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Muhammad Faris Afif
"Lataar Belakang : Pasca nefrektomi ginjal, terjadi proses kompensasi dari ginjal sisa dalam bentuk hiperfiltrasi untuk mempertahankan laju filtrasi glomerulus, yang dapat berujung pada penyakit ginjal kronik. Sejumlah penelitian menemukan adanya perubahan hemodinamika vaskular ginjal pada ginjal sisa donor yang diperiksa menggunakan ultrasonografi (USG) Doppler. Akan tetapi penelitian tersebut umumnya berfokus pada jangka panjang, dan menggunakan parameter indeks resistensi (RI), belum banyak penelitian yang memfokuskan pada parameter indeks pulsatilitas (PI) dalam jangka pendek, yang dapat bermanfaat untuk memperkirakan prognosis donor. Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran USG Doppler dan adanya perbedaan nilai PI pada ginjal sisa donor transplantasi ginjal antara sebelum dan sesudah nefrektomi dalam jangka pendek. Metode : Desain penelitian merupakan studi prospektif historikal tanpa pembanding menggunakan data sekunder. Sampel adalah donor hidup transplantasi ginjal yang telah menjalani nefrektomi di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) periode Maret 2019 hingga Januari 2020. Data USG Doppler berupa parameter PI a. renalis, segmental, interlobar, dan arkuata di superior, mid, dan inferior ginjal yang tidak dioperasi/ginjal sisa beserta rerata seluruhnya mulai dari preoperasi, H+1, H+7, dan H+30 pasca operasi. Hasil : Didapatkan 40 sampel USG Doppler ginjal sisa donor (rentang usia 24 hingga 66 tahun). Gambaran USG Doppler pada nilai rerata PI preoperatif, H+1, H+7, dan H+30 pasca operasi secara berturut-turut adalah: a. renalis: 1,33, 1,42, 1,31, dan 1,08; a. segmentalis: 1,24, 1,27, 1,18, dan 1,17. a. interlobaris: 1,11, 1,20, 1,19, dan 1,08; a. arkuata: 1,09, 1,14, 1,06, dan 1,02. Pada analisis kemaknaan dengan ANOVA tidak ada perbedaan bermakna pada perubahan rerata nilai PI a. renalis, segmentalis, interlobar, dan arkuata baik keseluruhan maupun per segmen ginjal, kecuali a. interlobar mid ginjal (p = 0,049). Akan tetapi pada analisis post hoc membandingkan dua titik waktu berbeda, tidak didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna Kesimpulan : Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna dari nilai PI ginjal sisa donor sebelum dan sesudah nefrektomi dalam jangka pendek.

Background : After kidney nephrectomy, there is a compensation process in remnant kidney in the form of hyperfiltration to preserve glomerular filtration rate, which may lead to chronic kidney disease. Several studies found changes in renal vascular hemodynamics in donor’s remnant kidney, examined by Doppler ultrasound (US). However those studies mostly focused on long term and used resistive index (RI), while not many studies focused on pulsatility index (PI) in short term, which may be beneficial to predict donor’s prognosis. Objective : This study aimed to know the Doppler US of and differences in PI values in renal transplantation donor’s remnant kidney before and after nephrectomy within short term. Method : The study design is historical prospective without comparison using secondary data. Samples are renal transplantation donor underwent nephrectomy in Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital (RSUPN-CM) from March 2019 until January 2020. Doppler ultrasound data presented in the form of PI parameter of renal, segmental, interlobar, and arcuate arteries, in superior, middle, and inferior kidney of unoperated/remnant kidney and their mean, from pre-surgery, D+1, D+7, and D+30 after surgery. Result : This study obtained 40 samples of donor’s remnant kidney Doppler US (age range 24-66 years old). Doppler US of mean PI from pre-surgery, D+1, D+7, and D+30 after surgery consecutively were: renal artery: 1.33, 1.42, 1.31, and 1.08;segmental artery: 1.24, 1.27, 1.18, and 1.17; interlobar artery: 1.11, 1.20, 1.19, and 1.08; arcuate artery: 1.09, 1.14, 1.06, and 1.02. Significance analysis using ANOVA showed no significant difference of PI value changes of renal, segmental, interlobar, and arcuate artery, both in the mean of whole and segments of kidney, except interlobar artery in the middle segment of kidney (p = 0.049). However, post hoc analysis comparing two different time points showed no significant difference. Conclusion : There was no significant difference of donor’s remnant kidney PI value before and after nephrectomy within short term."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yohana Afrita
"Latar belakang: Pasien dengan tumor muskuloskeletal (MSK) ganas menunjukkan insidens deep vein thrombosis (DVT) bervariasi. USG Doppler berwarna merupakan modalitas terpilih untuk evaluasi DVT.
Tujuan: Menilai hubungan trombus, kecepatan aliran, dan ketebalan dinding vena pada USG Doppler berwarna vena profunda ekstremitas bawah pada pasien dengan tumor primer MSK ganas.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dari pemeriksaan USG Doppler berwarna vena profunda ekstremitas bawah, yaitu trombus, ketebalan dinding vena, dan kecepatan aliran vena, serta data sekunder, yaitu ukuran tumor dari magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) atau computed tomography >(CT) scan dan durasi gejala tumor dari rekam medis. Penelitian dilakukan di Departemen Radiologi dan Poliklinik Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSUPNCM) bulan Agustus 2020 hingga Maret 2022.
Hasil: Terdapat 10% insidens trombus pada sistem vena profunda ekstremitas bawah pada 30 subyek dengan tumor primer MSK ganas. Subyek dengan trombus cenderung memiliki volume tumor lebih besar dibandingkan tanpa trombus, namun secara statistik tidak bermakna.
Kesimpulan: Dimensi dan volume tumor pada subyek dengan trombus cenderung lebih besar dibandingkan tanpa trombus. Pada penderita tumor MSK ganas, dapat ditemukan gambaran klinis dan laboratoris yang menyerupai DVT namun belum tentu didapatkan trombus, sehingga USG Doppler berwarna penting untuk membedakan ada tidaknya DVT.

Background: Patients with malignant musculoskeletal (MSK) tumors show variable incidence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Color Doppler ultrasound (CDUS) is the modality of choice for DVT evaluation.
Objective: To assess the relationship of thrombus, flow velocity, and venous wall thickness on CDUS of lower extremities deep veins in patients with primary malignant MSK tumors.
Methods: Primary data from CDUS of lower extremities deep vein, including thrombus, venous wall thickness, and venous flow velocity. Tumor size was taken from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scans. Duration of tumor symptoms was taken from medical records. The study was conducted at the Department of Radiology and the Orthopaedi and Traumatology Polyclinic of the Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital (RSUPNCM) from August 2020 to March 2022.
Results: There was 10% incidence of thrombus in 30 subjects. Subjects with thrombus tended to have larger tumor volume but it was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: Tumor dimensions and volume in subjects with thrombus tend to be larger than those without thrombus. In patients with malignant MSK tumors, clinical and laboratory features that resemble DVT can be found, but not necessarily a thrombus, therefore CDUS is important for distinguishing the presence or absence of DVT.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Willy Muljono
"Latar belakang: Ulkus Kaki diabetik atau Diabetic Foot Ulcer merupakan salah satu komplikasi yang berat, karena sering kali ulkus kaki diabetik berakhir dengan amputasi kecacatan dan kematian. USG Doppler merupakan modalitas yang mudah tersedia dan non invasif untuk evaluasi arteri ekstremitas inferior dan dapat mendeteksi tingkat keparahan gangguan aliran darah atau Penyakit Arteri Perifer (PAP) dengan sensitivitas 42,8% dan spesifisitas 97,5%. WHO merekomendasikan klasifikasi Perfusion, Extent/Size, Depth/Tissue Loss, Infection, Sensation (PEDIS) sebagai sarana penegakan diagnosis dan membantu menentukan tatalaksana kaki diabetik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat korelasi skor PEDIS dalam menilai gangguan aliran arteri tungkai berdasarkan spektral USG Doppler pada penderita ulkus kaki diabetik di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta. Subjek dan Metode: Subjek penelitian adalah pasien ulkus kaki diabetes yang dirawat di Divisi Bedah Vaskular dan Endovaskular FKUI-RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta dan memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan perhitungan menggunakan sensitivitas estimasi sebesar 80%, error absolut (d=5%), prevalensi estimasi 51,8% maka besar sampel minimal adalah 76. Setelah itu diperoleh data berupa skor PEDIS dan hasil spektral USG pada arteri femoralis, arteri poplitea, arteri dorsalis pedis dan arteri tibialis posterior. Penelitian ini mengumpulkan 81 orang subjek dengan 52 orang (64%) jenis kelamin laki-laki, 29 orang (36%) perempuan dan rata-rata usia 59,8+10,5 tahun. Profil gula darah sewaktu subjek median 265 mg/dl dengan kisaran antara 105-571 mg/dl. Pada tabel 3 dalam menentukan Cut Off skor PEDIS menggunakan kurva ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic), didapatkan Cut Off arteri poplitea >10, sedangkan arteri dorsalis pedis dan arteri tibialis posterior >8.

Main topics: Diabetic Foot Ulcer or Diabetic Foot Ulcer is one form that is severe, because often diabetic foot ulcers end with disability amputation and death. Doppler ultrasound is an easily available and unlimited modality for lower limb risk and can detect the severity of arterial disease or peripheral arterial sensitivity (PAP) with a sensitivity of 42.8% and specificity of 97.5%. WHO that performs Data Perfusion, Area/Size, Depth/Tissue Loss, Infection, Sensation (PEDIS) as a means of enforcing the diagnosis and helps determine the management of diabetic foot. This study was conducted to look at the PEDIS score in assessing the disturbance of limb arterial flow based on Doppler ultrasound in patients with diabetic foot ulcer at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. Subjects were patients with diabetic foot ulcers performed in the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery of the Faculty of Medicine-Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta and fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. This research was conducted by calculating using an estimation sensitivity of 80%, absolute error (d = 5%), the largest prevalence of 51.8%, then the minimum sample size was 76. After that data was obtained in the form of PEDIS scores and spectral results of ultrasound in the femoral artery, arteries poplitea, dorsalis pedis artery and posterior tibial artery. This study collected 81 subjects with 52 people (64%) male gender, 29 people (36%) women and an average of 59.8 + 10.5 years. The blood sugar profile was median 265 mg/dl with a range of 105-571 mg/dl. In table 3 in determining the PEDIS score Cut-Off using the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve, obtained Cut-ff popliteal artery> 10, while the dorsalis pedis artery and posterior tibial artery> 8."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oxford: Churchill Livingstone, 2014
616.075 CLI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syeida Handoyo
"Latar belakang: Komplikasi vena hepatika merupakan komplikasi vaskular pascatransplantasi hati yang penting karena dapat mengakibatkan kongesti hati, sirosis dan kegagalan cangkok, dengan insidens lebih tinggi pada Transplantasi Donor Hidup (LDLT) dibandingkan teknik transplantasi lainnya.
Tujuan: Mengetahui parameter ultrasonografi (USG) Doppler vaskular vena hepatika periode awal pascatransplantasi yang dapat berperan sebagai prediktor komplikasi vena hepatika
Metode: Penelitian dilakukan pada 44 pasien pediatrik yang menjalani LDLT di RSUPN Dr. Ciptomangunkusumo dari tahun 2010 hingga Juli 2022 yang memiliki imaging USG Doppler vaskular pada hari pertama hingga ketiga pascatransplantasi. Kecepatan dan pola gelombang vena hepatika dari USG Doppler dievaluasi pada kelompok dengan dan tanpa komplikasi vena hepatika pada tahun pertama pascatransplantasi. Nilai titik potong kecepatan vena hepatika ditentukan menggunakan receiver operating curve.
Hasil: Kecepatan vena hepatika pada hari kedua pascaoperasi secara signifikan lebih rendah pada pasien dengan komplikasi vena hepatika, dengan nilai tengah 21,3 (16,6-23,3) cm/detik, dibandingkan 28,9 (10,7-75,0) cm/detik pada pasien tanpa komplikasi vena hepatika, (nilai p = 0,018). Nilai titik potong kecepatan vena hepatika hari kedua pascaoperasi dalam membedakan komplikasi dan tanpa komplikasi vena hepatika adalah 23,65 cm/detik, sensitivitas 100%, spesifisitas 76,3%, AUC 0,803 (IK95% 0,679-0,927), dan nilai p = 0,018. Tidak terdapat perbedaan proporsi pola gelombang monofasik vena hepatika antara pasien dengan komplikasi vena hepatika dibandingkan dengan pasien tanpa komplikasi vena hepatika.
Kesimpulan: Kecepatan vena hepatika yang rendah pada USG Doppler vaskular periode awal pascaoperasi terutama di hari kedua dapat membantu memprediksi komplikasi vena hepatika sehingga meningkatkan kewaspadaan dini terhadap komplikasi vena hepatika pada tahun pertama pascatransplantasi.

Background: Hepatic vein complication is an important postoperative complication in pediatric liver transplantation in which liver congestion may progress to cirrhosis and graft failure, with higher incidence in living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) compared to other liver transplantation technique.
Objective: This study aims to identify the role of Doppler ultrasound parameters of hepatic vein in early postoperative period of pediatric LDLT as predictors of hepatic vein complications.
Methods: From 2010 to July 2022, there were 44 pediatric LDLT patients in RSUPN Dr. Ciptomangunkusumo who had Doppler ultrasound imaging from first until third postoperative day. Hepatic vein velocity and waveform were compared in patients with and without hepatic vein complications in one year follow up. Cut off point of hepatic vein velocity is determined using receiver operating curve.
Results: Hepatic vein velocity in second postoperative day is significantly lower in patients with hepatic vein complication, with median of 21,3 (16,6-23,3) cm/s compared to 28,9 (10,7-75,0) cm/s in patients without hepatic vein complication (p value = 0,018), with cut off value to differentiate both group is 23,65 cm/s, sensitivity 100%, specificity 76,3%, AUC 0,803 (CI95% 0,679-0,927), and p value = 0,018. There is no difference in monophasic waveform proportion between patients with and without hepatic vein complication.
Conclusion: Lower hepatic vein velocity in early postoperative Doppler ultrasound of pediatric LDLT, especially in second postoperative day, may aid to predict hepatic vein complication in first year follow up. Such finding may increase awareness of hepatic vein complication in the first year after transplantation.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fery Agusman
"Tujuan :
Mengetahui gambaran atheroskierosis arteri karotis komunis dan arteri ekstremitas bawah (femoralis komunis) pada pasien stroke iskemik dengan USG Color Doppler dan pengaruh faktor-faktor resiko terhadap terjadinya atheroskierosis (plak).
Penelitian "cross sectional", dimulai dari bulan November 2004 sampai dengan April 2005. Penelitian pada 32 pasien stroke iskemik (berdasarkan klinis&CT Scan), menggunakan CDU, transduser 10 MHz. Dilakukan pemeriksaan CDU arteri karotis dan ekstremitas bawah (kanan-kiri) untuk melihat adanya penebalan intima-media, plak, dan pola aliran darah. Faktor-faktor resiko stroke (usia, jenis kelamin, DM, merokok, hiperkoleslerol, riwayat jantung dan stroke) pada pasien dicatat. Hasil dianalisa olch peneliti dan spesialis radiologi.
Rata-rata diameter lumen arteri karotis komunis kanan dan kid adalah 0,89 dan 0,85 cm. Rata-rata diameter lumen arteri femoralis komunis adalah 0,90 dan 0,90 cm. Faktor resiko terbesar penyebab stroke adalah hipertensi (84,4%), disusul riwayat stroke (53,1%), diabetes militus (50,1%), merokok (46,9%), hiperkolesterol (31,3%), jantung (18,8%). Jumlah temuan penebalan intima-media pada arteri karotis dan femoralis komunis hampir sama. Tetapi temuan plak arteri femoralis komunis lebih sering dibandingkan pada arteri karotis komunis, dan pada uji Mc Nemar terdapat hubungan bermakna bahwa plak di arteri femoralis komunis lebih awal dibandingkan pada arteri karotis komunis. Lokasi plak tersering berada di biffurcatio. Pada penelitian ini tidak didapatkan stenosis bermakna, sehingga nilai PI dan RI masih dalam batas normal. Faktor resiko penyebab timbulnya plak tersering adalah hiperkolesterol, disusul DM, jantung, stroke, merokok. Semakin banyak Faktor resiko, maka sernakin besar kemungkinan terdapat plak di arteri karotis komunis dan terutama di arteri femoralis komunis.
Temuan plak di arteri femoralis komunis lebih awal dan lebih sering terjadi dibandingkan di arteri karotis komunis, yang diduga sering mcnyebabkan pelepasan thrombus penyebab stroke iskemik

To asses atherosclerosis of common carotid artery and common femoral artery in patient with ischemic stroke, and risk factor that influence formation of atherosclerosis (plaque).
Study cross sectional; begin from November 2004 to April 2005. Examinations of 32 patients ischemic stroke (based on clinical and CT Scan) use CDU, transducer 10 MHz. CDU carotid and femoral artery right-left was done to evaluated Intima-Media Thickness (IMT) and plaque. Risk factors of stroke (age, sex, diabetes, smoking, hipercholesterol, history of CAD and CVD); in patients being recorded. Reviewed by observer, radiologist.
The mean lumen of diameter right and left command carotid artery is 0,89 and 0.85 cm. The mean of lumen diameter right and left command femoral artery is 0,90 and 0,90 cm. The most frequence risk factor causing ischemic stroke is hipert'nsi (84,4%), then follow history of CVD (53,1%), diabetes (50,1%), smooking (46,9%), hipercholesterol (31,3%), and CAD (18,8%). Amount of Intima-Media Thickness in carotid artery, as common as femoral artery. But plaque in common femoral artery more frequency than in common carotid artery, and with Mc Nemar test there is association that plaque finding in common femoral artery earlier than common carotid artery. Plaque location more frequent in biffurcatio. The most frequency risk factors causing plaque is hipercholesterol, then follow diabetes, CAD, stroke, smoking. Too much risk factor in ischemic stroke, too much plaque finding in common carotid artery and common femoral artery.
Plaque finding in common femoral artery more frequency and earlier than in common carotid artery that suspected release thrombus cause of ischemic stroke."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratih Merinda
"Latar belakang: Kombinasi Handheld Ultrasonography (HHUS) dan Color Doppler Ultrasonography (CDUS) memberikan informasi morfologis dan vaskularisasi lesi, sehingga mampu meningkatkan nilai diagnostik. Modalitas pencitraan baru Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS) memiliki keunggulan yaitu akuisisi gambar otomatis, tidak bergantung operator serta waktu penggunaannya lebih singkat dan dilakukan dalam satu kali pemeriksaan. Saat ini ABUS belum banyak digunakan di Rumah Sakit seluruh Indonesia dan penelitian mengenai ABUS masih terbatas. Sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai ABUS terhadap metode lain yang lebih obyektif. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan menilai kesesuaian antara kombinasi HHUS dan CDUS dengan ABUS terhadap hasil patologi anatomi (PA) lesi payudara. Metode: Dilakukan pemeriksaan kombinasi HHUS dan CDUS menggunakan transduser linear 7-12 MHz ultrasonografi GE tipe Logic S8, kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan ABUS menggunakan transduser konkaf linear 6-12 MHz ABUS GE tipe Invenia. Seluruh pemeriksaan dilakukan sendiri oleh peneliti di Departemen Radiologi RSCM, kemudian dikonfirmasi oleh dokter spesialis radiologi konsultan payudara yakni pembimbing penelitian sebelum pendataan hasil penelitian. Seluruh sampel penelitian telah dilakukan pemeriksaan patologi anatomi. Kesesuaian hasil pemeriksaan kombinasi HHUS dan CDUS dengan ABUS dianalisis menggunakan uji Mc Nemar. Hasil: Pada penelitian ini, diperoleh 25 sampel lesi payudara dari 22 subyek (rentang usia 35-62 tahun; rerata ± SD usia 46,8 ± 8,3 tahun). Kesesuaian hasil pemeriksaan kombinasi HHUS dan CDUS dengan ABUS didapatkan kesesuaian kuat antara kedua modalitas untuk membedakan lesi jinak, indeterminate, dan ganas dengan nilai Kappa Cohen R 0,870 (p 0,001). Hasil kesesuaian kombinasi HHUS dan CDUS terhadap PA lesi payudara memiliki nilai p 0,082 dan Kappa Cohen R 0,421 (p 0,001) sedangkan hasil kesesuaian ABUS terhadap PA lesi payudara memiliki nilai p 0,189 dan Kappa Cohen R 0,356 (p 0,01). Simpulan: kombinasi HHUS dan CDUS memiliki kesesuaian sedikit lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan ABUS terhadap hasil pemeriksaan PA dalam menilai lesi payudara jinak, indeterminate dan ganas. Kombinasi pemeriksaan HHUS dan CDUS terhadap pemeriksaan PA memiliki kesesuaian sedang (moderate agreement). Sedangkan pemeriksaan ABUS terhadap pemeriksaan PA memiliki kesesuaian lemah (fair agreement) dalam menilai lesi payudara. Kombinasi pemeriksaan HHUS dan CDUS terhadap ABUS dan HHUS terhadap ABUS memiliki kesesuaian kuat (almost perfect agreement) dalam menilai lesi payudara.

Background: Combinations of Handheld Ultrasonography (HHUS) and Color Doppler Ultrasonography (CDUS) provide morphological information and vascularity of lesions, so as to increase diagnostic values. The new imaging modalities of Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS) have the advantage of automatic image acquisition, no operator dependence and the examination time is shorter. At present ABUS is not widely used in hospitals throughout Indonesia and research on ABUS is still limited. So it is necessary to do research on ABUS on other methods that are more objective. Objective: This study aimed to assess the suitability between the combination of HHUS and CDUS with ABUS on the results of Pathological Anatomy (PA) of breast lesions. Methods: A combination of HHUS and CDUS was examined using linear transducer 7-12 MHz GE ultrasonography Logic type S8, then ABUS was examined using a 6-12 MHz linear concave transducer GE Invenia ABUS type. All examinations were carried out by the researchers in the Radiology Department of the RSCM, then confirmed by the radiology specialist breast consultant before the data collection. All research samples have been examined for anatomical pathology. The suitability of the HHUS and CDUS combination results with ABUS was analyzed using the Mc Nemar test. Results: In this study, 25 samples of breast lesions were obtained from 22 subjects (age range 35-62 years; mean ± SD age 46.8 ± 8.3 years). The suitability of the results of the combination of HHUS and CDUS with ABUS found a strong match between the two modalities to distinguish benign, indeterminate, and malignant lesions with Kappa values 0.870 (p 0.001). The results of the suitability of the combination of HHUS and CDUS on PA breast lesions have Kappa values 0.421 (p 0.001) whereas the results of ABUS conformity to PA breast lesions have Kappa values 0.356 (p 0.01). Conclusion: The combination of HHUS and CDUS examination against PA examination has moderate agreement while the ABUS examination of PA examination has fair agreement in breast assessment. The combination of examining HHUS and CDUS against ABUS and HHUS against ABUS has a almost perfect agreement in assessing breast lesions."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nyityasmono Tri Nugroho
"[Penyakit Arteri Perifer (PAP) merupakan sumbatan aliran darah arteri selain koroner dan intrakranial. PAP dihasilkan dari proses atherosklerosis, emboli, trombus, dan inflamasi yang mengarah ke stenosis arteri. PAP asimptomatik menempati 3-10% populasi dunia, dan meningkat hingga 15-20% pada 70 tahun ke atas. Divisi kami mencatat 18,1-24,7% pasien kaki diabetik dengan PAP mengalami amputasi pada kurun waktu 3 tahun terakhir. Evaluasi ultrasonografi Doppler pada arteri utama ekstremitas bawah diharapkan mampu mendeteksi secara dini apakah pasien akan diamputasi atau tidak baik mayor maupun minor. Metode yang diambil adalah analitik komparatif kategorik independen dengan disain penelitian kohort retrospektif. Selama Januari 2010 hingga Desember 2011 didapatkan 24 pasien yang masuk kriteria inklusi. Arteri yang diperiksa a.femoralis, a.poplitea, a.tibialis posterior, dan a.dorsalis pedis dengan tampilan spektral mulai dari monofasik, bifasik, atau trifasik terutama dengan pelebaran spektral. Ultrasonografi salah satu modalitas ?operator dependent?, untuk mengurangi bias, peneliti menggunakan operator ultrasonografi adalah peneliti sendiri, trainee atau konsultan divisi kami. Hasil didapatkan spektral bifasik hingga monofasik pada a.femoralis 25,0%, a.poplitea 58,3%, a.tibialis posterior 41,6%, a.dorsalis pedis 45,8%, angka amputasi mayor dan minor masing-masing 4%. Perhitungan statistik didapatkan untuk a.femoralis p=0,054 (95% CI), a.poplitea p=0,006 (95% CI), a.tibialis posterior p=0,010 (95% CI), dan a.dorsalis pedis p=0,021 (95% CI). Secara statistik, prediksi amputasi dapat bermakna pada ultrasonografi Doppler pada a.poplitea, a.tibialis posterior, dan a.dorsalis pedis. Dapat ditarik kesimpulan pemeriksaan ultrasonografi Doppler penting dilakukan pada setiap pasien PAP untuk mengevaluasi secara khusus keadaan empat arteri utama ekstremitas bawah pasien dan untuk prediktor amputasi
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is an occlusive disease of the blood flow artery beside coronary and intracranial artery. PAD is a result of atherosclerotic process, embolism, thrombus, and inflammation which toward of artery stenosis. Asymptomatic PAD counts 3-10% of worl population, and increasing until 15-20% in patient more than 70 years old. Our division counts 18.1-24.7% of diabetic foot patient with PAD undergoes amputation within this three years. Evaluation of duplex ultrasound in the main artery of lower extremity hopefully can detect whether patient will undergo limb salvage or limb loss, as early as possible, major or minor amputation. METHODS Research method is independent category comparative analytic with retrospective cohort design. Within January 2010 to December 2011, we collect 24 patients that rolled on inclusion criteria. We examined femoral, poplitea, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery, which showed monophasic, biphasic, and triphasic spectrum of duplex imaging of the ultrasound, and all of them has broadening spectrum.Ultrasound is an operator dependent modality, to decrease the bias of this research, operator of the ultrasound is researcher, fellowship doctors and consultants of our division. RESULTS Results are 25% in femoral artery, 58.3% in popliteal artery, 41.6% in posterior tibial artery, and 45.8% in dorsalis pedis artery, which counts for biphasic and monophasic spectrum. Amputation rate is 4% for each minor and major amputation. Statistic analysis for correlation of arterial spectrum with amputation are, femoral artery p=0,054 (95% CI), popliteal artery p=0,006 (95% CI), posterior tibial artery p=0,010 (95% CI), and dorsalis pedis artery p=0,021 (95% CI). CONCLUSION Based on statistic analysis, amputation can be significant in duplex imaging of popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery. Conslusion regards duplex imaging to be performed in four main arteries of lower extremity, to predict limb loss.;BACKGROUND Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is an occlusive disease of the blood flow artery beside coronary and intracranial artery. PAD is a result of atherosclerotic process, embolism, thrombus, and inflammation which toward of artery stenosis. Asymptomatic PAD counts 3-10% of worl population, and increasing until 15-20% in patient more than 70 years old. Our division counts 18.1-24.7% of diabetic foot patient with PAD undergoes amputation within this three years. Evaluation of duplex ultrasound in the main artery of lower extremity hopefully can detect whether patient will undergo limb salvage or limb loss, as early as possible, major or minor amputation. METHODS Research method is independent category comparative analytic with retrospective cohort design. Within January 2010 to December 2011, we collect 24 patients that rolled on inclusion criteria. We examined femoral, poplitea, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery, which showed monophasic, biphasic, and triphasic spectrum of duplex imaging of the ultrasound, and all of them has broadening spectrum.Ultrasound is an operator dependent modality, to decrease the bias of this research, operator of the ultrasound is researcher, fellowship doctors and consultants of our division. RESULTS Results are 25% in femoral artery, 58.3% in popliteal artery, 41.6% in posterior tibial artery, and 45.8% in dorsalis pedis artery, which counts for biphasic and monophasic spectrum. Amputation rate is 4% for each minor and major amputation. Statistic analysis for correlation of arterial spectrum with amputation are, femoral artery p=0,054 (95% CI), popliteal artery p=0,006 (95% CI), posterior tibial artery p=0,010 (95% CI), and dorsalis pedis artery p=0,021 (95% CI). CONCLUSION Based on statistic analysis, amputation can be significant in duplex imaging of popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery. Conslusion regards duplex imaging to be performed in four main arteries of lower extremity, to predict limb loss.;BACKGROUND Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is an occlusive disease of the blood flow artery beside coronary and intracranial artery. PAD is a result of atherosclerotic process, embolism, thrombus, and inflammation which toward of artery stenosis. Asymptomatic PAD counts 3-10% of worl population, and increasing until 15-20% in patient more than 70 years old. Our division counts 18.1-24.7% of diabetic foot patient with PAD undergoes amputation within this three years. Evaluation of duplex ultrasound in the main artery of lower extremity hopefully can detect whether patient will undergo limb salvage or limb loss, as early as possible, major or minor amputation. METHODS Research method is independent category comparative analytic with retrospective cohort design. Within January 2010 to December 2011, we collect 24 patients that rolled on inclusion criteria. We examined femoral, poplitea, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery, which showed monophasic, biphasic, and triphasic spectrum of duplex imaging of the ultrasound, and all of them has broadening spectrum.Ultrasound is an operator dependent modality, to decrease the bias of this research, operator of the ultrasound is researcher, fellowship doctors and consultants of our division. RESULTS Results are 25% in femoral artery, 58.3% in popliteal artery, 41.6% in posterior tibial artery, and 45.8% in dorsalis pedis artery, which counts for biphasic and monophasic spectrum. Amputation rate is 4% for each minor and major amputation. Statistic analysis for correlation of arterial spectrum with amputation are, femoral artery p=0,054 (95% CI), popliteal artery p=0,006 (95% CI), posterior tibial artery p=0,010 (95% CI), and dorsalis pedis artery p=0,021 (95% CI). CONCLUSION Based on statistic analysis, amputation can be significant in duplex imaging of popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery. Conslusion regards duplex imaging to be performed in four main arteries of lower extremity, to predict limb loss.;BACKGROUND Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is an occlusive disease of the blood flow artery beside coronary and intracranial artery. PAD is a result of atherosclerotic process, embolism, thrombus, and inflammation which toward of artery stenosis. Asymptomatic PAD counts 3-10% of worl population, and increasing until 15-20% in patient more than 70 years old. Our division counts 18.1-24.7% of diabetic foot patient with PAD undergoes amputation within this three years. Evaluation of duplex ultrasound in the main artery of lower extremity hopefully can detect whether patient will undergo limb salvage or limb loss, as early as possible, major or minor amputation. METHODS Research method is independent category comparative analytic with retrospective cohort design. Within January 2010 to December 2011, we collect 24 patients that rolled on inclusion criteria. We examined femoral, poplitea, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery, which showed monophasic, biphasic, and triphasic spectrum of duplex imaging of the ultrasound, and all of them has broadening spectrum.Ultrasound is an operator dependent modality, to decrease the bias of this research, operator of the ultrasound is researcher, fellowship doctors and consultants of our division. RESULTS Results are 25% in femoral artery, 58.3% in popliteal artery, 41.6% in posterior tibial artery, and 45.8% in dorsalis pedis artery, which counts for biphasic and monophasic spectrum. Amputation rate is 4% for each minor and major amputation. Statistic analysis for correlation of arterial spectrum with amputation are, femoral artery p=0,054 (95% CI), popliteal artery p=0,006 (95% CI), posterior tibial artery p=0,010 (95% CI), and dorsalis pedis artery p=0,021 (95% CI). CONCLUSION Based on statistic analysis, amputation can be significant in duplex imaging of popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery. Conslusion regards duplex imaging to be performed in four main arteries of lower extremity, to predict limb loss.;BACKGROUND Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is an occlusive disease of the blood flow artery beside coronary and intracranial artery. PAD is a result of atherosclerotic process, embolism, thrombus, and inflammation which toward of artery stenosis. Asymptomatic PAD counts 3-10% of worl population, and increasing until 15-20% in patient more than 70 years old. Our division counts 18.1-24.7% of diabetic foot patient with PAD undergoes amputation within this three years. Evaluation of duplex ultrasound in the main artery of lower extremity hopefully can detect whether patient will undergo limb salvage or limb loss, as early as possible, major or minor amputation. METHODS Research method is independent category comparative analytic with retrospective cohort design. Within January 2010 to December 2011, we collect 24 patients that rolled on inclusion criteria. We examined femoral, poplitea, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery, which showed monophasic, biphasic, and triphasic spectrum of duplex imaging of the ultrasound, and all of them has broadening spectrum.Ultrasound is an operator dependent modality, to decrease the bias of this research, operator of the ultrasound is researcher, fellowship doctors and consultants of our division. RESULTS Results are 25% in femoral artery, 58.3% in popliteal artery, 41.6% in posterior tibial artery, and 45.8% in dorsalis pedis artery, which counts for biphasic and monophasic spectrum. Amputation rate is 4% for each minor and major amputation. Statistic analysis for correlation of arterial spectrum with amputation are, femoral artery p=0,054 (95% CI), popliteal artery p=0,006 (95% CI), posterior tibial artery p=0,010 (95% CI), and dorsalis pedis artery p=0,021 (95% CI). CONCLUSION Based on statistic analysis, amputation can be significant in duplex imaging of popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery. Conslusion regards duplex imaging to be performed in four main arteries of lower extremity, to predict limb loss.;BACKGROUND Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is an occlusive disease of the blood flow artery beside coronary and intracranial artery. PAD is a result of atherosclerotic process, embolism, thrombus, and inflammation which toward of artery stenosis. Asymptomatic PAD counts 3-10% of worl population, and increasing until 15-20% in patient more than 70 years old. Our division counts 18.1-24.7% of diabetic foot patient with PAD undergoes amputation within this three years. Evaluation of duplex ultrasound in the main artery of lower extremity hopefully can detect whether patient will undergo limb salvage or limb loss, as early as possible, major or minor amputation. METHODS Research method is independent category comparative analytic with retrospective cohort design. Within January 2010 to December 2011, we collect 24 patients that rolled on inclusion criteria. We examined femoral, poplitea, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery, which showed monophasic, biphasic, and triphasic spectrum of duplex imaging of the ultrasound, and all of them has broadening spectrum.Ultrasound is an operator dependent modality, to decrease the bias of this research, operator of the ultrasound is researcher, fellowship doctors and consultants of our division. RESULTS Results are 25% in femoral artery, 58.3% in popliteal artery, 41.6% in posterior tibial artery, and 45.8% in dorsalis pedis artery, which counts for biphasic and monophasic spectrum. Amputation rate is 4% for each minor and major amputation. Statistic analysis for correlation of arterial spectrum with amputation are, femoral artery p=0,054 (95% CI), popliteal artery p=0,006 (95% CI), posterior tibial artery p=0,010 (95% CI), and dorsalis pedis artery p=0,021 (95% CI). CONCLUSION Based on statistic analysis, amputation can be significant in duplex imaging of popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery. Conslusion regards duplex imaging to be performed in four main arteries of lower extremity, to predict limb loss., BACKGROUND
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is an occlusive disease of the blood flow artery beside coronary and intracranial artery. PAD is a result of atherosclerotic process, embolism, thrombus, and inflammation which toward of artery stenosis. Asymptomatic PAD counts 3-10% of worl population, and increasing until 15-20% in patient more than 70 years old. Our division counts 18.1-24.7% of diabetic foot patient with PAD undergoes amputation within this three years. Evaluation of duplex ultrasound in the main artery of lower extremity hopefully can detect whether patient will undergo limb salvage or limb loss, as early as possible, major or minor amputation.
Research method is independent category comparative analytic with retrospective cohort design. Within January 2010 to December 2011, we collect 24 patients that rolled on inclusion criteria. We examined femoral, poplitea, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery, which showed monophasic, biphasic, and triphasic spectrum of duplex imaging of the ultrasound, and all of them has broadening spectrum.Ultrasound is an operator dependent modality, to decrease the bias of this research, operator of the ultrasound is researcher, fellowship doctors and consultants of our division.
Results are 25% in femoral artery, 58.3% in popliteal artery, 41.6% in posterior tibial artery, and 45.8% in dorsalis pedis artery, which counts for biphasic and monophasic spectrum. Amputation rate is 4% for each minor and major amputation. Statistic analysis for correlation of arterial spectrum with amputation are, femoral artery p=0,054 (95% CI), popliteal artery p=0,006 (95% CI), posterior tibial artery p=0,010 (95% CI), and dorsalis pedis artery p=0,021 (95% CI).
Based on statistic analysis, amputation can be significant in duplex imaging of popliteal, posterior tibial, and dorsalis pedis artery. Conslusion regards duplex imaging to be performed in four main arteries of lower extremity, to predict limb loss.]
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Embong Wicaksono
"Latar belakang: USG Doppler kerap dipakai untuk skrining awal Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia (CLTI) dan dapat juga memantau respons terapi selama follow-up. Di Rumah Sakit Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM), sebagai pusat rujukan nasional dan Pusat Pendidikan Subspesialis Bedah Vaskular Endovaskular, Trainee bedah vaskular-endovaskular menjalani pendidikan mereka. Penting bagi Trainee Bedah Vaskular untuk mengkorelasikan temuan klinis dengan hasil USG Doppler, sehingga supervisi  semester 4 terhadap semester 1 menjadi krusial. Namun, dampak pengalaman terhadap akurasi USG Doppler, terutama pada pasien Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia (CLTI), antara Trainee semester 1 dan 4 masih belum ada, termasuk kekurangan data dan SOP terkait durasi supervisi.

Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode potong lintang untuk menguji diagnosis CLTI melalui USG oleh trainee semester 1 dan 4, dibandingkan dengan CT Angiografi (CTA) sebagai standar.

Hasil: Total ada 31 pasien (62 tungkai) yang dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok dan diamati menggunakan USG oleh trainee dari kedua semester tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesesuaian temuan oklusi arteri berdasarkan USG dibandingkan dengan CTA lebih tinggi pada trainee semester 4. Selain itu, korelasi dalam penentuan derajat stenosis antara USG dan CTA lebih kuat pada semester 4. Hasil uji diagnosis menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan trainee semester 4 memiliki akurasi diagnosis USG yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan trainee semester 1 di semua segmen arteri tungkai bawah.

Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan keluaran , akurasi USG oleh semester 1 dan 4 dengan angka yang tidak jauh berbeda dalam mendiagnosis CLTI, Pada Penelitian ini peneliti juga menyarankan perlunya supervisi antara semester 1 dan 4 agar ada transfer ilmu dan patient safety


Background: Doppler Ultrasound (USG) is frequently used for screening Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia (CLTI)  and monitoring therapy response during follow-up. At Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), a national referral center dan center Education of Vascular and Endovarcular Surgery, vascular-endovascular surgery trainees undergo their education. It is crucial for these trainees to correlate clinical findings with Doppler USG results, hence supervision of the forth to first semester is essential. However, the impact of experience on the accuracy of Doppler USG, especially in patients with Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia (CLTI), between first and fourth semester trainees is still unclear, including the lack of data and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) regarding the duration of supervision.

Method: This study employed a cross-sectional method to test PAD diagnosis through USG performed by first and fourth semester trainees, compared with CT Angiography (CTA) as the gold standard.

Results: A total of 31 patient (62 lower limb) were divided into two groups and observed using USG by trainees from both semesters. The study results indicated that the concordance of arterial occlusion findings based on USG compared with CTA was higher in fourth semester trainees. Furthermore, the correlation in determining the degree of stenosis between USG and CTA was stronger in the fourth semester. The diagnostic test results showed that overall, fourth semester trainees had higher USG diagnostic accuracy compared to first semester trainees in all lower limb arterial segments.

Conclusion: There are differences in the output and accuracy of ultrasound user in fourth dan first semester trainees which are not much different result in diagnosing CLTI,  in this study researchers also suggest the need for supervision between semesters first and fourth so that there will be a knowledge transfer and patient safety.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sari Nur Assyifa
"Latar Belakang: Lidokain, selain sebagai anestesia lokal klasik, juga berkembang penggunaannya secara sistemik untuk ajuvan anestesia. Salah satu manfaatnya ialah dalam neuroanestesi untuk relaksasi otak namun mekanisme kerjanya masih belum sepenuhnya diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh lidokain sistemik terhadap cerebral blood flow (CBF) yang dinilai dengan mean flow velocity (MFV) arteri serebral media (MCA) bilateral menggunakan alat Transcranial Doppler (TCD).
Metode: Metode penelitian ini menggunakan desain uji klinis acak tersamar ganda di Instalasi Bedah Pusat RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta, berlangsung pada bulan September-Desember 2023. Pada hari operasi, penilaian MFV MCA kanan dan kiri dilakukan menggunakan TCD pada tiga tahap waktu yang berbeda: sebelum anestesi, setelah anestesi, dan 1 jam setelah infus NaCl 0,9% pada kelompok kontrol atau infus lidokain pada kelompok uji. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS versi 26.
Hasil: Dalam penelitian ini, 34 subjek memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan dibagi menjadi kelompok kontrol (infus NaCl 0,9%) dan kelompok lidokain (bolus lidokain 1,5 mg/kg dan infus lidokain 1,5 mg/kg/jam). Demografi subjek menunjukkan proporsi laki-laki dan perempuan yang seimbang di kedua kelompok, serta tidak ada perbedaan signifikan dalam rerata usia. Hasil pengukuran MFV MCA kanan dan kiri sebelum dan setelah pembiusan umum tidak menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan. Setelah satu jam pemberian infus lidokain, terdapat perbedaan signifikan (p <0,001) antara rerata kelompok kontrol 69,63 (22,7-85,1) cm/detik dan rerata kelompok lidokain 44,07 (21,3-61,1) cm/detik pada MCA kanan. Hal serupa terjadi pada MFV MCA kiri, di mana perbedaan signifikan (p=0,001) antara rerata kelompok kontrol 60,3 (18,4-85,1) cm/detik dan rerata kelompok lidokain 48,27 (18,3-66,3) cm/detik.
Simpulan: Nilai MFV MCA lebih rendah pada pasien yang menerima infus lidokain intraoperatif dibandingkan dengan plasebo dan berbeda signifikan secara statistik pada MCA kanan (p <0,001) dan MCA kiri (p=0,001).

Introduction: Lidocaine, besides being a classical local anesthetic, has also evolved for systemic use in adjunct anesthesia. One of its benefits lies in neuroanesthesia for brain relaxation, although its mechanism of action is not fully understood. This study aims to evaluate the systemic effects of lidocaine on cerebral blood flow (CBF) assessed through the mean flow velocity (MFV) of bilateral middle cerebral arteries (MCA) using Transcranial Doppler (TCD).
Methods: This research is a double-blind randomized clinical trial design at the Central Surgery Installation of RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta, conducted from September to December 2023. On the day of surgery, assessments of MFV in the right and left MCAs were performed using TCD at three different time points: before anesthesia, after anesthesia, and 1 hour after the infusion of 0.9% NaCl in the control group or lidocaine infusion in the experimental group. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS version 26.
Results: In this study, 34 subjects met inclusion criteria and were divided into a control group (0.9% NaCl infusion) and a lidocaine group (1.5 mg/kg bolus followed by 1.5 mg/kg/h infusion). Subject demographics showed a balanced gender distribution with no significant age differences between the two groups. Measurements of MFV in the right and left MCAs before and after general anesthesia did not exhibit significant differences. However, one hour after lidocaine infusion, there were significant differences (p <0.001) between the mean control group values of 69.63 (22.7 - 85.1) cm/s and the lidocaine group values of 44.07 (21.3-61.1) cm/s in the right MCA. Similar findings occurred in the left MCA, with significant differences (p=0.001) between the mean control group values of 60.3 (18.4 - 85.1) cm/s and the lidocaine group values of 48.27 (18.3-66.3) cm/s. Conclusion: The MFV values in the MCA were significantly lower in patients receiving intraoperative lidocaine infusion compared to placebo, both in the right MCA (p <0.001) and the left MCA (p=0.001).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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