Every insurance companies certainly have a capacity limit related to the maximum claim that can be borne. Therefore, insurance companies need to reinsure risks that cannot be borne to reinsurance companies. Types of reinsurance contracts that commonly used are quota-share and stop-loss. In quota-share reinsurance, the reinsurance premium is proportional by the proportion of amount claim that is covered, but this reinsurance is not safe against a large claim. While for stop-loss reinsurance, the reinsurance premium is relatively large but safe for a large claim. So, this undergraduate thesis will combine both types of reinsurance, in the hope that both can cover each other's shortcomings with their respective strengths. After being combined, it is necessary to determine the optimal quota-share proportion and stop-loss retention so insurance companies can calculate surely the number of risks they bear. One criterion of determines optimal proportion and retention is based on Value-at-Risk (VaR) optimization. The more minimum VaR value produced, the loss from claims that must be approved by the insurance company is getting smaller. With the reinsurance premium as a constraint, this optimization problem is solved for each type of reinsurance combination, be it stop-loss after quota-share or quota-share after stop-loss. From each of these types combinations, the result is optimal quota-share proportion and stop-loss retention, so as produce a minimum VaR value from the borne risk by insurance companies. By comparing the results of VaR optimization of these types of reinsurance, a combination quota-share after the stop-loss is obtained resulting in a more minimum VaR value.
"Demi menjaga stabilitas finansial dan mengefektifkan pengelolaan risiko, perusahaan asuransi akan mereasuransikan sebagian klaim yang ada kepada perusahaan reasuransi. Terdapat dua jenis kontrak reasuransi yang biasa digunakan, yaitu reasuransi quota-share dan stop-loss. Pada reasuransi quota-share, klaim dibagi berdasarkan proporsi yang tetap dan premi reasuransi bergantung pada nilai proporsi tersebut, sedangkan pada reasuransi stop-loss, klaim dibagi berdasarkan retensi klaim. Pada skripsi ini kedua reasuransi tersebut dikombinasikan dengan harapan kedua reasuransi tersebut dapat saling menutupi kekurangan yang ada. Setelah dikombinasikan, untuk mendapatkan pertanggungan yang baik bagi perusahaan asuransi, maka perlu dicari nilai proporsi dan retensi yang optimal. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan mengoptimisasi ukuran risiko. Semakin kecil nilai ukuran risiko, maka semakin kecil juga besar kerugian yang akan ditanggung perusahaan asuransi. Ukuran risiko yang digunakan pada skripsi ini adalah Conditional-Tail-Expectation (CTE) yang memiliki relevansi dengan ukuran risiko Value-at-Risk (VaR), yaitu ukuran risiko yang lebih sering digunakan karena penggunaannya yang sederhana, tetapi memiliki kekurangan dalam memberikan informasi terkait dengan kerugian yang sangat besar. Dihitung dengan menggunakan prinsip nilai ekspektasi, premi reasuransi digunakan sebagai kendala pada optimisasi ukuran risiko dengan CTE yang dilakukan untuk masing-masing kombinasi reasuransi, yaitu kombinasi reasuransi stop-loss setelah quota-share dan quota-share setelah stop-loss. Dengan mengoptimisasi CTE, diperoleh bahwa masing-masing kombinasi reasuransi menghasilkan nilai minimal CTE yang sama, sehingga kedua kombinasi reasuransi sama-sama optimal untuk digunakan oleh perusahaan asuransi. Selain itu, didalam menentukan nilai minimal, kondisi yang digunakan pada optimisasi dengan ukuran risiko CTE berbeda dengan VaR.
To maintain financial stability and to effectively manage the risk, an insurer will partially reinsure the loss to a reinsurance company. Two most commonly used reinsurance contracts are quota-share and stop-loss. In quota-share, the loss will be split based on a fixed proportion and the reinsurance premium depends on the value of the proportion, while in stop-loss the loss will be split depends on on the retention value. In hope that these two types of reinsurance can cover each other weaknesses, this undergraduate thesis combines both quota-share and stop-loss reinsurance. Subsequently, to get a good coverage for the insurer, it is necessary to find the optimal proportion and retention value. One way to accomplish that is using risk measure optimization. The smaller the value of the risk measure, the smaller the loss that borne by the insurer. The risk measure that used in this undergraduate thesis is Conditional-Tail-Expectation (CTE), which has relevance to Value-at-Risk (VaR), the most common used risk measure in practice, but has a weakness in giving information about the value of an extreme loss. Calculated using the expected value principle, the reinsurance premium is used as a constraint in the CTE optimization for each of the reinsurance combinations, which are stop-loss after quota-share and quota-share after stop-loss. By optimizing CTE, it is found that each combination produces the same minimum CTE value, so both reinsurance combinations are optimal to be used by the insurer. Furthermore, in determining the minimum value, the conditions that are used in optimization using CTE are different from VaR