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Nadia Asya
"Memori dan sejarah merupakan dua kata yang sering dianggap sama. Tetapi, dalam hubungannya dengan aspek sosial-budaya di suatu kota, keduanya memberikan pengertian yang berbeda khususnya dalam menelusuri kembali asal usul kota. Skrispi ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari proses rumah menjadi locus memori sebagai media dalam menyampaikan nilai historis. Data tangible dan intangible dikumpulkan melalui studi literatur, pengamatan, dan wawancara yang kemudian dipisah berdasarkan teori dan studi kasus. Penelitian ini mengilustrasikan bagaimana memori terhubung dalam kontek spasial dan temporal dengan memadukan konsep rumah sebagai ​locus memory​, dengan hubungan memori apa dan memori siapa yang berada di dalam rumah tersebut. Dalam studi kasus ini, analogi bangunan tempat tinggal sebagai objek terkait dan keterkaitannya dengan memori dengan aktivitas yang terjadi di dalam bangunan, khususnya rumah tinggal di Cirebon yang berdiri sejak era kolonial dapat membantu kita memahami kebudayaan masyarakat dan tradisi yang terjadi dalam perkembangan kota.

Memory and history are two words that are often thought to be similar. However, in relation to a city’s socio-cultural aspect, both actually offers different meaning specially to retrace the origins of the city. This paper aims to study the process of a house become a locus of memory as the media to deliver historical value. Tangible and intangible data are collected through literature review, observation, and interview which later are separated according to the assigned theory and object of study. The research illustrates how memory is linked in spatial and temporal by pairing the concept of a house as ​locus of memory​, with a connection to what memory the house does have and whose memory belongs to the house. In this case, the analogy of residential building as related object and its interconnected memories with the activities done inside the building, such as the house in Cirebon during the colonial period, can help us to understand the community’s culture and traditions involved in the development of the city."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Ayu Amalia
Memori kolektif mengandalkan penceritaan dalam proses pelestariannya. Arsitektur sebagai tempat memori tersebut direkam lalu menjadi hal yang penting dalam proses pengingatannya. Lalu bagaimana arsitektur kemudian menjadi salah satu media yang penting dalam proses ini? Dalam skripsi ini, dibahas dua buah arsitektur yang mengandung memori kolektif dimana salah satu diantara mereka gagal melestarikan memori kolektif, sementara satunya lagi berhasil. Kesimpulan dari skripsi ini adalah pelestarian memori kolektif melalui media arsitektur harus melalui arsitektur yang juga dapat merekam memori kolektif baru. Proses pengingatannya lalu dapat berupa penggunaan kesan kesamaan yang kemudian ditangkap oleh society dan kemudian diceritakan dan melestarikan memori kolektif.

Collective Memory relies on storytelling as its preservation. Architecture as a place where the memory takes place then becomes important in remembering process. Then how architecture becomes one of many forms that important in this process? In this thesis, there are studies in two architectures which contain collective memory where one of them failed on preserving collective memory. On the other hand, the other one is successful. Conclusion from this thesis is collective memory preservation that uses architecture as its media, must through architecture that can facilitate new collective memory. The remembering process can through similarity which is society can caught and then will retell the story and preserve collective memory."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Hidayat
Tersebar luasnya bangunan-bangunan yang menggunakan tipologi ruko di Jakarta dapat dimaknai sebagai dampak pertumbuhan pesat ekonomi. Kecendrungan tersebut mendorong masyarakat untuk membangun lebih banyak lagi ruko, yang dinilai sebagai asset dan investasi bernilai, namun hal ini dilakukan dengan mengesampingkan pentingnya fungsi ruang yang tepat. Hal ini menurunkan minat masyarakat untuk tinggal di ruko, yang menjadii masalah karena ruko memfokuskan dirinya pada dualsime antara ruang tinggal (residensial) dan ruang kerja (komersil).
Melalui konsep simulakra, skripsi ini mencoba memperjelas fenomena ini, secara sederhana pada realitas dan miniaturnya, yang pada konteks ini adalah hubungan antara bangunan dengan istilah ?ruko? yang melambanginya. Gagasan Baudrillard (1994) bahwa terdapat fase-fase pada proses tersebut yang menjadi metode untuk mempelajari keberadaan masalah ruko ini di proses simulacra.
Dalam hal dualism, studi kasus di Bekasi menemukan bahwa komponen bangunan yang berfungsi sebagai ruang tinggal telah hilang sepenuhnya, untuk memberi ruang pada fungsi komersil. Bangunan tersebut bahkan tidak punya ruang apapun yang mengandung nilai kerumahan. Kondisi ini menantang kesalahpahaman kita pada pemberian nama bangunan tersebut.
Suatu peninjauan ulang untuk menilai ketepatan pemberian nama menjadi sesuatu yang penting, karena sang nama tidak lagi merepresentasikan realita. Hal ini berpotensi menyebabkabkan ambiguitas dan bahkan mengubah realitas itu sendiri

The widespread distribution of new and existing ruko in Jakarta has been seen as one of the indications in the city?s economic growth. Such tendency pushes the public toward building more rukos as part of asset and investment strategy, which may rule out the basic spatial use that the building mass provides. This phenomenon encourages public hesitation toward dwelling in the ruko. This is a problem because ruko emphasizes its function toward the duality between residency and commerciality.
Through concept of Simulacra, this thesis tries to highlight the phenomenon as it is simply the study between reality and its miniaturization, which in this context is between building with the term ruko that is supposed to represent it. Baudrillard?s (1994) idea of simulacra is that there are phases in in such process, the study tries to see in which phase that the ruko problem resides.
In the case of the duality, case study in Bekasi found that the building element that functions to serve the activity of dwelling, elements that are residential has demised entirely, to make room for the commercial. The building provides absolutely no space for the dwelling activity. This condition challenges our misconception toward its name.
A review in a way that the building is labelled is necessary to be taken, because the name does no longer represent reality. This can potentially cause ambiguity, and even changes the reality itself., The widespread distribution of new and existing ruko in Jakarta has been seen as one of the indications in the city?s economic growth. Such tendency pushes the public toward building more rukos as part of asset and investment strategy, which may rule out the basic spatial use that the building mass provides. This phenomenon encourages public hesitation toward dwelling in the ruko. This is a problem because ruko emphasizes its function toward the duality between residency and commerciality.
Through concept of Simulacra, this thesis tries to highlight the phenomenon as it is simply the study between reality and its miniaturization, which in this context is between building with the term ruko that is supposed to represent it. Baudrillard?s (1994) idea of simulacra is that there are phases in in such process, the study tries to see in which phase that the ruko problem resides.
In the case of the duality, case study in Bekasi found that the building element that functions to serve the activity of dwelling, elements that are residential has demised entirely, to make room for the commercial. The building provides absolutely no space for the dwelling activity. This condition challenges our misconception toward its name.
A review in a way that the building is labelled is necessary to be taken, because the name does no longer represent reality. This can potentially cause ambiguity, and even changes the reality itself.]"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cindy Thearas
Diagram merupakan salah satu tools yang sangat umum digunakan dalam proses desain. Dalam proses desain, diagram berperan sebagai generator atau alat generatif. Mencari bagaimana diagram beroperasi dalam proses desain merupakan tujuan dari penulisan skripsi ini. Dalam skripsi ini akan dibahas mengenai peran diagram sebagai mesin abstrak melalui proses dan karakternya sebagai mesin abstrak. Proses reduksi dan proliferating dalam diagram bekerja secara terus-menerus dalam mengolah matter, yang merupakan input utama. Melalui proses reduksi dan proliferating, diagram melakukan proses konstruksi pemahaman baru secara terus menerus, yang dapat dilihat sebagai proses desain yang dilakukan dalam diagram. Pemahaman ini kemudian dipakai untuk membaca proses desain pada House IV oleh Peter Eisenman. Proses desain yang dilihat dari diagram House IV terjadi melalui operasi transformasi dan operasi Boolean.

Diagram is a common tool used in the design process. Diagram acts as a generator or a generative tool in the design process. The purpose of this paper is to look for how the diagram operates in the design process. This paper will discuss the role of the diagram as an abstract machine through the processes in it, as well as the characteristics of the abstract machine. The reduction and the proliferating process in the diagram worked continuously in processing the matter, which is the main input. Through the processes of reduction and proliferating, diagrams construct a new understanding of matter continuously, which can be seen as a design process done in a diagram. This comprehension is then used to read the design process of House IV by Peter Eisenman. The design process seen in the diagrams of House IV by Peter Eisenman is done with the transformation and Boolean operation."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Meydina Putri
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai pengaruh kebudayaan pada pembentukan pola ruang rumah tinggal yang telah pindah keluar daerah asalnya. Pembahasan dilihat melalui perspektif arsitektur interior yang menitikberatkan pada pengaturan pola tatanan ruang dalam rumah. Pola tersebut ditinjau berdasarkan tingkatan intervensi penghuni terhadap rumahnya, organisasi ruang, tata letak elemen interior, dan pemanfaatan ruang. Studi kasus dilakukan pada dua rumah orang Betawi yang berada di Cimahi, Jawa Barat.
Hasil studi kasus menunjukkan bahwa keduanya masih mencerminkan pola kebudayaan dari daerah asal mereka, meskipun lokasinya sudah berada di luar daerah tersebut. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam subconscious mind penghuni masih tertanam pola ruang tertentu yang berasal dari kebudayaan asal dan terus terbawa sehingga mereka cenderung membentuk rumahnya sesuai dengan pola tadi.

This study discusses the influence of culture on the configuration of house’s spatial pattern that had moved outside its origin place. This discussion is observed from the interior architecture perspective that focuses on the arrangement of space order pattern in the house. The pattern review based on the level of residents’ intervention toward their house, the space organization, the layout of the interior elements, and the space utilization. The case study was carried out in two Betawis’ houses in Cimahi, West Java.
The result showed that both of them are still representing its origin pattern, although the location is not in its origin place anymore. It indicates that the specific pattern which comes from its origin culture is still embedded and involved in the residents’ subconscious mind, so that they will configure their house accordance with that pattern.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Septiantia
"Hubungan antara manusia dan hewan saling berkaitan erat dan saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain. Kehadiran hewan peliharaan di dalam rumah tinggal manusia memberikan keuntungan bagi sebagian orang. Anjing merupakan salah satu hewan peliharaan yang memiliki kemampuan emosional seperti manusia sehingga karakteristik anjing yang responsif terhadap tingkah laku manusia. Namun ketika anjing berada di dalam ruang tinggal manusia di rumah menimbulkan negosiasi diantara keduanya. Bagaimana aspek yang perlu diperhatikan ketika memelihara anjing di dalam rumah yaitu dari aspek psikologis dan spasialnya sehingga tercipta lingkungan yang sehat dan well-being untuk keduanya. Hal tersebut akan dijelaskan lebih lanjut pada skripsi ini.

The relationship between humans and animals are closely interrelated and influence each other. The presence of pets in human living space was provided many benefits for some people. Dog is one of the pet that has the ability like human emotional, so the characteristics of dogs that are responsive to human behavior. But when the dog lives in the human living space, caused negotiation between them. How aspects to consider when getting a dog in the house, from the psychological and spatial aspects so as to create a healthy environment and well being for both of them. This will be explained further in this thesis.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tanović, Sabina
"This innovative study of memorial architecture investigates how design can translate memories of human loss into tangible structures, creating spaces for remembering. Using approaches from history, psychology, anthropology and sociology, Sabina Tanović explores purposes behind creating contemporary memorials in a given location, their translation into architectural concepts, their materialisation in the face of social and political challenges, and their influence on the transmission of memory. Covering the period from the First World War to the present, she looks at memorials such as the Holocaust museums in Mechelen and Drancy, as well as memorials for the victims of terrorist attacks, to unravel the private and public role of memorial architecture and the possibilities of architecture as a form of agency in remembering and dealing with a difficult past. The result is a distinctive contribution to the literature on history and memory, and on architecture as a link to the past."
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gunawan Tjahjono
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meliala, Nicky Putra Perwira
"Rumah merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok manusia karena ia mengakomodasi berbagai macam aktivitas manusia sehari hari Salah satu cara pemenuhan kebutuhan rumah adalah pembangunan perumahan formal Pembangunan perumahan formal juga ditujukan untuk membentuk masyarakat dan lingkungan yang berkualitas Rumah pada perumahan formal biasanya dibuat identik satu sama lain sementara aktivitas manusia biasanya berbeda satu sama lain Rumah pada perumahan formal merupakan sebuah ruang yang asing bagi penghuni karena belum diketahui kesesuaiannya dengan aktivitas penghuni Saat manusia menggunakan ruang tersebut ada dua hal yang mungkin terjadi yaitu adaptation ndash manusia mengubah aktivitasnya agar sesuai dengan lingkungan ndash dan adjustment ndash manusia mengubah lingkungan agar sesuai dengan aktivitasnya Tulisan ini membahas proses adaptation dan adjustment yang terjadi pada perumahan Greenland Depok Jakawa Barat Saya melakukan pengamatan dan pemetaan kegiatan di dalam rumah serta wawancara terstruktur dengan 5 lima pemilik tipe rumah yang berbeda Dengan menerapkan metode penelitian kualitatif saya mengidentifikasi kedua kegiatan tersebut terjadi sebagai konsekuensi perbedaan antara prediksi yang dilakukan oleh pengembang dengan jenis kegiatan dan kualitas ruang yang dibutuhkan oleh penghuni

The house is one of the essential needs of human beings due to its capability to accommodate various everyday human activities One of the methods to meet the human needs of having a house is the construction of formal housing It is also created in order to form a high quality environment and society Houses in a formal housing usually are built identical with each other however human daily activities are different in one person to another These houses will become a new environment for the inhabitants During the process of entering a new unknown environment humans tend to make adaptations and adjustments The former is human altering their activities in order to match the environment the latter is where they change their environment to their needs This writing tries to explain the process of adaptation and adjustment according to the case studied in Greenland Housing Depok West Java It is based on activities researching mapping and interviewing with 5 different families By doing qualitative researching method I indicated that both of those activities adaptation and adjustment are happened as a dissimilarity in accommodating activities between developer prediction and the inhabitants needs in their house."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Many of Batak Toba tradisional house are still found in Pulau Samosir and other areas in North Sumatera. When studying the techniques of this traditional house structure design, we have great admiraton for the creativity our ancestors. All materials come from the natural environment where they lives, as well as building technique have been taking into account the various effects caused by the earthquake and fire has been well anticipated. Beside that , all the ellements of building and decorative art which have been drawn by high philosophical meaning. as technology development, the building materials are easier to get so the building of tradisional house was increasingly abondoned."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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