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Hasil Pencarian

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Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2002
650.14 HAR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reitman, Annabelle
"Whether you need a career check up or you are actively seeking a new career or employment, this Infoline may be your ticket. This issue provides tips and tools to understand your personal and professional needs, prepare and execute a career move, or just survive the search for a new job. You will find a sample resume along with checklists on setting professional priorities, informational interviewing, resume tips, and a job search, marketing campaign action plan job aid."
Alexandria, VA: [American Society for Training & Development Press, American Society for Training & Development Press], 2003
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yani Rosyani
"Tesis ini membahas Analisis Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Karir Pegawai pada pengisian Formasi Jabatan Pengawas di Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN). Dengan hasil penelitian: perencanaan karir pegawai pada manajemen karir di BKN belum ada keselarasan, perencanan karir pegawai tidak terarah dan tidak memiliki tujuan karir yang jelas karena manajemen karir di BKN tidak menetapkan jalur karir pegawai sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan kompetensi. Manajemen karir di BKN belum menyusun pola karir pegawai sesuai dengan potensi yang dimiliki pegawai dan kebutuhan organisasi. Kesimpulan: Perencanaan dan pengembangan karir pegawai pada pengisian formasi jabatan pengawas di BKN belum sesuai antara perencanaan karir individu dengan perencanaan karir organisasi, pegawai tidak merencanakan karirnya tetapi hanya mengikuti kesempatan yang ada sehingga perencanaan organisasi untuk pengisian formasi jabatan pengawas tidak terpenuhi.

This analysis focus on career planning and development to compliance the formation of Supervisor position at National Civil Service Agency(BKN) with the results of research that between a career planning with a career management in BKN has been no alignment, career planning of the employee is unfocused and do not have a clear career goals for management BKN career does not define a career path of the employees with appropriate qualifications and competence. BKN career management in employee career patterns have yet to develop in accordance with its potential employees and the needs of the organization. Conclusion: career planning and development of the employees to compliance the formations of supervisor position in BKN not fit between career planning of individuals with career planning organization, employees are not planning they career but simply follow the opportunities that exist so that the planning organization for compliance the formation of supervisor position not fullfil yet."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alkadri Kusalendra Siharis
Terjadinya the war for talent menyebabkan munculmya kelangkaan orang-orang
bertalenta. Salah satu cara mendapatkan orang bertalenta baru adalah melalui ajang
pencarian bakat. Dalam ajang pencarian bakat para peserta diseleksi dengan ketat, dilatih
untuk meningkatkan performa mereka. Adanya sistem eliminasi yang dilakukan pada setiap
minggu, menciptakan lingkungan yang kompetitif antar peserta. Salah satu ajang pencarian
bakat yang paling popular adalah ajang pencarian bakat dalam bidang menyanyi, hal ini
dapat dilihat dari banyaknya peserta yang mengikuti acara ini. Motivasi para peserta
mengikuti ajang kompetisi tersebut biasanya dipicu oleh keinginan untuk mendapatkan
kehidupan yang lebih baik dari kondisi mereka sebelum mengikuti ajang pencarian bakat.
Biasanya acara semacam itu menjanjikan uang jutaan rupiah dan atau kontrak kerja dengan
perusahaan tertentu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengeksplorasi karier finalis ajang
pencarian bakat di bidang menyanyi, setelah mengikuti audisi pencarian bakat. Eksplorasi
dilakukan melalui berbagai sumber diantaranya melalui wawancara dengan grand finailis,
ajang pencarian bakat dalam bidang menyanyi. Kemudian melakukan observasi tidak
langsung untuk mengetahui kegiatan finalis selama mengikuti ajang pencarian bakat. Data
tersebut diperoleh melalui media internet, merupakan data sekunder yang dapat dijadikan
sebagai sumber informasi mengenai keberlanjutan karier finalis setelah mengikuti ajang
pencarian bakat. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa keberlanjutan karier seorang finalis
ditentukan oleh sikap finalis itu sendiri, apakah yang bersangkutan terus berjuang
mempelajari hal-hal baru sehingga dapat meyakinkan manajemennya agar tetap
mempromosikannya untuk bisa bersaing di industri musik Indonesia

The occurrence of the war for talent led to the emergence of the scarcity
of talented people. One of the ways to get new talented people is through talent searching.
In the talent search arena the participants are strictly selected, trained to improve their
performance. The existence of elimination system conducted on a weekly basis, creating
a competitive environment among participants. One of the most popular talent search
events is the talent search event in the singing field, it can be seen from total participants
who follow this event. The motivation of the participants to follow the competition is
usually triggered by the desire to get a better life from their condition before following the
talent search. Usually such events promise millions of rupiah and or contracts with certain
companies. The purpose of this research is to explore the career of talent search finalists in
singing field, after participating in talent search audition. Exploration is done through
various sources including through interviews with the grand finalist in the talent search
event in the field of singing. Then make an indirect observation to know the activities
of finalists during the talent search event. The data obtained through the internet media, is
a secondary data that can be used as a source of information about the sustainability
of a finalists career after following the talent search event. The research results show that
the sustainability of a finalists career is determined by the attitude of the finalist itself,
whether the finalist continue to struggle to learn things so that they can convince their
management to keep promoting them to be able to compete in Indonesian music industry"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annida Anastiani
"pada kesuksesan kariernya di masa depan. Pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir di Indonesia, sulitnya mengambil keputusan karier lebih disebabkan karena kurangnya informasi. Peran dan keterlibatan orang tua pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir, khususnya di budaya kolektivis, berpengaruh terhadap perilaku anak dalam mencari informasi mengenai karier dan hal ini berdampak pada tingkat kesulitan pengambilan keputusan karier anak karena kurangnya informasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat peran career exploration dalam memediasi hubungan antara support dan interference parental career-related behavior dengan lack of information career decision-making difficulties pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian non-eksperimental. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah 413 mahasiswa tingkat akhir dari beberapa fakultas di Universitas Indonesia. Support dan interference parental career-related behavior diukur dengan Parental Career-Related Behavior Instrument (Dietrich & Kracke, 2009), career exploration diukur dengan Career Exploration Survey (Stumpf, Colarelli, & Hartman, 1983), dan lack of information career decision-making difficulties diukur dengan Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire (Gati & Saka, 2001). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa career exploration berperan secara parsial dalam memediasi hubungan antara support dan interference parental career-related behavior dengan lack of information career decision-making difficulties pada mahasiswa tingkat akhir. Penelitian ini memiliki implikasi bahwa perilaku orang tua terkait karier anak yang dirasa mendukung (support) atau terlalu banyak mengatur (interference) dapat berpengaruh terhadap perilaku mahasiswa tingkat akhir dalam mencari informasi mengenai karier sehingga berdampak pada tingkat kesulitan pengambilan keputusan karier mahasiswa karena kurangnya informasi. Selain itu, hasil penelitian ini memberikan beberapa manfaat bagi pusat pengembangan karier di perguruan tinggi.

The difficulties of career decision-making among senior year college student could have impact their future career success. In Indonesia, The difficulties of career decision-making among senior year college student are more caused by lack of information. The parents role and involvement among senior year college student, especially in collectivism culture, could affect their childrens behavior in searching information about career and this could have impacts to their career decision-making difficulties that caused by lack of information. This research was conducted to find the role career exploration in mediating the relationship between support and interference parental career-related behavior with lack of information career decision-making difficulties on senior year college student. This research is quantitative study with non-experimental study design. Participants of this research were 413 senior year college students from several faculties in Universitas Indonesia. Support dan interference parental career-related behavior were measured by Parental Career-Related Behavior Instrument (Dietrich & Kracke, 2009), career exploration was measured by Career Exploration Survey (Stumpf, Colarelli, & Hartman, 1983), and lack of information career decision-making difficulties were measured by Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire (Gati & Saka, 2001). The result shows that career exploration mediating partially the relationship between support and interference parental career-related behavior with lack of information career decision-making difficulties on senior year college student. This research has implication that parents behavior that related to childrens career which is perceived supporting or interfering affects senior year college students behavior in searching information about career so that gives impact on their level of career decision-making difficulties that caused by lack of information. Moreover, the results of this study give some benefits for career development center in university."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Career decision-making process (CDMP) is an individual skill in determining career decisions. During crisis development,
transition-exploration adolescent may have difficulty in determining career goals. Two aspects stabilizer CDMP
i.e.vocational identity ([VI], internal aspect) and parents’ involvement in adolescent career issues (external aspect). This
study investigated parental involvement in three forms (support, interference, lack of engagement) of the variable parental
career-related behaviors (PCB). Based on previous research, the VI role to CDMP can be enhanced through the positive role
parents. Therefore, this research investigated the VI role as a mediator in the PCB and CDMP relationship, each VI or PCB
role directly to CDMP, and PCB role to IV. Research subjects of first semester (~19 years) students from a private
university in Lippo Village-Tangerang were selected through simple random sampling. Data were analyzed with SPSS
Amos v.22. Multivariate regression in path analysis showed the theoretical model of each form of PCB did fit with the
empirical data. VI has a direct role to CDMP (38.00, 32.00, and 35.00%). Every form of PCB shows a direct role to CDMP
(19.00, -13.00, and -15.00%). PCB interference and lack of engagement contribute to VI at -23.00 and -15.00%. VI of each
PCB form shows no role as a mediator in the PCB and CDMP relationship on exploration-transition university students.
Career decision-making process (CDMP) merupakan keterampilan individu menentukan keputusan karir. Pada
perkembangannya di masa kritis, seringkali remaja eksplorasi-transisi mengalami kesulitan menentukan tujuan karir. Dua
aspek peneguh CDMP adalah identitas vokasional (IV [aspek internal]) dan keterlibatan orang tua terhadap persoalan karir
remaja (aspek eksternal). Pada penelitian ini keterlibatan orang tua diselidiki melalui tiga bentuk (support, interference, lack
of engagement) dari variabel parental career-related behavior (PCB). Berdasarkan penelitian terdahulu, IV remaja dalam
peranannya terhadap CDMP dapat ditingkatkan melalui peranan positif orang tua. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini
menyelidiki peranan IV sebagai mediator dalam hubungan antara PCB dan CDMP, peranan langsung IV dan PCB masingmasing
terhadap CDMP, serta peranan PCB terhadap IV. Subjek mahasiswa semester 1 (~19 tahun) pada salah satu
universitas swasta di Lippo Village-Tangerang ditentukan melalui teknik simple random sampling. Data penelitian
dianalisis dengan program SPSS Amos v.22. Hasil analisis jalur (regresi multivariat) menunjukkan model teoritis setiap
bentuk PCB adalah sesuai (fit) dengan data empiris. IV berperan langsung terhadap CDMP (38.00, 32.00, dan 35.00%).
Setiap bentuk PCB berperan langsung terhadap CDMP (19.00, -13.00, dan -15.00%). PCB interference dan lack of
engagement berperan terhadap IV sebesar -23.00 dan -15.00%. IV setiap bentuk PCB tidak berperan sebagai mediator
dalam hubungan PCB dengan CDMP mahasiswa eksplorasi-transisi."
Universitas Tarumanagara. Department of Psychology ; Universitas Pelita Harapan. Departement of Food Technology , 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Margaret Anelinda Soro
"Pengembangan karier adalah suatu proses di mana kemajuan karyawan melalui serangkaian tahapan, masing-masing ditandai dengan serangkaian tugas, aktivitas, dan hubungan perkembangan yang berbeda. Salah satu badan usaha yang memerlukan pengembangan karier adalah bank. Bank Gunung Pantai adalah salah satu bank nasional pemerintah yang ada di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi seberapa jauh peran politik organisasi dalam Sistem Karier di Bank Gunung Pantai. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan berjenis eksploratif. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian kualitatif menggunakan metode wawancara. Peneliti memilih 9 (sembilan) orang narasumber  Narasumber yang berasal dari pegawai dibagi berdasarkan cabang di pantai dan pegunungan, dan berdasarkan masa kerja sama dengan dan diatas 5 tahun. Proses analisa datanya dilakukan dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Bank Gunung Pantai, pegawai yang kedekatan dengan pimpinan atau pihak manajemen bisa mendapatkan kenaikan grade, mutasi, dan promosi di bank dengan cepat.

Career development is a process in which employees progress through a series of stages, each characterized by a different set of tasks, activities, and developmental relationships. One business entity that requires career development is a bank. Bank Gunung Pantai is one of the government's national banks in Indonesia. This study aims to evaluate how far the role of organizational politics in the Career System at Bank Gunung Pantai. This study uses a qualitative method and explorative type. Methods of data collection in qualitative research using the interview method. The researcher chose 9 (nine) resource persons. The resource persons who came from employees were divided based on branches in the coast and mountains, and based on years of cooperation with and above 5 years. The data analysis process is carried out by data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions or verification. The results of the study show that at Bank Gunung Pantai, employees who are close to the leadership or management can get grade increases, transfers, and promotions at the bank quickly."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arifiana Nabilah
"Persaingan era globalisasi saat ini menuntut individu lebih adaptif dalam menjalani karier. Adaptabilitas karier merupakan salah satu konstruk terkait psikologi karier yang berfokus untuk membantu individu mengawasi perkembangan karier semasa hidupnya. Asumsi yang ditegakkan adalah untuk mempunyai adaptabilitas karier, mahasiswa perlu memiliki bayangan yang jelas, spesifik dan mudah dibayangkan, diwakilkan oleh future work self. Selanjutnya, efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier diduga dapat memediasi hubungan future work self terhadap adaptabilitas karier. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 263 orang mahasiswa tingkat akhir yang minimal berada di semester tujuh perguruan tinggi.
Dalam penelitian ini, adaptabilitas karier diukur dengan Career Adapt-abilities Scale-International Form (CAAS-IF), future work self diukur dengan Future Work Self Saliance (FWSS) dan efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier diukur dengan Career Decision Self-Efficacy–Short Form (CDSE-SF). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa future work self memiliki hubungan yang kuat dengan adaptabilitas karier, serta hubungan ini merupakan mediasi parsial melalui efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan beberapa manfaat bagi pusat pengembangan karier di perguruan tinggi.

Competition in the current era of globalization requires individuals to be more adaptive in their careers. Career adaptability is one of the constructs related to career psychology that focuses on helping individuals monitor career development during their lifetime. The assumption is to have a career adaptability, college students need to have clear, specific and easy to imagine images, represented by future work self. Furthermore, self-efficacy in career decisions is thought to mediated future work self relations with career adaptability. This research was conducted on 263 final years college students who were at least in the seventh semester of the university.
In this research, career adaptability was measured by Career Adapt-abilities Scale-International Form (CAAS-IF), future work self was measured by Future Work Self Saliance (FWSS), and career decision self-efficacy was measured by Career Decision Self-Efficacy–Short Form (CDSE-SF). The results showed that future work self has a strong relationship with career adaptability, and this relationship is a partial mediation through self-efficacy in career decisions. The results of this study give some benefits for career development center in university.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian yang dilakukan pada mahasiswa Universitas ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah terdapat hubungan antara hambatan kontekstual dan efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier pada mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan sampel 518 mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia S1 regular angkatan 2013. Penelitian kuantitatif ini menggunakan alat ukur CDSE-SF (Taylor dan Betz, 1983) untuk mengukur efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier dan alat ukur contextual barriers scale (Lent dan Brown, 2001) untuk mengukur hambatan kontekstual. Hasilnya penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan negatif antara hambatan kontekstual hambatan kontekstual dan efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier. Artinya, semakin tinggi hambatan kontekstual yang dihadapi mahasiswa Univesitas Indonesia, maka semakin rendah efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier yang dimiliki mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia. Perbandingan besarnya kontribusi dimensi-dimensi hambatan kontekstual terhadap efikasi diri dalam keputusan karier menunjukkan bahwa dimensi lingkungan perguruan tinggi memiliki kontribusi yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan dimensi-dimensi lainnya. Sedangkan dimensi keluarga merupakan dimensi dengan kontribusi terrendah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, Badan Konseling Mahasiswa (BKM) bekerja sama dengan Career Development Center (CDC) dan pihak fakultas disarankan membentuk pelatihan-pelatihan yang membekali mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia untuk dapat menghadapi berbagai hambatan kontekstual dalam pekembangan karier.

This research was conducted to examine the relationship between contextual barriers and career decision self-efficacy on students at University of Indonesia. This research was conducted with a sample of students at University of Indonesia S1 2013. This quantitative study uses CDSE-SF (Taylor dan Betz, 1983) to measure career decision self-efficacy and contextual barriers scale (Lent dan Brown, 2001) to measure contextual barriers. The result of research showed a significant negative correlation between contextual barriers and career decision self-efficacy. That is, the higher of contextual barries faced by students at University of Indonesia, the lower career decision self-efficacy owned by students at University of Indonesa. Comparisons of contribution of dimension of contextual barriers to career decision self-efficacy shows that the education environmental dimension have a greater contribution than the other dimensions. While the family dimension is the dimension with the lowest contribution. Based on the result, Badan Konseling Mahasiswa (BKM) in collaboration with Career Development Center (CDC) and the faculy recomended form of training which equip students at University of Indonesia to be able to confront various contextual barriers in career development."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ariani Dewi Setyaningtyas
"Dalam perjalanan karier, keputusan karier merupakan hal yang sangat pentingdan untuk mampu memilih dan mengambil keputusan karier yang baik dibutuhkan adalah efikasi diri keputusan karier. Efikasi diri keputusan karier berhubungan dengan dukungan kontekstual dari lingkungan mahasiswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara efikasi diri keputusan karier dengan dukungan kontekstualpada mahasiswa S1 Universitas Indonesia. Partisipan penelitian ini terdiri dari 516 mahasiswa S1 Universitas Indonesia dari seluruh fakultas. Efikasi diri keputusan karier diukur menggunakan Career Decision Self-Efficacy Short Form yang telah diadaptasi dan dimodifikasi oleh peneliti. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan korelasi yang signifikan positif antara efikasi diri keputusan karier dengan dukungan kontekstual. Melihat hasil dari penelitian ini, disarankan Badan Konseling Mahasiswa (BKM) untuk mempertimbangkan pengaruh kontekstual khususnya dukungan kontekstual dalam konseling permasalahan karier mahasiswa.

Career decision is an important factor to be able to choose career wisely. In the course of someone?s life, career is important because career carve outcome of someone education and experience. Career decision self-efficacy correlate with contextual support from a college student's life. The aim of this research is to find the correlation between career decision self-efficacy and contextual support amongst undergraduate student in University of Indonesia. 516 participant from each faculty take part in this research. Career decision self-efficacy was measured with Career Decision Self-Efficacy Short Form that modified to suit research condition. The outcome of this research is positive and significant correlation between contextual support and career decision self-efficacy. Considering the result of this research, Badan Konseling Mahasiswa (BKM) should consider contextual influences, particularly contextual support for better understanding about students career problem.
Jakarta: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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