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Ditemukan 134277 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Tony Ferdyanto
"Analysis on The Anticipation of Strategic Changes Towards Macro Environment (Anticipation Case Study on PT. Telkom Towards Laws/UU No. 36 Year 1999)
Various pressures are faces by Telkom Tbk in the last few years, including regulative pressures especially the prevailing on Laws/UU No. 3611999 concerning Telecommunication and Blue Print of Indonesian Telecommunication, technological pressures, as well as pressures from the demands of consumers.
Those pressures compels Telkom to carryout concentric diversification - besides strengthening its old business - in order to maintain the income flow and its growth. Diversification is done by entering new segments in telecommunication sector, those are international communication (SLI), Internet, multimedia, and mobil telecommunication.
The goal of writing this thesis is to analyze the mapping of telecommunication industrial competition nationally, analyzing Telkom strategies in anticipating free competition, as well as analyzing Telkom strategies in winning the said competition.
The research method used in this thesis is descriptive analytic method, which is also qualitative research method. In order to obtain primary data, they are collected from focused interviews and as for the secondary data, they are collected through bibliographies.
In carrying out analysis on industrial environment and observing the current competition, the theory of five forces by Michael Porter is used. And mixed marketing is used to observe how Telkom creating its competitive advantages.
The result of this research is diversified strategies accompanied by mixed marketing concept focused on customers, which can extend the market, creating competitive advantages, and resulting in Telkom capable of participating in the future full competition.
In order to capture market shares Telkom must undertake alliances to optimize the resources he owns. By carrying out the said alliances, Telkom can be focused more in developing its capabilities and core competences.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susan Faustine
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pelaksanaan sistem manajemen stratejik pada Divisi Paper Bag di PT X berdasarkan 6 langkah dalam konsep execution premium yaitu develop the strategy, plan the strategy, align the organization, plan operations, monitor and learn, test and adapt. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa langkah-langkah tersebut belum sepenuhnya dilakukan oleh perusahaan. Salah satunya adalah proses penyusunan anggaran yang dilakukan secara terpisah dari perancangan strategi objektif dan KPI pada Divisi Paper Bag. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa anggaran tersebut belum efektif dalam menentukan pencapaian strategi objektif yang dimiliki oleh Divisi Paper Bag.

The research?s objective is to evaluate the implementation of management strategy system at Paper Bag division in X Corporation based on the concept of execution premium which has six stages i.e., develop the strategy, plan the strategy, align the organization, plan operations, monitor and learn, test and adapt. Result shows that those six major stages are not fully executed by the Company. For example, the budgeting process is done separately from division?s strategic objective and KPI planning process. This reveals that the budget is not effective to determine the Paper Bag Division?s achivement to meet the strategy objective."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Menik Noviati
"Since the Law Number 20 Year 2003: National Education System has been launched, STIA-LAN, as one of many universities that specialized in the field of governmental specific function, has been impacted by this regulation, both directly and indirectly. This law has restricted and forced STIA-LAN to change their status in order to comply with the regulation. On the other side, STIA-LAN has also to fulfill its function in according with Presidential Decree Number 100 year 1999. Facing with these conditions, STIA - LAN has to make some adjustment in order to respond the environmental change. The adjustment should be done in such way that the change is planned systematically and well prepared.
This thesis proposed two research questions to be answered, i.e.: which are strategic environmental factor that drive STIA LAN to be changed? And, what are the strategies to has be taken in responding to the strategic environmental change? In order to answer these questions, a research has been conducted. The research used quantitative and qualitative approaches. The framework of this research can be explained, as follow: first, identification strategic environmental factors that forced the change, both external and internal. This step was taken to analyze the current position of STIA-LAN. The analysis was using SWOT analysis with internal/external matrix. The next step was identification of key success factors that lead to performance to be fulfilled in responding with effective and efficient changing plan. After these steps, it was formulated change strategy based on Change Management Model proposed by Berger. Data and information for the analysis were gathered through interview and survey to key informants who are expert on the research substance.
Based on the data and information gathered, the next step was analyzing the position of STIA-LAN by using External/Internal Matrix, which is in the position of growth and stability. This means that STIA-LAN has to take growth or maintain the stability. In other words, STIA-LAN has to expand their market or open the new market, produce the new products, and also use the technology to support their educational process.
Based on the reassessment and key success factors, then, can be drawn the change strategy as follows:
a. Restatement of mission. This restatement is targeted to be the reference for the change plan
b. Conducting marker research, in accordance with new product of SI and 52 that are going to be sold to the public
c. Designing new product based on the market research, including which market to be targeted.
d. Formulating strategic planning, in accordance with systemic change
e. Organizing the educational process based on the regulation
f. Identifying the competence need, in accordance with employee competence adjustment to the new look of STIA-LAN
g. Adjusting the STIA-LAN facilities in order to comply with education standard
h. Preparing the plan for facing the competition with other universities through low cost and differentiation strategy, and market penetration strategy
i. Preparing for the problem of resistance to change.
j. Conducting step for change socialization to all stakeholder
k. Conducting strategic alliance with other universities."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
T 21475
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Perkembangan ekonomi yang semakin cepat menyebabkan persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat. Apalagi dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih, perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut berlomba-lomba dalam memanfaatkan teknologi untuk meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif dan efisiensi kinerja perusahaan mereka dibandingkan pesaingnya. Salah satu investasi teknologi informasi yang populer saat ini adalah sistem Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) yaitu paket aplikasi yang menawarkan ?best practice? dalam menjalankan bisnis dengan menggunakan satu basis data yang dapat diakses oleh semua divisi dalam perusahaan. Terdapat banyak keuntungan yang dapat dirasakan oleh perusahaan dengan mengimplementasi sistem ERP, seperti mengurangi biaya produksi, meningkatkan integrasi data, dan mengurangi level inventori. Namun, sebagian besar implementasi sistem ERP yang telah dilakukan oleh beberapa perusahaan mengalami kegagalan. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan kegagalan ini adalah adanya resistensi pengguna terhadap perubahan. Resistensi dari pengguna ini juga menyebabkan perusahaan tidak dapat memaksimalkan keuntungan dari implementasi sistem ERP. Oleh karena itu, paper ini akan membahas mengenai faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi penerimaan pengguna dalam menggunakan sistem ERP. Faktor-faktor penerimaan ini didasarkan pada model penerimaan pengguna yang sudah ada pada penelitian sebelumnya yaitu model Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology (UTAUT).

An increasingly rapid economic development led to the increasingly stringent business competition. Especially with the development of increasingly sophisticated technology, these companies are competing in utilizing technology to enhance competitive advantage and efficiency of their company's performance than its competitors. One of the investment in information technology that is popular today is the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, is an application package that offers best practice of doing business by using a single database that is accessible by all divisions within the company. There are many advantages that can be felt by companies to implement ERP systems, such as reducing production costs, improve data integration, and reduce inventory levels. However, most implementations of ERP systems that have been done by some companies to fail. One of the factors that caused this failure is the presence of user resistance to change. Resistance from users has also led the company can not maximize the benefits of ERP system implementation. Therefore, this paper will discuss the factors affecting user acceptance of ERP systems in use. Acceptance factors are based on the user acceptance model that already exists in previous studies that model the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Usage of Technology (UTAUT)."
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Dengan semakin meningkatnya kegiatan perdagangan internasional yang dilakukan oleh para pengusaha di Indonesia, bisnis sambungan langsung internasional (SLI) juga mengalami peningkatan pertumbuhan yang tinggi. Hal ini terlihat dari meningkatnya volume trafik percakapan dari 492,5 juta menit di tahun 1994 menjadi 644,7 juta menit serta kenaikan pertumbuhan pelanggan dari 18 % di tahun 1998 menjadi 36,5 % di tahun 1999 yang diterima INDOSAT selaku operator telekomunikasi internasional di Indonesia.
Munculnya UU telekomunikasi yang baru yaitu UU no. 36 tahun 1999, serta akan datangnya era globalisasi, akan membuat bisnis ini diselenggarakan secara kompetisi yang akan dimulai pada tahun 2004. TELKOM melihat hal ini sebagai suatu peluang yang baik untuk dapat mengembangkan bisnis portofolionya di masa mendatang. Untuk dapat memasuki bisnis yang baru diperlukan suatu strategi yang tepat, maka dari itu tujuan dari penulisan tesis ini yaitu memberikan usulan mengenai strategi bisnis apa yang akan dilakukan TELKOM memasuki bisnis SLI untuk meningkatkan pendapatan usahanya dengan melakukan analisa terhadap faktor ekstemal dan internal TELKOM.
Metoda analisa yang dipakai adalah menggunakan matrik internal, matrik eksternal, matrik internal-eksternal, matrik Boston Consulting Group (BOG), dan matrik SWOT. Hasil dari analisa tersebut akan berupa beberapa alternatif strategi, yang kemudian dengan menggunakan Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM), akan didapatkan strategi mana yang paling tepat dilakukan TELKOM.
Berdasarkan hasil dari matrik QSPM diperoleh hasil bahwa alternatif strategi yang tepat adalah dengan melakukan aliansi strategis dengan perusahaan telekomunikasi lain. Untuk mendapatkan keberhasilan dari strategi ini, ada beberapa faktor panting yang harus diperhatikan yaitu pemerintah dengan regulasinya, pemasaran, SDM, Divisi RisTI serta infrastruktur yang dimiliki TELKOM.

As well as the high demands of international trading to Indonesian merchant, business in International Direct Connection (SL1) also has grown rapidly. This is shown from volume of communication traffic. In 1994, the volume of communication traffic is 492, 5 millions minutes and become 644, 7 millions minutes in 1998. Also, the level of customer that is served by INDOSAT as International telecommunication operator in Indonesia has grown from 18, 4 % in 1998 to 36, 5 % in 1999. Recently, government has issued a new policy in telecommunication, which is UU no. 36/1999. Besides that, there will be globalization era when we must compete not only with Indonesian business companies but also with internationals. TELKOM sees this globalization era as a great opportunity to develop portfolio business in future. The aim of this thesis is to give input about strategy to start this new business. The strategy has a goal to raise the income of the company by analyzing the external and internal factors to TELKOM.
Analyzing method uses internal matrix, external matrix, internal-external matrix, Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix, and SWOT matrix. The result of the analyzing system will be an alternative strategy, which uses QSPM and it, will get the right strategy for TELKOM.
According to the result of Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) matrix, it will sum up the best strategy for TELKOM. Based on the result of QSPM matrix, the best alternative strategy is doing strategy alliance with other telecommunication company. However, to get the best result of this strategy, there are some important factors that should be considered such as government and its policy, marketing, SDM (the source of human quality), RisTI Division, and the TELKOM infrastructure."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Didik Suhartono
"The management of communication sector which included government as a regulator and providing the service by operator and also other service provider, aimed to provide communication service which can fulfill intention and requirement of all public community not only in country, but also from and to foreign country.
In sea communication sub-sector, especially in port, the government through the revision from Government Regulation No. 7011996 become Government Regulation No. 6912001 has given the facility to stakeholder to be able to respond the situation that happened in liberalization, competition in globalization, transformation in reformation era and also the implementation of decentralization.
By the implementation of Government Regulation No. 6912001, PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II, in managing port service in the future should positively done in improving income through good strategic management, because the challenge in the future in facing the competition is more competitive either in the country, for example of Local Government demand in order to make-up of Local Government Income and also competition which tend to ascend with other port in ASEAN, for example Port Of Singapore, Port of Kiang, Bintulu, Tanjung Pelepas, Hochi Minh, etc which have more efficient in operational performance.
In facing the competition which tend to global, it is needed the existence of reliable strategic management matching with existing strategic environment which able to assign value added to company growth, especially in make-up its income. This is the condition which need excellence compete in managing its business.
Therefore, in stimulating how the company could succeed in facing the competition in the future which tend to spread out, it is needed the existence of scenario planning of strategic management for company to know the situation happened in the next time, so that various policy which need to solve the condition could set up early.
This research is aiming to analyze how compilation process of scenario planning of strategic management of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II in facing the globalization, to show what factors were become resistor in creating excellence competition of the company in providing the port service, and also to explain what factors which can be developed to to create excellence competition in providing the port service.
The theory in this research, are taken from various literature, Internet websites and interview with all experts concerning the strategic management of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II to face the competition globally which analyzed with scenario planning approach.
This research are basically showing and describing all external and internal factors related to scenario planning of company which estimated that it can influence emulation of management of port that happened in the future. The approaches used in this research are qualitative approach, so that it can explain the reality or symptom which happened in business management in the future.
From the result of analysis, it can know that the decision of the strategic management of the company in the future very influenced by the decisions as a key factors for scenario input. Hereinafter, from the result of that analysis found that there are 10 factors which have high impact level and uncertainty of degree, which influence the compilation process of scenario, can divide to four clusters.
The conclusion of this research is there are four scenarios in developing PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II base on most sensible strategic management in the future. Pursuant to interpretation, hence the scenario ?PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II Berjaya? is the scenario which is more reliable happened in the future.
So that the scenario planning of strategic management of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II in facing the of globalization which have been compiled in this research become better and more objective, it is suggested to be continued with additional research by socialization or consulted with other related parties outside the company.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budiman Raharjo
"Sifat lingkungan bisnis yang dinamis membuat perusahaan penting untuk menerapkan manajemen stratejik agar waspada terhadap perubahan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh manajemen stratejik terhadap keunggulan bersaing dan kinerja perusahaan PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors. Penelitian kuantitatif ini bersifat eksplanatif dengan menggunakan perhitungan Structural Equation Modeling SEM. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 90karyawan PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors dengan metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah simple random sampling. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara manajemen stratejik terhadap keunggulan bersaing dan kinerja perusahaan secara signifikan.

The dynamic nature of business environment makes it important for companies to adopt strategic management to be alert to environmental changes. This study aims to analyze the effect of strategic management on competitive advantage and organization performance of PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors. This is an explanative quantitative research using Structural Equation Modeling SEM. The sample used was 90 employees of PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors and use simple random sampling method. The result of this study indicate an influence between strategic management on competitive advantage and organization performance significantly."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunanto Dwi Nugroho
"Perusahaan jasa mover masih sangat sedikit di Jakarta. Kebanyakan masyarakat Indonesia belum sepenuhnya mengetahui lingkup kerja dan jasa yang ditawarkan perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa strategi bersaing PT. CPM dalam bidang jasa mover dalam perkembangannya di Indonesia. Perusahaan mengalami pasang surut dalam perkembangan usahanya akibat terjadi beberapa kesalahan manajemen dan juga dampak dari krisis multidimensi yang melanda Indonesia.
Penerapan strategi berada dibawah tanggungjawab manajemen direksi yang dikoordinasikan dengan manajemen tingkat atas. Metode penulisan dan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode deskriptif, kualitatif dan eksplanattif. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui wawancara sedangkan data sekinder didapat melalui studi pustaka yang berkaitan dengan obyek penelitian.
Pengolahan dan anlisis data dilakukan dengan membandingkan data yang ada dengan teori strategi bersaing yang dibahas. Untuk melihat hambatan dan kendala yang dihadapi, data yang diberikan perusahaan diolah kembali sehingga terbentuk susunan gratik yang kemudian dijelaskan oleh penyedia data. Data tahunan yang digunakan merupakan data total penagihan total penjualan, total keuntungan, dan total biaya selama lima tahun terakhir. Wawancara secara langsung dilakukan secara bertahap dari manajemen tingkat atas dan manajemen tingkat menengah. Pengumpulan informasi secara tidak langsung didapat melalui keikutsertaan penulis dalam pengerjaan suatu peketjaan jasa dan hubungan interaktif penulis dengan karyawan operasional. Informasi juga diperoleh dati beberapa pelanggan jasa yang menggunakan jasa perusahaan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perusahaan memiliki potensi yang kuat dalam pengembangan usaha di masa yang akan datang. Setiap masalah yang timbul dijadikan dasar pengalaman pemsahaan dalam menentukan langkah strateginya. Kepercayaan dan loyalitas karyawan pada perusahaan dapat dijadikan alat penunjang keberhasilan perusahaan. Kekompakan dan kerjasama yang terjalin dengan baik di tubuh perusahaan menghasilkan efisiensi dan efektifitas yang terbukti dengan peningkatan penjualan perusahaan. Penetapan fokus perusahaan pada sektor lokal moving dan domestik cargo dinilai sangat tepat untuk mendongkrak kembali penjualan. Keuntungan dan kestabilan kondisi keuangan perusahaan didapat melalui komposisi bauran pemasaran yang cocok yang digunakan pada sektor jasa ini.
Dengan analisa lima kekuatan yang dikemukakan oleh Porter, perusahaan mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengelolanya dengan baik. Perluasan bidang usaha yang dilakukan untuk menunjang bisnis utama di bidang mover, terbukti mampu menopang kegiatan perusahaan dalam kondisi normal maupun pada saat mengalami kegoncangan. Adanya pesaing dari perusahaan multinasional yang memliki modal dan jaringan internasional disikapi perusahaan dengan melakukan taktik gerilya. Pertemuan secara langsung dihindari seminimal mungkin. Pemusatan kekuatan perusahaan ditujukan pada sektor lokal moving dan domestik kargo. lkatan emosional dengan pelanggan jasa terus ditingkatkan dengan mengedepankan keramahan dan hubungan kekeluargaan dengan perusahaan.

There were still little mover companies in Jakarta. Most of Indonesian people still unfamiliar about product and movers services. The purpose of this research was to analyze the competitive strategy of PT. CPM in mover services in Indonesia. The enterprise itself had suffer several mismanagement according of its life and also because the effects of multiple crisis in Indonesia.
The strategy was under directors management responsibility and coordinated with top management. The research and data methods was using the descriptive, qualitative and also using explanative methods. The primer data was collected by interview and the secondary data was taken from literature study which connected with the research object.
To annalists and processed the data was doing by comparing the data with the strategic competitive itself. To look for the barriers and the inhibiting factors, the data was processed and tumed into several graphics which explaining from the data sources. The primary data was the yearly data including the total invoice, the total selling, yearly profit and the total cost for at least 5 years. The interactive interview was doing from top management until the middle management. The rwearcher also got the secondary data from interactive relationship from the operational division. The information also collected from several customers which used the service of the product.
The output of the research was conclude that the enterprise has strong potentials business in movers industry to grow in the future. Every problem adding the enterprise experience to coordinating the strategy. The employees had give their loyalist and respectfulness to the organization was the basic capital for organization success. Strong corporation between enterprise and the affiliates was created the effectiveness and more efficiency to push the product selling. The focus to deal with local moving and domestic cargo was very effective to make the profits grow rapidly.
With the Porter's five forces analysis, the enterprise had the ability to manage its resources very well. The expansion ofthe business doing to maintaining and supplying the core business was proofed to help the enterprise in any situation. To handle the other mover especially multinational competitor, the enterprise has used the guerrilla tactics. The war only happened in unconditional situation. The powers was focused in local moving and domestic cargo sector. Emotional relationship also had the priority to maintaining the family relationship between the customers and the enterprise.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
John Natal
"Globalisasi dan liberalisasi di industri jasa angkutan udara membuat tingkat kompetisi semakin tinggi dan bisnis berubah lebih cepat dari sebelumnya. Setiap perusahaan dituntut untuk bisa beradaptasi terhadap perubahan ini secara cepat. Perubahan tidak hanya berdampak pada keberhasilan untuk bertahan atau memenangkan persaingan bisnis, tetapi juga akan mempengaruhi cara dalam men jalankan bisnis. Perubahan ini mencakup perbaikan proses bisnis baik untuk proses yang berhubungan dengan penanganan pelanggan, proses penciptaan produk-produk baru berupa layanan penerbangan, maupun perubahan dalam pengorganisasian dan pengelolaan perusahaan. Perencanaan SI/TI yang dilakukan secara strategis memungkinkan semua perubahan tersebut terwujud bagi terciptanya percepatan proses bisnis dan sebagai pemberdaya kegiatan bisnis. Demikian pula halnya dengan PT. XYZ sebagai salah satu maskapai penerbangan di Indonesia yang melayani jalur penerbangan domestik dan internasional dituntut agar dapat beradaptasi terhadap setiap perubahan bisnis dengan tangkas. Setiap tahun unit bisnis menyampaikan kebutuhan SI/TI untuk dimasukkan kedalam rencana kerja SI/TI. Dengan cara seperti ini akan membuat perencanaan SI/TI menjadi tidak terintegrasi, bersifat parsial, hanya memenuhi kebutuhan satu unit. Sebagai contoh Reservation system dibangun hanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan unit niaga, sedangkan aplikasi Revenue Accounting dibangun hanya untuk keperluan unit keuangan tanpa memperhatikan kebutuhan di unit lain dengan seksama. Saat ini ditengah perubahan yang datang dengan cepat, pengambilan keputusan harus ditentutkan dalam hitungan jam, seperti pembukaan atau penutupan rute penerbangan. Namun dengan kondisi sistem informasi yang stand alone dan tightly coupled biasanya dibutuhkan usaha yang lebih besar, demikian juga dengan data yang tidak akurat membuat proses pengambilan keputusan menjadi lebih lama. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini, diperlukan perencanaan strategis sistem informasi dengan menggunakan metodologi yang umum. Proyek Akhir ini ber tujuan untuk membuat perencanaan strategis sistem informasi untuk PT. XYZ, yang sejalan dan searah dengan strategi bisnis untuk endapatkan competitive advantage dengan menggunakan kerangka kerja ?Ward dan Pepard?. Dengan tujuan akhir agar PT. XYZ dapat memenangkan persaingan bisnis dalam industri jasa angkutan udara.

Globalization and liberalization in the airline industry has made competition level higher and business is changed faster than before. Companies must adapt to respon the changes rapidly. Changes not only impact to sustain their success orwin the business competition but also affect the way of doing business such as how the business interacts with customers, how it produces products like services in airline business, and how it is organized and managed. IS/IT planned strategically can make all this changes happen to accelerate business procesess and enabling business activity. XYZ as one of Indonesian airline which serves domestic and international flights needs to adapt the business changes more agile. Annually each unit will submit its business requirements to be consolidated in an IS/IT plan. This way of planning will create an IS/IT plan as non integrated plan, it may only give solution to a number or even single unit. For example Reservation System developed to meet the requirement of commercials business unit and Revenue Accounting was developed for financial unit with limited consideration about the data needs for other process in other system. Nowdays, in couping with the rapid changes, business decisions should be taken within hours such as to open or close flight route. However the use of stand alone and tightly coupled system usually requires extra effort, creates inaccurate data that leads to slow down the decission making process. Therefore, IS/IT needs to be planned nd managed strategically through strategic planning of information system using common methodology. The objective of this ?Final Project? is to propose the strategic planning for information systems using Ward and Pepard framework for XYZ that align with the business strategy to gain competitive advantage to win the competition in the airline industry."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Firmansyah Ramadhany
"PT Elders Indonesia sebagai perusahaan pengimpor sapi bakalan, penggemukan, pemotongan, dan distribusi sapi dan daging sapi kelas A membawa kita pada pertanyaan yang berkaitan pada posisi perusahaan tersebut di dalam peta persaingan komoditas sapi potong di Indonesia dan strategi bersaing yang digunakan oleh PT. Elders Indonesia.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan strategi terbaik bagi perusahaan tersebut agar dapat memenangkan persaingan dalam bisnis komoditas sapi potong di Indonesia, mendapatkan keuntungan bagi perusahaan, dan yang pada gilirannya memberikan kontribusi pada pengembangan komoditas sapi potong di Indonesia.
Model penelitian ini menggunakan 5-Forces Model yang dikembangkan oleh Potter untuk mengidentifikasi pihak-pihak yang mempengaruhi strategi dan kebijakan bisnis PT. Elders Indonesia. Kelima kekuatan dalam model tersebut mencakup pemasok, pembeli, produk baru, pendatang baru, dan pesaing.Penelitian ini juga melihat kebijakan pemerintah terhadap industri sapi potong di Indonesia dan sejauh mana kebijakan tersebut mempengaruhi strategi bisnis.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa PT. Elders Indonesia mendapatkan keuntungan yang relative stabil dengan tidak adanya perubahan dalam strategi profit. Untuk meningkatkan mutu, kualitas, dan pengawasan terhadap hasil produksi berupa daging sapi dan obat-obatan untuk hewan PT. Elders Indonesia disarankan untuk mengembangkan strategi integrasi horizontal.

The success of a prominent, licensed and internationally certified slaughter house and feedlot, PT Elders Indonesia, on class A beef cattle import, production, and distribution, has led to questions pertaining the place of the company in the overall picture of beef cattle business mapping in Indonesia. It is interesting to learn the different competitive strategies employed and implemented by the company.
The purposes of this study were to identify the best strategy for the company to be able to compete with other similar industries in Indonesia and make progressive profit, which in turn to give a contribution for the development of national beef cattle industry in Indonesia.
This study used the 5-Forces Model developed by M. Potter to identify the key players affecting the business policy and strategy of the company. The Model outlines 5 main forces in business: supplier, buyer, new product, newcomer, and competitor. The study also looked into the government's policy on the national beef cattle industry and to what extent it has influenced the business strategy.
The results showed that PT Elders Indonesia had a relatively stable profitdevelopment with the same business strategy. The horizontally integrated strategy should continuously be developed in order to improve the quality and control of beef cattle product and by product.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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