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Pauwels, Anne
Cambridge: NY Cambridge University Press, 2016
306.44 PAU l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kontak bahasa antar ethnis yang ada di kota besar seperti Medan menjadi sebab lahirnya dua proses Bahasa yaitu Pemertahanan Bahasa (Language Maintenance) dan Perpindahan Bahasa (Language Shift). Tulisan ini mencoba untuk memberikan gambaran singkat tentang fenomena pemertahanan bahasa dan perpindahan bahasa di daerah yang dihuni oleh banyak ethnis dan membandingkannya dengan keadaan sosial bahasa di kota Medan serta bagaimana pengaruh Bahasa Nasional terhadap proses pemertahanan bahasa daerah."
410 JLS 4:2 (2004)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Theresye Wantania
This study started from the two main problems. Those are (1) the factors caused the shift of Tonsea Language and (2) the factors supported the maintenance of the language. Based on the problems above, this study aimed to find out the factors causing the shift of Tonsea language and the factors supporting the maintenance of the language. As a consequence, the population of this study was all the member of Tonsea speech community, especially the 4.778 persons who lived in the village of Laikit, Dimembe. Then, the respondents of this study were 140 persons, taken through proportional stratified random sampling based on their sex, age, education, and occupation.
in order to obtain such aims the researcher involved the following ways. Data were collected through structured interview, questionnaires, participatory observation, and recording. The questionnaires was given to the respondents who were eleven to eighteen of age and above twenty-one. in addition, the process of recording was aided with some stimulation to the informants. Then, the data were analyzed with ANOVA in order to get the level of significance of their language choice. To make sure the accuracy of the computation the researcher used statistic computer "Microstat".
This study found the following result. Tonsea language was used by the tonsean aged fifty or more as the language was mastered enough by such people. The language was also used as a culture support, such as in family meeting, arisan, wedding ceremony, funeral ceremony, tumuwar activity, and traditional ceremony in order to release a village from the troubles made by devils. in addition, the language was also used by the youth when they were talking to their siblings, brothers or sisters in law, parents, and grand-parents. Malay-Manado language was used among tonseans who were under fifty of age in their community, by tonsean under fifty of age to their children, to their parents, and to the other persons in the same village. Mixed language was used by the participants in the situations other than what is mentioned above. Bahasa Indonesia tend to be used by the youth in educational and religious domain.
The maintenance variables of Tonsea Language were age, education and occupation. The tonseans who were fifty or more tend to maintain the language while those who were under fifty were not. The tonseans whose education was elementary school tend to use Tonsea language while those whose education were high school or university tend to use Malay-lVlenado or mixed the languages. Farmers, housewives, and merchandiser tend to use Tonsea language while civil servants, military member, students, and private servants tend to use Malay-Manado or mix the languages."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Henry Suhendro
"Penerapan sistem informasi manajemen pemeliharaan dan pemantauan kondisi mesin sangat diperlukan bagi industri yang sudah berkembang level struktur organisasi dalam aktivitasnya di perusahaan. Salah satu sistem yang mampu menangani aktivitas tersebut adalah CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) yang meliputi diantaranya yaitu pemeliharaan pencegahan, manajemen peralatan, perencanaan dan penjadwalan pemeliharaan. Bagi industri yang baru memulai penerapan CMMS, dokumentasi standar mengenai rancangan proses bisnis sangat penting dibuat oleh pihak perusahaan, agar mendapatkan gambaran aktivitas yang mudah dipahami secara jelas dan ringkas. Hal ini tentu saja berpengaruh pada komunikasi dan koordinasi kerja yang efektif dan efisien bagi pembuatan dan penerapan suatu software, sehingga dapat tercapai sesuai kebutuhan yang diinginkan perusahaan. UML (Unified Modeling Language) adalah suatu bahasa pemodelan dalam bentuk visual gambar dan diagram, yang memiliki notasi-notasi berupa simbol disertai teks yang ringkas, sehingga dapat dimengerti oleh berbagai pihak secara umum, serta mampu melakukan dalam menggambarkan suatu proses bisnis. Olehkarena itu, sering digunakan sebagai alat kerja yang efektif dan efisien, serta dokumentasi bagi rancangan software, yang mudah dipahami secara jelas dan ringkas. Skripsi ini membahas bagaimana merancang suatu proses bisnis menggunakan diagram-diagram UML, lalu ditampilkan melalui GUI untuk menghasilkan suatu format laporan data, sehingga berhasil memberikan gambaran dan dokumentasi yang standar merancang CMMS, serta mengetahui dan memahami proses bisnis CMMS secara jelas dan ringkas untuk menghasilkan model berupa gambar diagram pada proses CMMS.

Implementation for information system of management maintenace and monitoring condition machine has high necessary for industry development as level structure their activity organization. One of the system have ability to handle its activity is CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) which consists of preventive maintenance, data equipment management, planning and schedule maintenance. The industry which still begin implement CMMS, documentation for standard around design business process has made high necessary by company, in order to get illustration activity easy to understand with clearly and simple. Therefore, it has effect for communication and coordination work effective and efficient to made implement software, so it will get requirement by company. UML (Unified Modeling Language) is modeling language visual design and diagram, which has many notation symbol and texts clearly and simple, whether easy understand by general personal, and able to do and illustration business process. Therefore, it always usually for the way of methode work effective and efficience, also documentation for design software to make easy understand and with clearly and simple. Some of discussion in this studies has method ways to design business process which use UML diagrams, so it will shows in GUI form to get the result format report, also it would get illustration and standard documentation to design CMMS, and then to get more knowledge and understand about business process CMMS with simple and clearly in order to get modeling diagrams CMMS process."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Andoryati
"Pemeliharaan pesawat terbang pada line maintenance dilakukan disela jam operasi, yaitu pada saat transit dan istirahat malam hari (Remain Over Night). Pemeriksaan dilakukan langsung oleh tenaga kerja yang ahli diantara waktu kedatangan dan keberangkatan pesawat. Meskipun dikerjakan dengan waktu yang terbatas dan kedatangan pesawat tidak merata disetiap waktu, setiap pemeriksaan harus diselesaikan tepat waktu dan tanpa menurunkan tingkat keamanan penerbangan.
Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan optimasi terhadap jam mulai shift kerja dan penentuan jumlah tenaga kerja yang sesuai dengan beban kerja. Optimasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan metaherusitik, yaitu algoritma tabu search dan menggunakan perangkat lunak Matlab. Algoritma ini akan mencari solusi terbaik dari setiap pencarian lokal dengan melakukan pengacakan terhadap jam mulai shift kerja dan jumlah tenaga kerja yang bekerja pada shift tersebut.
Hasil dari run model adalah jam mulai shift kerja dengan jumlah engineer 22 orang dan teknisi 34 orang yang harus ditentukan setiap harinya. Utilitas engineer maupun teknisi meningkat sekitar 40% dibandingkan dengan kondisi awal. Melalui hasil ini setiap pekerjaan dikerjakan tepat waktu, dengan biaya dan waktu menganggur minimal.

Aircraft line maintenance work during operation time, when the aircraft transit and when the aircraft remain over night. This maintenance is done by professional manpower between aircraft arrival and departure time. Although this maintenance is done with limited time and aircraft arrival is not same in every time, the maintenance must be finished on time and without decreasing the safety of the flight.
Therefore, need an optimization for the start time of work shift and the numbers of manpower that appropriate with the workforce. Optimization with metaheuristic approach, such as tabu search algorithm and used the software like Matlab. This algorithm will search the best solution with local search with randomization the start time of work shift and the numbers of manpower in every that work shift.
The results from the run program are the start time of work shift, need 22 engineers and 34 technicians in a day.The utility of engineer and technician increase 40% compared with first condition. With this result, the maintenance will be finished on time, with minimal operational cost and idle time.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anike Motia Citra Jaya
"Skripsi ini mengkaji jenis pergeseran makna yang dominan dalam Kamus Kata-kata Serapan Asing dalam Bahasa Indonesia (2005). Untuk membandingkan makna istilah Prancis dan istilah serapan Indonesia, digunakan Dictionnaire de l’Économie (2011) dan Kamus Ekonomi (2012) sebagai sumber analisis pembantu. Adapun teori-teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah analisis makna menurut Lehmann dan jenis pergeseran makna menurut Finoza. Melalui 17 istilah yang diteliti, diketahui bahwa jenis pergeseran makna yang dominan adalah jenis pergeseran makna yang menyempit. Hal ini terjadi karena pengaruh konteks sosial budaya di masing-masing negara dan perekonomian Prancis yang lebih dulu berkembang dibandingkan Indonesia.

The purpose of this study is to identify the dominant type of loan-terms in Kamus Kata-kata Serapan Asing dalam Bahasa Indonesia (2005). This study also uses Dictionnaire de l'Économie (2011) and Kamus Ekonomi (2012) for comparing the meaning of French and Indonesian terms. Lehmann’s meaning analysis and Finoza's types of mean-shift are the two main theories involved in this study. Among the 17 terms studied, narrowing mean-shift is dominant. The influence of socio-cultural context in and the difference in economic development in each country might explain this phenomenon."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Suharsih
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pemertahanan bahasa Jawa dialek Banten melalui pilihan dan pemakaian bahasa di ranah keluarga berdasarkan lokasi pemukiman. Diduga lokasi pemukiman dapat memberikan pengaruh terhadap pemertahanan bahasa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di masyarakat yang homogen, yaitu lokasi pemukiman di desa dan di masyarakat yang heterogen, yaitu lokasi pemukiman di dekat pusat pemerintahan, pusat industri dan pariwisata. Populasi penelitian adalah semua penutur bahasa Jawa dialek Banten di Provinsi Banten. Dengan menggunakan stratified purposive sampling, diperoleh 340 responden dari sepuluh desa yang mewakili berbagai lokasi pemukiman. Data pilihan bahasa dikumpulkan berdasarkan kuesioner dan dianalisis dengan SPSS dan data pemakaian bahasa didapatkan melalui observasi lapangan yang dianalisis dengan teknik triangulasi.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan secara umum pemertahanan bahasa Jawa dialek Banten dalam kategori baik, dengan rerata persentase responden yang memilih menggunakan bahasa Jawa dialek Banten kepada mitra tutur di ranah keluarga 86,15%. Berdasarkan lokasi pemukiman, responden dengan karakteristik homogen (di desa) menunjukkan pemertahanan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan responden dengan karakteristik heterogen. Pemertahanan bahasa di desa didominasi oleh responden yang berusia 41-50 tahun. Pada masyarakat heterogen, responden yang tinggal di lokasi pemukiman dekat pusat pemerintahan menunjukkan pemertahanan bahasa Jawa dialek Banten paling tinggi, yaitu dengan rerata 74,93% dan didominasi oleh responden perempuan.

The research aims to figure out Banten Javanese maintenance through language choice and language use in family domain based on respondents settlement location. It is supposed that settlement location gives influence toward language maintenance. The research conducted in homogeny society, those who stay in villages, and in heterogeneous society, those who stay near governmental center, industrial center and tourism. The population is all Banten Javanese speakers in Banten Province. by using stratified purposive sampling, there are 340 Banten Javanese speakers as respondents taken from the four settlement locations. Language choice data taken from questionnaire and it analyzed using SPSS; while language use data taken from observation and it analyzed using triangulation.
The result of analysis showed that Banten Javanese maintenance is good, reaching 86.15 % of respondents who chose to use the language. Based on the settlement locations, respondents represented homogeny society (village) tends to maintain the language higher than those who represented heterogeneous society. Social factor dominated in this location is respondents with 41-50 years old. In heterogonous societies, the respondents who live near the governmental center get the highest percentage, i.e. 74,93% with women domination.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Megan Roos Febransyah
Fatigue pada pekerja merupakan sebuah risiko yang dapat timbul apabila suatu
pekerjaan dituntut untuk menggunakan tenaga fisik dan pikiran mental yang
berlebihan serta dituntut untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan dalam waktu yang terbatas
tanpa adanya waktu istirahat yang optimal. Fatigue merupakan risiko utama dari
pekerja shift seperti pada pekerja shift industri MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and
Overhaul) transportasi udara. Transportasi udara dituntut beroperasi selama 24/7 dan
memiliki kewajiban untuk memenuhi standar kelaikudaraan. Salah satu industri MRO
adalah Perusahaan ?X?. Bekerja dalam sistem shift menjadi sumber risiko fatigue bagi
pekerjanya karena bekerja bertentangan dengan irama sirkadian tubuh, oleh karena
itu dibutuhkan penilaian keluhan fatigue pada pekerjanya sebagai langkah awal
program fatigue management. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko
keluhan fatigue pada pekerja shift dan merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan
menggunakan disain studi cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan
Oktober-Desember 2015, di bagian Domestic & International Line Maintenance
Perusahaan ?X?, dengan sampel penelitian sebesar 105 responden. Hasil
menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara shift kerja (p=0,002),
kerja lembur (0,005), kuantitas tidur (p=0,048), dan commuting time (p=0,042)
dengan keluhan fatigue.
Fatigue among workers is a risk that can arise when a job is required to use execessive
physical and mental force to complete the work within a limited time without optimal
amount of rests. Fatigue is a risk that commonly occurs for shift workers, including
shift workers in Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) industry for aircrafts
including commercial airlines. Air transportation operates for 24/7 dan has an
obligation to fulfill the standards of aircraft airworthiness. In doing so, one of the MRO
industry, Company ?X? develop a system of shift workers with standardized skills to
operate 24/7 for the sake of upholding the airworthiness of aircrafts and adjusting to
the flight schedules. Working in shifts is a risk to the workers, especially the risk of
being fatigue, because working in shifts forces them to work against their natural body
clock. In order to start the development of fatigue management program in Company
?X?, it is needed to assess the subjective feelings toward fatigue as a starting point.
This quantitative research is conducted to determine work related and non work related
factors toward the subjective feelings of fatigue with a cross sectional study design.
This research was done in October?December 2015 in the Domestic and International
Line Maintenance of Company ?X? with a total sample of 105 respondents. Results
showed that there is a correlation between work shifts (p=0,002), excessive working
hours (p=0,005), quantity of sleep (p=0,048), and commuting time (0,042) with
subjective feelings toward fatigue.;Fatigue among workers is a risk that can arise when a job is required to use execessive
physical and mental force to complete the work within a limited time without optimal
amount of rests. Fatigue is a risk that commonly occurs for shift workers, including
shift workers in Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) industry for aircrafts
including commercial airlines. Air transportation operates for 24/7 dan has an
obligation to fulfill the standards of aircraft airworthiness. In doing so, one of the MRO
industry, Company ?X? develop a system of shift workers with standardized skills to
operate 24/7 for the sake of upholding the airworthiness of aircrafts and adjusting to
the flight schedules. Working in shifts is a risk to the workers, especially the risk of
being fatigue, because working in shifts forces them to work against their natural body
clock. In order to start the development of fatigue management program in Company
?X?, it is needed to assess the subjective feelings toward fatigue as a starting point.
This quantitative research is conducted to determine work related and non work related
factors toward the subjective feelings of fatigue with a cross sectional study design.
This research was done in October?December 2015 in the Domestic and International
Line Maintenance of Company ?X? with a total sample of 105 respondents. Results
showed that there is a correlation between work shifts (p=0,002), excessive working
hours (p=0,005), quantity of sleep (p=0,048), and commuting time (0,042) with
subjective feelings toward fatigue.;Fatigue among workers is a risk that can arise when a job is required to use execessive
physical and mental force to complete the work within a limited time without optimal
amount of rests. Fatigue is a risk that commonly occurs for shift workers, including
shift workers in Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) industry for aircrafts
including commercial airlines. Air transportation operates for 24/7 dan has an
obligation to fulfill the standards of aircraft airworthiness. In doing so, one of the MRO
industry, Company ?X? develop a system of shift workers with standardized skills to
operate 24/7 for the sake of upholding the airworthiness of aircrafts and adjusting to
the flight schedules. Working in shifts is a risk to the workers, especially the risk of
being fatigue, because working in shifts forces them to work against their natural body
clock. In order to start the development of fatigue management program in Company
?X?, it is needed to assess the subjective feelings toward fatigue as a starting point.
This quantitative research is conducted to determine work related and non work related
factors toward the subjective feelings of fatigue with a cross sectional study design.
This research was done in October?December 2015 in the Domestic and International
Line Maintenance of Company ?X? with a total sample of 105 respondents. Results
showed that there is a correlation between work shifts (p=0,002), excessive working
hours (p=0,005), quantity of sleep (p=0,048), and commuting time (0,042) with
subjective feelings toward fatigue., Fatigue among workers is a risk that can arise when a job is required to use execessive
physical and mental force to complete the work within a limited time without optimal
amount of rests. Fatigue is a risk that commonly occurs for shift workers, including
shift workers in Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) industry for aircrafts
including commercial airlines. Air transportation operates for 24/7 dan has an
obligation to fulfill the standards of aircraft airworthiness. In doing so, one of the MRO
industry, Company ‘X’ develop a system of shift workers with standardized skills to
operate 24/7 for the sake of upholding the airworthiness of aircrafts and adjusting to
the flight schedules. Working in shifts is a risk to the workers, especially the risk of
being fatigue, because working in shifts forces them to work against their natural body
clock. In order to start the development of fatigue management program in Company
‘X’, it is needed to assess the subjective feelings toward fatigue as a starting point.
This quantitative research is conducted to determine work related and non work related
factors toward the subjective feelings of fatigue with a cross sectional study design.
This research was done in October—December 2015 in the Domestic and International
Line Maintenance of Company ‘X’ with a total sample of 105 respondents. Results
showed that there is a correlation between work shifts (p=0,002), excessive working
hours (p=0,005), quantity of sleep (p=0,048), and commuting time (0,042) with
subjective feelings toward fatigue.]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M Khoirunnada
"Penelitian ini mengkaji pemertahanan bahasa Madura di Desa Manduro. Fokuspenelitian ini adalah sikap bahasa dan penggunaan bahasa Madura. Penelitian inididasarkan pada teori penggunaan bahasa dari Fishman 1972c dan Greenfield 1972 , dan pemertahanan bahasa dari Holmes 2013 . Metode yang dipakaiadalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data diperoleh dengan menerapkan metodepengamatan langsung, kuesioner dan wawancara. Data dianalisis denganmenggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan inferensial. Hasil dari penelitian inimenunjukkan bahwa penggunaan bahasa Madura pada semua ranah masihdipertahankan. Pemertahanan bahasa Madura di Desa Manduro, KabupatenJombang ini ditopang oleh tiga hal penting, yaitu: 1 sikap positif masyarakatManduro terhadap bahasa Madura, 2 bahasa Madura dianggap sebagai pemarkahidentitas kelompok sebagai Oreng Manduro, dan 3 adanya letak pemukimanDesa Manduro yang secara geografis terkonsentrasi mdash;agak terpisah dari letakpemukiman masyarakat mayoritas.Kata kunci: Pemertahanan bahasa, sikap bahasa, dan ranah.

This research discusses about language maintenance of Madurese language in Manduro Village. The focus of this research is the attitude of language and the use of Madurese language. This research is based on the theory of language use from Fishman 1972c and Greenfield 1972 , and language maintenance from Holmes 2013 . The method used is qualitative and quantitative. Data were obtained by applying direct observation methods, questionnaires and interviews. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistic analysis. The results of this study indicate that the use of Madurese language in all domains is maintained. The defense of Madurese language in Manduro Village, Jombang Regency is supported by three important things, namely 1 positive attitude of Manduro society toward Madurese language, 2 Madurese language is considered as marker of group identity as Oreng Manduro, and 3 Manduro Village which is geographically concentrated somewhat separated from the location of the majority community settlements.Keywords Language maintenance, language attitudes, and domains.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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