"Kinerja Badan Peneliti dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau belum maksimal dari sasaran rencana pembangunan daerah. Untuk memaksimalkan Kinerja Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau dibutuhkan: (a) Sinergi dan kesamaan persepsi antara seluruh aparat agar memperhatikan hasil penelitian yang berkualitas. (b) Meningkatkan kinerja para pejabat struktural, yaitu Kepala Badan Balitbang, Sekretaris dan Kepala Bidang agar semakin mendukung program dan para pejabat fungsional peneliti untuk melaksanakan perannya lebih berkualitas. (c) Memperbanyak jumlah Fungsional Peneliti dan Fungsional Perekayasaan yang berkualitas sesuai harapan dan tantangan Badan dan Dinas Pemerintah Daerah.
Jumlah hasil penelitian Balitbang Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau tiap tahun mengalami peningkatan dan sebagian besar penelitian mandiri yaitu sebanyak 61% dan penelitian hasil kerjasama dengan pihak ketiga sebanyak 39%. Secara umum kualitas penelitian belum sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, karena: (a) Sistem perencanaan penelitian yang tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan daerah atau satuan kerja. (b) Pelaksanaan penelitian yang menggunakan pihak ketiga (konsultan) kurang memuaskan, karena dalam pelaksanaannya hanya menyelesaikan kegiatan penelitian saja. (c) Terbatasnya tenaga fungsional peneliti yang bersertifikasi. (d) Hasil penelitian belum maksimal karena tenaga peneliti yang tersedia kualifikasi keilmuan yang dibutuhkan sering tidak sesuai dengan penelitian yang dikerjakan. (e) Adanya usulan/ program penelitian yang tidak berdasarkan kebutuhan tetapi cenderung keinginan dari luar Balitbang.
Badan dan Dinas Pemerintah Provinsi serta Kabupaten/Kota telah mendapat manfaat dari hasil penelitian, namun secara teperinci belum, karena: (a) Sistem perencanaan penelitian belum berawal dari kebutuan daerah dan satuan kerja yang dibangun melalui forum kelitbangan. (b) Kurangnya sosialisasi dan publikasi hasil-hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan. (c) Penelitian belum seluruhnya bisa menjawab permasalahan Badan dan Dinas Pemerintah Daerah serta Pemerintah Kabupaten /Kota. Untuk peningkatan kinerja Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau mendatang diperlukan perhatian terhadap: (a) Riset unggulan yang sudah diprogramkan seperti energi terbarukan, bidang ketahanan pangan, klaster sawit dan lain lain dikasanakan dengan memperhatikan kualitas dan sosialisasi hasil temuan. (b) Seluruh peneliti fungsional dan institusi yang membidangi ristek diupayakan untuk dapat melaksanakan penelitian semaksimal mungkin berdasarkan kemampuan yang tersedia serta kemungkinan berkolaborasi dengan institusi lain sepanjang dibenarkan oleh ketentuan yang berlaku. (c) Pelitian mandiri dilaksanakan oleh Peneliti Internal Balitbang dalam rangka meningkatkan inovasi, kegairahan serta kreabilitas peneliti dan institusi.
The performance of Research and Development Board of Riau Province has not achieved the maximum target of local development plans yet. In order to maximize the performance, research and development board of Riau province requires (a) To synergy the perspective and to cooperate among the entire apparatus in order to consider the quality of research results. (b) To improve the performance of structural official, namely the head of the Research and Development Department, secretary and head of the field witch aimed for supporting the program and functional research official in order to carry out better quality of their role. (c) To multiply the number of functional engineering researchers and qualified functional engineer that could meet the expectation and challenges of Local Government Agencies.
The research results of Riau Province R&D Board has increased each year in number and most of researches are conducted independently which said 61% from the total research while 39% of the research is conducted in cooperation with third party. In general, the quality of the research has not met the expectation yet. There are four factors that become major causes of such issue; (a)The research planning system which incompatible with the area or working unit. (b)The performance of research which entirely relies third party (consultant) that works under the expected quality (c)The limited number of functional certified researchers (d)The result of researches has not met the maximum quality since the scientific qualification of the available researchers in the field are not suitable with the conducted research (e)The proposal of research program mostly is not based on the need but tends to do research out of R & D Board expectation. The Agency and The Provincial Government Offices and District / City have got benefit from the research but it is not detailed yet. It is because: (a)The research planning system is not based from local region needs and working area which built through research and development forum; (b)The minimum publication upon the conducted research results; (c)The research results have not been able to entirely answer the issue of Agency and local Government and District Agencies.
In order to improve the performance of The Research Provincial body and Development of Riau Province in the future, they need to pay more attention to: (a)The excellent research which has been programmed upon renewable energy sources, food security, palm oil cluster and other must be conducted by paying attention on the quality and the publication of research result (b)The entire functional research and institution that is in charge of Research and Technology is sought to undertake research as closely as possible based on the available capacity and the possibility of collaborating with other institutions along with the existing regulations (c)The independent research is conducted by internal R & D researchers in order to enhance innovation, excitement and the credibility of researchers and institutions."