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Elvi Misjihadiah
"Homegarden Ecology : The Structure, Pattern of Homegarden and Correlation Between Economic - Social Factors of People Community Around Lembah Harau Nature Reserve West Sumatra and Plant Diversity. A research has been done on the structure and pattern of homegarden and correlation between economic - social factors of people community and plant diversity. The research was conducted in two villages around the Lembah Harau Nature Reserve (LHNR), Harau subdistrict, the regencies of Lima Puluh Kota, West Sumatra. The villages are Desa Harau, located in the north side of LHNR, and Desa Tarantang Lubuk Limpato, located in south side and the west side of LHNR. The data were collected from October 2000 up to January 2001.
The research was non experimental with a Stratified Random Sampling Method. Data of plant density, frequency, and dominance were used to calculate Important value index, Shannon diversity index (H), Jaccard similarity index (ISJ), and Shannon equitability index (E). The community economic - social factors data, as independent variables, and the plant diversity, as a dependent variable, were analyzed using the multiple regression analysis to produce the regression equality model.
This research found 270 species of plants from 76 family. The plants were grouped into 11 categories. There were 33 species of fruit plants, 23 species of industrial plants, 29 species of vegetable plants, 60 species of traditionally medicinal plants, 3 species of food plants, 21 species of flavor plants, 62 species of ornamental plants, 5 species of plants for spiritual events, 8 species of traditional cosmetic plants, 55 species of weeds, and the remaining 47 species grouped into miscellaneous plants. The patterns of homegarden usage were different in two villages. In Desa Tarantang Lubuk Limpato the tree level was dominated by industrial plants and the belta level was dominated by fruit plants.
On the other hand, in Desa Harau the tree level was dominated by fruit plants and the belta level was dominated by industrial plants. Artocarpus dadah, Artocarpus elasticus, Ficus ampelas, Ficus annulata, Ficus auranticea, Ficus benjamina, Ficus glandulifera, Ficus parietalis, Ficus caulocarpa, and Ficus aurata from Moraceae family were grown and spread surround the homegarden and their bennefit are still unknown by the local society. The pattern of plant stratification showed the stratification pattern was similar to a forest. Based on the formation of canopy coat, there were five strata, i.e. stratum A (>20m), stratum B (15-20m), stratum C (10-15m), stratum D (5-10m), dan stratum E (0-5m).
The diversity of plant species at homegarden for tree level were strongly correlated with size of homegarden and income of respondent (R2=0,601)_ At belta level, besides of size of homegarden and income of respondent, long period of resident also had a strong correlation (R2=0,721) with the diversity of plant. At seedling level and ground cover there were weak correlations of the plant diversity with size of house (R2=0,073).
Plant species which dominated homegarden was probably caused by the change of homegarden function. Increase of economic condition of people may cause decreasing in plant diversity at homegarden, especially indiginous plant species."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Fadhilah
"Lore Lindu National Park covers 217,991 ha of Central Sulawesi. The elevation range from 200 m asl in Pakuli to 2,355 m asl at the top of Nokilalaki mountain on the north east of this national park. This wide range of the elevation has become the supporting factor of the high biodiversity in this national park. There were many Sulawesi endemic faunas which have been found in this national park. This national park have at least 5 species of squirrel, 31 of 38 of the rats species are endemic not to mention other big mammals and the species of shrews which are mostly endemic. Approximately there are 55 species of bats inhabit this national park. This group of animals plays important economic and ecological roles including producing fertilizer, pollinating fruit trees, and consuming vast numbers of insects. Bat’s morphology and anatomy are basically like that of any other mammal, the wings are the most obvious distinguishing characteristic. The fundamental similarity in structure of all bats has required the group to expand into new habitat or to partition their niche.
Ecomorphology is a study that relates the morphological structures that construct an organism with ecological and evolutionary consequences of that designs. Some previous study indicate the relationship between morphological characters such as cranial or wing characters with diet and niche partition in bats. Ecomorphological study of bats is very lack in Sulawesi particularly which correlates with its ecological function such as niche partition. The study on ecomorphology has not been comprise the whole area of this national park. There were no reports on this study at the South West Part of Lore Lindu National Park, near Tomado village.
Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is a pattern of variation in which asymmetry values are normally distributed around a mean of zero. FA has been considered as the product of random errors in development, and thus a measure of developmental stability. The level of FA in a trait may indicate genetic, developmental, or environmental stress. The study of FA can also predict the interspecies relationship between two or more species in one area. The study of FA in bats has never been conducted in Lore Lindu National Park. This study can explain the interspecies relationship among bats species and the level of environmental stress in the national park.
This study focused on two topics: (1) ecomorphological relationship between wing characters and niche partition in bat community, and (2) fluctuating asymmetry pattern in bat community. The study area was located at Lore Lindu National Park, Salupada Mountain, Tomado village, Central Sulawesi. The study was conducted between July to August 2002.
Bats were captured using mist nets and a harp trap. This study is testing the hypothesis that bat species are randomly dispersed in multivariate morphological space. In contrast, if they are organized (due to phylogeny, competitive interactions, etc), multivariate morphological space will be partitioned regularly. This study is also testing the significant difference of FA levels between species of bat in the community to see the interspecies relationship among them.
A total of 128 bat specimens from 16 species were collected. The wing morphology of each specimens were measured using digital caliper. The wing characters measured were the Metacarpal of the first to the fifth digit of the bat, the first and the second Phalanges of the third to the fifth digit of the bat, Forearms, and Tibiae. A total of 13 characters were measured. These characters was analysed using multivariate statistics, Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
Principal component analysis indicates that differences in size of the wing (PC-1) contribute 86% of niche partition, whereas wing width membrane differences (PC-2) contribute only about 8% of niche partition. The guild of bat community in Lore Lindu National Park was not distributed randomly in multivariate space. Instead we found that the morphological space is partitioned regularly, probably due to competitive interactions The pattern of fluctuating asymmetry between the two bat species showed no significant differences of FA level between the sexes within The study of ecomorphological attributes on bats in Lore Lindu National Park is still needed to be continued in order to find out the niche partition in the whole area of the park and also to see the level of disturbance in the area."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Gusti Ayu Rai Sawitri
"Pola pekarangan masyarakat desa Pakraman di Bali, didasari atas konsep Tri Hita Karana. Konsep tersebut mengatur ruang pekarangan untuk menciptakan hubungan yang harmonis dengan sang pencipta (Parahyangan), manusia (Pawongan) dan lingkungan (Palemahan). Penelitian ekologi pekarangan dilakukan di desa Pakraman, Buleleng Bali bertujuan untuk mengetahui kekayaan dan keanekaragaman serta menggali informasi mengenai potensi pemanfaatan spesies tanaman pekarangan.
Penelitian ini mencakup keanekaragaman, persepsi dan pengetahuan pemanfaatan spesies tanaman pekarangan pada tiga lokasi altitude (h) yaitu daerah altitude rendah (h≤500 m dpl), altitude menengah (500
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah spesies yang ditemukan sebanyak 304 spesies dari 229 genus dan termasuk dalam 95 famili. Kekayaan spesies di daerah rendah sebanyak 227 spesies, menengah 202 spesies dan tinggi 156 spesies. Hasil perhitungan indeks keanekaragaman spesies (H?) Shannon-Wiener pada 3 kategori altitude menunjukkan penurunan keanekaragaman seriring dengan peningkatan ketinggian. Hasil analisis dengan Local User's Value Index (LUVI) diperoleh 9 kategori guna dari keseluruhan lokasi penelitian yaitu bahan makanan, hiasan atau ornamen, ritual, peneduh atau perindang, obat-obatan, penulak bala (mitos), sumber penghasilan, menyama braya (sosial) dan pewarna, namun ditemukan perbedaan persepsi fungsi pekarangan bagi masyarakat pada tiap daerah ketinggian. Spesies tanaman dengan nilai kepentingan budaya (ICS-Index of Cultural Significance tertinggi adalah nyuh biasa (Cocos nucifera) sebesar 156 dengan 14 jumlah pemanfaatan.

Balinese homegarden at Pakraman villagers in Bali, is based on the concept of Tri Hita Karana (THK). The concept of managing the yard space to create a harmonious relationship with the creator (Parahyangan), human (Pawongan) and the environment (Palemahan). Ecological research conducted in the village Pakraman homegarden, Buleleng Bali aims to find and explore the richness and diversity of plants spescies and also to get information about the potential use of plants species.
This study includes diversity, perceptions and knowledge utilization homegarden plant species in three locations height (h) that is a low area (h ≤500 m asl), medium (500 < h <1000 m above sea level) and high (h ≥1000 m asl) to further grouped by extents (a) is a small yard (a ≤300 m2), medium (300
The results showed the number of species found as many as 304 species from 229 genera and included in 95 families. Lower species richness in the area as much as 227 species, 202 species of medium height and 156 species. Results of calculation of the index of species diversity (H ') Shannon-Wiener at 3 height categories showed a decline diversity with increased height. Results of the analysis by the Local User's Value Index (LUVI) gained 9 categories in order of overall research sites are foodstuffs, ornaments, ritual, shade, drugs, penulak bala (myth), source of income, menyama braya (social) and dyes, but found differences in the perception of the homegarden functions for society at every altitude. Plant species named nyuh biasa (Cocos nucifera) has highest Index of Cultural Significance (ICS) value of 156 in 14 types of utilization."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pembangunan pertanian sub-sektor perkebunan di Indonesia telah dikembangkan dalam berbagai pola, di antaranya adalah pola Unit Pelaksana Proyek (UPP) dan pola Perusahaan Inti Rakyat Perkebunan (PIR-Bun). Pengembangan perkebunan dengan pola PIR bertujuan untuk membangun masyarakat pekebun yang berwiraswasta dan sejahtera dengan melibatkan pengusaha perkebunan dan petani, dalam suatu sistem hubungan kerjasama yang saling menguntungkan, utuh dan berkesinambungan. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, pengusaha perkebunan bersama-sama dengan instansi terkait membantu dan membimbing perkebunan rakyat di sekitarnya melalui pembinaan petani.
Di daerah Riau, pengembangan perkebunan dengan pola PIR telah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 1981. Salah satu di antaranya adalah PIR Khusus (PIR-Sus) Sei Tapung di Kecamatan Tandun, Kabupaten Daerah Tingkat II Kampar, Riau. Proyek PIR-Sus ini mengusahakan budidaya kelapa sawit seluas 7.670 ha, meliputi 5.000 ha kebun plasma dan 2.670 ha kebun inti. Bersamaan dengan itu telah dimukimkan pula 2.500 kepala keluarga (KR) petani peserta yang terdiri dari 2.000 KK petani asal transmigrasi dan 500 KK petani lokal.
Kegiatan proyek PIR-Sus sejak periode persiapan hingga periode pembayaran kembali, diduga telah menimbulkan dampak pada lingkungan hidup, khususnya terhadap Cara hidup petani lokal, terutama tentang persepsinya mengenai alokasi waktu. Kajian tentang alokasi waktu ini perlu dilakukan, karena di satu sisi perubahan jenis usaha tani dari tanaman pangan dan/ atau kebun karet ke usaha tani kebun kelapa sawit menuntut perubahan alokasi waktu. Sebab waktu yang diperlukan untuk usaha tani tanaman pangan hanya 144 hari kerja per ha per musim, sedangkan untuk mengelola dua ha kebun kelapa sawit yang telah menghasilkan diperlukan waktu 342 hari kerja per tahun. Di sisi lain ada kebiasaan yang berlaku bagi masyarakat local, bahwa dalam seminggu biasanya mereka bekerja lima hari. Hal ini berarti dalam setahun hanya ada 260 hari kerja. Atas dasar ini diduga bahwa perubahan jenis usahatani akan mempengaruhi pola alokasi waktu petani lokal memperoieh penyuluhan yang relatif intensif, terpadu dan berkesinambungan dari pihak PTP sebagai pengelola PIR-Sus Sei Tapung. Sebagai hasil penyuluhan itu diduga telah terjadi perubahan persepsi petani lokal yang menjadi peserta PIR terhadap arti pentingnya waktu. Perubahan persepsi terhadap waktu tersebut dapat diketahui dari tanggapan petani tentang jumlah alokasi waktu untuk berbagai kegiatan. Bagi pihak pembina petani (penyuluh), pola alokasi waktu petani merupakan informasi penting terutama dalam melaksanakan kegiatan penyuluhan yang tepat sasaran, tepat waktu, sangkil dan mangkus. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi dampak penyuluhan yang dilakukan terhadap persepsi petani mengenai alokasi waktu.
Mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan persepsi petani PIR dan non-PIR mengenai alokasi waktu ; dan untuk melihat apakah ada hubungan jenis usahatani dengan persepsi petani mengenai alokasi waktu.
Sebagai jawaban sementara terhadap masalah penelitian, diajukan hipotesis penelitian, yaitu persepsi petani mengenai jumlah alokasi waktu berhubungan dengan keikutsertaan petani dalam PIR, frekuensi kehadiran mengikuti penyuluhan dan jenis usahatani. Persepsi mengenai alokasi waktu diukur dengan tanggapan responden terhadap jumlah alokasi waktu, yang dibedakan atas tiga kategori tangga (RT) dan jumlah waktu yang dinikmati (K). Sedangkan keikutsertaan petani dalam PIR dibedakan atas dua kategori yaitu petani PIR dan petani non--PIR. Frekuensi mengikuti penyuluhan dibedakan atas tiga kategori yaitu kurang, sedang dan sering. Sedangkan jenis usahatani dibedakan atas usahatani tanaman pangan, tanaman kebun karet dan tanaman kebun kelapa sawit.
Perselitian terhadap petani PIR dilakukan di Desa Tapung Jaya, sedangkan terhadap petani non-PIR dilakukan di Ke1urahan Ujungbatu, dengan jumlah sampel 20 persen dari masing-masing sub-populasi . Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara dan pengamatan, sedangkan analisis data dilakukan dengan uji statistik kai kuadrat 2(X ).
Berdasarkan asumsi semula bahwa faktor produktifitas petani dianggap sama (diabaikan) maka dari hasil analisis yang dilakukan, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa:
1) Rata-rata alokasi waktu petani PIR untuk B adalah 8,0 jam per hari, untuk RT 1,0 jam per hari dan untuk K 10,4 jam per hari. Sedangkan rata-rata alokasi waktu petani non-PIR untuk B adalah 6,5 jam per hari, untuk RT 1,2 jam per hari dan untuk K 11,7 jam per hari. Berdasarkan alokasi waktu tersebut, maka waktu luang petani PIR dan non-PIR masing--masing adalah 4,6 jam per hari.
2) Ada perbedaan alokasi waktu petani PIR dengan petani non-PIR, di mana alokasi waktu B petani PIR lebih banyak dari petani non-PIR. Apabila dibandingkan dengan jam kerja baku (8,0 jam per hari) maka petani PIR lebih giat bekerja dari petani non-PIR. Sedangkan alokasi waktu untuk RT dan K petani PIR lebih sedikit dari petani non-PIR. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa dengan masuknya petani lokal menjadi peserta PIR cenderung bertambah besar jumlah jam bekerjanya, sebaliknya berkurang jumlah waktu untuk kegiatan rurnah tangga dan jumlah waktu yang dinikmati.
3) Berdasarkan asumsi semula bahwa faktor produktifitas petani dianggap sama, ternyata ada perbedaan rata-rata alokasi waktu untuk berbagai kegiatan antara petani tanaman pangan, petani kebun karet dan petani kebun kelapa sawit. Dilihat dari rata-rata alokasi waktu bekerja, petani kebun kelapa sawit lebih giat dari petani kebun karat maupun petani tanaman pangan.
4) Dengan mengasumsikan bahwa faktor umur, tingkat pendidikan dan tingkat pendapatan merupakan faktor yang diabaikan, maka ternyata ada hubungan antara frekuensi kehadiran petani mengikuti penyuluhan dengan rata-rata alokasi waktu B, RT dan K. Frekuensi penyuluhan yang dihadiri petani berkorelasi positif dengan rata-rata alokasi waktu B, sebaliknya berkorelasi negatif dengan rata-rata alokasi waktu RT.
5) Dilihat dari rata-rata alokasi waktu luang (L) petani PIR dan non-PIR, (4,6 jam per hari) maka bagi petani PIR akan lebih sangkil bila dialokasikan untuk kegiatan rumah tangga dan waktu yang dinikmati khususnya untuk kebutuhan sosial dan kebutuhan rekreasi. Sedangkan bagi petani non-PIR, jumlah waktu luang tersebut akan lebih sangkil bila dialokasikan untuk bekerja dan kegiatan rumah tangga.
Berdasarkan kesimpulan di atas, diajukan beberapa pertimbangan sebagai berikut:
1) Mengikutsertakan petani lokal yang menjadi peserta PIR, ternyata mampu merubah perilaku mereka dalam mengalokasikan waktu untuk kegiatan produktif. Oleh karena itu, diusulkan agar petani lokal yang akan menjadi peserta PIR ditingkatkan jumlahnya.
2) Dari rata-rata alokasi waktu B, petani PIR lebih giat dari petani non-PIR. Besarnya jumlah jam kerja petani PIR disebabkan oleh perubahan Jenis usahatani (sistem kerja) ke arah diversifikasi usaha. Oleh karena itu untuk membina petani non-PIR agar waktu bekerjanya meningkat maka perlu ada upaya ke arah diversifikasi usaha dari pemanfaatan waktu luang.
3) Keikutsertaan petani dalam kegiatan penyuluhan ternyata mempunyai dampak positif dalam merubah persepsi petani tentang arti pentingnya waktu, hal ini tereermin dari pernyataan petani dalam mengalokasikan waktunya. Untuk menirigkatkan jumlah jam kerja petani lokal, salah satu alternatif yang diusulkan adalah menyelenggarakan penyuluhan yang intensif, terpadu, dan berkesinambungan.
4) Karena pola alokasi waktu petani berhubungan dengan jenis usahatani tertentu, maka agar penyuluhan yang diberikan kepada petani tepat waktu dan tepat sasaran, maka pihak penyuluh perlu mempertimbangkan pola alokasi waktu yang berlaku bagi masing-masing petani menurut jenis usahataninya_ Dalam hal ini waktu luang merupakan waktu yang tepat untuk memberikan penyuluhan kepada petani.

The sub-sector farming of agricultural development in Indonesia is extended in some patterns, two of them are Project Implementation Unit (Unit Pelaksana Proyek (UPP)) and Nucleus Estate Plantation (Perusahaan Intl Rakyat Perkebunan (PIR-Bun)) patterns. The purpose of farming extension with PIR patterns is the development of farmers society entrepreneurship and wealth, involving the entrepreneurs and farmers, in mutuality symbiosis system, integration and continuation. To achieve this objective, farming entrepreneurs and related institutions should assist and guide the surrounding smallholders by developing the farmers.
In Riau Province, farming development of PIR patterns has been executed since 1981. One of these patterns is Special PIR (PI} Khusus or PIR-Sus) Sei Tapung in Tandun Sub-district, Kampar, Riau Province. This PIR-Sus project developed palm farming in 7.870 ha, included 5.000 ha plasma farm and 2.670 ha nucleus farm. At the same time, this area has been habitated by 2.500 families of PIR farmers, i . e 2.000 transmigrant families and 500 local inhabitant families.
It is expected that the activities of PIR-Sus project, since preliminary period up to the repayment period, have proceeded the environmental impact, especially to the local farmers perception on time allocation. A study on this time allocation of farmers is necessary, because of the changing type of agribusiness from food, plantation and r or rubber farming to palm farming, needs changing of time allocation. Agribusiness of food plantation requires 144 working days' per ha per year, as well as 342 working days per year to manage two ha of productive palm farming. Beside that, the local society traditionally works for five days per week and 260 days per year. It is expected that the changing type of agribusiness will influence the pattern of local farmers allocation of time.
PIR local farmers' get information intensively, integrated and continuously from PTP official, manager of PIR-Sus Sei Tapung. It is expected for the changing PIR member of local farmers' perception on the meaningful of time. Change of perception on time is indicated by the farmers? response on time allocation for a variety of activities. Patterns of farmers time allocation give an important information to the PIR informants, especially for the purpose of efficiency, effectiveness and on time of information activities. Getting data on this subject, it is necessary to perform research:
To evaluate the impact of information which is performed on farmers perception about time allocation; To know whether there is a different perception among PIR farmers' and non-PIR farmers' on time allocation; o note down whether there is relationship between types f agribusiness with farmers perception on time allocation.
As a temporary answer, it is necessary to develop research hypothesis, that there is a relationship between the farmers perception on the amount of time allocation with their participating in FIR, frequency of attending the information sessions and types of agribusiness. The perception on time allocation is indicated by the farmers response on time allocation for amount of time allocation is three categories of the amount of time allocation, i.e. the amount of time for working activities (bekeria (BY), the amount of time for housekeeping activities (rumah tng (RT)), and the amount of time for consumption (konsumsi (IC)). Two categories of farmers? position are PIR and non-PIR farmers'.
Frequencies of attending farming information are seldom, often, and very often. And types of agribusiness are agribusiness of food plantation, of rubber farming, and of palm farming.
Research on PIR farmers' was carried out in Tapung Jaya village and on non-PIR farmers' in Ujungbatu village, with 20 percent samples for each sub-population. Data collecting techniques are interview and observation. Analysis of data is 2 chi-square (X ) statistical test.
Conclusions of this analysis of data are:
The average time allocation of PIR farmers' for B is 8,0 hours per day, for RT is 1,0 hour per day, and for K is 10,4 hours per day. The average time allocation of non-FIR farmers' for B is 6,5 hours per day. The leisure time of FIR farmers' and non-PIR farmers' is only 4,6 hours per day.
Time allocation difference of PIR and non-PIR farmers' is that time allocation of PIR farmers' for B has more time than non-FIR farmers'. According to standard working time (8,0 hours per day), FIR farmers' are more active than non-FIR farmers'. Because time allocation of PIR farmers' for RT and K is less compared to that of non-PIR farmers', there is an inclination that farmers who become FIR members spend more time on FIR activities than on household activities and consumption of time.
Based on earlier assumption that each farmers has an equal productivity, it appears that there is a different of the average time allocation for a variety if' activities among food plantation farmers, rubber farming farmers, and palm farming farmers. For the average time allocation of B, palm-farming farmers are more active than food plantation farmers and rubber farming farmers.
Without including age, education and earning factors in this assumption, it seems there is a relationship between the frequency of farmers attending the information sessions with the average time allocation given to B, RT and K. Frequency of information activities of attended farmers has positive correlation with the average time allocation for B, but the negative correlation with the average time allocation for VT.
Regarding to the average amount of leisure time of .PIR and non-PIR farmers' which is 4,6 hours per day; it is more efficient if it is used for household activities and consumption of time, specifically for recreation and social activities. On the other hand it will be more efficient for to use that time for work and household activities.
Based on the above conclusion, there are some recommendations:
change their behavior of time allocation of productive activities. Therefore the members of PIR local farmers' should be pushed up.
According to the average time allocation for B, PIR farmers' are more active than non-PIR farmers'. The number of agribusiness diversification that positively influence the income level. To increase the working hour capacity of non-PIR farmers', we should enhance the diversification of business and the spending of leisure time.
Participation of farmers in the information activity has positive impact in changing farmers perception on the meaningful (important) of time; it is reflected from farmers behavior in allocating their time.
According to the correlation of farmers time allocation patterns and type of certain agribusiness, the information activities given to the farmers on time and on the right target, the informants should consider to the patterns of time allocation of farmers type of agribusiness. Leisure time is the right time to give information to farmers.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Selvi Lestari
"Padi (Oryza Sativa, sp.) Merupakan komoditas pangan utama masyarakat Indonesia. Secara umum, Indonesia memiliki beberapa varietas tanaman padi yang ditanam secara selektif oleh petani untuk meningkatkan nilai produktivitas tanaman padi. Tercatat pada 2019, Cidahu memiliki nilai produksi padi relatif tinggi yakni 20.721 ton. Salah satu cara yang efektif untuk memantau tanaman padi adalah dengan memanfaatkan teknologi penginderaan jauh, baik citra radar maupun optik. Dataset radar dan optik sangat potensial untuk diterapkan di wilayah tropis dan sub tropis yang rawan tutupan awan sehingga kombinasi keduanya saling melengkapi dalam meningkatkan akurasi klasifikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis fenologi spasial tanaman padi, memetakan pola sebaran varietas padi, dan menganalisis pola spasial produktivitas tanaman padi menggunakan citra Sentinel-1 dan Sentinel-2 di Kecamatan Cidahu, Kabupaten Sukabumi. Kombinasi polarisasi SAR dan indeks vegetasi dari citra optik digunakan untuk menentukan tahapan tanam padi, yang selanjutnya menjadi pedoman dalam identifikasi varietas dan produktivitas padi. Tahapan padi dikategorikan menjadi persiapan lahan, vegetatif, generatif, dan maturatif. Hasil panen dari 3.443 hektar luas panen adalah 20.000-21.000 ton per hektar.

Paddy (Oryza Sativa, sp.) is the main food commodity of most Indonesian. Generally, Indonesia has several rice crop varieties, which selectively planted by farmers to increase the value of rice crop productivity. Recorded in 2019, Cidahu has a relatively high value of paddy rice production of 20,721 tons. One effective way of monitoring rice crops is by utilizing remote sensing technology, both radar and optical imagery. Radar and optical datasets are very potential to be applied in tropical and sub-tropical regions, which are prone to cloud-cover so that the combination of the two complement each other in increasing the accuracy of classification. This study aims to analyze the spatial phenology of paddy, map the distribution patterns of paddy rice varieties, and analyze the spatial patterns of rice crop productivity using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 imageries in Cidahu sub-district, Sukabumi Regency. The combination of polarization from SAR and vegetation index from optical images are used to determine the planting stages of paddy, which then serves as a guide for the identification of rice varieties and productivity. The paddy stages are categorized into land preparation, vegetative, generative, and maturative. The yield from the 3,443 hectares of harvested area is 20,000-21,000 tons per hectare."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suswanto Rasidi
"Spatial distribution and some ecological aspect of hermit-crabs pagurus spp. In the intertidal shore of Pulau Dua Natural reserve, Banten bay.Pulau Dua natural reserve,as a bird sanctuary, is now threatened by water pullution and environmental degradation. To monitor is condition,an observation of the biotic intertidal comunity has been taken. One of the biotic intertidal comunities is hermit-crab (Pagurus spp). There are two species of crabs, namely Pagurus granosimanus and Pagurus hursutiusculus. Their weight are 202.80 mg and 724.90 mg. and their body lenghts are 13.00 mm and 20.71 mm respectively.The spatial distribution of the species is contagious and cluster (V=16.84)>Environmental factors such as air and water temperature,pH and water salinity,were measured"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johan Iskandar
"ndonesia memiliki keanekaragaman hayati yang sangat tinggi di dunia, termasuk keanekaragaman binatang/satwa liar atau fauna. Misalnya, Indonesia menempati peringkat pertama di dunia dengan memiliki keanekaragaman jenis mamalia (515 jenis); dengan memiliki keanekarahaman jenis burung (1.539 jenis), Indonesia menempati peringkat ke-4 di dunia—di bawah Kolumbia, Peru dan Brazil; serta memiliki keanekaan jenis reptilia (600 jenis) sehingga Indonesia berada di peringkat ke-3, setelah Meksiko dan Australia. Namun dalam beberapa dasawarsa terakhir ini, keanekaragaman binatang di Indonesia yang berperan penting bagi fungsi ekologi, sosial ekonomi dan budaya manusia malah banyak diperlakukan tidak wajar oleh manusia, seperti diburu, dibunuh, dan dirusak atau dimusnahkan habitatnya. Akibatnya, beberapa jenis binatang terancam punah.
Buku ini membahas tentang berbagai jenis binatang yang berperan penting bagi ekologi di alam atau di ekosistem, seperti penyebar biji-bijian, penyerbuk tumbuhan, pengendali hama tumbuhan/tanaman, indikator kualitas lingkungan perairan, indikator perubahan musim, indikator timbul bencana alam, dan penghasil sarang walet yang sangat menguntungkan bagi kepentingan bisnis. Oleh karena itu, buku ini sangat penting untuk dibaca oleh berbagai kalangan untuk mengenal jenis-jenis binatang di Indonesia, yang menguntungkan bagi alam sehingga"
Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2015
574 JOH k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suyud Warno Utomo
Jakarta: Lembaga Penerbit FEUI, 2018
574.5 SUY k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"1. Kerangka Konseptual
Berkembangnya studi tentang lingkungan atau yang dikenal dengan ekologi, pada dasawarsa terakhir ini menandakan akan pentingnya pemahaman tentang seluruh aspek lingkungan untuk menjaga terlaksananya keseimbangan hubungan antara manusia dengan lingkungannya. Manusia merupakan salah satu unsur dalam ekosistem yang tidak dapat diabaikan dalam studi tentang lingkungan, karena hubungan yang saling terkait di antara keduanya seperti yang telah dikemukakan oleh (Forde 1934).
Dalam hubungan yang saling terkait ini maka kebudayaan yang merupakan kerangka landasan bagi manusia untuk beradaptasi terhadap lingkungannya berperanan sebagai jembatan penghubung yang amat menentukan tingkat kesanggupan adaptasi manusia dan usaha peningkatan taraf hidupnya. Sebaliknya, lingkungan alam dan fisiknya juga dipandang oleh manusia sebagai suatu hasil kebudayaan, yaitu sesuatu yang dipahami sesuai dengan persepsi dan alam pikiran manusia.
Interaksi antara manusia dengan lingkungannya yang berpijak pada kebudayaan terwujudkan dalam aktivitas-aktivitas manusia dalam usahanya memperoleh, mengelola, dan memanfaatkan sumber-sumber daya dan sarana dari lingkungannya guna memenuhi kebutuhan hidup dan kelangsungan hidupnya.
Penelitian-penelitian atau studi tentang lingkungan berdasarkan pendekatan terpadu untuk memahami-keadaan lingkungan dan berbagai unsurnya serta aktivitas-aktivitas manusia dalam rangka interaksinya seperti tersebut diatas, diharapkan dapat berguna dalam menyajikan keterangan sebagai landasan menetapkan kebijakan, baik untuk mempertahankan kelestarian dan keseimbangan lingkungan disatu pihak, maupun dalam meningkatkan kualitas kesejahteraan manusia di pihak lain."
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 1984
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
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