ABSTRAKKetentuan pengadaan barang dan jasa pada badan usaha milik negara terlepas dari aturan
pengadaaan barang/jasa pemerintah, dimana BUMN diberikan kebebasan dan wewenang
untuk membuat tata cara pelaksanaan pengadaannya sendiri berdasarkan kebutuhan kegiatan
usaha dan kondisi dari masing-masing perusahaan. Prinsip-prinsip pengadaan BUMN diatur
dalam Peraturan Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Nomor PER-05/MBU/2008 Juncto
Nomor PER-15/MBU/2012 tentang Pedoman Umum Pengadaan Barang Dan Jasa Badan
Usaha Milik Negara, yaitu efisien, efektif, transparan, adil dan wajar, serta akuntabel.
Pedoman pengadaan barang dan jasa pada BUMN yang dituangkan dalam bentuk surat
keputusan Direksi sangat rawan terhadap resiko-resiko penyimpangan terutama tindak pidana
dan korupsi, serta tidak melanggar prinsip-prinsip persaingan usaha yang sehat berdasarkan
Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli Dan Persaingan
Usaha Tidak Sehat. Proses dan pelaksanaan pengadaan barang dan jasa tentunya sangat
berpengaruh terhadap kinerja BUMN terutama perusahaan persero sebagai badan usaha yang
mencari keuntungan, contohnya pada PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII (Persero). Aturan
pengadaan yang terlalu rumit seringkali menimbulkan banyak kendala dalam pelaksanaannya
dan menjadikan pengadaan yang tidak efisien dan efektif.
ABSTRACTProvisions of procurement goods and services in State-Owned Enterprises are not subject to
the rules of government procurement, which every State-Owned Enterprises has granted its
freedom and authority to make its own procurement procedures of business activities depend
on the needs and conditions of each company. The procurement principles of State-Owned
Enterprises stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number
PER-05/MBU/2008 Juncto Number PER-15/MBU/2012 on General Procedures Of
Procurement Goods And Services At State-Owned Enterprise. The principles are efficient,
effective, transparent, fair and reasonable, and accountable. Procedures of the procurement as
formed by the Decision of the Board of Director from each State-Owned Enterprises has the
risks of criminal and corruption acts, and should not violate any principles of the fair
competition regulation based on Law Number 5 Year 1999 on Anti Monopoly Practice And
Unfair Business Competition. Process and implementation of the Procedures of Procurement
can affect to the business performance of state-owned enterprises, especially a profit oriented
state-owned enterprises (Persero), example in PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII (Persero).
Procurement rules which are too complicated often cause a lot of problems in implementation
and make inefficient and effective procurement."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014