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Australia: Blackwell, 2005
121 THE
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shramko, Yaroslav
"The book presents a thoroughly elaborated logical theory of generalized truth-values understood as subsets of some established set of (basic) truth values. After elucidating the importance of the very notion of a truth value in logic and philosophy, examine some possible ways of generalizing this notion. The useful four-valued logic of first-degree entailment by Nuel Belnap and the notion of a bilattice (a lattice of truth values with two ordering relations) constitute the basis for further generalizations."
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lintang Rahayu
Survei menunjukkan bahwa 15 dari 20 orang mahasiswa memilih tidak melaporkan free-rider dalam pengerjaan tugas kelompok meski diberikan keleluasaan dalam sistem peer evaluation. Motif melakukan tindakan yang tidak sesuai aturan demi melindungi orang lain ternyata juga terjadi dalam konteks legal berbentuk false confess. False confession diartikan sebagai pengakuan terhadap tindakan tertentu yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan yang ada. Innocence project (organisasi yang membantu orang-orang tidak bersalah yang terjerat kasus salah tangkap) mencatat bahwa 15-20% kasus yang mereka tangani terkait dengan insiden false confession. Perillo dan Kassin (2011) menyebutkan bahwa terdapat dua faktor risiko yang melatar-belakangi seseorang untuk memberikan confession, pertama adalah kerentanan disposisional (psikologis), yaitu kerentanan yang merupakan bawaan dari tersangka, seperti usia atau kepribadian. Kedua, yaitu faktor situasional yang berkaitan dengan kondisi penahanan dan interogasi. Faktor situasional yang dimaksud salah satunya adalah alat bukti (Gudjonsson, 2003). Oleh karena itu, peneliti ingin melihat apakah faktor disposisional (suggestibity) atau faktor situasional (false evidence) yang lebih mempengaruhi kecenderungan seseorang dalam memberikan false confession pada konteks non legal. Dengan menggunakan Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale (1984) dan computer-crash paradigm dari Kassin dan Kiechel (1999) yang telah dimodifikasi, didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa faktor situasional (false evidence) lebih kuat mempengaruhi kecenderungan seseorang untuk memberikan false confession.

Survey shows that 15 of 20 students chose not to report the free-rider in the execution of the task group even if given the flexibility in the system through peer evaluation. Motives to protect other people also occured in legal context. False confession interpreted as confession of certain actions that do not correspond to the reality. Innocence Project (an organization that helps innocent people who are wrongfully convinced and imprisoned) noted that 15-20% of the cases they deal related to false confession incident. Perillo and Kassin (2011) states that there are two risk factors underlying people to give confession. First, the dispositional vulnerability (psychological), namely the vulnerability that is inherited from the suspect, such as age or personality. Second, the situational factors relating to the conditions of detention and interrogation. One of them is evidence (Gudjonsson, 2003). Therefore, this research wanted to see whether the dispositional factors (suggestibity) or situational factors (false evidence) influence a person's motive to give a false confession to the non-legal context. By using Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale (1984) and modified computer-crash paradigm, it shows that the situational factors (false evidence) stronger to influence a person's tendency to give a false confession."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pratitha Listu Lokahita
"[Meningkatnya kebutuhan akan jasa Notaris maupun PPAT dalam
pembuatan akta autentik, tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa penghadap yang membutuhkan jasa Notaris selaku PPAT memiliki Iā€™tikad tidak baik, salah satunya adalah dengan pemberian dokumen palsu kepada Notaris selaku PPAT guna pembuatan akta autentik. Hal ini tidak jarang menimbulkan permasalahan hukum yang menyebabkan Notaris selaku PPAT ikut didudukan atas permasalahan tersebut. Penelitian ini menganalisa mengenai tindakan hukum yang dilakukan suami yang menjaminkan harta bersama perkawinan tanpa persetujuan
dan sepengetahuan istrinya, dengan memberikan dokumen palsu berupa surat persetujuan istri guna pembuatan akta autentik dan juga untuk mengetahui bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap Notaris selaku PPAT dalam hal pemberian dokumen palsu berupa surat persetujuan istri untuk melakukan tindakan hukum terkait harta bersama perkawinan tersebut. Penelitian ini berbentuk yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder dan Metode analisa data yang
digunakan adalah secara kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa tindakan hukum yang dilakukan suami terkait harta bersama perkawinannya tanpa persetujuan dan sepengetahuan istrinya adalah tidak sah/cacat hukum dan tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan. Tindakan hukum yang dilakukan oleh suami dengan memberikan dokumen palsu kepada Notaris selaku PPAT berupa surat persetujuan istri memenuhi unsur-unsur dalam pasal 263 KUHP dan Pasal 264 KUHP dan selama Notaris selaku PPAT sudah melaksanakan tugas jabatannya sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku, Notaris selaku PPAT tidak dapat disalahkan karena Notaris selaku PPAT tidak mungkin membuat suatu akta yang mengandung cacat hukum dengan disengaja. Maka, bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap Notaris selaku PPAT terkait dokumen palsu antara lain melakukan penyuluhan hukum, pengenalan penghadap khususnya dalam hal dokumen yang diberikan penghadap serta perlunya sikap kehati-hatian dalam hal pemeriksaan dokumen yang diberikan penghadap.;The increasing needs of service of Notary and PPAT to create an authentic deed do not necessarilly close the possibilty for the parties (penghadap) who have bad intention, for example, providing a false document to the Notary as a PPAT in
order to create an authentic deed. The implication of this problem in the future could cause the Notary who also act as a PPAT is accused. This research is to analyze about a husband who use their sharing property of marriage as a warranty without permission and approval from his wife, and the husband provide a false document which is the approval letter from wife to the Notary as a PPAT to create an authentic deed, and to understand the form of legal protection towards the
Notary as a PPAT in terms of providing a false document which is the approval letter from wife to do legal action related to the sharing property of marriage. This study is conducted in a yuridis normative by using secondary data and inference concluded qualitatively. The research concluded that the legal action taken by husband related their sharing property of marriage without permission and approval from his wife by providing false document to the Notary as a PPAT is invalid or legally flawed, and not in accordance with the provisions of Article 36
paragraph 1 Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage. Due to the legal action taken by the husband by providing false documents which is the approval letter from wife to Notary as a PPAT met the elements in article 263 KUHP an d article 264 KUHP, and as long as the Notary as a PPAT do their duties in accordance with applicable rules, they can not be blamed because it does not possible to make a legal disability certificate intentionally. The form of legal protection against the Notary
as a PPAT related to false documents are legal counseling, The introduction of the parties (penghadap) especially in terms of document given by the parties and also need attitude of prudence in terms of examination of documents provided by the parties (penghadap)., The increasing needs of service of Notary and PPAT to create an authentic
deed do not necessarilly close the possibilty for the parties (penghadap) who have
bad intention, for example, providing a false document to the Notary as a PPAT in
order to create an authentic deed. The implication of this problem in the future
could cause the Notary who also act as a PPAT is accused. This research is to
analyze about a husband who use their sharing property of marriage as a warranty
without permission and approval from his wife, and the husband provide a false
document which is the approval letter from wife to the Notary as a PPAT to create
an authentic deed, and to understand the form of legal protection towards the
Notary as a PPAT in terms of providing a false document which is the approval
letter from wife to do legal action related to the sharing property of marriage. This
study is conducted in a yuridis normative by using secondary data and inference
concluded qualitatively. The research concluded that the legal action taken by
husband related their sharing property of marriage without permission and
approval from his wife by providing false document to the Notary as a PPAT is
invalid or legally flawed, and not in accordance with the provisions of Article 36
paragraph 1 Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage. Due to the legal action taken by the
husband by providing false documents which is the approval letter from wife to
Notary as a PPAT met the elements in article 263 KUHP an d article 264 KUHP,
and as long as the Notary as a PPAT do their duties in accordance with applicable
rules, they can not be blamed because it does not possible to make a legal
disability certificate intentionally. The form of legal protection against the Notary
as a PPAT related to false documents are legal counseling, The introduction of the
parties (penghadap) especially in terms of document given by the parties and also
need attitude of prudence in terms of examination of documents provided by the
parties (penghadap).]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diandra Yasmine Irwanda
"Saat terjadi kecelakaan lalu lintas, saksi mata menjadi penting agar polisi mendapat gambaran yang jelas tentang kejadian. Akan tetapi, keterangan saksi mata tersebut tidak luput dari kesalahan error yang disebut dengan false memory. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh jenis kata dan jenis kelamin dalam pembentukan false memory pada konteks kecelakaan lalu lintas.
Pada penelitian ini, setiap kelompok laki-laki dan perempuan diberikan daftar kata Deese-Roediger-McDermott DRM dengan tiga jenis kata, yaitu netral, negatif dan kecelakaan. Partisipan penelitian adalah 84 pengendara motor yang pernah mengalami kecelakaan. False memory diukur menggunakan tes recall dan recognition setelah melihat daftar kata DRM.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari jenis kata terhadap pembentukan false memory, baik pada tes recall dan recognition, dimana jenis kata kecelakaan paling banyak menghasilkan false memory. Di sisi lain, jenis kelamin dan interaksi jenis kata dan jenis kelamin tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap pembentukan false memory, baik pada tes recall maupun tes recognition.

When accident happened, eyewitness become important for the police to get the clear description of the case. Unfortunately, eyewitness testimony is easily corrupted with error called false memory. This study examined the effect of word type and gender towards the formation of false memory in traffic accident context.
In this study, each male and female group were given Deese Roediger McDermott DRM list with three word types, which are neutral, negative and accident. The participants in this study are 84 motorcycles riders that has been through traffic accident. After seeing the DRM list, participants were given recall and recognition test to measure the false memory.
The result showed that there is a significant effect of word type towards false memory production in recall test and recognition ldquo know rdquo and ldquo remember know rdquo which accident word type produced more false memory than the others. On the other hand, there is no significant effect of gender nor interaction between word type and gender towards the formation of false memory in recall as well as recognition test.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novy Sartika Putri Sari Dewi
"Berkembangnya internet turut mempermudah penggunanya untuk mencari pasangannya. Namun, tanpa disadari hal ini membawa resiko tersendiri, salah satu resikonya adalah catfish yang merupakan salah satu bentuk dari false identity. Berangkat dari hal tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses penetrasi sosial yang terjadi pada hubungan dengan false identity. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma post-positivist dan metode studi kasus. Melalui wawancara dan observasi ditemukan bahwa pada online dating terjadi tahap pre-orientasi sebagai tahapan awal persiapan proses penetrasi sosial, dimana dalam hal ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh motivasi pengguna pada saat melakukan online dating. Motivasi disini melandasi setiap tindakan pengguna dalam tiap proses penetrasi sosial. Hubungan dengan penggunaan false identity di dalamnya akan mengalami deterioration yang berujung pada interpersonal separation karena kegagalan face-to-face meeting. Selain itu, dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa penting untuk memiliki kemampuan literasi digital supaya dapat terhindar dari tindakan penipuan di online media.

The development of internet has made it easier for users to find a partner. However, without realizing it, this carries its own risks, one of the risks is that catfish is a form of false identity. It aims to determine the process of social penetration that occurs in the relationship with false identity. This study uses post-positivist paradigm and case study method. Through interviews and observations, it was found that in online dating, there is pre-orientation stage as the initial stage of preparation for social penetration process, which strongly influenced by user motivation when doing online dating. Motivation here, underlies in every user action in each social penetration process. The relationship which uses false identity will experience deterioration which leads to interpersonal separation due to the failure of face-to-face meetings. In addition, it was found that it is important to have digital literacy to avoid fraud in online media."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahman, Fazlur
Bandung Pustaka 1984
297 R 28 i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahman, Fazlur
Bandung: Pustaka, 2000
297 RAH it
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Komang Meydiana Hutama Putri
"False memory adalah sebuah fenomena memory error yang sering kali terjadi tanpa disadari oleh individu yang mengalaminya. Hal ini perlu menjadi perhatian terutama pada konteks kecelakaan lalu lintas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh tipe informasi dan pengalaman kecelakaan lalu lintas serta interaksi keduanya terhadap pembentukan false memory. Sebanyak 46 pengendara motor dengan pengalaman kecelakaan dan 42 pengendara motor tanpa pengalaman kecelakaan di Jabodetabek menjadi sampel penelitian ini. False memory diukur menggunakan Deese-Roediger-McDermott DRM dimana responden ditampilkan sejumlah kata dan kemudian dilakukan pengukuran false memory melalui tes recall dan tes rekognisi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada tes recall, tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari tipe informasi dan pengalaman kecelakaan lalu lintas serta interaksi keduanya terhadap pembentukan false memory. Di sisi lain, pada tes rekognisi ditemukan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan dari tipe informasi terhadap pembentukan false memory, namun tidak ditemukan pengaruh yang signifikan dari pengalaman kecelakaan lalu lintas serta interaksi antara tipe informasi dan pengalaman kecelakaan lalu lintas terhadap pembentukan false memory. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah perlu memperhatikan metode wawancara dalam menggali peristiwa kecelakaan pada pelaku, korban, maupun saksi.

False memory is a memory error phenomenon that often happens unnoticed by individuals who experience it. This needs to be a concern, especially in the context of traffic accidents. This study aimed to see the effect of information type and experience of traffic accidents and their interaction with false memory formation. A total of 46 motorcycle drivers with accident experience and 42 motorcycle drivers without accident experience in Jabodetabek became the sample of this study. A false memory was measured using Deese Roediger McDermott DRM paradigm where the respondents displayed a number of words and then performed false memory measurements through recall tests and recognition tests.
The results showed that in the recall test there was no significant influence of the type of traffic accident information and experience and their interaction on the formation of false memory. Based on the recognition test, there was a significant influence of the type of information on the formation of false memory, but there was no significant effect of the traffic accidents experience as well as the interaction between the type of information and the traffic accidents experience on false memory formation. The implication of this research is for the investigator of said accidents to pay attention to the method of the interview in investigating on the perpetrators, victims, and witnesses.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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