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Vannesia Mauretta
"Laporan magang ini membahas mengenai evaluasi proyek implementasi sistem enterprise resource planning (ERP) pada PT Fintech, sebuah perusahaan jasa keuangan digital. Evaluasi proyek implementasi sistem ERP dilakukan dengan mengacu pada empat kerangka model system development life cycle (SDLC), yaitu waterfall model, iterative model, spiral model, dan agile model. Evaluasi model SDLC yang sesuai dengan proyek implementasi sistem ERP pada PT Fintech dinilai berdasarkan tujuh faktor, yaitu kejelasan dari kebutuhan dan persyaratan, biaya, waktu yang diperlukan untuk pengembangan, pengintegrasian perubahan dalam kebutuhan, kompleksitas sistem, komunikasi kepada stakeholder, dan ukuran risiko proyek. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa model SDLC yang paling tepat digunakan untuk PT Fintech adalah agile model.

This internship report discusses the evaluation of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system implementation project at PT Fintech, a digital financial services company. Evaluation of the ERP system implementation project is carried out by referring to the four frameworks of the system development life cycle (SDLC) model, namely the waterfall model, iterative model, spiral model, and agile model. The evaluation of the SDLC model in accordance with the ERP system implementation project at PT Fintech was assessed based on seven factors, namely clarity of needs and requirements, cost, time required for development, integration of changes in requirements, system complexity, communication to stakeholders, and project risk measures. The evaluation result shows that the most appropriate SDLC model for PT Fintech is the agile model."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dinar Permata Listyani
"Studi kasus ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis penerapan PSAK No. 10 (Revisi 2010) tentang Pengaruh Perubahan Kurs Valuta Asing pada Perusahaan batubara yaitu PT MMM. Studi kasus ini membahas penentuan mata uang fungsional, proses pengukuran kembali pada laporan keuangan Perusahaan per 31.Desember.2011, serta penentuan mata uang pencatatan dan penyajian laporan keuangan yang dilakukan oleh PT MMM. PT MMM menentukan mata uang US Dollar sebagai mata uang fungsional berdasarkan PSAK No. 10 (Revisi 2010). Perusahaan melakukan pengukuran kembali tehadap laporan keuangan per 31.Desember 2011 secara retrospektif dengan mengelompokkan item-item laporan keuangan menjadi 3 (tiga) pos yaitu pos moneter, pos non moneter, serta item-item laporan laba rugi komprehensif. Efektif sejak tanggal 1 Januari 2012 setelah proses pengukuran kembali, PT MMM menggunakan US Dollar untuk mencatat transaksi dan menyusun laporan keuangan.

The purpose of this case study is to analyze the implementation of PSAK No. 10 (Revised 2010) about the Influence of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates in the coal mining company, PT MMM. The case study discusses the determination of functional currency, remeasurement process of the financial statement as of December 31, 2011, and the determination of the recording and reporting currency on the financial statement by PT MMM. PT MMM determine US Dollar as the functional currency according to PSAK No. 10 (Revised 2010). Company perform remeasurement process of the financial statements as of December.31, 2011 retrospectively by classifying the items of financial statements to be monetary items, nonmonetary items, and comprehensive income statement items. Effective since January 1,2012 after the remeasurement process, PT MMM use US Dollar to record the transaction and report the financial statement."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abhirama Budiawan
"PT XYZ merupakan salah satu perusahaan financial technology atau dapat disebut dengan fintech dengan kategori P2P Lending. Salah satu bidang yang dicakup oleh PT XYZ ini adalah bidang retail yang memiliki limit pinjaman yang kecil dan jumlah borrower yang banyak. Masalah timbul karena sistem pada PT XYZ ini masih membutuhkan proses pengecekkan secara manual oleh user. Hal ini tentunya memperlambat processing time dari pengajuan pinjaman. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan konsep business process reengineering atau BPR dengan UML activity diagram dalam melakukan analisis serta perancangan perbaikan proses pengajuan pinjaman saat ini, metodologi agile scrum dalam perancangan pengembangan hasil perbaikan process flow serta menggunakan skenario uji coba untuk melakukan uji coba dari hasil perbaikan process flow yang baru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode mixed method antara kualitatif dengan kuantitatif. Data-data yang digunakan berupa hasil wawancara dengan Product Manager dan Relationship Manager, data processing time pengajuan pinjaman, dokumen process flow saat ini, serta visi, misi dan target pengembangan pada tahun 2022. Hasil penelitian ini berupa hasil rekomendasi process flow baru yang memperbaiki process flow yang lama. Ditemukan bahwa terdapat tahap-tahap yang masih manual dan beberapa tahap yang memiliki sifat redundansi. Tahap tersebut diperbaiki dengan harapan untuk mempercepat processing time.

PT XYZ is one of financial technology or we can call it fintech with P2P Lending category. The area covered is the retail sector which have small limits but large number of borrowers. With a large numbers of borrowers and loan applications, it will affect the processing time of existing business processes. The problem arises because the system still requires manual checking by users. This will slow down the processing time. This research will use the concept of business process reengineering or BPR with UML activity diagram in doing the analyzing and redesigning the current loan application process, agile scrum methodology in designing the development of the new and redesigned process flow. This research will use mixed method methodology using qualitative and quantitative. The data are interviews with Product Manager and Relationship manager, processing time data of loan application, current process flow document, and also vision, mission and target of development in year 2022. The result of this research will include recommendation of a new process flow that fixes the current process flow. It was found out that there are steps that are still manual and redundant steps. That step is redesigned in hope to fasten the processing time."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arief Rahman Ar-Ridho
"Laporan magang ini berisi pembahasan mengenai evaluasi terhadap penerapan manajemen proyek terintegrasi pada proyek implementasi sistem Enterprise Resource Planning di PT HOPE, sebuah perusahaan penyedia jasa keuangan berbasis teknologi digital di Indonesia. Proyek ini melibatkan PT INFO sebagai konsultan teknologi dan pengembang sistem ERP PT HOPE. Tujuan proyek adalah mengintegrasikan sistem informasi akuntansi PT HOPE dengan WISH Holdings Inc. sebagai entitas induk. Evaluasi dilakukan melalui penilaian terhadap kelengkapan komponen dan kesesuaian dengan tujuan setiap proses pada manajemen proyek terintegrasi. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa manajemen proyek terintegrasi telah diterapkan pada keseluruhan proyek. Namun, terdapat ketidaksesuaian pada proses pemantauan dan penutupan proyek yang berdampak pada kelancaran operasi sistem setelah Go-Live dilakukan, sehingga dirumuskan rekomendasi yang bisa diterapkan pada proyek-proyek lainnya. Bagian akhir laporan magang ini berisi refleksi diri berdasarkan pengalaman yang dijalani selama magang karya akhir serta rencana pengembangan diri usai laporan magang ditulis.

This internship report contains discussion over the evaluation of project integration management practice within the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning system at PT HOPE, a digital technology-based financial services provider in Indonesia. This project involved PT INFO as the technology consultant and developer of the system for PT HOPE. The objective was to integrate accounting information system between PT HOPE and Wish Holdings Inc. as its holding entity. Evaluation is performed through an assessment over component completeness and conformity with the objective of each project integration management process. The result showed that project integration management had been practiced throughout the whole project. Though a number of discrepancies were identified in the monitoring and closing processes of the project that impacted system operation after Go-Live, thus recommendations were formulated to be applicable in other projects. The last part of the report contains self-reflection based on the experiences gained during the internship accompanied by a self-development plan to be carried out after this report is completed."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zeta Zafirah Adam
"InvoCare adalah penyedia terkemuka layanan pemakaman dan kremasi di Australia, Selandia Baru, dan Singapura, yang kini juga berkembang ke layanan kremasi hewan peliharaan di Australia. Laporan ini menganalisis kinerja keuangan InvoCare dengan menggunakan metrik seperti tingkat pertumbuhan pendapatan, margin keuntungan, dan pengembalian atas modal yang diinvestasikan (ROIC). ROIC yang kuat dan laba operasi bersih InvoCare kontras dengan kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh pesaingnya. Analisis SWOT menyoroti fase pertumbuhan, volatilitas rendah, dan profitabilitas tinggi. InvoCare sebagai kekuatan, sementara peluang terletak pada pertumbuhan pendapatan dan investasi teknologi. Namun, tantangan termasuk persaingan tinggi, konsentrasi pelanggan, dan kebutuhan modal yang signifikan. Ancaman meliputi masalah utang potensial, fluktuasi item non-berulang, penggerak kinerja rendah, dan permintaan yang bervariasi. Pelaporan yang akurat dari item non-berulang sangat penting untuk kepercayaan investor dan keputusan strategis. Laporan ini memberikan wawasan berharga tentang kesehatan keuangan dan posisi pasar InvoCare.
InvoCare is a leading provider of funeral and cremation services in Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore, expanding into pet cremation in Australia. This report analyzes InvoCare's financial performance, using metrics like revenue growth rate, profit margins, and return on invested capital (ROIC). InvoCare's strong ROIC and net operating profit contrast with competitors' struggles. A SWOT analysis highlights InvoCare's growth phase, low volatility, and high profitability as strengths, while opportunities lie in revenue growth and technology investments. However, challenges include high competition, customer concentration, and significant capital needs. Threats involve potential debt issues, non-recurring item fluctuations, low performance drivers, and variable demand. Accurate reporting of non-recurring items is crucial for investor confidence and strategic decisions. The report offers valuable insights into InvoCare's financial health and market position.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Dengan kompleksitas tinggi dan kebutuhan dana investasi yang cukup besar maka penentuan asumsi - asumsi menjadi penting pada proyek pembangkit tenaga listrik. Penentuan asumsi ini akan mempengaruhi hasil dari analisis kelayakan financial yang dilakukan untuk menentukan diterima atau ditolaknya proyek. Selain itu analisis sensitivitas terhadap asumsi - asumsi utama perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap kelayakan financial proyek pembangkit PLTGU combined cycle 660 MW. Proyek ini juga menghadapi ketidakpastian akan harga bahan bakar dan tarif energi. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan analisis keputusan manajemen terhadap indikator - indikator kelayakan financial sebelum diambil keputusan terhadap proyek.
Metode discounted cash flow digunakan dalam melakukan analisis kelayakan financial proyek PLTGU combined cycle 660 MW untuk mendapatkan indikator NPV dan IRR berdasarkan pendekatan koefisien beta PT ABC. Pendekatan koefisien beta ini penting karena PT ABC belum listing dipasar modal, sehingga hasil analisis diharapakan mendekati kondisi risiko pasar yang sesungguhnya. Asumsi - asumsi yang ditetapkan menjadi input dan economic model yang dibangun untuk melakukan analisis sensitivitas dan kelayakan financial dengan simulasi terhadap skenario pesimis, normal dan optimis untuk loan interest dan discount rate, harga bahan bakar serta capacity factor pembangkit.
Analisis sensitivitas memperlihatkan bahwa proyek pembangkit memiliki sensitivitas tinggi terhadap harga bahan bakar gas dan capacity factor pembangkit. Tingkat pengembalian proyek memenuhi target yaitu lebib besar dart discount rate proyek pada harga bahan bakar USD 2,7 - 3 IMMBTU dengan fleksibilitas tinggi pada capacity factor pembangkit. Sedangkan pada harga pasar, USD 5 IMMBTU tingkat pengembalian proyek memenuhi target pads capacity factor 60% keatas dengan soft loan, sedangkan dengan commercial loan target tingkat pengembalian proyek tidak terpenuhi. Soft loan umumnya diperoleh dari pinjaman luar negeri Pcmerintah Republik Indonesia kepada lembaga - lembaga keuangan Intemasioanl seperti ADB dan JBIC yang diteruskan kepada PT ABC. Penerusan pinjaman ini digunakan untuk membiayai proyek - proyek Perusahaan dan tidak diikat jaminan.
Dari hasil simulasi terhadap tiga skenario yang ditetapkan memperlihatkan bahwa indikator kelayakan financial proyek PLTGU combined cycle 660 MW memiliki NPV positif pada harga bahan bakar natural gas USD 2,7 - 3,0 IMMBTU dengan dana investasi soft loan dan commercial loan. Untuk harga bahan bakar USD 5 IMMBTU proyek memiliki NPV negatif pada commercial loan, sedangkan dengan soft loan proyek memiliki NPV positif pada capacity factor diatas 60%. atau proyek berada dalam kondisi option zone. Kondisi option zone ini perlu dikaji lebih lanjut sebelum manajemen memutuskan menerima proyek tersebut.
Sebagai kesimpulan dari analisis ini adalah penentuan koefisien beta dart PT ABC, perusahaan yang belum listing, menjadi penting agar penilaian proyek PLTGU combined cycle 660 MW mendekati kondisi resiko pasar yang sesungguhnya. Hasil perhitungan, koefisien beta PT ABC adalah 0,74. Analisis keputusan manajemen terhadap indikator kelayakan financial, memperlihatkan bahwa proyek PLTGU combined cycle memiliki tingkat resiko rendah dan layak diterima pada skenario normal dengan loan interest 3,75% dan harga bahan bakar USD 3 MMBTU.

Power Plant Project is always complicated and involving huge investment therefore selecting proper 'assumptions' on the Financial Analysis is important. Those assumptions will be having direct impact the result of Financial Analysis in order to justify whether the project is feasible of not. On the development of Combined Cycle Power Plant 660MW, the sensitivity analysis on the primary assumptions has to be done to observe its influence toward financial feasibility. Though the project is having high uncertainty on fuel price and energy tariff. It is necessary to analyze the management decisions toward financial feasibility indicators before taking the decision of this project.
The discounted cash flow method is used in this Feasibility Study in order to find out the NPV and IRR indicators. It is base on beta coefficient approach of PT ABC. The approach has to be done due to PT ABC is not Public Company yet. This approach will be resulting close to the actual market risk. The assumptions taken, is used for the input data of Economic Mode' established to run the sensitivity analysis and financial feasibility with simulation toward pessimist, normal and optimist scenarios for loan interest, discount rate, fuel price and plant capacity factor.
The sensitivity analysis shows that the power plant project has high sensitivity toward natural gas fuel price and plant capacity factor. Internal rate of return of this project is feasible i.e greater than discount rare, at fuel price of USD 2, 7 - 3 per MMBTU with high flexibility of plant capacity factor. Meanwhile at the gas fuel market price USD 5 per MMBTU and soft loan basis, the internal rate of return of this project is feasible on the 60% at plant capacity factor and its not feasible by using Commercial loan. Generally, soft loan come from government loan (government to government) to international financial institution like ADB and JBIC with two stages loan scheme, this loan will be used by PT ABC in financing the entire company project with government guarantee.
Refer to the simulation on the three scenarios shows that financial feasibility indicators for 660 MW combined cycle power plant project have positive NPV at natural gas fuel price for 2,7 - 3,0 per MMBTU for both soft loan and commercial loan. At USD 5 per MMBTU of fuel price, the project shows negative NPV at commercial loan and positive NPV at 60% plant capacity factor or more by soft loan. It is mean the project is in the Option Zone. In this Zone, it is necessary to conduct further evaluation before management decides to precede the project.
As a conclusion, the determination of PT ABC beta coefficient is important considering they are not Pubic Listed Company. It will make the analysis of 660 MW combined cycle power pant project close to actual market risk condition. The beta coefficient calculation result for PT ABC is 0, 74. An analysis of management decision toward financial feasibility indicators showing that 660 MW combined cycle power plant project is feasible and lower risk by 3,75 % of loan interest and fuel price at USD 3 per MMBTU scenario."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"PT XYZ adalah perusahaan properti yang bcrada di jantung kota Jakarta. Perusahaan yang berdiri tahun 1990 ini tumbuh berkembang pesat hingga pada tahun 1998, manajemen PT XYZ mulai membangun proyek perluasan kompeknya. Namun, krisis ekonomi yang melanda Indonesia sejak akhir 1997 membuat PT XYZ tidak sanggup untuk melanjutkan pembangunan proyek yang sudah dirintisnya.
Walaupun belum dapat mewujudkan keinginan untuk memperluas usahanya, namun performa keuangan PT XYZ dari tahun ke tahun menunjukkan peningkatan, hingga akhirnya pada pertengahan tahun 2006 ini, PT XYZ mulai dapat meneruskan pembangunan perluasan kompleknya yang nyaris tertunda hampir 8 (delapan) tahun.
PT XYZ mendanai proyek yang dimilikinya dengan menggunakan modal sendiri dan dana pinjaman dari bank-bank sindikasi. Adapun komposisi struktur modal yang digunakan adalah modal sendiri sebesar 34,28% dan pinjaman pihak ke-3 sebesar 65,72%.
Hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa proyek perluasan komplek PT XYZ ini layak untuk dibangun. Hal ini terlihat dari hasil Payback Period selama 11,40 tahun yang iebih cepat dari target perusahaan yaitu selama 15 (lima belas) tahun, Net Present Value yang positif sebesar USS 66.869.249,00, Internal Rate of Return yang lebih tinggi dari Cost of Capital, yaitu sebesar 23,93%, dan Profitability Index yang lebih besar dari pada 1 (satu), yaitu sebesar 1,28.
Selain menggunakan model yang disebutkan diatas, juga dilakukan analisis sensitivitas untuk mengetahui variabel apa yang sangat penting yang dapat mempengaruhi NPV yang diperoleh proyek. Dari analisis ini terlihat bahwa perubahan proyeksi tingkat hunian sangat berpengaruh terhadap arus kas proyek yang berdampak pada perubahan NPV.

PT XYZ is a property company which is located in the heart of Jakarta city. This company was established in 1990 and growth significantly until in 1998 management of PT XYZ started to build the extension project in its complex area, but economic crisis happened in Indonesia starling end of 1997 has made PTXYZ not to be able to continue to build the project.
Even though, the company have not successfully expand its business, but PT XYZ 's financial performance from year to year shown escalation, until by mid 2006, PT XYZ started to continue building the extension project which has been postponed almost for 8 (eight) years.
PT XYZ finances its project by using its own equity and loan from syndicated hanks. The capital structure to build the project is 34,28% by its own equity and 65,72% by borrowing from the 3"d party.
Analysis that has been done shown that PT XYZ?s extension project in its complex is feasible to be built. This can be seem by the Payback Period for 11,40 years which is faster than the management expectation of 15 (fifteen) years, positive Net Present Value of USS 66.869.249, 00, Internal Rate of Return which is higher than its Cost of Capital, which is 23,93%, and Profitability Index which is higher than 1 (one), which is 1,28.
Besides the model mention above, sensitivity analysis was also done to identify what is the most important variable that can impact the NPV of the project. From the analysis, it is shown that changes in projection of occupancy will influence the project cash flow which impacts the changes in NP V."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Arfianty
"Tujuan dari tugas karya akhir ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat likuiditas, tingkat solvabilitas dan tingkat profitabilitas untuk menilai kinerja keuangan pada PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Jasindo) periode tahun 2008-2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif terhadap data sekunder berupa laporan keuangan tahunan untuk periode tahun 2008-2012. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis time-series dan analisis perbandingan dengan menggunakan industri asuransi kerugian Indonesia sebagai benchmark penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kondisi likuiditas PT. Jasindo kurang likuid dan posisi likuiditas PT. Jasindo berada dibawah posisi likuiditas industri asuransi umum di Indonesia. Kemudian, kondisi solvabilitas PT. Jasindo tergolong solvable karena mampu melebihi batas tingkat solvabilitas minimum perusahaan asuransi umum. Namun jika dibandingkan dengan posisi solvabilitas industri asuransi umum di Indonesia posisi solvabilitas PT. Jasindo berada diatas posisi solvabilitas industri asuransi umum di Indonesia. Sedangkan untuk
kondisi profitabilitas PT. Jasindo mampu menghasilkan pendapatan positif tiap tahunnya meskipun berada
dibawah posisi profitabilitas industri asuransi umum di Indonesia.

The purpose of this study is to find out the liquidity, solvency, and profitability for assesing the financial performance of PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Jasindo) during the years 2008 until 2012. This study used a quantitative research and
using secondary data obtained from the financial statement of PT. Jasindo for the period of 2008 to 2012. In this paper, we used time-series analysis and the comparative analysis by using the general insurance industries in Indonesia as the benchmark. The result of this study shows that the liquidity of PT. Jasindo was illiquid, and the liquidity position of PT. Jasindo was lower than the general insurance industries in Indonesia. Then, the solvability condition of PT. Jasindo
classified as solvable because they were able to surpass the regulation of minimum level of general insurance solvency in Indonesia. However, if it is compaed with the solvability position of the general insurance industries in Indonesia, the solvability position of PT. Jasindo is higher than the general insurance industries in Indonesia. Meanwhile, for the profitability condition of
PT. Jasindo is able to earn positive profit anually. Although the profitability of PT. Jasindo is still lower than the position of general insurance industries in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Engkos Achmad Kosasih
Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada, 2012
658.15 ENK m (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Gede Prema Dipta Adi Sanjaya
"[Penelitian ini membahas determinan Value of Financial Flexibility di Indonesia pada periode 2009-2013 dengan pendekatan teoritis Gamba dan Triantis (2008) serta model yang dikembangkan oleh Rapp et al (2014). Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian berjumlah 99 perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan hal penting terkait determinan Value of Financial Flexibility. Pertama, growth opportunities dan profitabilitas berpengaruh positif terhadap Value of Financial Flexibility walaupun growth opportunities tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan. Kedua, effective cost of holding cash, cost of external financing dan reversibility of capital secara signifikan berpengaruh negatif terhadap Value of Financial Flexibility.

Architecture is an ongoing procesess, that makes architecture change to a form that does not fixed. Wastra decoration addition is a modified form by the user to the
building, as a way to adjust space to the function and activities change. So the architecture can be changed by a continual process. This thesis will try to see wastra
as a represented form of architecture that transforms the fixed architecture to become unfixed, as a continuation process of the architecture. And the role wastra as building decoration in changing the architecture to be able to receive different function and activities.;Architecture is an ongoing procesess, that makes architecture change to a form that
does not fixed. Wastra decoration addition is a modified form by the user to the
building, as a way to adjust space to the function and activities change. So the
architecture can be changed by a continual process. This thesis will try to see wastra
as a represented form of architecture that transforms the fixed architecture to become
unfixed, as a continuation process of the architecture. And the role wastra as
building decoration in changing the architecture to be able to receive different
function and activities.;Architecture is an ongoing procesess, that makes architecture change to a form that
does not fixed. Wastra decoration addition is a modified form by the user to the
building, as a way to adjust space to the function and activities change. So the
architecture can be changed by a continual process. This thesis will try to see wastra
as a represented form of architecture that transforms the fixed architecture to become
unfixed, as a continuation process of the architecture. And the role wastra as
building decoration in changing the architecture to be able to receive different
function and activities., Architecture is an ongoing procesess, that makes architecture change to a form that
does not fixed. Wastra decoration addition is a modified form by the user to the
building, as a way to adjust space to the function and activities change. So the
architecture can be changed by a continual process. This thesis will try to see wastra
as a represented form of architecture that transforms the fixed architecture to become
unfixed, as a continuation process of the architecture. And the role wastra as
building decoration in changing the architecture to be able to receive different
function and activities.]
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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