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Sidiarto Kusumoputro
"Perkenankan pula saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Pemerintah Indonesia, kepada Bapak Presiden serta Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan yang telah memberi kepercayaan kepada saya untuk bertugas sebagai Guru Besar Tetap Ilmu Neurologi. Pada kesempatan ini saya memilrh judul pidato:
"Peranan Stimulasi yang Berdasarkan Konsep Spesialisasi Dua Belahan dan Plastisitas Otak pada Peningkatan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia"
Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Tabap II berlandaskan pembangunan ekonomi dan bertumpu pada peningkatan kualitas hidup dan sumber daya manusia (SDM). Faktor-faktor peningkatan sumber daya manusia terletak antara lain pada aspek ekonomi, kesehatan, pendidikan dan iptek. Peningkatan kesehatan dan pendidikan berarti pula peningkatan kemampuan otak, baik otak yang mengalami gangguan maupun otak yang sehat dan normal.
Dua prestasi manusia yang paling menonjol dalam abad ini adalah "Quantum Cosmology" (sains tentang semesta) dan "Neuroscience" (sains tentang otak). Yang pertama adalah studi tentang awal hidup manusia dan yang kedua tentang perjalanan nasib hidup manusia. Neurosains menjadi begitu pentingnya hingga mantan Presiden Bush dari Amerika Serikat mencanangkan tahun 1990-2000 sebagai "The Decade of the Brain".
Dalam era globalisasi ini -mau tidak mau- Indonesia harus menengok ke dunia luar, antara lain terhadap dekade otak tersebut. Betapa pentingnya otak dapat disimak dari banyaknya masalah yang dapat ditimbulkannya, yaitu sekitar 650 jenis masalah, mulai dari masalah yang berat dan fatal seperti stroke, trauma susunan saraf, dan sebagainya sampai pada masalah pembelajaran dan kesulitan belajar. Semua itu menyebabkan kerugian besar secara sosial dan, ekonomis.
Para pakar neurosains dari berbagai disiplin ilmu mempelajari otak dan masalahnya karena menyadari bahwa otak manusia merupakan struktur hidup yang paling kompleks dalam jagad raya ini. Bayangkan bahwa otak dikemas oleh milyaran sel neuron dan bahwa setiap sel neuron saling berkomunikasi rata-rata dengan 10.000 sel lainnya. Komunikasi itu dilakukan melalui sinyal biolistrik dan kimiawi, dan sampai sekarang telah ditemukan paling sedikit 40 jenis zat kimiawi yang disebut sebagai neurotransmiter (3).
Teknik dan pendekatan canggih yang memungkinkan adanya penelitian langsung tentang mekanisme otak telah membuka cakrawala baru tentang hubungan di antara perilaku (behavior) dan struktur serta fungsi otak manusia. Pengetahuan yang berawal pada tahun 1910 dan disebut sebagai "behaviorism" berkembang pesat dan kini disebut dengan berbagai istilah, seperti Behavioral Neurology, Clinical Neuropsychology, dan Higher Corti-cal Functions. Dalam pada itu Bagian Neurologi FKUI/RSCM menggunakan nama Fungsi Luhur (Fungsi Kortikal Luhur)(10,14,23,25). PeriIaku dalam konteks ini mencakup fungsi bahasa, memori, visuospasial, emosi, dan kognisi (6)."
Jakarta: UI-Press, 1995
PGB 0101
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prijono Tjiptoherijanto, 1948-
Jakarta: Citra Putra Bangsa, 1998
331.1 PRI p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ismu S. Suwelo

Pada kesempatan yang berbahagia ini saya akan mengemukakan pandangan mengenai peranan pelayanan kesehatan gigi anak dalam menunjang peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia di masa mendatang dalam menyongsong abad ke 21 yang penuh tantangan dan saingan. Pembangunan di bidang kesehatan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat agar tingkat kesehatan masyarakat menjadi lebih baik. Pembangunan di, bidang kesehatan gigi adalah bagian integral pembangunan kesehatan nasional. Ini berarti bahwa untuk melaksanakan pembangunan di bidang kesehatan, pembangunan di bidang kesehatan gigi tidak boleh ditinggalkan; juga sebaliknya bila ingin melaksanakan pembangunan di bidang kesehatan gigi, tidak boleh, melupakan kerangka. yang lebih luas, yaitu pembangunan di bidang kesehatan umumnya.

Di bidang kesehatan gigi indikator untuk penelitian epidemiologis sangat penting artinya bagi perencanaan pengembangan ketenagaan, material, dan penganggaran. Selain itu data penelitian epidemiologis juga diperlukan untuk pengembangan, evaluasi, dan pemantapan usaha pencegahan, kuratif, dan rehabilitatif di bidang kesehatan gigi baik regional maupun nasional. Peta dunia tentang distribusi kerusakan gigi (biasa disebut karies) menunjukkan perbedaan prevalensi dari tahun ke tahun pada beberapa negara. Terjadi penurunan frekuensi dari DMF-T (indeks kerusakan gigi dewasa) di negara maju, tetapi terjadi kenaikan pada negara yang sedang berkembang. Sebagian besar penurunan frekuensi karies gigi disebabkan karena adanya program pemberian fluor secara intensif antara lain melalui,air minum.

Jakarta: UI-Press, 1997
PGB 0446
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evy Clara
Jakarta: UNJ Press, 2021
658.3 EVY m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atmelia Budiarti
"Skripsi ini membahas fungsi belahan otak kanan serta pemanfaatannya dalam pengajaran bahasa Cina untuk remaja. Melalui pengaplikasian pendayagunaan fungsi otak kanan yang berkaitan dengan kreativitas, warna, imajinasi dan dimensi ke dalam latihan empat unsur bahasa pada pengajaran keterampilan berbahasa Cina, skripsi ini telah menghasilkan contoh rancangan kegiatan pengajaran bahasa Cina yang menyenangkan dan menarik untuk remaja. Penulisan skripsi ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka yang berdasarkan pada analisis deskriptif. Hasil penulisan skripsi ini menyimpulkan bahwa pengajaran bahasa Cina dengan mengoptimalkan fungsi otak kanan, tepat bila diterapkan untuk remaja karena pengajaran tersebut

This thesis discusses the function of right brain and its utilization in the teaching of Chinese language for teenager. By applying the utilization of right brain which related with creativity, color, imagination, and dimension into the four skill of Chinese language learning, this thesis has produced an example of Mandarin teaching activity scheme that is fun and interesting. This thesis uses the literature research method based on descriptive analysis. The result from this thesis_ research concludes that Chinese language teaching method, which maximizes the right brain function, is appropriate to be applied for teenager because such method of teaching will be able to cope with the students_ shortcomings and highlights their capacity;This thesis discusses the function of right brain and its utilization in the teaching of Chinese language for teenager. By applying the utilization of right brain which related with creativity, color, imagination, and dimension into the four skill of Chinese language learning, this thesis has produced an example of Mandarin teaching activity scheme that is fun and interesting. This thesis uses the literature research method based on descriptive analysis. The result from this thesis_ research concludes that Chinese language teaching method, which maximizes the right brain function, is appropriate to be applied for teenager because such method of teaching will be able to cope with the students_ shortcomings and highlights their capacity;This thesis discusses the function of right brain and its utilization in the teaching of Chinese language for teenager. By applying the utilization of right brain which related with creativity, color, imagination, and dimension into the four skill of Chinese language learning, this thesis has produced an example of Mandarin teaching activity scheme that is fun and interesting. This thesis uses the literature research method based on descriptive analysis. The result from this thesis_ research concludes that Chinese language teaching method, which maximizes the right brain function, is appropriate to be applied for teenager because such method of teaching will be able to cope with the students_ shortcomings and highlights their capacity;This thesis discusses the function of right brain and its utilization in the teaching of Chinese language for teenager. By applying the utilization of right brain which related with creativity, color, imagination, and dimension into the four skill of Chinese language learning, this thesis has produced an example of Mandarin teaching activity scheme that is fun and interesting. This thesis uses the literature research method based on descriptive analysis. The result from this thesis_ research concludes that Chinese language teaching method, which maximizes the right brain function, is appropriate to be applied for teenager because such method of teaching will be able to cope with the students_ shortcomings and highlights their capacity;This thesis discusses the function of right brain and its utilization in the teaching of Chinese language for teenager. By applying the utilization of right brain which related with creativity, color, imagination, and dimension into the four skill of Chinese language learning, this thesis has produced an example of Mandarin teaching activity scheme that is fun and interesting. This thesis uses the literature research method based on descriptive analysis. The result from this thesis_ research concludes that Chinese language teaching method, which maximizes the right brain function, is appropriate to be applied for teenager because such method of teaching will be able to cope with the students_ shortcomings and highlights their capacity;This thesis discusses the function of right brain and its utilization in the teaching of Chinese language for teenager. By applying the utilization of right brain which related with creativity, color, imagination, and dimension into the four skill of Chinese language learning, this thesis has produced an example of Mandarin teaching activity scheme that is fun and interesting. This thesis uses the literature research method based on descriptive analysis. The result from this thesis_ research concludes that Chinese language teaching method, which maximizes the right brain function, is appropriate to be applied for teenager because such method of teaching will be able to cope with the students_ shortcomings and highlights their capacity;This thesis discusses the function of right brain and its utilization in the teaching of Chinese language for teenager. By applying the utilization of right brain which related with creativity, color, imagination, and dimension into the four skill of Chinese language learning, this thesis has produced an example of Mandarin teaching activity scheme that is fun and interesting. This thesis uses the literature research method based on descriptive analysis. The result from this thesis_ research concludes that Chinese language teaching method, which maximizes the right brain function, is appropriate to be applied for teenager because such method of teaching will be able to cope with the students_ shortcomings and highlights their capacity;This thesis discusses the function of right brain and its utilization in the teaching of Chinese language for teenager. By applying the utilization of right brain which related with creativity, color, imagination, and dimension into the four skill of Chinese language learning, this thesis has produced an example of Mandarin teaching activity scheme that is fun and interesting. This thesis uses the literature research method based on descriptive analysis. The result from this thesis_ research concludes that Chinese language teaching method, which maximizes the right brain function, is appropriate to be applied for teenager because such method of teaching will be able to cope with the students_ shortcomings and highlights their capacity;This thesis discusses the function of right brain and its utilization in the teaching of Chinese language for teenager. By applying the utilization of right brain which related with creativity, color, imagination, and dimension into the four skill of Chinese language learning, this thesis has produced an example of Mandarin teaching activity scheme that is fun and interesting. This thesis uses the literature research method based on descriptive analysis. The result from this thesis_ research concludes that Chinese language teaching method, which maximizes the right brain function, is appropriate to be applied for teenager because such method of teaching will be able to cope with the students_ shortcomings and highlights their capacity;This thesis discusses the function of right brain and its utilization in the teaching of Chinese language for teenager. By applying the utilization of right brain which related with creativity, color, imagination, and dimension into the four skill of Chinese language learning, this thesis has produced an example of Mandarin teaching activity scheme that is fun and interesting. This thesis uses the literature research method based on descriptive analysis. The result from this thesis_ research concludes that Chinese language teaching method, which maximizes the right brain function, is appropriate to be applied for teenager because such method of teaching will be able to cope with the students_ shortcomings and highlights their capacity;This thesis discusses the function of right brain and its utilization in the teaching of Chinese language for teenager. By applying the utilization of right brain which related with creativity, color, imagination, and dimension into the four skill of Chinese language learning, this thesis has produced an example of Mandarin teaching activity scheme that is fun and interesting. This thesis uses the literature research method based on descriptive analysis. The result from this thesis_ research concludes that Chinese language teaching method, which maximizes the right brain function, is appropriate to be applied for teenager because such method of teaching will be able to cope with the students_ shortcomings and highlights their capacity;This thesis discusses the function of right brain and its utilization in the teaching of Chinese language for teenager. By applying the utilization of right brain which related with creativity, color, imagination, and dimension into the four skill of Chinese language learning, this thesis has produced an example of Mandarin teaching activity scheme that is fun and interesting. This thesis uses the literature research method based on descriptive analysis. The result from this thesis_ research concludes that Chinese language teaching method, which maximizes the right brain function, is appropriate to be applied for teenager because such method of teaching will be able to cope with the students_ shortcomings and highlights their capacity;This thesis discusses the function of right brain and its utilization in the teaching of Chinese language for teenager. By applying the utilization of right brain which related with creativity, color, imagination, and dimension into the four skill of Chinese language learning, this thesis has produced an example of Mandarin teaching activity scheme that is fun and interesting. This thesis uses the literature research method based on descriptive analysis. The result from this thesis_ research concludes that Chinese language teaching method, which maximizes the right brain function, is appropriate to be applied for teenager because such method of teaching will be able to cope with the students_ shortcomings and highlights their capacity;This thesis discusses the function of right brain and its utilization in the teaching of Chinese language for teenager. By applying the utilization of right brain which related with creativity, color, imagination, and dimension into the four skill of Chinese language learning, this thesis has produced an example of Mandarin teaching activity scheme that is fun and interesting. This thesis uses the literature research method based on descriptive analysis. The result from this thesis_ research concludes that Chinese language teaching method, which maximizes the right brain function, is appropriate to be applied for teenager because such method of teaching will be able to cope with the students_ shortcomings and highlights their capacity;This thesis discusses the function of right brain and its utilization in the teaching of Chinese language for teenager. By applying the utilization of right brain which related with creativity, color, imagination, and dimension into the four skill of Chinese language learning, this thesis has produced an example of Mandarin teaching activity scheme that is fun and interesting. This thesis uses the literature research method based on descriptive analysis. The result from this thesis_ research concludes that Chinese language teaching method, which maximizes the right brain function, is appropriate to be applied for teenager because such method of teaching will be able to cope with the students_ shortcomings and highlights their capacity This thesis discusses the function of right brain and its utilization in the teaching of Chinese language for teenager. By applying the utilization of right brain which related with creativity, color, imagination, and dimension into the four skill of Chinese language learning, this thesis has produced an example of Mandarin teaching activity scheme that is fun and interesting. This thesis uses the literature research method based on descriptive analysis. The result from this thesis_ research concludes that Chinese language teaching method, which maximizes the right brain function, is appropriate to be applied for teenager because such method of teaching will be able to cope with the students_ shortcomings and highlights their capacity This thesis discusses the function of right brain and its utilization in the teaching of Chinese language for teenager. By applying the utilization of right brain which related with creativity, color, imagination, and dimension into the four skill of Chinese language learning, this thesis has produced an example of Mandarin teaching activity scheme that is fun and interesting. This thesis uses the literature research method based on descriptive analysis. The result from this thesis_ research concludes that Chinese language teaching method, which maximizes the right brain function, is appropriate to be applied for teenager because such method of teaching will be able to cope with the students_ shortcomings and highlights their capacity"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Neilly Iralita Iswari
Dalam menghadapi persaingan global, kunci memenangkan persaingan di dalam bisnis jasa konstruksi adalah kualitas produk yang tinggi dengan harga yang wajar dan bersaing.
Di dalam Laporan Ketidaksesuaian Produk atau Non-Conforming Product tahun 1995 dan 1996 di PT. X, jumlah produk yang tidak diterima pelanggan cukup banyak, penyebab utama banyaknya Ketidaksesuaian Produk adalah ketidakseimbangan dari faktor input yaitu kemampuan sumber daya manusia yang kurang berkualitas sehinggga diperlukan suatu upaya menganalisa pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia yang ada di PT. X saat ini.
Penulisan tests ini bertujuan untuk menyempurnakan pengembangan sumber daya manusia di PT. X agar produktivitas kerja meningkat menuju pada peningkatan kualitas hasil kerja karyawannya. Pengembangan sumber daya manusia terdiri dari komponen yang merupakan satu kesatuan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan yang diawali dari Program Orientasi, Pelatihan Prosedur/instruksi Kerja dan Non-Prosedur/instruksi Kerja, Pengembangan Karier, Penilaian Kinerja dan kemampuan serta Pengembangan Perusahaan.
Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif melalui kajian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui pengamatan, wawancara berstruktur dan tidak berstruktur dengan pengambilan sampling sederhana pada 100 karyawan yang terdiri dari 38 pimpinan dan 62 staff.
Temuan utama yang didapat pada penelitian ini adalah tujuan orientasi dan pelatihan tidak jelas arahnya, tidak adanya evaluasi pada orientasi dan pelatihan, pelaksanaan orientasi pegawai tidak ada kontinuitas, penentuan prioritas pelatihan tidak sesuai dengan tujuan perusahaan, banyaknya mutasi yang terlalu sering diadakan tanpa perencanaan, penilaian kinerja dan kemampuan kurang obyektif dan pengembangan perusahaan yang kurang baik karena banyak masalah yang tidak ditindaklanjuti dan diselesaikan.
Strategi yang sebaiknya diambil oleh PT. X adalah melaksanakan pengembangan SDM yang terencana, berkesinambungan, dan disesuaikan dengan strategi yang sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan yang diarahkan pada tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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