"[Kemiskinan merupakan momok bagi pembangunan suatu negara. Selain menghambat pertumbuhan ekonomi, kemiskinan juga dapat menimbulkan masalah multidimensi. Untuk memecahkan masalah kemiskinan, pemerintah berupaya menggalakkan berbagai macam program pengentasan kemiskinan. Saat ini, Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Community Driven Development-CDD)
telah menjadi salah satu program yang sering dilakukan oleh negara-negara berkembang untuk mengelola tingkat kemiskinan. Konsep dasarnya sangat sederhana, yaitu pemberdayaan masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat miskin. Di Indonesia, pemerintah menerapkan Program CDD melalui Program Nasional
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) sebagai dasar dari kampanye pengurangan kemiskinan. Dalam pelaksanaannya, program PNPM membutuhkan keikutsertaan masyarakat miskin untuk berpartisipasi dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, monitoring dan evaluasi program. Sebuah studi dari keberhasilan PNPM dilakukan tak lama setelah program ini diluncurkan pada tahun 2007. Hasil studi terbaru menyebutkan bahwa PNPM
cenderung dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang mampu mengurangi jumlah orang miskin (pertumbuhan pro-kemiskinan). Namun ironisnya, program ini dihentikan oleh rezim baru di awal tahun 2015. Berangkat dari masalah ini, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas dari PNPM sebagai cara untuk mencapai pertumbuhan yang pro-kemiskinan (pro-poor growth). Cakupan makalah penelitian ini adalah merumuskan peran PNPM di tingkat nasional mengingat sebagian besar penelitian sebelumnya hanya terfokus pada daerahdaerah
tertentu. Studi ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa PNPM adalah instrumen yang bisa diterapkan untuk mencapai pertumbuhan yang prokemiskinan (pertumbuhan yang menguntungkan orang miskin). Dengan membatasi definisi kemiskinan secara absolut, setiap peningkatan dana PNPM
yang menyertai pertumbuhan ekonomi, cenderung akan mengurangi kemiskinan.
Poverty is a scourge for development of a country. Besides inhibiting the economic growth, poverty may also cause multidimensional problems. Thus, to solve poverty matters, many governments attempt to promote poverty alleviation programs in their countries. Currently, Community-Driven Development (CDD) Program has become one of the systems which is often practiced by developing countries in order to manage the poverty rate. Its basic concept is very simple. It empowers the communities, especially the poor, to unleash them from the shackles of poverty. In Indonesia, the government implements CDD Program through the so-called Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) asthe basis of the poverty reduction campaign. In its implementation, PNPM program requires the poor communities to get involved in such actions as participation in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of theprograms. A study of the success of the PNPM to eradicate poverty was conducted shortly after the program was launched in 2007. The results of the latest studies suggested that the PNPM will likely be able to reduce the number of poor people in Indonesia. Nevertheless, after running for several years, the program was terminated by the new regime at the beginning of 2015. Departing from this issue, this study aims to investigate the effectiveness of PNPM as a means of alleviating poverty. Since most of the previous studies only focused on certain areas, this research paper is trying to formulate the role of PNPM at the national level. This study has come up with a conclusion that the PNPM is a workable instrument to achieve pro-poor growth, the growth which favours the poor. By limiting the definition of poverty in absolute terms, any increase in the PNPM funds, accompanying the economic growth, will likely reduce poverty more.;Poverty is a scourge for development of a country. Besides inhibiting theeconomic growth, poverty may also cause multidimensional problems. Thus, tosolve poverty matters, many governments attempt to promote poverty alleviationprograms in their countries. Currently, Community-Driven Development (CDD)Program has become one of the systems which is often practiced by developingcountries in order to manage the poverty rate. Its basic concept is very simple. Itempowers the communities, especially the poor, to unleash them from theshackles of poverty. In Indonesia, the government implements CDD Programthrough the so-called Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) asthe basis of the poverty reduction campaign. In its implementation, PNPMprogram requires the poor communities to get involved in such actions asparticipation in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of theprograms.A study of the success of the PNPM to eradicate poverty was conductedshortly after the program was launched in 2007. The results of the latest studiessuggested that the PNPM will likely be able to reduce the number of poor peoplein Indonesia. Nevertheless, after running for several years, the program wasterminated by the new regime at the beginning of 2015. Departing from this issue,this study aims to investigate the effectiveness of PNPM as a means of alleviatingpoverty. Since most of the previous studies only focused on certain areas, thisresearch paper is trying to formulate the role of PNPM at the national level. Thisstudy has come up with a conclusion that the PNPM is a workable instrument toachieve pro-poor growth, the growth which favours the poor. By limiting thedefinition of poverty in absolute terms, any increase in the PNPM funds,accompanying the economic growth, will likely reduce poverty more;Poverty is a scourge for development of a country. Besides inhibiting theeconomic growth, poverty may also cause multidimensional problems. Thus, tosolve poverty matters, many governments attempt to promote poverty alleviationprograms in their countries. Currently, Community-Driven Development (CDD)Program has become one of the systems which is often practiced by developingcountries in order to manage the poverty rate. Its basic concept is very simple. Itempowers the communities, especially the poor, to unleash them from theshackles of poverty. In Indonesia, the government implements CDD Programthrough the so-called Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) asthe basis of the poverty reduction campaign. In its implementation, PNPMprogram requires the poor communities to get involved in such actions asparticipation in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of theprograms.A study of the success of the PNPM to eradicate poverty was conductedshortly after the program was launched in 2007. The results of the latest studiessuggested that the PNPM will likely be able to reduce the number of poor peoplein Indonesia. Nevertheless, after running for several years, the program wasterminated by the new regime at the beginning of 2015. Departing from this issue,this study aims to investigate the effectiveness of PNPM as a means of alleviatingpoverty. Since most of the previous studies only focused on certain areas, thisresearch paper is trying to formulate the role of PNPM at the national level. Thisstudy has come up with a conclusion that the PNPM is a workable instrument toachieve pro-poor growth, the growth which favours the poor. By limiting thedefinition of poverty in absolute terms, any increase in the PNPM funds,accompanying the economic growth, will likely reduce poverty more;Poverty is a scourge for development of a country. Besides inhibiting theeconomic growth, poverty may also cause multidimensional problems. Thus, tosolve poverty matters, many governments attempt to promote poverty alleviationprograms in their countries. Currently, Community-Driven Development (CDD)Program has become one of the systems which is often practiced by developingcountries in order to manage the poverty rate. Its basic concept is very simple. Itempowers the communities, especially the poor, to unleash them from theshackles of poverty. In Indonesia, the government implements CDD Programthrough the so-called Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) asthe basis of the poverty reduction campaign. In its implementation, PNPMprogram requires the poor communities to get involved in such actions asparticipation in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of theprograms.A study of the success of the PNPM to eradicate poverty was conductedshortly after the program was launched in 2007. The results of the latest studiessuggested that the PNPM will likely be able to reduce the number of poor peoplein Indonesia. Nevertheless, after running for several years, the program wasterminated by the new regime at the beginning of 2015. Departing from this issue,this study aims to investigate the effectiveness of PNPM as a means of alleviatingpoverty. Since most of the previous studies only focused on certain areas, thisresearch paper is trying to formulate the role of PNPM at the national level. Thisstudy has come up with a conclusion that the PNPM is a workable instrument toachieve pro-poor growth, the growth which favours the poor. By limiting thedefinition of poverty in absolute terms, any increase in the PNPM funds,accompanying the economic growth, will likely reduce poverty more, Poverty is a scourge for development of a country. Besides inhibiting theeconomic growth, poverty may also cause multidimensional problems. Thus, tosolve poverty matters, many governments attempt to promote poverty alleviationprograms in their countries. Currently, Community-Driven Development (CDD)Program has become one of the systems which is often practiced by developingcountries in order to manage the poverty rate. Its basic concept is very simple. Itempowers the communities, especially the poor, to unleash them from theshackles of poverty. In Indonesia, the government implements CDD Programthrough the so-called Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) asthe basis of the poverty reduction campaign. In its implementation, PNPMprogram requires the poor communities to get involved in such actions asparticipation in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of theprograms.A study of the success of the PNPM to eradicate poverty was conductedshortly after the program was launched in 2007. The results of the latest studiessuggested that the PNPM will likely be able to reduce the number of poor peoplein Indonesia. Nevertheless, after running for several years, the program wasterminated by the new regime at the beginning of 2015. Departing from this issue,this study aims to investigate the effectiveness of PNPM as a means of alleviatingpoverty. Since most of the previous studies only focused on certain areas, thisresearch paper is trying to formulate the role of PNPM at the national level. Thisstudy has come up with a conclusion that the PNPM is a workable instrument toachieve pro-poor growth, the growth which favours the poor. By limiting thedefinition of poverty in absolute terms, any increase in the PNPM funds,accompanying the economic growth, will likely reduce poverty more]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015