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Yulinar Amalia Masfufah
"ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas industri manufaktur alat utama sistem pertahanan dan keamanan di negara-negara Visegrad sebagai bentuk aktualisasi diri terhadap identitas nasional mereka. Negara-negara Visegrad merupakan entitas Eropa Tengah yang terdiri dari Polandia, Hungaria, Republik Czeska dan Slovakia. Negara-negara Visegrad merupakan mantan sekutu Uni Soviet dan anggota Pakta Warsawa. Saat ini mereka adalah bagian dari Uni Eropa dan aliansi pertahanan NATO. Tesis ini menganalisis industri manufaktur alat utama sistem pertahanan dan keamanan yang ada di negara-negara Visegrad dengan sudut pandang budaya. Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis isu ini adalah teori identitas nasional dan teori sistem dunia. Teori identitas nasional digunakan untuk menemukan alasan negara-negara Visegrad mengupayakan identitas mereka sebagai negara industri manufaktur alutsista dan menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang menentukan bahwa mereka adalah negara yang berkualitas dan memiliki pola perilaku yang tinggi. Teori sistem dunia digunakan untuk menganalisis alasan industri pertahanan memiliki peran penting secara kultural dan ideologis bagi negara-negara Visegrad untuk mendapatkan identitas sebagai negara core dalam world sistem, dalam hal ini adalah struktur yang ada di Uni Eropa dan NATO. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian mix-method yang menggabungkan data statistik dengan analisis kualitatif. Temuan dalam tesis ini menyatakan bahwa negara-negara Visegrad merupakan negara core yang secara kultural mereka mempertahankan tingkat pendidikan, tingkat teknologi dan ekonomi yang stabil dalam mempertahankan dan mengembangkan industri alutsista mereka.

This thesis discusses the defense and security manufacturing industry in Visegrad countries as a form of self-actualization towards their national identity. The Visegrad countries are Central European entities consisting of Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia. The Visegrad countries are former allies of the Soviet Union and the ex-members of the Warsaw Pact. Currently they are part of the European Union and the NATO alliance. This thesis analyzes the defense and security manufacturing industries in the Visegrad countries by a cultural perspective. The theory used to analyze this issue is national identity theory and world system theory. National identity theory was used to find out why the Visegrad countries sought their identity as an armaments manufacturing industry and explained the factors that determined that they were a country of high quality of a nation and their behavior patterns. World system theory is used to analyze the reasons of the defense industry has a culturally and ideologically important role for Visegrad countries to obtain identity as a core country in the world system, in this case the existing structure in the European Union and NATO. This study uses a mix-method research methodology that combines statistical data and qualitative analysis. The findings in this thesis state that Visegrad countries are the core countries which culturally maintain a stable level of education, technology and economics for maintaining and developing their defense equipment industry.


Keywords: Defence Industry, Manufacturing, Visegrad Countries, National Identity.


Depok: Universitas Indonesia. Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meilissa Ayu Pratiwi
"Tesis ini dilatarbelakangi pada masih minimnya organisasi atau perusahaan yang memiliki perencanaan keberlangsungan bisnis yang terarah pasca bencana/insiden. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemenuhan aspek business continuity plan dalam upaya pengembangan program pencegahan, mitigasi, dan pemulihan saat dan pasca bencana/insiden di Industri Manufaktur PT. XYZ berdasarkan Standar National Fire Protection Association 1600 : 2013. Penelitian yang bersifat analitik dengan desain studi deskriptif ini menggunakan dua jenis data, yaitu pata primer yang didapatkan melalui wawancara dan observasi, serta data skunder melalui telaah dokumen. Penelitian ini akan menghasilkan gambaran pemenuhan aspek business continuity plan melalui hasil penilaian potensi risiko dan analisis dampak bisnis yang akan digunakan sebagai acuan dalam pengembangan program-program untuk mencegah dan mengurangi dampak serta pemulihan pasca bencana.

Background of the thesis because of low number of organizations or companies that have post disaster/incident business continuity plan. The purpose of this study is to determine compliance of business continuity plan in developing prevention, mitigation, and recovery during and post disaster/incident at Manufacturing Industry PT. XYZ based on National Fire Protection Association 1600 : 2013. Analytic and descriptive design study used on this research by using two types of data as follows primary data through interviews and observations, and secondary data through document analysis. This research will describe the fulfillment aspects of business continuity plan based on result of risk assessment and business impact analysis that will be used for developing programme to prevent, mitigate, and recover condition post disaster/incident.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Beby Lexa Rezqianita
Industri 4.0, revolusi industri keempat, telah menjadi tren global dalam industri manufaktur karena mampu
menghasilkan "pabrik pintar" dengan cyber-physical systems (CPS). CPS mengintegrasikan dunia fisik
dengan dunia digital dengan memantau proses fisik, membuat salinan digital dari dunia fisik, dan membuat
sistem produksi yang terdesentralisasi. Industri 4.0 dapat meningkatkan produktivitas, pendapatan, daya saing
bisnis, pelayanan untuk pelanggan, dan mengoptimalkan proses manufaktur. Penerapan Industri 4.0 di
industri manufaktur Indonesia diamati mampu meningkatkan produktivitas dan meningkatkan kualitas
produk. Hal ini berdampak pada pertumbuhan PDB, peningkatan adopsi teknologi, dan pembukaan lapangan
kerja baru sehingga menjadi game-changer untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Namun, berdasarkan
Indonesia Industry 4.0 Readiness Index, industri manufaktur Indonesia masih dalam tahap kesiapan sedang.
Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menggunakan ANP berbasis DEMATEL untuk memprioritaskan faktor
pendorong dan penghambat adopsi Industri 4.0 di industri manufaktur Indonesia. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan
untuk menentukan model hierarki strategi adopsi Industri 4.0 menggunakan metode ISM.

Industry 4.0, the fourth revolution Industry, has become a global trend in the manufacturing industry because
it is able to produce a "smart factory" with cyber-physical systems (CPS). CPS integrate the physical world
with digital by monitoring physical processes, making digital copies of the physical world, and making
decentralized production systems. Industry 4.0 can increase productivity, revenue, business competitiveness,
customer service, and optimize manufacturing processes. Implementing Industry 4.0 in the Indonesian
manufacturing industry is observed to be able to increase productivity and improve product quality. As a
result, it has an impact on GDP growth, increased technology adoption, and new employment opportunities so
that it becomes a game-changer for national economic growth. However, based on the Indonesia Industry 4.0
Readiness Index, the Indonesian manufacturing industry is still in the medium readiness stage. Therefore, this
study used DEMATEL-based ANP to prioritize the drivers and barriers of Industry 4.0 adoption in the Indonesian manufacturing industry. This study also aims to determine the hierarchy model of strategy of
Industry 4.0 adoption in the Indonesian manufacturing industry using ISM method."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Ketersediaan infrastruktur diyakini memegang peran penting dalam mendorong produktivitas dan profit perusahaan di industri manufaktur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari kualitas infrastruktur terhadap profit perusahaan dalam industri manufaktur di Indonesia. Melalui analisis regresi data panel, terbukti bahwa infrastruktur memiliki pengaruh yang positif namun tidak linear terhadap profit perusahaan. Peningkatkan kualitas infrastruktur hingga level tertentu akan meningkatkan profit perusahaan, namun penggunaan infrastruktur melebihi level tersebut justru akan menyebabkan penurunan profit perusahaan.

The availability of infrastructure plays an important role to enhance firm's productivity and profit. This study aims to analyze the impact of infrastructure on firm's profit in Indonesian manufacturing industry. Using panel data regression method, it is proven that infrastructure has positive but non-linear impact on firm's profit. The increase in infrastructure quality to a certain level will increase firm’s profit, however the increase in infrastructure quality beyond that level will cause a decline of firm’s profit instead.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bagas Caesar Maulidani
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui produktivitas suatu proses produksi pada Industri Manufaktur Stamping. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa equipment losses merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang sesungguhnya, sehingga tindakan perbaikan difokuskan pada permasalahan ini. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), dari hasil perhitungan OEE diperoleh nilai yang sangat rendah sebesar 75% tidak mencapai standar World Class 85%. Berdasarkan hasil analisa menggunakan diagram pareto, kerugian losses paling mempengaruhi rendahnya nilai OEE yaitu performance losses dan waktu setup mesin. Pengurangan waktu setup dilakukan dengan penerapan konsep Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) dengan memisahkan setup internal dan setup eksternal yang menghasilkan pengurangan waktu sebesar 30%.

This study aims to determine the productivity of a production process in the Stamping Manufacturing Industry. This study found that equipment losses are one of the real problems, so corrective action is focused on this problem. In this study using the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) method, from the results of the OEE calculation, a very low value of 75% did not reach the 85% World Class standard. Based on the results of the analysis using the Pareto diagram, the losses that most affect the low OEE value are performance losses and machine setup time. The reduction in setup time is done by applying the Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) concept by separating the internal setup and external setup which results in a 30% reduction in time."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amanda Elvira Asha
"Industri pracetak dan prategang adalah industri konstruksi berbasis manufaktur yang dari sejak masa awal pembangunan Indonesia sudah menunjukkan perannya dalam menghasilkan kualitas pekerjaan infrastruktur yang baik, cepat, ekonomis dan berkelanjutan. Namun beberapa penggunaan produk dalam negeri masih rendah, artinya masih banyak produk impor yang memenuhi pasar nasional. Disisi lain, para petinggi menjadi tersangka kasus korupsi mengindikasikan rendahnya kualitas kepemimpinan sehingga mengakibatkan kerugian negara. Untuk itu perlu dibangunnya budaya invoasi dengan cara pengembangan leadership system berbasis ISO 56002 yang diintegrasikan dengan Lean Six Sigma. Dalam pengolahan data, penelitian ini menggunakan metode delphi serta SEM. Hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan masukan dan strategi pengembangan leadership system guna membangun budaya inovasi pada perusahanan pracetak di Indonesia. Hasil dari penelitian ini terdapat 10 indikator leadership system dari integrasi antara ISO 56002 dan Lean Six Sigma. Pengaruh integrasi antara LSS dan ISO sangat tinggi, sedangkan ISO terhadap budaya inovasi serta LSS terhadap budaya inovasi cenderung medium. Indikator yang paling berpengaruh terhadap budaya inovasi antara lain tujuan inovasi, kebijakan inovasi, pakar yang dikembangkan, serta integrasi orang, system, dan informasi.

The precast and prestressed industry is a construction manufacturing industry with the potential to produce high-quality, fast, cost-effective, and sustainable infrastructure since the early days of Indonesia's development. However, the usage of domestic products in the national market is still low, with imported products being more prevalent. Furthermore, the low leadership quality of high-ranking officials, who are suspects in corruption cases, has resulted in state losses. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate cultural innovation by developing an ISO 56002-based leadership system inspired by Lean Six Sigma. In data processing, this research employs the Delphi method and SEM. The research's findings can provide valuable input and strategies for developing a leadership system that fosters a culture of innovation within precast companies in Indonesia. This research resulted in 10 leadership system indicators derived from integrating ISO 56002 and Lean Six Sigma. The integration's impact on innovation culture is high, while ISO's influence on innovation culture and Lean Six Sigma's influence on innovation culture are moderate. The most influential innovation culture indicators include innovation goals, innovation policies, expert development, and the integration of people, systems, and information."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lisa Nurhasanah
Latar belakang : Kelelahan kerja banyak terdapat pada pekerja industri manufaktur alat berat. Bising di bawah nilai ambang batas dapat menyebabkan kelelahan kerja sebagai salah satu efek non auditorik. Kelelahan kerja dapat diperiksa dengan memeriksa waktu reaksi pekerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbedaan rerata waktu reaksi pada pekerja industri manufaktur alat berat yang terpajan bising di bawah ambang batas yaitu pada kelompok terpajan bising 60-70dB, 71-80dB, dan 81-85dB.
Metode penelitian:` Cross sectional deskriptif komparatif. Dilakukan pada 149 orang pekerja laki-laki. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara, pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan waktu reaksi dengan Lakassidaya dan kuesioner KAUPK2. Subyek penelitian mempunyai kriteria inklusi bersedia mengikuti penelitian menandatangani informed consent, usia 19-55 tahun pada saat penelitian dilaksanakan,tidak mempunyai riwayat penyakit, lama kerja 8 jam atau tidak lembur, memiliki beban kerja yang sama, kriteria eksklusinya adalah pada saat dilaksanakan penelitian dalam keadaan sakit atau baru sembuh dari sakit.
Hasil: analis dengan menggunakan uji statistik Kruskal wallis antara rerata waktu reaksi dengan kelompok pajanan bising 60-70db, 71-80dB dan 81-85dB dengan nilai p = 0,001. Untuk mengetahui bising manakah yang bermakna hasil uji Mann-Whitney diketahui bahwa antara kelompok pajanan bising 60-70 dB dan 71-80dB pada pemeriksaan waktu reaksi sebelum bekerja, sesudah bekerja dan selisih pemeriksaan sebelum dan sesudahnya didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna terhadap kelompok pajanan bising 81-85dB. Sedangkan pada kelompok pajanan bising 60-70dB terhadap kelompok pajanan bising 71-80dB pada pemeriksaan waktu reaksi sebelum bekerja, sesudah bekerja dan selisihnya tidak didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna dengan nilai p<0.05
Kesimpulan: Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara rerata waktu reaksi terhadap kelompok pajanan bising dibawah nilai ambang batas yaitu pada kelompok pajanan bising 60-70db, kelompok pajanan bising 71-80dB dan kelompok pajanan bising 81-85dB. Kelompok pajanan bising 60-70 dB dan 71-80dB pada pemeriksaan waktu reaksi sebelum bekerja, sesudah bekerja dan selisih pemeriksaan sebelum dan sesudahnya didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna terhadap kelompok pajanan bising 81-85dB. Sedangkan pada kelompok pajanan bising 60-70dB terhadap kelompok pajanan bising 71-80dB tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna.

Background: Occupational fatigue commonly found in the workers of heavy equipment manufacturing industry. Noise below the threshold value may cause occupational fatigue as one of non-auditory effects. Occupational fatigue can be examined by checking the reaction time of the workers. This study aims to know the difference of mean reaction time in heavy equipment manufacturing industry workers whom exposed with noise under the threshold value, which grouped into three exposure groups: 60-70dB, 71-80dB, and 81-85dB.
Study Method: Comparative, descriptive cross-sectional study. It is conducted to 149 male workers. Data collected by interview, physical examination, reaction time test with Lakassidaya and questionnaire of KAUPK2. The inclusion criteria for the subject are a willingness to follow the study and to sign the informed consent, age 19 ? 55 years old when the study conducted, no illness history, 8 hours working duration or without overtime, and has equal working load. The exclusion criteria is that the subject is ill when the study being conducted or recover from illness recently.
Result: Kruskal Wallis statistical test is used to analyze the mean reaction time between the three exposure groups, 60-70 dB, 71-80 dB, and 81-85 dB with p value <0,001. To acknowledge which noise is significant, the Mann-Whitney test is used. The results suggest that the reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, is significantly different between the groups of 60-70 dB and 71-80 dB toward the group of 81-85 dB, whereas the reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, in the group 60-70 dB toward the group of 71-80 dB is not significantly different, with p value <0.05.
Conclusion: It is concluded that there is a significant difference in the mean reaction time towards the noise exposures below the threshold value, which are the groups of 60-70 dB, 71-80 dB and 81-85 db. The reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, in the groups of 60-70 dB and 71-80 dB is found to be significantly different toward the group 81-85 dB. Meanwhile, there is no significant difference in the group of 60-70 dB toward the group of 71-80 dB.;Background: Occupational fatigue commonly found in the workers of heavy equipment manufacturing industry. Noise below the threshold value may cause occupational fatigue as one of non-auditory effects. Occupational fatigue can be examined by checking the reaction time of the workers. This study aims to know the difference of mean reaction time in heavy equipment manufacturing industry workers whom exposed with noise under the threshold value, which grouped into three exposure groups: 60-70dB, 71-80dB, and 81-85dB.
Study Method: Comparative, descriptive cross-sectional study. It is conducted to 149 male workers. Data collected by interview, physical examination, reaction time test with Lakassidaya and questionnaire of KAUPK2. The inclusion criteria for the subject are a willingness to follow the study and to sign the informed consent, age 19 – 55 years old when the study conducted, no illness history, 8 hours working duration or without overtime, and has equal working load. The exclusion criteria is that the subject is ill when the study being conducted or recover from illness recently.
Result: Kruskal Wallis statistical test is used to analyze the mean reaction time between the three exposure groups, 60-70 dB, 71-80 dB, and 81-85 dB with p value <0,001. To acknowledge which noise is significant, the Mann-Whitney test is used. The results suggest that the reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, is significantly different between the groups of 60-70 dB and 71-80 dB toward the group of 81-85 dB, whereas the reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, in the group 60-70 dB toward the group of 71-80 dB is not significantly different, with p value <0.05.
Conclusion: It is concluded that there is a significant difference in the mean reaction time towards the noise exposures below the threshold value, which are the groups of 60-70 dB, 71-80 dB and 81-85 db. The reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, in the groups of 60-70 dB and 71-80 dB is found to be significantly different toward the group 81-85 dB. Meanwhile, there is no significant difference in the group of 60-70 dB toward the group of 71-80 dB., Background: Occupational fatigue commonly found in the workers of heavy equipment manufacturing industry. Noise below the threshold value may cause occupational fatigue as one of non-auditory effects. Occupational fatigue can be examined by checking the reaction time of the workers. This study aims to know the difference of mean reaction time in heavy equipment manufacturing industry workers whom exposed with noise under the threshold value, which grouped into three exposure groups: 60-70dB, 71-80dB, and 81-85dB.
Study Method: Comparative, descriptive cross-sectional study. It is conducted to 149 male workers. Data collected by interview, physical examination, reaction time test with Lakassidaya and questionnaire of KAUPK2. The inclusion criteria for the subject are a willingness to follow the study and to sign the informed consent, age 19 – 55 years old when the study conducted, no illness history, 8 hours working duration or without overtime, and has equal working load. The exclusion criteria is that the subject is ill when the study being conducted or recover from illness recently.
Result: Kruskal Wallis statistical test is used to analyze the mean reaction time between the three exposure groups, 60-70 dB, 71-80 dB, and 81-85 dB with p value <0,001. To acknowledge which noise is significant, the Mann-Whitney test is used. The results suggest that the reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, is significantly different between the groups of 60-70 dB and 71-80 dB toward the group of 81-85 dB, whereas the reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, in the group 60-70 dB toward the group of 71-80 dB is not significantly different, with p value <0.05.
Conclusion: It is concluded that there is a significant difference in the mean reaction time towards the noise exposures below the threshold value, which are the groups of 60-70 dB, 71-80 dB and 81-85 db. The reaction time examination of before work, after work and the difference between, in the groups of 60-70 dB and 71-80 dB is found to be significantly different toward the group 81-85 dB. Meanwhile, there is no significant difference in the group of 60-70 dB toward the group of 71-80 dB.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Adhi Rachmaidi
Penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan empiris antara kompetisi dan inovasi di Indonesia dengan menggunakan data perusahaan BPS Indonesia. Keterbatasan data inovasi mengharuskan penggunaan R&D expenditure sebagai inovasi pada tahun tersedianya data. Kompetisi diestimasi dengan menggunakan profit elasticity berdasarkan gagasan efisiensi. Bentuk inverted-U diuji dengan teknologi spread pada industri dimana efek dari kompetisi dan inovasi dapat berubah dari positif menjadi negatif. Bukti empiris menunjukkan hubungan antara kompetisi dan inovasi merupakan inverted-U dengan titik optimal yang sangat rendah. Ini berarti sangat sedikit industri yang dapat meningkatkan inovasi dan hampir semua industri akan mengurangi inovasi ketika kompetisi meningkat.

This paper studies empirical relationship between competition and innovation in Indonesia using micro data BPS Indonesia. Lack of innovation data has necessitated use R&D expenditure as innovation in year of data avaibility. Competition is estimated by computing profit elasticity, based on idea of efficiency. Inverted-U shape tested with technology spread within industries at which effect of competition and innovation can be turns from positive to negative. Empirical evidence shows relationship between competition and innovation is inverted-U with very low optimal point. This means that very few industries can increase innovation and almost all industries will reduce innovation as competition increases.


UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulianthi Sugiharto
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas dan efisiensi sistem pengukuran kinerja yang digunakan oleh PT. Honda Astra Engine Manufacturing. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian lapangan dan metode penelitian kepustakaan. Metode penelitian lapangan yang dilakukan yaitu dengan pengamatan langsung dan dengan tanya jawab dengan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan. Era globalisasi yang dihadapi dunia sekarang ini mendorong adanya perubahan dramatis dalam proses manufaktur. Banyak perusahaan yang menanggapi dengan menerapkan pendekatan baru terhadap kualitas produksi, teknik produksi JIT, perubahan dalam mengelola tenaga kerja, dan pendekatan fleksibilitas dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan. Konsep ini dikenal sebagai World Class Manufacturing. DEngan adanya perubahan-perubahan tersebut, pengukuran akuntansi tradisional seringkali tidak mencukupi bahkan menyesatkan. Oleh karenanya dibutuhkan pengukuran baru yang dapat mengatasi keterbatasan-keterbatasan pengukuran akuntansi tradisional tersebut. Pengukuran kinerja baru yang cenderung kualitatif ini harus memperhatikan faktor-faktor yang kritis bagi perusahaan yang sehubungan dengan strategi perusahaan. Dengan demikian, pengukuran kinerja tersebut dapat dijadikan pedoman bagi pengendalian kegiatan perusahaan sehari-hari. DSelain itu, pengukuran kinerja yang dilakukan masing-masing fungsi perusahaan pun harus saling mendukung satu sama lain. Pengukuran kinerja yang digunakan perlu dievaluasi secara kontinu agar selalu dapat mengukur kemajuan perusahaan dilihat dari implementasi strateginya. {Pengukuran kinerja perusahaan hendaknya tidak hanya dijadikan alat untuk memantau kemajuan perusahaan, melainkan lebih untuk memperbaiki kinerja perusahaan."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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