Many academic studies were concentrated on the impact of land certification, but few studies have discussed the demand for land certification. Positive impact resulting from land certification really a motivating factors for people to certificating their land.
This study aims to identify and analyze the extent of the use of certificates of land as loan collateral, the value of land, cost of land certificate and income levels affect the demand for land certification. In addition to the demand for land certification study may provide a better understanding of the land certificate program, and can help the government to adopt policies in terms of development land certificate program itself. The results proved that the use of certificates of land as loan collateral, the value of the land, and the level of income has a positive effect on demand for land certification, while the cost of land certificate negatively affect the demand for land certification."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Engkus Kusnandar
"Tesis ini membahas faktor-faktor rasio keuangan perbankan (CAR, NPL, DPK, BOPO, ROA) dan variabel Makro (GDP, Inflasi, Kurs) yang dinilai mempengaruhi pemberian kredit UMKM oleh perbankan di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rasio keuangan perbankan mempengaruhi penyaluran kredit UMKM. Sementara variabel makro ekonomi yang stabil juga menjadi faktor yang turut mendorong pemberian kredit UMKM.
This thesis analyze the factors of banking financial ratios (CAR, NPLs, DPK, BOPO, ROA) and macroeconomic variables (GDP, inflation, exchange rate) that affect SME lending by banks in Indonesia. The results showed that the banking financial ratios affect SME lending, while a stable macroeconomic variables are also factors that have promoted SME lending."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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