"Latar Belakang: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) memiliki berbagai spektrum gejala klinis salah satunya sesak napas. Sesak napas disertai hipoksia merupakan prediktor penurunan kapasitas fungsional. Uji jalan 6 menit dapat mengidentifikasi sesak napas dan hipoksia pasca-uji latih pada pasien COVID-19 saat perawatan dan pascarawat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui derajat sesak pada pasien COVID-19 yang dirawat dan pascarawat Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kohort prospektif yang dilakukan pada Bangsal COVID-19 dan poli paru RSUP Persahabatan dari Agustus 2021 – Juni 2022. Subjek penelitian adalah pasien COVID-19 derajat ringan atau sedang yang dirawat di Bangsal COVID-19 yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian. Subjek penelitian akan dilakukan uji jalan 6 menit, penilaian skala Borg, saturasi oksigen, skor RALE dan arus puncak ekspirasi saat perawatan dan akan di evaluasi pada 1 bulan dan 3 bulan pascarawat. Hasil: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan 40 subjek penelitian. Nilai rerata uji jalan 6 menit pasien COVID-19 yang dirawat 279,9 m (SB ± 75,4), 1 bulan pascarawat 332 m ((SB ± 63,7) dan 3 bulan pascarawat 394,52 m (SB ± 58). Median saturasi oksigen pasien COVID-19 yang dirawat 97%, 1 bulan pascarawat 97,5% dan 3 bulan pascarawat 98%. Nilai median skala Borg pasien COVID-19 yang dirawat 2, 1 bulan pascarawat 1, 3 bulan pascarawat 1. Arus puncak ekspirasi pasien COVID-19 250 L/menit, 1 bulan pascarawat 310 L/menit dan 3 bulam pascarawat 370 L/menit. Median skor RALE pasien COVID-19 yang dirawat 3, 1 bulan pascarawat 2,5 dan 3 bulan pascarawat 1,5. Terdapat korelasi bermakna skala Borg dengan uji jalan 6 menit, saturasi oksigen dengan uji jalan 6 menit dan uji jalan 6 menit dengan skor RALE, terdapat korelasi bermakna arus puncak ekspirasi dengan skala Borg pada pasien COVID-19 yang dirawat dan 1 bulan pascarawat, terdapat korelasi bermakna saturasi oksigen dengan skala Borg pada pasien COVID-19 yang dirawat dan 1 bulan pascarawat Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbaikan derajat sesak yang ditunjukkan dari hasil uji jalan 6 menit, skala Borg, saturasi oksigen, skor RALE dan arus puncak ekspirasi pada pasien COVID-19 ringan dan sedang yang dirawat dibandingkan 1 bulan pascarawat dan 3 bulan pascarawat.
Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has various clinical symptoms, one of which is shortness of breath. Exertional dyspnea is a predictor of decreased functional capacity. The 6-minute walk test can identify exertional dyspnea and hypoxia in COVID-19 patients during hospitalization and post-hospitalization. This study aims to determine the degree of shortness of breath in hospitalized and post-hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted in the COVID-19 isolation ward and pulmonology clinic National Respiratory Center Persahabatan Hospital from August 2021 – June 2022. The study subjects were mild or moderate COVID-19 patients admitted to the COVID-19 isolation ward who met the research criteria. Patients underwent a 6-minute walk test, assessment of Borg scale, oxygen saturation, RALE score, and peak expiratory flow rate and will be evaluated at a month and three months post-hospitalization. Results: There were 40 subjects participating in this study. The mean of the 6-minute walk test of COVID-19 patients was 279.9 m (SD ± 75.4), one-month post-hospitalized was 332 m (SD ± 63.7) and three months post-hospitalized was 394.52 m (SD±58) Median oxygen saturation of COVID-19 patients was 97%, one-month post-hospitalized was 97.5% and three months post-hospitalized was 98%. Median Borg scale of COVID-19 patients was 2, 1-month post-hospitalized was 1, 3 months post-hospitalized was 1. The median peak expiratory flow rate of COVID-19 patients was 250 L/min, one-month post-hospitalized was 310 L/min and three months post-hospitalized was 370 L/min. Median RALE scores for COVID-19 patients was 3, 1-month post-hospitalized was 2,5 and 3 months post-hospitalized was 1,5. There was a significant correlation between Borg scale and 6-minute walk test, oxygen saturation with the 6-minute walk test and the 6-minute walk test with RALE score. There was a significant correlation between peak expiratory flow and the Borg scale in hospitalized and one-month post-hospitalized COVID-19 patients. There was a significant correlation between oxygen saturation with the Borg scale in COVID-19 patients and one-month post-hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Conclusion: There was an improvement in the degree of dyspnea in mild and moderate COVID-19 patients as indicated by 6-minute walk test distance, Borg scale, oxygen saturation, RALE score and peak expiratory flow rate compared to a-month and three-months post-hospitalized."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022