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Andreas Budiman
"Metode pengukuran kinerja suatu proyek, waktu, jadwal dan biaya merupakan faktor penting dalam mengukur suatu kinerja proyek sehingga diperlukan suatu metode nilai hasil (earn value concept) bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dalam memantau dan mengendalikan kegiatan proyek. Penggunaan konsep Cost Performance Index (CPI) dan Schedule Performance Index (SPI) based EAC merupakan bagian metode nilai hasil dimana untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa kinerja suatu proyek, efisiensi penggunaan sumber daya dalam pelaksanaan proyek di indikasikan dengan indikator CPI dan SPI yang digunakan untuk meneliti data pencapaian dari biaya dan jadwal suatu proyek. Suatu pengendalian berfungsi dengan baik dalam hal ini CPI dan SPI stabil menunjukkan bahwa kontraktor mampu menerapkan suatu sistem manajemen pengendalian, terutama perencanaan, penganggaran, dan sistem akuntansi suatu proyek.
Pengambilan dan pengumpulan data untuk penelitian ini diambil pada perusahaan PT. WK pada salah satu divisi dimana data CPI dan SPI diambil pada kondisi 20%, 50% dan 70% proyek selesai. Untuk mengetahui kinerja proyek yang dikerjakan PT. WK pada ketiga wilayah dengan data diatas, penelitian ini mengunakan statistik sebagai suatu metode untuk mengetahui wilayah mana yang memiliki kinerja yang baik sesuai dengan definisi yang telah ditentukan.
Hasil yang diperoleh menjawab bahwa dengan menggunakan metode CPI dan SPI kinerja perusahan PT. WK pada salah satu Divisi dapat diketahui wilayah mana memiliki kinerja yang terbaik dan mengambil tindakan koreksi yang diperlukan agar sumber daya digunakan secara efektif dan efisien dalam mencapai sasaran yang telah ditentukan.

Method measurement of performance project, time, cost and schedule represent all important factor in measuring performance of project so that needed concept earn value aim to increase effectiveness in watching and controlling activity of project. Using concept of cost performance index (CPI) and schedule performance index (SPI) Based EAC represent part of earn value method where to know and analyze performance project, efficiency using of resource in execution project shall be indicated with indicator of CPI and SPI used to check attainment data of cost and schedule project. The function of controlling project shall better in this case CPI and SPI stable indicate that contractor can apply operation management system, especially planning, budgeting, and accounting system a project.
Data collecting for this research have been taken at one of the division PT. WK where data of CPI and of SPI taken at conditions 20%, 50% and 70% project finish. To know performance project of which done by PT. WK at regional third with data above, this research using statistical method to know which region have good performance as according to definition which have been determined.
The result obtained answering that using method CPI and SPI, performance one of Division PT. WK shall know which region owning best performance and bring an action against needed correction resource to used effectively and efficient in reaching target which have been determined.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chendra K. Hanjaya
"Being a globally competitive manufacturer of premier product brands has been a vision for PT. X as a multinational company. PT. X has been developing competitiveness edge continuously, one way of other goes through employee performance improvement. In the view of the fact that the biggest proportion of employee hold by Production Department, the company realized that they need a suitable performance appraisal system. Particularly for leadership skill performance appraisal, HRD has applied 360° feedback method as a tool to evaluate the performance of their employees. However the success of managing and application of 360° feedback method is determined by system support that can accommodate the company's needs.
This research has an objective to review correlation between the organization climate, the 360° feedback method training, and the management support to the implementation of 3600 feedback performance appraisal, case study at PT.X. Production Department was determined as research's population from manager level to operator level with total of 298 employees. Based on Krejcie table, 165 samples were required, with disproportionate random sampling method to represent all strata.
Ken & Blanchard told that situation - organization climate was important in managing performance. While Edward & Ewen told that training was required to gain optimum benefit from 3600 feedback performance appraisal. In other side Armstrong told us that performance management is the process that was controlled by management to improve organization performance.
Five parts closed questionnaire was applied to collect the data. First eight questions are related with socio-demography. Second thirteen questions represent organization climate (XI). The third part consists of nine questions represent 3600 feedback method training (X2). While fourth seventh questions represent management support (X3). The last part with twelve questions represent the implementation of 3600 feedback method performance appraisal (Y).
Data processing and analysis was calculated with SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) version 10.0. A correlation analysis of sociodemography characteristic to the implementation of 3600 feedback performance appraisal was acquired from cross tabulation while correlation between organization climate, 3600 feedback method training, management support to the implementation of 3600 feedback performance appraisal was calculated with Rho Spearman method.
The research showed that the socio-demographic characteristic, only employee's age and education background has a connection with the implementation of 3600 feedback performance appraisal.
Based on Rho Spearman statistic correlation, the organization climate (Xi) and the implementation of 360° feedback performance appraisal (Y) showed r = 0.252 with 0.002 significance value. Correlation of the 360° feedback method training (X2) and the implementation of 3600 feedback performance appraisal (Y) showed value of r = 0.494 with 0.000 significance value. Finally, correlation of the management support (X3) and the implementation of 360° feedback performance appraisal (Y) showed value of r = 0.392 with 0.000 significance value.
As a conclusion, those three variables above, organization climate, 3600 feedback method training and management support were expected to be improved and enhanced to support the implementation of 3600 feedback performance appraisal (Y). Hence we hope the company will maintain and gain competitive advantage continuously."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Addina Mahardhika
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat pengungkapan kinerja berbasis Web dan menganalisis faktor-faktor pasar modal dan pasar produk apa saja yang mempengaruhi pengungkapan kinerja berbasis Web oleh perusahaan. Total observasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 62 perusahaan dalam Indeks Kompas100 pada tahun 2013.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengungkapan kinerja berbasis Web oleh perusahaan dalam Indeks Kompas100 masih tergolong cukup rendah, yaitu sebesar 40%. Selain itu, dari delapan faktor gabungan pasar modal dan produk, hanya empat faktor yang berpengaruh signifkan terhadap pengungkapan kinerja berbasis Web oleh perusahaan, yaitu leverage, kepemilikan terkonsentrasi, time horizon (perusahaan dengan hubungan jnagka panjang dengan konsumen dan perusahaan yang bersifat monopoli) dan tingkat investasi modal.

The purpose of this research is to acknowledge the extent of Web-based performance disclosure and to analyze thecapital and product market factors that affect Web-based performace disclosure of firms. The total observation in this research contains of 62 firms in Kompas100 Index during 2013.
The result shows that the extent of Web-based performance disclosure is still rather low, which is 40%. In addition, from eight capital and product market factors altogether, only four factors turn out to significantly affect firms Web-based performace disclosure, which are leverage, concentrated ownership, time horizon (firms with long-term relationship with customers and monopolistic firms) and capital investment intensity.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Yusnani
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pemanfaatan hasil Penilaian Kinerja terhadap Pengembangan Karir. Penelitian sebelumnya telah dilakukan yang menunjukkan bahwa hasil Penelitian Kinerja digunakan untuk beberapa kegiatan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia diantaranya adalah untuk pengembangan Karir. Disamping itu, penelitian ini untuk mengetahui adakah perbedaan pemanfaatan hasil Penilaian Kinerja terhadap Pengembangan Karir antara Badan Usaha Mlik Negara (BUMN) dan Badan Usaha Swasta. Sebagai kasus telah diambil sebagai obyek penelitian yaitu PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero)--disingkat Asuransi Jasindo dan PT. Asuransi Bintang Tbk--disingkat Asuransi Bintang.
Data yang digunakan untuk variabel Penilaian Kinerja adalah faktor penilaian pada Asuransi Jasindo, faktor penilaian yang diganakan terdiri dari tujuh belas faktor, meliputi Mutu hasil kerja; Kuantitas hasil kerja; Kemampuan judgement; Kemampuan mengorganisasikan pekerjaan; Kemampuan memberikan instruksi; kepemimpinan; Kerjasama; Kemampuan rnempengaruhi orang lain; Kemampuan mengemukakan pendapat, Karakter, Kreativitas danSikap dan minat terhadap pekerjaan; Kemampuan memelihara disiplin; Wawasan pandangan; Kemampuan membawakan diri; Kemauan dan kemampuan belajar, Pengetahuan/keterampilan teknis. Sedangkan pada Asuransi Bintang, faktor penilaiannya terdiri dari sepuluh faktor, yakni Commitment; Positive thinking; Credible; Responsible; Prudent; Teamwork Integrity Customer service; Quality of work; Innovation. Pengukuran hasil penilaian ini berupa tingkatan dengan Skala Likert, yakni baik sekali, hampir cukup dan kurang. Disisi lain, data yang digunakan untuk variabel Pengembangan Karir adalah berapa kali promosi., berapa kali rotasi/mutasi, lama masa kerja, tingkat pendidikan dan tingkat jabatan. Metode pengumpulan data ini dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner terhadap pemegang jabalan struktural di Kantor Pusat. Alasannya adalah pemegang jabatan struktural ini sudah mengalami promosi atau rotasi/mutasi. Jumlah responden di Asuransi Jasindo sebanyak tigapuluh lima orang di Asuransi Bintang sebanyak tigapuluh orang. Pengumpulan data diperoleh pula dari in-depth interview dengan pejabat yang representatif. Data ini diolah dengan meuggunakan program SPSS, dan analisanya menggunakan descriptive statistics dan cross tabulation.
Perbedaan yang cukup berarti ditemukan, bahwa pada Asuransi Jasindo sebagian besar responden mengatakan ke tujuhbelas faktor penilaian dimanfaatkan dalam keputusan promosi. Sedangkan pada Asuransi Bintang, sebagian besar responden mengatakan kesepulnh faktor penilaian hanya kadang-kadang saja digunakan untuk keputusan promosi. Persamaan dari kedua perusahaan ini adalah hasil penilaian hanya kadang-kadang digunakan untuk keputusan rotasi/mutasi, tidak ada korelasi yang signifikan antara masa kerja dan tingkat pendidikan dengan keputusan promosi dan rotasi/mutasi. Saran bagi kedua perusahaan, hendaknya melihat kembali faktor penilaian yang diberlakukan dan keputusan untuk promosi dan rotasi/mutasi.

The purpose of these observations to make known, is there any uses of performance appraisal for career development. The previous observation has been done and indicated that the result of performance appraisal is used for many human resources management's activities; one of the activity is for the career development. Meanwhile, this observation is to make known is there any differences of the uses performance appraisal's result for the career development between Stale Owned Company (BUMN) and Private Company. As the case, the writer has taken PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) - abbreviated as Asuransi Jasiodo and PT Asuransi Bintang, Tbk - abbreviated as Asrransi Bintang as the object of the observation.
Data, which is used for the performance appraisal variable, is the appraisal factors. In Asuransi Jasindo, the appraisal factors which are used for the performance appraisal consists of seventeen factors, included quality of work results, quantity of work results, the ability of judgment, the ability to organize work, the ability to give instruction, leadership, teamwork, the ability to interplay other people, the ability to convey, characteristic creativity & initiative, bearing & concern for work, the ability of discipline, wide knowledge (insight), the ability of adaptation, willingness and the ability to study, knowledge/technical skill whereas in Asuransi Bintang, the appraisal factors consists of ten factors, included commitment positive thinking, credible, responsible, prudent, teamwork, integrity, customer service, quality of work, innovation. Benchmarking of this appraisal's result is degree of the Lihkert's scale, excellent, good, acceptable and poor. In the other side, the data, which is used for the career development variables, are frequency of promotion, frequency of transfer, length of worm education's degree and position's degree. This collecting data's method is obtained by distribute the questionnaires to the people who have structural position's holders in head office. The reason is because this people have been getting promotion and transfer. The amount of respondents in Asuransi Jasindo are thirty-five people, in Asuransi Bintang are thirty people. Beside the questioner obtains the collecting data obtained from in-depth interview with the representative constituted. This data cultivated by SPSS program and the analysis used descriptive statistics and cross tabulation.
The significant differences is found, that is in Asuransi Jasindo almost all respondents said that the seventeen appraisal factors are used for the promotion decision. In Asuransi Bintang, almost all respondents said that the ten appraisal factors sometimes used for the promotion decision. The equation from this two company is appraisal result sometimes used for transfer decision, there is no significant correlation between length of work and moon's degree with the promotion and transfer decision. The suggestion for both of company, try to look up appraisal factor, which is used, and the decision for promotion and rotation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo, 2002
658.3 Kin
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pongoh, Ivonne
"State Owned Enterprises (SOE's) in Indonesia, had a significant role in national economics, but its performance did not show satisfying results. So, in 1988, government made reformation efforts in SOE through issued Presidential Instruction No. 5/1988 on State Owned Enterprises Soundness and Management improvement. But until 1998, all SOE that have been reformed still did not perform an improvement. It indicated from the ratio of Return on Asset were only under 4 %. With economical crisis in 1997, government convincing to continue the improvement effort of SOE to become an efficient and effective corporation.
PT Indosat Tbk, as the one of SOE indicated as anomaly in majority of SOE, because of it showed an increasing performance, after government effort to reform that corporation through privatization program in 1994. While several years the financial performance growth rapidly, and PT Indosat Tbk was admitted as The Managed Company from Far Eastern Economic Review. The performance as the result of activities of organization earned profit. However the performance information from financial reports could net be references for defining sustainable performance.
According to Kaplan and Norton theory, in performance measurement Balance Scorecard (BSC), BSC model was relationship model that characterized in systemic and dynamics from financial and non financial aspects. Financial aspects represented from profitability and revenue, whereas non financial aspects were customers, internal business process, growth and learning perspectives. Nowadays, with existing information technology, the relationship model of systemic and dynamic BSC model could be mapped through dynamics system approach. By means of Dynamic System those causal relationship were described in causal loops (cause-and effect relationship), which informed the state of the performance system and this information can be used in current decision making.
Model of system dynamics approach was useful, because of: first, described a simplified representation of system relationship without losing of essence of main object; second, system dynamics method was suitable for mechanism, pattern and trend based on structuring and analyzing of system, pattern of complex system, dynamics, and uncertainties; third, system dynamics could view dynamic process naturally in non linear behavior through simulation.
According to research results by PowerSim program, system dynamics model of PT Indosat Tbk indicated that financial performance (especially SLI) was referencing of " Limit To Growth" behavior. That means financial performance as reflected of corporate performance could not be forced to increase till the certain point. From simulation result, revenue indicator showed increase till year 2000, after that revenue will decrease. Whereas on profit, growth curve still growth until 2003 and then curve would decline.
From mapping system dynamics model of PT Indosat Tbk performance, factors that influence and had a causal relationship with the model consist of: traffic volume, revenue, profit, expenditures, dividend payable, maintenance & administration & general cost, marketing budget, research & development budget, personnel cost, total cost, material cost per unit, discount margin, price, government tariff, customer satisfaction index (CSI), operating excellent index (OEI), training index, external factors. Causal loops that formed of system model was presented by: marketing loop which impact to market share, and customer satisfaction; business internal process loop which includes factors due to all cost that spent for production process, and finally directed to operating excellent index; human development loop that was described through training index.
Following the sensitivity analysis on selected key variables from system PT Indosat Tbk performance resulted that customer factor such as customer satisfaction related to product price had a significant impact on revenue and profit. Increasing price to 5 % could be enough to increase the financial performance, although market share decreased. However taking 10 % discount on price would decreased a financial performance, although there were an escalation of market share. Changing 10 % to CSI and market share had a significant impact on revenue and profit. This conditions meet along with behavior of Telecommunication industries structure in Indonesia, that still had an opportunity in market (because of Oligopoly structure), and fast growing information technology. Because of that, market research was needed to understand customer expectation and perception of product and services, with the result fitting and matching between customer and corporate goals.
Besides all factors above, an available capital for expenditures and reinvestment of business operation development had a significant impact on sustainable performance, it identified from changing behavior of the model. It was accordance with behavior telecommunication that had difficulties of barrier to entry. Because of investment was necessarily in network infrastructures far staying with appropriate technology development. Therefore government could support this condition with provided regulation that facilitated the corporation to cooperate with foreign investors, so PT Indosat could improve the infrastructures quality and operational efficiency, to generate more revenues for the forthcoming years.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinaga, Tiombun Vera Lyna
"Manajemen rantai suplai merupakan topik yang popular pada manajemen bisnis modern. Hal tersebut telah menjadi strategi pengelolaan bisnis pada situasi yang sernakin kompetitif. Sistem pengukuran kinerja rantai suplai yang telah ada dari berbagai literatur memiliki kelemahan dalam pengembangan kinerja rantai suplai secara keseluruhan. Sebagai perusahaan yang telah menerapkan manajemen rantai suplai PT. Astra Otoparts Divisi Adiwira Plastik memerlukan pengukuran kinerja yang terpadu untuk mendapatkan gambaran kinerja rantai suplai perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan memaparkan suatu sistem pengukuran kinerja rantai suplai sebagai kontribusi kepada pengembangan manajemen rantai suplai. Suatu pendekatan berdasarkan proses digunakan untuk membentuk model pengukuran kinerja Pengukuran kinerja rantai suplai juga menggunakan teori himpunan fuzzy yang bertujuan untuk mengakomodasi situasi nyata dalam pengukuran dan proses evaluasi.
Model pengukuran kinerja rantai suplai yang diperoleh berupa hirarki pengukuran kinerja yang terdiri dari kriteria yaitu Proses Utama, Subproses dan Ukuran Kinerja rantai suplai Air Cleaner Assy ANF di PT.Astra Otoparts Divisi Adiwira Plastik. Kemudian dilakukan perbandingan berpasangan antar kriteria tersebut untuk mendapatkan bobot yang berguna untuk mengetahui prioritas dari evaluasi pengukuran tersebut. Dan terakhir dilakukan algoritma pengukuran kinerja rantai suplai untuk mendapatkan nilai kinerja (Performance Index) dari rantai suplai.
Pada penelitian ini diperoleh model pengukuran kinerja rantai suplai yang berbentuk hirarki dimana terdiri dari 3 tingkat yaitu 6 Proses Utama, 14 Subproses dan 38 Ukuran Kinerja Berdasarkan pendapat tim penilai kinerja rantai suplai Proses Utama yang memiliki bobot terbesar adalah Pemasokan. Proses Utama yang memiliki bobot terendah adalah Logistik Masuk Sedangkan hasil dari algoritma pengukuran kinerja diperoleh Proses Utama yang memiliki Performance Index atau nilai kinerja terbesar adalah Pemasaran dan Penjualan yaitu 9.98 dan Proses Utama yang memiliki nilai kinerja terendah adalah Logistik Masuk yaitu 7.34. Sedangkan nilai kinerja rantai suplai produk Air Cleaner Assy ANF pada PT.Astra Otoparts Divisi Adiwira Plastik secara keseluruhan adalah 8.92. Dari nilai kinerja tersebut dapat dilakukan perbandingan terhadap nilai kinerja yang ada didalam setiap kelompok baik itu Proses Utama, Subproses dan Ukuran kinerja. Dengan demikian dapat dilakukan identifikasi perbaikan kinerja rantai suplai.
Daftar Acuan : 10 (1999-2003)

Supply Chain Management has become a popular topic in business management where it has been a strategy for business management in the competitive situation. Performance measurement system of supply chain literature dealing with performance measurement have been published has a drawback in developing supply chain performance as global.
PT.Astra Otoparts Divisi Adiwira Plastik has implemented supply chain management needs a systematic performance measurement to get a picture of company supply chain performance. In this study has an objective to propose a performance measurement system to contribute to the development of supply chain management A process-based approach is used to create a model of performance measurement. This paper using fuzzy set theory to address the real situation and evaluation processes of performance measurement of supply chain.
The model of supply chain performance measurement is a performance measurement hierarchy. It is composed of Core Process, Sub process and Performance measures of supply chain for Air Cleaner Assy ANF at PT.Astra Otoparts Divisi Adiwira Plastik Pairwise comparison method is proposed to derive the relative weights to find out the priority performance evaluation. Finally, it has implemented measurement algorithm to get the Performance Index of Supply Chain.
This paper reveals performance measurement of supply chain in hierarchy model where it has 3 levels, 6 Core Process, 14 Sub process and 38 Performance Measures. Based on the opinion of evaluator of supply chain, the biggest Performance Index of Core Process is Marketing and Sales with 9.98. The lowest Performance Index of Core Process is Inbound Logistic with 7.34. And, global Performance Index of Supply Chain for Air Cleaner Assy ANF at PT. Astra Otoparts Divisi Adiwira Plastik is 8.92. With this performance index, we can benchmark the performances of the whole system and then identify the potential improvement for supply chain performance.
References: 10 (1999-2003)
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Veithzal Rivai Zainal
Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada, 2005
658.312 RIV p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novrianto Pamilwa Citajaya
"Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh kompetisi dan inovasi terhadap kinerja dengan berfokus pada obyek penelitian dari negara Eropa dan Asia Tengah yang diperoleh dari survei BEEPS yang di lakukan oleh Bank Dunia pada tahun 2008. Masalah yang muncul dalam penelitian adalah masih terdapat perdebatan tentang pengaruh kompetisi dan inovasi terhadap kinerja pada kelompok perusahaan yang berbeda ukurannya. Penelitian ini juga menguji efek mediasi pada variabel inovasi yang memediasi pengaruh kompetisi terhadap kinerja.
Data penelitian dikumpulkan dari para pemilik perusahaan dan manajer puncak dari berbagai jenis industri manufaktur dengan total 197 sampel yang terdiri dari 104 perusahaan besar, 62 perusahaan sedang dan 31 perusahaan kecil. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode Partial Least Square (PLS).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetisi berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja hanya pada perusahaan kecil, kompetisi yang berpengaruh positif terhadap inovasi hanya terjadi pada perusahaan besar. Varibel inovasi ditemukan memediasi pengaruh kompetisi terhadap kinerja hanya pada perusahaan besar.

This study analyzes the effect of competition and innovation to the performance by focusing on the object of study of European and Central Asian Countries which was obtained from a BEEPS Survey undertaken by the World Bank in 2008. Problems that arise in the research were there is still debate about the influence of competition and innovation to the performance of the different sizes company. The study also examines the effect of mediation on innovation variables that mediate the effect of competition on performance.
Data were collected from the owners of the company and top managers of various types of manufacturing industries with a total of 197 samples consisting of 104 large companies, 62 medium and 31 small companies. Data were analyzed by using Partial Least Square (PLS) methods.
The results showed that the positive effect of competition on the performance only occur in the small companies, competition has a positive effect on innovation only happens in big companies. Innovation variable was found to mediate the effect of competition on the performance only in the large companies.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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