"[Perdagangan bebas yang berkembang saat ini mengakibatkan perpindahan barang antar negara menjadi mudah. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pengembangan sektor industri dalam negeri agar dapat bersaing dengan produk impor. Salah satu industri yang diproyeksikan untuk berkembang adalah industri elektronika. Penelitian ini fokus kepada kebijakan bea masuk yang berlaku di industri elektronika dan dievaluasi menggunakan kriteria efektivitas, kecukupan, responsivitas, serta ketepatan khususnya fasilitas Bea Masuk Ditanggung Pemerintah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasilnya adalah fasilitas BMDTP belum sepenuhnya memenuhi kriteria evaluasi kebijakan sehingga dibutuhkan alternatif kebijakan agar tujuan untuk meningkatkan daya saing industri elektronika dapat tercapai secara maksimal.
;Current developed free trade situation makes the displacement of goods become easier. Therefore, we need to develope domestic industrial sector in order to compete with imported goods. One of industry that is projected to grow up is electronics industry. This research focus on duties policy that applied in electronics industry and will be evaluated by effectiveness, adequacy, responsiveness and appropriateness criteria, especially duties paid by government (BMDTP). This research was conducted by using qualitative approach. The result is that facility does not meet the criteria of policy evaluation so it needs policy alternative to achieve its purpose.
, Current developed free trade situation makes the displacement of goods become easier. Therefore, we need to develope domestic industrial sector in order to compete with imported goods. One of industry that is projected to grow up is electronics industry. This research focus on duties policy that applied in electronics industry and will be evaluated by effectiveness, adequacy, responsiveness and appropriateness criteria, especially duties paid by government (BMDTP). This research was conducted by using qualitative approach. The result is that facility does not meet the criteria of policy evaluation so it needs policy alternative to achieve its purpose.