ABSTRAKTersebar luasnya bangunan-bangunan yang menggunakan tipologi ruko di Jakarta dapat dimaknai sebagai dampak pertumbuhan pesat ekonomi. Kecendrungan tersebut mendorong masyarakat untuk membangun lebih banyak lagi ruko, yang dinilai sebagai asset dan investasi bernilai, namun hal ini dilakukan dengan mengesampingkan pentingnya fungsi ruang yang tepat. Hal ini menurunkan minat masyarakat untuk tinggal di ruko, yang menjadii masalah karena ruko memfokuskan dirinya pada dualsime antara ruang tinggal (residensial) dan ruang kerja (komersil).
Melalui konsep simulakra, skripsi ini mencoba memperjelas fenomena ini, secara sederhana pada realitas dan miniaturnya, yang pada konteks ini adalah hubungan antara bangunan dengan istilah ?ruko? yang melambanginya. Gagasan Baudrillard (1994) bahwa terdapat fase-fase pada proses tersebut yang menjadi metode untuk mempelajari keberadaan masalah ruko ini di proses simulacra.
Dalam hal dualism, studi kasus di Bekasi menemukan bahwa komponen bangunan yang berfungsi sebagai ruang tinggal telah hilang sepenuhnya, untuk memberi ruang pada fungsi komersil. Bangunan tersebut bahkan tidak punya ruang apapun yang mengandung nilai kerumahan. Kondisi ini menantang kesalahpahaman kita pada pemberian nama bangunan tersebut.
Suatu peninjauan ulang untuk menilai ketepatan pemberian nama menjadi sesuatu yang penting, karena sang nama tidak lagi merepresentasikan realita. Hal ini berpotensi menyebabkabkan ambiguitas dan bahkan mengubah realitas itu sendiri
ABSTRACTThe widespread distribution of new and existing ruko in Jakarta has been seen as one of the indications in the city?s economic growth. Such tendency pushes the public toward building more rukos as part of asset and investment strategy, which may rule out the basic spatial use that the building mass provides. This phenomenon encourages public hesitation toward dwelling in the ruko. This is a problem because ruko emphasizes its function toward the duality between residency and commerciality.
Through concept of Simulacra, this thesis tries to highlight the phenomenon as it is simply the study between reality and its miniaturization, which in this context is between building with the term ruko that is supposed to represent it. Baudrillard?s (1994) idea of simulacra is that there are phases in in such process, the study tries to see in which phase that the ruko problem resides.
In the case of the duality, case study in Bekasi found that the building element that functions to serve the activity of dwelling, elements that are residential has demised entirely, to make room for the commercial. The building provides absolutely no space for the dwelling activity. This condition challenges our misconception toward its name.
A review in a way that the building is labelled is necessary to be taken, because the name does no longer represent reality. This can potentially cause ambiguity, and even changes the reality itself., The widespread distribution of new and existing ruko in Jakarta has been seen as one of the indications in the city?s economic growth. Such tendency pushes the public toward building more rukos as part of asset and investment strategy, which may rule out the basic spatial use that the building mass provides. This phenomenon encourages public hesitation toward dwelling in the ruko. This is a problem because ruko emphasizes its function toward the duality between residency and commerciality.
Through concept of Simulacra, this thesis tries to highlight the phenomenon as it is simply the study between reality and its miniaturization, which in this context is between building with the term ruko that is supposed to represent it. Baudrillard?s (1994) idea of simulacra is that there are phases in in such process, the study tries to see in which phase that the ruko problem resides.
In the case of the duality, case study in Bekasi found that the building element that functions to serve the activity of dwelling, elements that are residential has demised entirely, to make room for the commercial. The building provides absolutely no space for the dwelling activity. This condition challenges our misconception toward its name.
A review in a way that the building is labelled is necessary to be taken, because the name does no longer represent reality. This can potentially cause ambiguity, and even changes the reality itself.]"