"Keberhasilan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, pelaksanaan pembangunan, dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat sangat ditentukan oleh kemampuan, kesungguhan dan semangat kerja dari aparaturnya. Aparatur negara (daerah) mempunyai peran dan kedudukan yang penting di dalam pelaksanaan tugas-tugas umum pemerintahan, pembangunan dari kemasyarakatan. Oleh karena itu, peningkatan kualitas pelayanan dipengaruhi oleh adanya kinerja pelayanan yang diberikan oleh aparat dalam arti adanya pemberdayaan potensi aparatur yang harus dilakukan secara bertahap dan simultan guna memperoleh pelaksanaan tugas-tugasnya secara efektif dan efisien.
Kajian penelitian difokuskan pada pelayanan perizinan penanaman modal PMA dan PMDN untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan perizinan penanaman modal yang berkaitan dengan prosedur internal dalam proses pelayanan perizinan penanaman modal. Penelitian dilakukan di Badan Penanaman Modal dan Pendayagunaan Kekayaan dan Usaha Daerah (BPM & PKUD) Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Peningkatan kualitas pelayanan sebagai langkah-langkah dalam mengurangi keluhan-keluhan atau ketidakpuasan para investor akan proses penyelesaian perizinan penanaman modal.
Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 98 responden dengan menggunakan teknik sampling Aksidental dan metode pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, kuesioner, pedoman wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Kuesioner ditujukan untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan pelanggan (investor), yaitu dengan membandingkan persepsi pelanggan dan harapan yang menjadi keinginan pelanggan, dengan menggunakan indikator 5 (lima) dimensi yang menentukan kualitas pelayanan berdasarkan pendapat Zeithaml, Parasuraman dan Berry (1990 : 175), yaitu Tangibles (Tampilan Fisik), Reliability (Kehandalan), Responsiveness (Daya Tanggap), Assurance (Jaminan), dan Empathy (Kemudahan).
Hasil analisis penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kepuasan pelanggan menurut Dimensi Tangibles sebesar 105 %, Reliability sebesar 99 Responsiveness sebesar 103 %, Assurance sebesar 101 °/o dan Empathy sebesar 99 %. Dari skor-skor tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kepuasan tertinggi terdapat pada Dimensi Tangibles (105 %) dan terendah terdapat pada Dimensi Reliability dan Empathy (masing-masing 99 °/°). Secara keseluruhan diperoleh tingkat kepuasan pelanggan (investor) atas pelayanan perizinan penanaman modal sebesar 101 % dari harapan pelanggan.
Atas dasar kesimpulan di atas, diberikan beberapa saran seperti : perlu ada perbaikan pada faktor-faktor yang berkaitan dengan penampilan fisik yaitu kelengkapan peralatan kantor, sarana administrasi dan komputerisasi, perlu ada peningkatan kemampuan pegawai dalam ketepatan waktu penyelesaian administrasi perizinan penanaman modal sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku dan meningkatkan daya tanggap pegawai / petugas layanan akan kebutuhan investor dan perlu membuka saluran / kotak saran bagi investor dalam menyampaikan dalam keluhan, saran atau pendapat alas pelayanan yang masih kurang dirasakan terhadap pelayanan yang diberikan BPM & PKUD Provinsi DKI Jakarta.
Secara keseluruhan bahwa kinerja pelayanan yang diberikan oleh petugas pelaksana ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kepada investor adalah sangat bergantung pada pengembangan kualitas dan kapabilitas sumber daya manusia di sektor publik. Hal ini berkembang dengan semakin dituntutnya eksistensi kualitas aparat BPM & PKUD Provinsi DKI Jakarta yang bersih dan berwibawa, handal, bermental baik, profesional, efektif dan efisien dalam memberikan pelayanan perizinan penanaman modal di daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta.
The success of the holding of the government, development implementation, and services to the society is heavily determined by the ability, commitment and work spirit of its apparatus. The state (local) apparatus plays important role and position in implementing general tasks of government, of development and of society. Therefore, to achieve an increase in the service quality it is influenced by the presence of service performance provided by the apparatus meaning that there is an empowerment of the apparatus potentials that is conducted gradually and simultaneously in order to enable them to implement their tasks effectively and efficiently.The research focuses on the service of licensing investment of foreign multinational enterprises and domestic multinational enterprises to increase the service quality of licensing investment related with internal procedures in the process of service provision of licensing investment. The research is conducted in the Investment Board and the Empowerment of Wealth and Local Enterprises. the Special Territory of the Capital City of Jakarta. The increase in the service quality is steps 1o minimize complaints or unsatisfaction of the investors in the settlement process of licensing investments.This research employs 98 respondents with accidental sampling techniques and data collection method. that is, observation, questionnaires, interview guide and library research. The questionnaires are intended to measure the customers' (investors') satisfactory level, that is. by comparing between the customers' perceptions and expectations of what the customers want, by employing 5 dimension indicators which determine the service quality based on Zeithmal, Parasuraman and Berry (1990:175), that is tangibles, reliability. responsiveness, assurance. and empathy.The analysis results of the research show that the level of the customers' satisfaction according to tangibles dimension is 105%. reliability is 99%, responsiveness is 103%. assurance is 101% and empathy is 99%. From those figures if can be concluded that the highest satisfactory level is in tangibles dimension (105%) and the lowest one is that of reability and empathy (99% respectively). As a whole from the customers' expectation it obtains 101% level of customers' satisfaction of the service of licensing investment.Based on the above conclusion, there ore several recommendations such as: there needs to be an improvement on factors that are related with physical performance, that is, the completion of office inventory, administration facility and computerization; there needs to be an increase in the personnel ability in terms: of punctuality of administrative settlement of licensing investment in accordance with the prevailing rules and regulation; and an increase in the personnel subtlety in servicing the investors' needs: and it is necessary to open a suggestion box for the investors in channeling their complaints, suggestions or opinions on the services provided by the Investment Board and on the Empowerment of Wealth and Local Enterprises, the Special Territory of the Capital City of Jakarta that are fell still lacking.All in all the service performance provided by the operational officers is intended to increase the service quality to the investors. This is heavily dependent on the development of the quality and capability of the human resources in the public sectors. This is developed in line with the increasing demands of the quality existence of the Investment Board and the Empowerment of Wealth and Local Enterprises, the Special Territory of the Capital City of Jakarta apparatus who are clean, dignified, reolible, mentally well, professional, effective and efficient in providing services of licensing investment in the Provincial government of the Special Territory of the Capital City of Jakarta."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005