"Kristal tunggal betaine phosphate disintesis dengan metode solution growth. Kristal berukuran terbesar digerus sehingga menjadi bubuk untuk pengukuran difraksi sinar-X, bercuplikan bubuk. Data difraksi sinar-X dianalisis dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak GSAS untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai struktur kristal, Struktur kristal digambar dengan ORTEP (bagian dari GSAS). Hasilnya, pada temperatur 30°C dan 120°C, Betaine Phosphate mempunyai sistem kristal monoklinik dan masing-masing memiliki grup ruang P21 /C dan P21 /m dengan CT= 11,051 (1) A, £=7,840(2) A, c= 12,918(6) A, p= 119,590( 12) A, dan o=l 1,099(1) A, £=7,894(1) A, c=6,535(l) A, {3=1 19,783(12) A.
Single crystalline betaine phosphates have been synthesized by the solution growth method. The biggest size of the crystals were ground for X-ray diffraction measurement of the powder sample. The diffraction data were analyzed using GSAS software resulting refined crystal structural parameters. Crystal structures were drawn with ORTEP. The results were that at temperature 30°C and 120°C betaine phosphate crystallizes in monoclinic P21/C and P2l/m with 0=11.051(1) A, £=7.840(2) A, c=12.918(6) A, (5=119.590(12) A, and o=l 1.099(1) A, £=7.894(1) A, c=6.535(l) A, 0=119.783(12) A, respectively."