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Mahjus Ekananda
"The ratio of Non-Performing Loan (NPL) and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) is still a measure of bank soundness in various countries including Indonesia. Interdependence across bank condition, diversity of the size, market structure within banking industry, and macroeconomic variables, may be very complex and dynamic. This paper utilizes the advantage of PVAR model on capturing this complexity to analyze the dynamic relationship between the macroeconomic variables and the soundness of the banks.
The result shows NPL of banks with small asset will increases rapidly when interest rate fluctuates. For banks with large asset, the increase in interest rates leads to larger reduction on their CAR. On the other hand, the result show banks with smaller capital are less able to adapt quickly to an increase in NPL due to exchange rate depreciation, therefore banks with smaller capital should be cautious about the exchange rate risk."
Jakarta: Bank Indonesia Insitute, 2017
332 BEMP 20:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Eldi Radityo
"Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui dan mempelajari pengaruh dari faktor makroekonomi dan bank specific terhadap non performing loans bank komersil di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan panel data dimana objek penelitian adalah seluruh bank yang tercatat di Indonesia kecuali bank berbentuk syariah sehingga total terdapat 108 bank yang menjadi objek dalam penelitian ini. Periode penelitian adalah dari tahun 2012 sampai tahun 2015. Faktor makroekonomi yang diuji dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor gross domestic products, tingkat inflasi dan tingkat pengangguran nasional di Indonesia. Sedangkan variabel bank specific dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor ukuran perbankan, tingkat pengambilan resiko, capital adequacy dan tingkat efisiensi bank. Estimasi model yang digunakan adalah model Fixed Effect. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat 2 variabel makroekonomi yaitu GDP dan Inflasi yang mempengaruhi non performing loans sedangkan untuk variabel bank specific terdapat 1 variabel yang mempengaruhi yaitu variabel ukuran bank.

The purpose of this study is to examine and learn the effect of macroecomics factors and bank specific towards non performing loans commercial bank in Indonesia. This research used data panel where the object is all banks listed in Indonesia except shariah banks. 108 banks are listed to be examined as the object of this study. The research period started in 2012 to 2015. Macroeconomics factors examined in this study are gross domestic products, inflation rates and unemployment rates in Indonesia. However, the variabel of bank specific in this study is banking measuring factor, risk taking rates, capital adequacy and bank effeciency rates. Model estimation used in this study is Fixed Effect model. Results of this research shown that there are two macroeconomics variables GDP and Inflation that has effect on non performing loans and in bank specific variable, bank measuring has effects on listed variable.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lindgren, Carl-Johan
Washington, D.C. : International Monetary Fund , 1996
332.1 LIN b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh variabel CAR, NPFN, ROE,
NOM, QR, GWM dan kondisi makroekonomi dalam membedakan dan
memprediksi probabilitas kinerja relatif baik bank berdasarkan kelompok sekawan
dan tanpa kelompok sekawan. Bank syariah yang menjadi sampel penelitian adalah
Bank Umum Syariah dengan periode penelitian 2005 triwulan 4 sampai dengan
2011 Triwulan 3.
Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi panel logit dengan model
random effect. Variabel terikat dalam penelitin ini merupakan data biner 1 (kinerja
relatif baik bank) dan 0 untuk (kinerja relatif kurang baik bank). Pendefinisian suatu
observasi memiliki kinerja relatif “baik” dan kinerja relatif “kurang baik” dilakukan
dengan cara memperingkat masing-masing rasio dari 15 rasio keuangan yang
dipublikasikan pada laporan keuangan triwulan berdasarkan Surat Edaran Bank
Indonesia No 7/56/DBPS 2005. Jika suatu observasi memperoleh jumlah hasil
predikat kinerja “relatif baik” berada pada range 1/3 tertinggi, maka hasil akhir yang
diperoleh suatu observasi adalah 1 (relatif baik), selainnya 0 (relatif kurang baik).
Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa pada analisis panel logit dengan kelompok
sekawan, berdasarkan hasil estimasi variabel-variabel yang signifikan untuk
membedakan dan memprediksi kinerja realatif bank adalah CAR, ROE dan GWM
dengan arah hubungan yang positif, NPFN dengan arah hubungan yang negatif.
Sementara variabel QR, Inflasi dan pertumbuhan PDB tidak signifikan dalam
membedakan dan memprediksi kinerja relatif suatu bank. Pada analisis tanpa
kelompok sekawan, variabel yang negatif signifikan adalah NPFN, sementara ROE
dan QR signifikan dengan arah hubungan yang positif membedakan dan
memprediksi dan kinerja relatif suatu bank.
Namun demikian, penelitian ini hanya terbatas dengan jumlah sampel 11
Bank Umum Syariah dan periode pengamatan yang pendek secara kwartalan.
Untuk penelitian selanjutnya disarankan agar menambah jumlah sampel dan rasiorasio
keuangan lainnya untuk mengetahui variabel-variabel yang dapat
membedakan dan memprediksi kinerja relatif suatu bank.

The study was conducted to examine the effect of variable CAR, NPFN,
ROE, NOM, QR, GWM and macroeconomic conditions to distinguish and predict
the probability of the good relative performance of the Bank based on Peer Group
analysis and without Peer Group Analysis. Sharia banks which became a sample
research are The Commercial Syariah Bank’s with time period 2005 Quarter 4th to
2011 Quarter 3rd .
The analysis technique used is logit panel random effect model. Dependent
Variable in this study is binary data 1 (good relative performance bank) and 0 for
(less performance of bank). Defining an observation which has a good relative
performance and the relative less performance by ranking each ratio of 15 financial
ratios which published quarterly financial report was based on Bank of Indonesia
Announcement Letter No. 7/56/DBPS 2005. If the observation which was obtained
the sum of good relative performance is on the range of 1/3 the highest, the final
result of the observation is 1 (relatively good), other is 0 (less performance).
The findings result that the logit panel analysis with Peer Group, based on
result significantly variables to distinguish and predict the relatif performance of
the Bank is CAR, ROE and GWM, with positively direction. NPFN by negative
direction of relation. QR, inflation and GDP growth does not significantly
differentiate and predict the relative performance of the banks. In analysis without
Peer Group Analysis, the significant variable is NPFN, meanwhile ROE and QR
are significant by positive relation so those variables able to distinguish and predict
relative performance of bank
However, the study was limited only with total 11 Sharia Banks and the short
period of observation which was quarterly. For further research, it is suggested that
researchers increase the sample amount and other financial ratios to determine
variables to be able to distinguish and predict the relative performance of a bank., The study was conducted to examine the effect of variable CAR, NPFN,
ROE, NOM, QR, GWM and macroeconomic conditions to distinguish and predict
the probability of the good relative performance of the Bank based on Peer Group
analysis and without Peer Group Analysis. Sharia banks which became a sample
research are The Commercial Syariah Bank’s with time period 2005 Quarter 4th to
2011 Quarter 3rd .
The analysis technique used is logit panel random effect model. Dependent
Variable in this study is binary data 1 (good relative performance bank) and 0 for
(less performance of bank). Defining an observation which has a good relative
performance and the relative less performance by ranking each ratio of 15 financial
ratios which published quarterly financial report was based on Bank of Indonesia
Announcement Letter No. 7/56/DBPS 2005. If the observation which was obtained
the sum of good relative performance is on the range of 1/3 the highest, the final
result of the observation is 1 (relatively good), other is 0 (less performance).
The findings result that the logit panel analysis with Peer Group, based on
result significantly variables to distinguish and predict the relatif performance of
the Bank is CAR, ROE and GWM, with positively direction. NPFN by negative
direction of relation. QR, inflation and GDP growth does not significantly
differentiate and predict the relative performance of the banks. In analysis without
Peer Group Analysis, the significant variable is NPFN, meanwhile ROE and QR
are significant by positive relation so those variables able to distinguish and predict
relative performance of bank
However, the study was limited only with total 11 Sharia Banks and the short
period of observation which was quarterly. For further research, it is suggested that
researchers increase the sample amount and other financial ratios to determine
variables to be able to distinguish and predict the relative performance of a bank.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aini Imaniar
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan variabel internal dan eksternal terhadap kinerja keuangan Bank Syariah di Indonesia dengan variabel dependen berupa ROA (Return on Asset) dan ROE (Return On Equity) dan LTA/Size, LEV/Leverage, Financing, CAR, GDP sebagai variabel independen serta terdapat variabel dummy berupa dummy crisis (periode selama krisis) dan dummy tran (periode setelah krisis).
Untuk menganalisis data, digunakan regresi berganda data panel. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari perubahan variabel internal dan eksternal makroekonomi terhadap kinerja keuangan Bank Syariah di Indonesia.

This study aimed to analyze the changes on the financial performance of Islamic banks in Indonesia with the dependent variable in the form of ROA (Return on Assets) and ROE (Return On Equity), as well as LTA / Size, LEV / Leverage, Financing, CAR, GDP as a variable independent and there is also a dummy variable in the form of dummy crisis (during the crisis period) and a dummy tran (the period after the crisis).
To analyze the data used panel data regression. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant effect of changes in the internal variables and external variables makroemonomi on the financial performance of Islamic banks in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jesri Nasria

Sejak lebih dari dua dasawarsa penerapan sistem Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia, berbagai studi yang membahas tentang issue mengenai praktik dan pembaruan teori pun semakin berkembang seiring dengan tingginya minat masyarakat muslim di Indonesia akan produk keuangan berbasis syariah. Salah satu tantangan dalam pertumbuhan suatu sistem perbankan adalah kemampuannya dalam menghadapi risiko yang dapat muncul bahkan dalam keadaan ekstrim sekalipun. Tingkat gagal bayar yang tinggi membuat pihak perbankan tidak hentinya berupaya untuk mencari strategi terbaik yang bisa dilakukan untuk meminimalisasi kerugian. Belum lagi resesi ekonomi berkepanjangan bahkan krisis ekonomi masih menjadi permasalahan yang paling mengkhawatirkan seluruh sektor keuangan. Penelitian ini kemudian dilakukan untuk melihat ketahanan bank syariah di Indonesia terhadap guncangan ekonomi, khususnya secara makro,  menggunakan model untuk macro stress test  risiko kredit untuk sektor perbankan berdasarkan analisis scenario.


Since more than two decades of implementation of Sharia Banking sistem in Indonesia, various studies that discuss issues concerning the practice and the renewal of theory have also grown along with the high interest of the Muslim community in Indonesia for sharia-based financial products. One of the challenges within the growth of a banking sistem is its ability to deal with risks that can arise even in extreme circumstances. The high default rate makes the banks endlessly try to find the best strategy that can be done to minimize losses. Furthermore, prolonged economic recession and even the economic crisis is still the most worrying problem for the entire financial sektor. This research then conducted to look at the resilience of Islamic banks in Indonesia to economic shocks, particularly at a macro level, using a model for macro stress tests of credit risk for the banking sektor based on scenario analysis.


Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lelyana Mayasari
"Tesis ini dilatarbelakangi penerbitan Arsitektur Perbankan Indonesia (API) oleh Bank Indonesia dalam rangka penataan kembali industri perbankan setelah krisis moneter tahun 1997. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam Tesis ini adalah bagaimana pengaruh kebijakan API terhadap struktur, tingkat persaingan dan kinerja industri perbankan Indonesia sebelum dan sesudah berlakunya kebijakan API. Tujuan Tesis ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk struktur, pengaruh kebijakan API terhadap tingkat persaingan industri perbankan dan menganalisis dampak penerapan kebijakan API bagi kinerja perbankan Indonesia dengan periode penelitian tahun 2001 - 2008. Untuk mengukur tingkat persaingan dan bentuk struktur dalam industri perbankan Indonesia digunakan model Panzar-Rosse. Model ini memberikan indikator persaingan yang dikenal sebagai statistik H yang menyediakan penilaian kuantitatif dari persaingan dalam pasar.
Statistik H didapatkan dari jumlah elastisitas revenue terhadap harga faktor-faktor produksi berdasarkan reduced form persamaan pendapatan bank. Persyaratan dalam metode Panzar-Rosse adalah sampel observasi harus mewakili ekuilibrium long run untuk mengukur tingkat kestabilan, mengingat model ini menggunakan pendekatan statis. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, secara umum dapat disimpulkan bahwa setelah diterbitkan kebijakan API oleh Bank Indonesia, maka struktur perbankan Indonesia berbentuk monopoli atau oligopoli kolusif. Bentuk struktur tersebut mencerminkan adanya perbedaan tingkat persaingan bank umum pada periode sebelum dan sesudah API diterbitkan. Dengan diberlakukannya kebijakan API, kondisi perbankan nasional tidak menjadi lebih stabil dibandingkan sebelum API diterbitkan. Namun ketidakstabilan ini tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja bank umum, sehingga setelah kebijakan API diterbitkan kinerja bank umum mengalami peningkatan.

The background of this Thesis was the issuance of the Indonesian Banking Architecture (API) by Bank Indonesia in the framework of restructuring the banking industry after the financial crisis in 1997. The main concern of this thesis was the impact of the Indonesian Banking Architecture policy toward structure, the level of competition and performance of the Indonesian banking industry before and after the promulgated of API. The purpose of this Thesis is to identify the shape of the structure, to measure the impact of promulgated of API policy toward the level of competition of the banking industry and to analyze the impact of API?s implementation toward performance of banking industry with year study period from 2001 to 2008. To measure the level of competition and the shape of the structure of Indonesian banking industry used Panzar-Rosse model. This model provides an indicator of competition, known as H statistic that provides a quantitative assessment of competition in the market.
H statistics obtained from the amount of revenue to price elasticity factors of production based on the reduced form bank revenue equations. The terms of the Panzar-Rosse method is to sample observation should be representative of long run equilibrium to measure the level of stability, since this model uses a static approach. On the basis of test result, it is concluded that after the Indonesia Banking Architecture policy issued by Bank Indonesia, the structure of Indonesian banking industry is monopoly or collusive oligopoly. This structure reflects the different levels of competition for commercial banks in the period before and after the implementation of API. The condition of banking industry do not become more stable than before the published of API. However this instability does not affect toward performance of banking industry, so performance of banking industry have increased.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Rinda Larasati
"Penelitian ini meneliti mengenai tingkat efisiensi Bank Umum Syariah pada negara Indonesia dan negara Malaysia untuk periode Tahun 2011 sampai Tahun 2015. Dari pengukuran efisiensi dengan menggunakan metode DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) didapatkan hasil bahwa rata-rata nilai efisiensi Bank Umum Syariah negara Malaysia lebih tinggi dari negara Indonesia, tetapi nilai efisiensi kedua negara tersebut masuk dalam kategori efisiensi sedang. BNI Syariah merupakan Bank Umum Syariah dengan rata-rata nilai efisiensi stabil dan tertinggi (81%) di negara Indonesia, sedangkan Public Islamic Bank merupakan Bank Umum Syariah negara Malaysia dengan rata-rata nilai efisiensi stabil dan tertinggi (92%), serta banyak dijadikan rujukan bagi bank lainnya yang kurang efisien.
Setelah didapatkan nilai/skor efisiensi Bank Umum Syariah kemudian diregresikan dengan variabel makroekonomi (GDP, Inflasi, dan Kurs) didapatkan hasil bahwa jika diregresikan secara parsial maka GDP dan KURS berpengaruh signifikan terhadap efisiensi Bank Umum Syariah negara Indonesia. Sedangkan untuk Bank Umum Syariah negara Malaysia hanya variabel KURS saja yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai efisiensi Bank Umum Syariah negara Malaysia.

This research examines efficiency level of Islamic banks (full fledged Islamic banks) in Indonesia and Malaysia for the period of 2011 until 2015. Based on the measurement of efficiency using DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) method showed that the average value of the efficiency of Islamic banks in Malaysia is higher than in Indonesia; however the efficiency value of these two countries into moderate category. BNI Syariah is an Islamic bank with the average efficiency value stable and the highest (81%) in Indonesia, while Public Islamic Bank is an Islamic bank in Malaysia with the average efficiency value stable and the highest (92%), as well as a references by other banks that are less efficient.
After obtained the efficiency value/score of the Islamic Bank, then it is regressed with macroeconomic variables (GDP, Inflation, and KURS (Exchange)). The result shows that if it is partially regressed, then GDP and KURS would significantly affect the efficiency of the Islamic banks in Indonesia. Whereas, for Islamic banks in Malaysia only KURS variable would significantly affect the efficiency value of Islamic banks in Malaysia.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Hamsal
Recently, research on paradoxical strategies has been considered critical in winning in the competitive dynamic landscape, characterized by uncertainty and rapid changes in the business environment. Such environmental uncertainties require firm to apply paradoxical strategies; combining strategic flexibility and strategic consistency (Parnell, 1994). This study addresses three main questions: what is the effect of strategic flexibility on firm's performance; what is the contingent effect of perceived environmental uncertainty on the relationship between paradoxical strategies and firm's performance. Questionnaires were distributed to 131 CEOs or members of top management team of Indonesian commercial banks (including sharia banks); and the 59 returned responses were analyzed to test hypotheses. The results indicate that strategic flexibility has positive effect on bank's performance, while strategic consistency does not have significant effects o bank's performance. In terms of combining these two paradoxical strategies, the results of this study confirm that the effect of strategic flexibility on bank's performance depends on strategic consistency and environmental uncertainty."
Depok: Management Research Center Graduate School of Management FEUI, 2007
330 UI-SEAM 1:1 (2007)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ryan Vamondo
Perkembangan terkini pada berbagai penelitian manajemen stratejik menyoroti semakin meningkatnya ketidakpastian pada lingkungan tugas (task environment) yang mengakibatkan keunggulan posisi (positional advantage) perusahaan tergerus semakin cepat dari waktu ke waktu. Hal ini mengakibatkan perusahaan-perusahaan harus menghadapi strategi paradox (strategy paradox) yang menuntut mereka untuk melakukan pengambilan komitmen strategis (strategic commitment) secara cepat dan akurat ditengah-tengah tingginya ketidakpastian strategis (strategic uncertainty). Penelitian ini hendak menganalisa konfigurasi berbagai perusahaan yang mampu mempertahankan keunggulan posisi dan kinerjanya ditengah-tengah tingginya ketidakpastian strategis pada lingkungan tugasnya. Kuesioner disebarkan kepada tim manajemen puncak dari 122 bank di Indonesia. Berbeda dari penelitian serupa yang dilakukan oleh Hamsal dan Agung (2007) yang menemukan bahwa persepsi akan ketidakpastian lingkungan (perceived environmental uncertainty) berkorelasi signifikan dan positif terhadap fleksibilitas strategi (strategic flexibility), penelitian ini menemukan bahwa persepsi akan ketidakpastian lingkungan tidak lagi memiliki korelasi secara signifikan dengan strategi perbankan di Indonesia. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa untuk meningkatkan dan mempertahankan kinerjanya, perbankan perlu memprioritaskan segala usaha dan sumber dayanya untuk mempertahankan fleksibilitas strategi sebelum mengalokasikannya untuk membangun keunggulan posisi dan mempertahankan konsistensi strategi (strategic consistency). Sejalan dengan itu, apabila fokus perbankan adalah membangun dan mempertahankan keunggulan posisinya, maka segala usaha dan sumber daya harus diprioritaskan untuk membangun fleksibilitas strategi. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kinerja perbankan akan maksimal apabila perbankan mampu mendayagunakan fleksibilitas strateginya untuk membangun keunggulan posisi di dalam industri, dan lebih lanjut, mampu mempertahankannya dengan konsistensi strategi yang tinggi.

Recently, researches on strategic management have been concerned with the increasingly uncertain, yet becoming more important, task environment that erodes firms? positional advantage more rapidly every day. As a result, firms are facing paradox of strategy, which demands rapid, yet accurate, strategic commitment in the present of strategic uncertainty. This research addresses questions regarding how organizations are best configured in facing environment with highly strategic uncertainty, while maintaining their positional advantage and high performance. Questionnaires were distributed to 122 top management teams of Indonesian commercial banks. In contrast with earlier research by Hamsal and Agung (2007) who found that perceived environmental uncertainty has a positive, significant correlation to Indonesian banks? strategic flexibility, this research found that environmental uncertainty does not has any significant correlation to Indonesian banks? strategy. Further this research also identify that in order to increase their performance, Indonesian banks should allocate most of their efforts and resources on increasing their Strategic Flexibility before they put any efforts and resources on creating Positional Advantage and maintaining Strategic Consistency. In addition, if any of the Indonesian banks have an intention on increasing their position in the industry, they should also allocate most of their efforts and resources on being strategically flexible. Further, when their SF has already become a distinctive PA, Indonesian banks should begin to maintain consistency in their strategy as the highest value of performance can be achieved when their PA is maintained by a strong basis of SC."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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