Childbirth performed in health care facilities has been proven to reduce the risk of maternal death. Childbirth in health care facilities at Lamunti Health Center in 2017 is still low at 16.8%. This study aims to know the determinants and reasons for the use of childbirth in health care facilities by maternity in the working area of Lamunti Health Center 2017. The research method uses quantitative and qualitative combined methods. Bivariate analysis showed three related factors namely health insurance ownership, antenatal care and obstetric complications. Multivariate analysis showed two related factors, namely antenatal care and obstetric complications. Obstetric complications are the most dominant factor associated with the use of childbirth in health care facilities. The qualitative results found that there were still many people who did not yet have a BPJS card, the standard of antenatal care in the village was less than 10 T, the existence of obstetric complications was the reason for the mother giving birth in a health care facility. Commitments / policies are needed to support childbirth in health care facility; integrated ANC training; community empowerment (implementation of childbirth planning programs and prevention of complications; classes of pregnant women; alert villages and PIS-PK).
Keywords: antenatal care, knowledge, attitude, practice, pregnant woman, nutrition, pregnancy