"Berdasarkan data kunjungan pengemudi taksi ke klinik pool Cinere PT. X didapatkan 50% keluhan nyeri dan pegal-pegal di badan, salah satunya daerah punggung bawah. Keluhan gangguan muskuloskeletal menempati urutan pertama dari 10 penyakit terbanyak di klinik pool Cinere PT. X.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan sudut punggung-tungkai atas dan faktorfaktor lain dengan peningkatan intensitas nyeri punggung bawah akut pada pengemudi taksi PT. X.
Desain penelitian ini adalah potong lintang. Terdapat 158 responden yang dipilih secara proportional random sampling. Variabel terikat adalah peningkatan intensitas nyeri punggung bawah akut dan variabel bebas adalah umur, tinggi badan, indeks massa tubuh, kebiasaan olahraga, kebiasaan merokok, lama mengemudi per hari, shift kerja, sudut punggung-tungkai atas, sudut fleksi lutut.
Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara, pengisian log sheet, pengisian kuesioner Visual Analogue Scale sebelum dan sesudah bekerja, pemeriksaan fisik dan pengambilan foto pengemudi yang sudah diberikan reflective tape serta diminta untuk duduk senyaman mungkin sama seperti mengemudi sehari-hari.
Dari 158 responden, didapatkan 78 orang (49,4%) mengalami nyeri punggung bawah akut pasca bekerja dan diantaranya terdapat 40 orang (25,3%) yang mengalami peningkatan intensitas nyeri punggung bawah akut. Pada analisis multivariat, didapatkan faktor dominan terjadinya peningkatan intensitas nyeri punggung bawah akut adalah sudut punggung-tungkai atas ≤ 103⁰ (RO = 17,14; IK 95% = 5,03-58,44) dan sudut fleksi lutut < 65⁰ (RO = 9,06; IK 95% = 2,75-29,81). Didapatkan tinggi badan ≥ 165 cm mengurangi risiko peningkatan intensitas nyeri punggung bawah akut (RO = 0,31, IK 95% = 0,13-0,72). Pekerjaan mengemudi taksi dengan sudut punggung-tungkai atas ≤ 103⁰ merupakan faktor dominan peningkatan intensitas nyeri punggung bawah akut.
Disarankan pengemudi melakukan relaksasi otot punggung dan menjaga sudut punggung-tungkai atas melebihi 103⁰ dengan memundurkan sandaran kursi sebanyak 5 kali.
According to the data of taxi drivers? visit to the clinic of Cinere Pool of PT. X, it was suggested that 50% of the visit were caused by the complaints of body ache and stiffness. One of them was in the lower back region. Musculoskeletal disorder occupied the first position of the top 10 diseases in the Clinic of Cinere Pool of PT. X.
The objective of this study is to know the association between lumbarthigh angle and other factors with increased intensity of acute low back pain among taxi drivers at PT.X.
The design of this study is cross-sectional. There were 158 respondents selected by proportional random sampling. The dependent variable was the increased intensity of acute low back pain and the independent variables were age, height, body mass index, exercising habit, smoking habit, length of driving per day, work shift, lumbar-thigh angle, and knee flexion angle. Data collection was conducted by interview, log sheets, questionnaire Visual Analogue Scale (before and after work), physical examination, and image captures of the drivers whom had been marked with reflective tape and asked to sit as comfortable as possible, the same as daily driving.
Of 158 respondents, there were 78 respondents (49.4%) experiencing acute low back pain after work and there were 40 respondents (25.3%) experiencing increased intensity of acute low back pain. The analysis of multivariate suggested that the dominant factor of increased intensity of acute low back pain were lumbar-thigh angle ≤ 1030 (OR = 17.14; CI 95% = 5.03 ? 58.44) and knee flexion angle < 65⁰ (OR = 9.06; CI 95% = 2.75 ? 29.81). It was also suggested that height ≥ 165 cm reduced the risk of increased intensity of acute low back pain (OR = 0.31, CI 95% = 0.13 ? 0.72).
Driving taxi with lumbar-thigh angle ≤ 103⁰ is the dominant factor of increased intensity of acute low back pain. It is recommended for the drivers to relax the back muscles and maintain the lumbar-thigh angle over 1030 by withdrawing backward the backrest 5 times."