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Simbolon, Jinoko
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai implementasi asas cabotage dalam hukum positif Indonesia terhadap kapal penunjang Migas (Migas) atau anjungan Migas yang beroperasi di wilayah lepas pantai yang termasuk dalam wilayah laut zona ekonomi ekslusif (ZEE) maupun landas kontinen dimana ketentuan hukum internasional berlaku, kesesuainnya dengan ketentuan WTO yaitu ketentuan General Agreement on Trade In Services (GATS) dan schedule of commitment Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif yang di dukung oleh penelitian empiris. Dengan rumusan pengertian kapal yang meliputi juga floating platforms di lepas pantai (dalam hal ini termasuk rig-rig, anjungan Migas lepas pantai) sepanjang berada dalam yuridiksi dan kedaulatan Indonesia yaitu berada di laut teritorial Indonesia beserta perairan kepulauan dan perairan pedalaman maka asas cabotage berlaku terhadap kapal dan floating platforms tersebut. Sedangkan menurut hukum positif Iindonesia asas cabotage tidak berlaku di landas kontinen dan ZEE namun dalam pelaksanaannya berlaku karena dalam operasional tersebut harus melalui Pelabuhan, laut teritorial, perairan kepulauan dan perairan pedalaman. Implementasi asas cabotage belum dapat dilaksanakan sepenuhnya karena pemerintah masih memberikan dispensasi terhadap penggunaan kapal asing untuk usaha Migas lepas pantai melalui Permenhub No.46 Tahun 2019, namun peraturan ini secara substansi tidak sejalan atau bertentangan dengan asas hukum lex superior derogate legi inferiori. Pengaturan asas cabotage merupakan bagian dari prinsip yang diatur dalam GATS tentang domestic regulation, dan WTO tetap mengakui eksistensi kedaulatan negara anggotanya. Hasil penelitian menyarankan perlu menyempurnakan hukum positif Indonesia sebagai peraturan domestik untuk menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan liberalisasi jasa angkutan laut khususnya penggunaan kapal asing untuk menunjang usaha Migas lepas pantai di Indonesia dan memberikan kelonggaran bagi armada angkutan laut asing pada kegiatan Migas lepas pantai.

This focus of this study is assesed implementation of the cabotage principle in Indonesian positive law to offshore oil and gas supporting vessels or oil and gas platforms operating in offshore areas that are included in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) sea area or the continental shelf where international law provisions apply, the compliance with WTO provisions namely the provisions of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and Indonesias schedule of commitment. This research applies a normative juridical approach which is supported by empirical research. With the formulation of the definition of a vessel which includes offshore floating platforms (in this case including rigs, offshore oil and gas platforms) as long as it is within the jurisdiction and sovereignty of Indonesia, which are in the territorial sea of Indonesia, archipelagic waters and inland waters, the cabotage principle applies to vessel and floating platforms. Meanwhile, according to positive Indonesian law the cabotage principle does not apply to vessel and floating platforms on the continental shelf and EEZ, but in practice the cabotage principle also applies because vessel and floating platforms in these operations must go through ports, territorial seas, archipelagic waters and inland waters. Implementation of the cabotage principle cannot yet be fully implemented because the government is still giving dispensation for the use of foreign vessel for offshore oil and gas business through Permenhub No.46 of 2019, but this regulation is substantially not in line with or against the legal principle of the lex superior derogate legi inferiori. Implementation of the cabotage principle is part of the principles that is regulated in GATS regarding domestic regulation, and the WTO continues to recognize the existence of the sovereignty of its member countries. The results suggest that it is necessary to improve Indonesias positive law as a domestic regulation to adjust to the development of liberalization of sea transportation services, especially the use of foreign vessels to support offshore oil and gas businesses in Indonesia and to provide leeway for foreign marine transportation fleets in offshore activities."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arfianti Kusuma Wardhani
"Tesis ini menganalisis ketentuan Mode 4 General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS} dan membahas mengenai kepentingan Indonesia dalam liberalisasi perdagangan di bidang jasa. Tujuan penulisan tesis ini adalab untuk mengetahu i bagaimana pelaksanaan liberalisasi Mode 4 dan hasit yang dicapai, untuk mengetahui peran Mode 4 dan upaya liberalisasi bagi Indonesia, _serta untuk mengetahui hal-hal apa yang akan Indonesia lakukan dalam forum pe-raagangan internasional untuk memenuhi kepentingannya di dala m Mode 4. Penulisan tesis ini menggunakan metode penelitian nonnatif yang bersifat preskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitati f.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam Mode 4 GATS tidak ada pembatasan mengenai ruang lingkup Mode 4, yaitu definisi Mode 4 dan kategori individu (natura/ person ) tidak jelas, serta tidak adanya definisi temporary dan tingkat keterampilan. Mode 4 adalah moda penyedia jasa yang paling kecil liberalisasinya di dalam GATS. Hal ini disebabkan oleh banyaknya hambatan-hambatan dala m Mode 4, antara lain visa dan izin kerja, masalah definisi Mode 4 GATS, dan pengakuan kualifikasi.
Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa Mode 4 penting bagi Indonesia karena Indonesia mempunyai kepentingan ekspor berupa keunggulan komparatif pada Mode 4 dan keuntungan-keuntungan yang diperoleh dari Mode 4. Untuk memanfaatkan Mode 4 dalam li beralisasi perdagangan di bidang jasa, Indonesia melakukan strategi ekspor dan sttategi impor. Penelitian ini antara lain menyarankan bahwa Indonesia tidak lagi dapat mengandalkan keunggulan komparatifnya di bidang jasa ketenagakerjaan, tetapi harus beralih ke keunggul an kompetitif, yaitu dengan mcningkatkan kualitas TKL.

This thesis analyzes the provisions of General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) Mode 4 and discusses Indonesia's interests in the liberalization of trade in services. The aim of this thesis is to determine how the implementation of the liberalization of Mode 4 and the results achieved, to determine the role of liberalization of Mode 4 and the effort of liberalization for Indonesia, and to know·what lndonesia is going to do in the i·nternational trade forum to meet its interests in . Mode 4.
This thesis uses methods that are prescriptive normative research using qualitative approaches. The results of t his study indicate that in GATS Mode 4 there are no limitations on the scope of Mode 4, i.e. the unclear definition of Mode 4 and the category of natural persons, and there are no definitions in the term of temporary and the level of skills. Mode 4 is the least liberalized mode of services supply in the GATS. This is caused by a number of constraints in Mode 4. including visas and work pem1its. the GATS Mode 4 definition problems, and the recognition of qualifications.
The results of this study also show that Mode 4 is important for Indonesia because Indonesia has a comparative advantage in the form of export interests in Mode 4 and the benefits derived from Mode 4. In order to take advantage of the liberalization of Mode 4 trade in services:>, Indonesia is pursuing export and import strategies. This research, among others, suggested that Indonesia can no longer rely on its comparative advantage in the service sector employment, but must switch to a competitive advantage. namel y by improving the quality of Indonesian workers."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Armeity Rossi Triwahyuni
"Tesis ini membahas menganai Analisa Terhadap Jasa e-commerce atau Perdagangan Melalui Sistem Elektronik berdasarkan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Indonesia dan Ketentuan General Agreement on Trade in Services. Pada saat ini WTO belum mengatur e-commerce, namun beberapa investor asing telah berinvestasi dalam industri e-commerce di Indonesia. Tesis ini menggunakan kajian hukum normatif dengan tipologi penelitian presktiptif.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan telah terjadi liberalisasi jasa e-commerce di Indonesia, walaupun adanya persyaratan pendaftaran perusahan asing dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2014 tentang Perdagangan dan pembatasan kepemilikan modal asing dalam Peraturan Presiden No. 44 Tahun 2016 tentang Daftar Bidang Usaha Yang Tertutup Dan Bidang Usaha Yang Terbuka Dengan Persyaratan Di Bidang Penanaman Modal.
Saran untuk penelitian ini adalah apabila WTO akan mengatur e-commerce sebaiknya tetap menerapkan ketentuan yang berlaku dalam GATS dan menerapkan pengaturan e-commerce dari FTA negara-negara yang telah berkomitmen dalam sektor e-commerce. Pemerintah Indonesia dapat membuat pembatasan-pembatasan mengenai kepemilikan modal asing di dalam SoC yang terdapat dalam ketentuan GATS.

The Focus of this thesis is about analysis of e-commerce base on Indonesia Act and Provision of General Agreement on Trade on Services. At this time the WTO has not been set up e-commerce, but some foreign investors have invested in e-commerce industry in Indonesia. This thesis uses a typology of normative legal analysis prescriptive research.
The results of this study indicate there has been a liberalization of services of e-commerce in Indonesia, although the requirements for registration of foreign companies in Act No. 7 of 2014 on Trade and the restrictions on foreign equity ownership in Presidential Regulation No. 44 Year 2016 concerning List of Closed and Opened Business Field with Requirement in the Field of Investment.
Suggestions for this research is that if the WTO will set up e-commerce should continue to implement the applicable provisions of GATS and implementing e-commerce arrangements of FTA countries that have been committed in the e-commerce sector. Indonesian Government can make borders for foreign investment on SoC in Provision of GATS.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deasy Patricia
Tesis ini membahas tentang terhadap prospek liberalisasi jasa dibidang pos dalam
lingkup General Agreement On Trade In Service (GATS), kendala dan manfaatnya bagi
Indonesia. Tahapan-tahapan liberalisasi jasa bidang pos di Indonesia dan hal-hal yang terkait
dalam penyusunan Schedule Specific of Commitment (SoC).
Penelitian thesis ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif, karena penelitian ini menitik
beratkan pada penelitian kepustakaan yang meneliti asas-asas hukum, sistematis hukum, dan
sikronisasi hukum dengan jalan menganalisis dan kebijakan yang dilakukan pemerintah terhadap
prospek liberalisasi industri dibidang jasa pos. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan
menggunakan metode preskiptif kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa saat ini
Indonesia belum membuka jasa khususnya bidang pos. Peraturan Nasional Indonesia di bidang
jasa khususnya bidang pos merupakan landasan dalam penentuan komitmen Indonesia dalam

This thesis discusses the prospects of liberalization in the field of postal services within the scope
of the General Agreement On Trade In Services (GATS), the constraints and benefits for
Indonesia. Stages of liberalization of the postal services sector in Indonesia and the things
involved in the preparation of the Schedule of Specific Commitment (SoC).
This thesis research is a normative study, because this study focuses on the research literature
that examines the general principles of law, systematic laws, and synchronization with the legal
and policy analysis of the prospects of the government's liberalization of postal services in the
field of industry. Data were analyzed using qualitative methods preskiptif. From the results of
this study indicate that Indonesia has not opened the field of postal services in particular.
Indonesia's National Regulations in the field of postal services sector, particularly in the
determination is the cornerstone of Indonesia's commitment in the GATS-WTO."
Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riko Nugraha
"Tesis ini membahas tentang analisis hukum terhadap kebijakan terhadap Moda 4 (Movement of Natural Person) General Agreement on Trade in Service (GATS) dan kepentingan Indonesia dalam rangka liberalisasi jasa di indonesia serta kesesuaian dengan komitmen dalam (GATS-WTO) khususnya di bidang jasa. Pengaturan liberalisasi jasa di Indonesia (Peraturan nasional-National Regulation) serta komitmen Indonesia dalam Moda 4 General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) yang berkaitan dengan liberalisasi di bidang jasa. Kesesuaian dan konsistensi pengaturan jasa di Indonesia terhadap komitmen Indonesia dalam Moda 4 General Agreement on Trade in Service (GATS) di bidang jasa.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif, karena penelitian ini menitik beratkan pada penelitian kepustakaan yang meneliti asas-asas hukum, sistematis hukum, dan sikronisasi hukum dengan jalan menganalisis dan kebijakan yang dilakukan pemerintah terhadap Moda 4 GATS. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode preskiptif kualitatif.
Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa saat ini Indonesia telah membuka jasa Moda 4 untuk asing. Peraturan Nasional Indonesia di bidang jasa khususnya Moda 4 merupakan landasan dalam penentuan komitmen Indonesia dalam GATS-WTO.

The Focus of this thesis is about Analysis Regulaion of Indonesia toward policy of mode 4 (Movement of Natural Person) General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and the interests of Indonesia in the context of liberalization in services in Indonesia and in suitability with the commitments in GATS-WTO, especially in services sector. Setting the liberalization of services in Indonesia (National Regulation) and Indonesia's commitment on Mode 4 General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) relating to the liberalization in services. Suitability and consistency of regulation in services in Indonesia towards Indonesia's commitment on Mode 4 General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) in the service sector.
This research is juridical normative research, because this research focuses on observational studies literature that examines the general principles of law, the law systematically, and synchronization by analyzing the law and government policy on GATS Mode 4. The data obtained were analyzed using prescriptive qualitative methods.
From the results of this study indicate that Indonesia has opened up to foreign services. National regulations of Indonesia in telecommunication services, especially Mode 4 is a cornerstone in the determination of Indonesia's commitment on GATS-WTO.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akbar Muhammad Zainuri
World Trade Organization (WTO) sebagai suatu badan perdagangan dibentuk
berdasarkan ide liberalisasi perdagangan internasional untuk meningkatkan
perdagangan dunia, dengan perdagangan dunia yang meningkat diharapkan
kemakmuran umat manusia akan meningkat. WTO secara umum terbagi atas tiga
perjanjian, yaitu the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the
General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), dan Trade-Related Aspects of
Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs). Dalam GATS, WTO mengatur tentang
perdagangan jasa-jasa, salah satunya yaitu financial services atau jasa keuangan
yang di dalamnya mengatur tentang jasa perbankan. Indonesia sebagai negara
yang telah meratifikasi WTO dengan Undang-undang Republik Indonesia No 7
tahun 1994 Tentang Pengesahan Agreement Establishing the World Trade
Organization, bertanggung jawab untuk mengimplementasikan perjanjianperjanjian
dalam WTO, termasuk tentang jasa perbankan yang diatur dalam
GATS ke dalam peraturan perundang-undangan tentang perbankan Indonesia.
Dalam dunia perbankan, sistem perbankan terbagi dua, yaitu sistem konvensional
dan syariah, sistem perbankan syariah dewasa ini berkembang sangat pesat, dan
telah menjadi salah satu pilihan transaki perbankan. GATS mengatur tentang
pembukaan bank di negara-negara anggotanya dengan prinsip-prinsip nondiskriminasi
dan harus seliberal mungkin, namun GATS juga memberikan
kemungkinan negara untuk membuat Schedule of Specific Commitments (SoC)
untuk menunjukkan bagaimana setiap negara anggota menerapkan kewajiban
akses pasar dan perlakuan nasionalnya. Indonesia dalam SoC nya, mengatakan
pembukaan bank asing syariah wajib dalam bentuk joint venture dengan lokal,
dengan memungkinkan asing memiliki maksimum 99% dari modal disetor bank.
Di Indonesia terdapat dua bank asing syariah yang telah beroperasi, yaitu
Maybank Syariah dan Bank Muamalat Indonesia. Dalam pembukaan bank asing
syariah, Indonesia telah menerapkan prinsip Most-Favoured Nation dengan baik,
hanya prinsip resiprositas yang belum terlaksana dengan baik. Kedepannya,
Indonesia wajib mengatur ulang kebijakannya di dalam negeri dan mengadakan
negosiasi dengan negara lain agar bank nasional Indonesia dapat membuka
cabangnya di luar negeri

World Trade Organization (WTO) is an organization which was founded in the
spirit of international trade liberalization with a view to improve the world trade,
which consequently would improve the prosperity of mankind. Generally, WTO is
based on three agreements; the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT),
the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), and the Trade-Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs). In GATS, WTO regulates the
trade of services; the financial services being one of them. It, furthermore,
manages Indonesian banking services As a country that has ratified WTO, as
stated in Law No 7 year 1994 of Republic of Indonesia on the ratification of
Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, Indonesia is responsible in
implementing the agreements stated in WTO; which includes the banking services
that is stated in GATS, into the banking law of Indonesia. The banking system is
fundamentally divided into two; the conventional banking and the Islamic banking
system which has rapidly developed and has successfully become a choice for
people?s banking transactions. GATS regulates the establishment of banks in its
member countries based on the non-discriminating and liberal principles. GATS,
however, offers possibilities for its member countries to form a Schedule of
Specific Commitments (SoC) as a mean to show their market access liability and
their national banking acts. In its SoC, Indonesia states that any foreign Islamic
banks must form a joint venture with local banks, with maximum capital of 99%.
At the moment, there are two operating islamic banks in Indonesia; Maybank
Syariah and Bank Muamalat Indonesia. In the establishment of islamic banks,
Indonesia has applied Most-Favoured nation principle. However, the principle of
reciprocity has yet to be applied effectively. In the near future, it is hoped that
Indonesia could reconsider its national regulation, and hold negotiations with other
countries, so as Indonesia?s own banks would be able to open their branches"
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andriyana Tresnawan
"General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) has made significant impact on telecommunication industry in Indonesia. It ended the monopoly of telecommunication services provided for decades by two of State Owned Enterprises (SOE), PT Telkom and PT Indosat. After the GATS agreement, anyone can be a telecommunication services provider in Indonesia. Furthermore, the GATS agreement also describe that the protection toward domestic provider must be ended and gradual liberation must be accomplish in certain reasonable period reflected to the schedule of commitments in WTO. Due to this condition, Indosat must anticipate by re-planning, repositioning and reform its core business and organization in order to survive and gain some advantage from this new telecommunication platform policy that strongly support free competition. And so, the purposes of this paper are to examine and describe the anticipation of Indosat toward the new telecommunication platform and the Indosat participation toward the obligation to provide universal services.
By using the description method with qualitative approach and back up fundamentally by service trade theories and GATS General principles along with obligation in telecommunication industry sets by WTO, this research is to find out how far that Indosat used its potentiality such as human resources, infrastructures, financial power, and its clusters to deaf with the trade liberation drive by GATS and to gain some advantage from the four Mode of Supply.
The anticipation of Indosat toward the impact of GATS is done by focusing in wireless telecommunication business and by convergent the telecommunication sector with multimedia sector particularly in the advanced of Internet technology. Furthermore, Indosat is also gain some fundamental benefit from Mode of Supply and from lndosat cooperation along with other subsidiary of STT Telemedia Group. While in the obligation to provide universal services, Indosat have a quite limited participation by providing telecommunication infrastructures in several Java regions and rely heavily on government initiative. Indosat also less satisfactory to community due to the case that it only heavily provide personal services through its wireless technology rather than providing services for community or group. The Indosat's wireless technology on communal based is not affordable because it's costly. Actually Indosat can and should participated more than what it has been done by developed a co-partnership with people to provide a win-win solution in expanding the universal service obligation and by built affordable services for community (communal based).
A thorough and integrated understanding of telecommunication industry and services in Indonesia is very important due to benefit that society will gain from it. The telecommunication industry will open many new opportunities and create information society, which is a pra-requirement for advanced, and knowledge based society."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naufi Ahmad Naufal
"Tesis ini membahas tentang liberalisasi jasa konstruksi di indonesia dan kesesuaian dengan komitmen dalam General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS-WTO) di bidang jasa konstruksi.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif, karena penelitian ini menitik beratkan pada penelitian kepustakaan yang intinya meneliti asas-asas hukum, sistematis hukum, dan sikronisasi hukum dengan jalan menganalisanya. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif.
Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa saat ini Indonesia telah membuka jasa konstruksi untuk asing. Pembukaan jasa konstruksi asing hanya untuk bidang usaha jasa konstruksi yang beresiko besar dan/atau berteknologi tinggi dan/atau yang berbiaya besar. Peraturan Nasional Indonesia di bidang jasa konstruksi merupakan landasan dalam penentuan komitmen Indonesia dalam GATS-WTO.

Main purpose of this study is the construction services liberalization in Indonesia and conformity with commitment in General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS-WTO) in construction services sector.
This research is juridical-normative, because this research emphasized on library research, which researched law principles, law systematic, and law synchronization by analyzing them. The data obtained are analyzed using qualitative descriptive method.
Based on the analysis conclusion of this study shows that the present Indonesia has opened the market for construction services. Market for foreign supplier only for construction services sector which are high risk and/or high technology and/or high capital. National Regulation on construction sector is main principal in the Indonesia schedule of commitments.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Donny Suhana Somawidjaya
Tesis ini membahas mengenai konsep keamanan nasional (National Security) dalam kerangka liberalisasi perdagangan World Trade Organization yang diadopsi dalam Pasal XXI General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade dan Pasal XIV bis General Agreement On Trade Of Services, serta bagaimana konsep tersebut dapat mempengaruhi proses liberalisasi perdagangan yang bersifat hambatan terhadap liberalisasi perdagangan itu sendiri, dan bagaimana konsep tersebut menyebabkan pencapaian tujuan World Trade Organization yaitu kesejahteraan tidak akan tercapai sehingga aturan-aturan GATT dan GATS menjadi sia-sia dalam praktiknya

This thesis discusess the analysis of National Security concept in related to the trade liberalization framework on World Trade Organization (WTO) adopted by it rules in Article XXI General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and Article XIV bis General Agreement on Trade in Services, studying how the concept affected the trade liberalization as an obstacle for trade liberalization itself, and how the concept doesn't support for reaching prosperity for all WTO members which is it?s a main purpose of World Trade Organization"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Purnamasari
"World Trade Organization (WTG) telah menghasilkan Persetujuan Umum Tentang Perdagangan Jasa (General Agreement on Trade in Services-GATS). Dalam GATS terdapat prinsip-prinsip dasar yang terdiri dari Most Favoured Nations; National Treatment; dan Transparansi. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, semakin merebaknya masalah globalisasi serta liberalisasi ekonomi di berbagai negara, termasuk Indonesia, akan mempengaruhi industri asuransi di Indonesia. Apabila Indonesia akan membuat komitmen dalam jasa asuransi, maka Indonesia harus tunduk pada ketentuan GATS. Konsekuensi pelaksanaan komitmen itu ialah melakukan reformasi terhadap semua peraturan perundangan-undangan di bidang asuransi yang tidak sesuai dengan prinsip dan ketentuan GATS.
Pokok permasalahan yang dikemukakan adalah apakah peraturan perundangan-undangan perasuransian yang berlaku saat ini telah mendukung apabila Indonesia membuat komitmen untuk tunduk pada GATS dalam sektor jasa asuransi dan bagaimana prakteknya di Indonesia; hal-hal apakah yang ditentukan oleh GATS terhadap negara-negara anggotanya dalam membuat komitmen serta bagaimana proteksi Pemerintah Indonesia terhadap industri asuransi nasional melalui peraturan. Dalam penulisan tesis ini, tipe penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah penelitian yuridis-normatif. Sumber data diperoleh dari data sekunder yang akan dianalisis secara kualitatif.
Dalam menarik kesimpulan akan digunakan metode induktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan perasuransian Indonesia masih terdapat beberapa pasal yang harus disesuaikan dengan prinsip National Treatment. Dalam kenyataannya, walaupun Indonesia belum membuat komitmen dalam GATS, ada beberapa perusahaan asuransi asing, dengan bentuk joint venture antara pihak asing dengan pihak nasional, yang telah melakukan usahanya di Indonesia. Dalam membuat komitmen di GATS, ada beberapa hal yang harus dipenuhi, berkaitan dengan kewajiban-kewajiban oleh negara anggota, sebagaimana yang dimuat dalam GATS. Secara garis besar, proteksi pemerintah terhadap industri asuransi nasional dapat dibedakan atas 3 (tiga) hal, yaitu perlindungan terhadap kepemilikan saham pihak nasional; pembatasan bagi pihak asing; kesehatan perusahaan asuransi nasional."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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