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Kartika Puji Santoso
"This thesis takes a critical look at the practice of industrial espionage. By focusing on one recent case of industrial espionage, the case occurred on 2002 involving major multinational such as Ericsson and Russian intelligence interferences, focus on current developments in the competitive intelligence gathering 'industry' and the ethical problems that are typically surfaced.
The argument is made that, from an ethical point of view, industrial espionage can be assessed according to three main considerations: the tactics used in the acquisition of information; the privacy of the information concerned; and the consequences for the public interest as a result of the deployment of the information by the intelligence gatherer. These issues are examined in the context of the case, and implications for the overall definition and assessment of industrial espionage are considered.
To complete the case analysis, author will make a study. A study needs to be conducted to show that security measures and counterintelligence techniques will reduce and resist the effects of economic espionage for companies. Economic espionage results in tremendous losses for the firms every year. A study needs to be done to show that these losses can be reduced and they should not be viewed as unavoidable.
The assumption are : with new and innovative security countermeasures and counterintelligence techniques in place, companies will be more prepared to detect and deter industrial spies from robbing them of their secrets. Through this study, the author feels that the implementation of security measures and counterintelligence techniques designed to prevent economic espionage would greatly benefit to the companies specially and state in general.
In term of research methodology, this study is planned to pattern a lesson learned from a case study, Using modeling approval, this thesis analyzes the Ericsson case and uses Insider Threat approach, Categorical Imperative theory Approach and Ethical Intelligence Approach."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Margaretha Hanita
Depok: UI Publishing, 2019
327.12 MAR p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paska Perang Dingin telah membawa era keterbukaan yang mendorong intelijen untuk lebih beratensi terhadap eksploitasi sumber data terbuka. Meskipun sebelumya, eksploitasi sumber data terbukayang dikenal sebagai OSINT sering digunakan dalam proses intelijen, namun nilainya masih dipandang rendah oleh komunitas intelijen. OSINT hanya sebagai bahan sekunder dan pelengkap bagi sumber tertutup. Pandangan tersebut muncul, sebab sumber data terbuka dinilai bukan sumber yang terklasifikasi. Agar menjadi informasi intelijen maka diperlukan validasi dan analisis terlebih dahulu. Pada penelitian ini, teknologi informasi melalui prosestext mining digunakan sebagai alat bantu dalam proses eksploitasi sumber data terbuka. Sedangkan pada proses analisisnya mengunakan pendekatan timeline analisis dan social network analisis (SNA). Pendekatan timeline analisis dilakukan untuk mengambarkaninteraksi antar aktor terhadap urutan waktu. Sedangkan pendekatan SNA dilakukan untuk memetakan siapa aktor penting pada interaksi antar aktor. Hasil eksploitasi sumber data terbukayang telah diolah digunakan untuk mendeteksi ancaman atau sebagai early warning dalam mendukung proses analisa intelijen. Deteksi ancaman tersebutdijelaskan dalam tiga sinyal: weak signal (emerging issues), strong signal dan wildcard. Isu penyadapan Australia terhadap Indonesia diangkat sebagai studi kasus dalam penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan bagaimana melakukan eksploitasi sumber data terbuka untuk mendeteksi ancaman.

The end of the Cold War has brought about an era of openness that subsequently pushed intelligence to devote more attention to the exploitation of open data sources. Although previously, the exploitation of open source data known as OSINT, is often used in the intelligence process, but the value is still considered inferior by the intelligence community. OSINT is only considered as a secondary and supplementary materials for closed sources. The opinion comes up because open data sources is not considered classified sources. To become intelligence information it needs validation and analysis beforehand. In this study, information technology through text mining process is used as a tool in the process of exploitation of open data sources, while in the process of analysis it uses a analysis timeline approach and social network analysis (SNA). The analysis timeline approach is taken to see the interaction between the actors of the time sequence, while the SNA approach is to map out who is the important actor in the interaction between actors. The exploitation of open data sources that have been processed is used to detect a threat or as an early warning in supporting the intelligence analysis process. Detection of these threats are described in the three signals: weak signal (emerging issues), strong signals and wildcards. The issue of Australian wiretapping against Indonesia is taken as a case study in this research to explain how to exploit open data sources to detect threats.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R.JB. Setyawan
"In time of formulating the policy, government should include intelligence to play a role in case to predict and anticipate the impact of implementation of the policy. Intelligence which has the competency of predicting and estimating situation would analyze data and information related to the purpose of policy which will be factors of triggering dispute or conflict concerning the implementation of the policy. Intelligence will identify factors that would be problem and indicate situation that should be analyzed. The process result as intelligence product would give inputs and recommendation to the user or decision maker with suggestion how to anticipate the situation that probably occur. There is intelligence will submit early warning to the user or decision maker to be anticipated. With the result of that, government as user or decision maker would decide whether the policy is fesible to be carried out or to be postponed or even to be cancelled. Because the impact of the implementation of government policy would influence the public's life burden which is in certain level would trigger the sensitivity of public that will refuse or pressure to the policy. In case of canceling of the raise of electricity base tariff or tarif dasar listrik (TDL) 2006, government has not used the intelligence to analyze the impact of the TDL policy, until the refusal became dispute and conflict during two month before government cancelled that policy."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silitonga, Yudha
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji fenomena anomali pada
konsep kegagalan intelijen milik Thomas Copeland dalam konteks Peristiwa
Gerakan 30 September 1965.
Didalam memperoleh pengetahuan terkait fenomena anomali tersebut,
penulis menggunakan analisa dekomposisi dan rekomposisi. Pada analisa
dekomposisi penulis memecah temuan yang diperoleh dengan analisa hubungan,
analisa kebudayaan, analisa anomali, analisa antisipatip serta analisa resiko
politik. Setelah itu, penulis menyatukan kembali data-data tersebut dengan
menggunakan analisa rekomposisi. Tahap akhir, penulis menggunakan analisa
sintesis guna memperoleh suatu pengetahuan yang komprehensif.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah fenomena anomali atas konsep
kegagalan intelijen Thomas Copeland dalam konteks Gerakan 30 September 1965
disebabkan karena faktor sosial budaya yang khas serta faktor politik. Faktor
sosial budaya telah mematahkan penyebab kegagalan intelijen dalam hal
permasalahan birokrasi dan organisasi intelijen, sedangkan faktor politik,
khususnya politik kekuasaan yang diterapkan oleh Presiden Soekarno menjadi
pemicu munculnya anomali.

The purpose of this study is to examine the anomalous phenomena of the
concept intelligence failure belonging to Thomas Copeland-in the context of
events Movement 30 September 1965.
In acquiring knowledge related to the anomalous phenomena, the authors
used analysis of decomposition and recomposition. In the decomposition analysis
the authors break down the findings obtained by analysis of the relationship,
cultural analysis, anomaly analysis, antisipatip analysis and political risk analysis.
After that, the author reunite these data using analysis recomposition. The final
stage, the author uses the synthesis analysis in order to obtain a comprehensive
The conclusion of this study is anomalous phenomena on the concept of
intelligence failures in the context of Thomas Copeland Movement 30 September
1965 due to the unique socio-cultural factors and political factors. Socio-cultural
factors have broken the cause of the failure of intelligence in terms of the
problems of bureaucracy and intelligence organizations, while political factors,
especially political power imposed by President Soekarno to trigger the
emergence of anomalies."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lowenthal, Mark M.
Washington, DC: CQ Press, 2009
327.127 3 LOW i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yosa Bayu Kuswara
"Spionase adalah metode pengumpulan informasi yang dilakukan oleh badan intelijen baik dalam kegiatan mauupun operasi rahasia intelijen dengan taktik terbuka ataupun tertutup. Indonesia, tidak dapat, dipungkiri menarik perhatian negara-negara besar, negara-negara yang memiliki sumber yang tidak terbatas, teknologi yang canggih, dan badan intelijen yang mumpuni. Hal tersebut menimbulkan ancaman tersendiri bagi ketahanan nasional Indonesia. Ancaman ini, terlebih ancaman spionase yang dilaksanakan intelijen asing, harus ditanggani secara serius oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Dari berbagai pendadakan strategis yang dialami oleh Indonesia, sebagian besar menunjukkan adanya keterlibatan intelijen asing. Akan tetapi, badan maupun lembaga intelijen di Indonesia, meskipun memiliki kemampuan kontra intelijen, tidak satupun yang melakukan fungsi kontra spionase secara utuh dan profesional, tidak seperti BNPT dengan kontra terorisnya ataupun BSSN dengan kontra sabotasenya. Tesis ini mengevaluasi fungsi kontra intelijen Indonesia dalam menghadapi ancaman spionase. Tesis ini menggunakan metode scenario building untuk melakukan evaluasi fungsi kontra intelijen yang dilakukan oleh badan dan lembaga intelijen Indonesia. Selain itu, Tesis ini juga melakukan analisis ancaman (threat analysis) untuk memperlihatkan tren ancaman spionase terhadap keamanan nasional Indonesia. Data-data primer dari wawancara dan data-data sekunder dari berbagai sumber digunakan untuk menilai urgensi pembentukan badan kontra intelijen Indonesia. Dari data-data yang terkumpul, Tesis ini menemukan bahwa untuk melindungi kekuatan, kemampuan, kerawanan, dan niat (K3N) Indonesia dari spionase musuh, maka Indonesia harus memiliki badan kontra spionase sebagai wadah kontra intelijen dalam melindungi ketahanan nasional dari ancaman spionase intelijen asing. Analisis ancaman menunjukkan bahwa ancaman spionase asing terhadap keamanan nasional Indonesia ada dalam level menengah-tinggi sedangkan analisis dengan scenario building memperlihatkan bahwa fungsi kontra intelijen yang selama ini dilaksanakan oleh badan dan lembaga intelijen Indonesia kurang ideal.

Espionage is an information gathering methode conducted by intelligence services both in intelligence acivities or closed/clandestine operations using open or closed tactics. Indonesia, undeniably attracted the attention of major countries, countrie sthat have unlimited resources, sophisticated technology and capable intelligence services. This posed a threat to Indonesia's national security, especially the espionage threats carried out by foreign intelligence, and this condition must be taken seriously by the Indonesian Government. The various strategic surprises experienced by Indonesia, mostly indicates the foreign intelliegnce activities. However, intelligence agencies and institutions in Indonesia, despite their counterintelligence capabilities, have not carried out a whole and professional counterespionage function, unlike the counter-terrorist of BNPT or the BSSN with its counter-sabotage function. This thesis evaluates Indonesia's counterintelligence function in teh face of espionage threats. Using scenario building method to evaluate the CI function carried out by Indonesian intelligence agencies and institutions, and also conduct threat analysis to show the trend of espionage threat to Indonesia's national security. Primary data from interviews and secondary data from various sources are used to assess the urgency of the establishment of an Indonesian counterintelligence body. From the collected data, this thesis found that in order to protect Indonesia's strenght, ability, vulnerability and intention (K3N) from enemy espionage, Indonesia must have a counter-espionage institution as a counterintelligence services in protecting national security from the threat of foreign intelligence espionage. The threat analysis shows that foreign espionage threats to Indonesias national security are in the middle-high level, while analysis with building scenario shows that the coounterintelligence function carried out by Indonesia's inteliigence services is less ideal."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfin Reza Syahputra
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang penyebab mengapa Polri di dalam sistem TIM PORA diharuskan melakukan optimalisasinya dalam menangani pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh Warga Negara Asing (WNA), berdasarkan UU No. 2 Tahun 2002 tentang Kepolisian Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan pendekatan intelijen, intelijen strategis, optimalisasi dan peraturan perundang-undangan sebagai kerangka analisis. Untuk menguatkan penelitian ini, digunakan pula teori law enforcement dari McDowell. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan penelitian studi kasus. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa dasar pengawasan orang asing di Indonesia diatur oleh Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2011 tentang Keimigrasian beserta turunannya, yang mengganti undang-undang keimigrasian sebelumnya yaitu Undang-Undang Nomor 9 Tahun 1992. Upaya optimalisasi pengawasan orang asing yang dilakukan oleh Baintelkam Polri yaitu, pertama, menetapkan Peraturan Kapolri sebagai turunan Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2022 terkait kewenangan Polri dalam pengawasan orang asing di Indonesia. Kedua, komunikasi dan koordinasi dengan Kementerian/Lembaga terkait guna memaksimalkan pengawasan Orang Asing/ TKA. Ketiga, mensosialisasikan peranan Polri dalam pengawasan Orang Asing kepada para WNA. Keempat, meningkatkan intensitas pengawasan WNA di lapangan sesuai Tupoksi Polri di Indonesia. Kemudian 3. Dalam perspektif analisis intelijen stratejik, peran Baintelkam polri dalam melakukan pengawasan WNA (khususnya jurnalis asing) dapat dilakukan dimulai dari data dan informasi yang disediakan dari masing-masing supporting unit TIM PORA. Selanjutnya, pengawasan juga dilakukan pada UPT, kuasa perwakilan/atase imigrasi di luar negeri yang berkaitan dengan pemberian ijin masuk ke Indonesia berupa visa dimana kerawanan mulai terjadi pada area tersebut seperti penjamin/sponsor fiktif ketika memohon visa RI di KBRI.

This study discusses the reasons why the National Police in the TIM PORA system are required to optimize their handling of violations committed by Foreign Citizens (WNA), based on Law no. 2 of 2002 concerning the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia Police. This research also uses an intelligence approach, strategic intelligence, optimization and legislation as an analytical framework. To strengthen this research, law enforcement theory from McDowell is also used. This research uses qualitative method with case study research. The results of this study explain that the basis for monitoring foreigners in Indonesia is regulated by Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration and its derivatives, which replaces the previous immigration law, namely Law Number 9 of 1992. Efforts to optimize the supervision of foreigners carried out by Baintelkam Polri are, first, establishing the National Police Chief Regulation as a derivative of Law Number 2 of 2022 regarding the authority of the National Police in supervising foreigners in Indonesia. Second, communication and coordination with related Ministries/Institutions in order to maximize the supervision of Foreigners/TKA. Third, to socialize the role of the National Police in supervising foreigners to foreigners. Fourth, increase the intensity of supervision of foreigners in the field according to the main tasks and functions of the Indonesian National Police. Then 3. communication and coordination with related Ministries/Agencies in order to maximize the supervision of Foreigners/TKA. Third, to socialize the role of the National Police in supervising foreigners to foreigners. Fourth, increase the intensity of supervision of foreigners in the field according to the main tasks and functions of the Indonesian National Police. Then 3. communication and coordination with related Ministries/Agencies in order to maximize the supervision of Foreigners/TKA. Third, to socialize the role of the National Police in supervising foreigners to foreigners. Fourth, increase the intensity of supervision of foreigners in the field according to the main tasks and functions of the Indonesian National Police"
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stanislaus Riyanta
Tesis ini membahas analisis intelijen terhadap korporasi dalam menghadapi gerakan buruh. Beberapa korporasi tidak luput dari aksi gerakan buruh yang berdampak pada kerugian. Gerakan buruh seharusnya bisa dideteksi sedini mungkin dan dihadapi secara strategis untuk meminimalkan dampak yang lebih luas.
Analisis intelijen dengan studi kasus Grup Astra ini menunjukkan tingkat ancaman gerakan buruh terhadap korporasi adalah menengah, dan tingkat kerentanan korporasi dalam menghadapi gerakan buruh adalah tinggi. Hasil analisis risiko menunjukkan ada beberapa anak perusahaan dengan tingkat risiko moderate-extreme. Untuk itu diperlukan rencana tanggap strategi agar gerakan buruh dapat dicegah dan dihadapi. Hal ini guna menjaga stabilitas korporasi tetap terjaga.

This thesis describes an intelligence analysis corporation that is facing labour action. Many corporations face labour actions, which cause losses. Labour action should have been detectable as early as possible, and it must be faced strategically in order to minimize impacts and prevent wide-spread of impacts.
Intelligence analysis of the Astra Group case study shows a moderate level of labour action threat against the corporation, and high level of corporate vulnerability in facing labour action. Risk analysis shows that several subsidiaries have a moderate-extreme risk level. Therefore, strategic response plans are necessary in order to prevent and face labour action. This will maintain the stability of the corporation."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mujahidin Nuryadi
"Penelitian ini mengkaji kerjasama intelijen dalam merespon kehadiran non- government organization (NGO) asing, Brot Fur Die Welt (BFDW) yang beroperasi di Papua, dan beberapa wilayah lain di Indonesia. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk menganalisis program-program NGO asing BFDW dengan mitra-mitra lokalnya di Indonesia dan sejauh mana program tersebut selaras dengan pembangunan di Indonesia dan tidak membahayakan kedaulatan negara republik Indonesia.
Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa BFDW mempunyai mitra-mitra lokal dengan tema-tema isu program pembahasan advokasi HAM, kemanusiaan, kesetaraan, peningkatan peran bagi perempuan dan lain-lain. Disamping ditemukan hasil penelitian bahwa BFDW merupakan salah satu NGO asing yang tidak mempunyai ijin prinsip maupun ijin operasional di Indonesia namun beroperasi di Indonesia melalui mitra-mitranya. TPOA (tim pengawasan orang asing) termasuk di dalamnya komunitas intelijen bersama dengan kementerian dan lembaga lain di Indonesia sudah merespon permasalahan ini. Namun, sampai hasil penelitian ini berakhir belum ada kebijakan khusus yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah sebagai bentuk tindaklanjut temuan tersebut.
Hasil penelitian juga menemukan kesimpulan bahwa banyaknya NGO-NGO asing yang beroperasi di Indonesia dan tidak mendaftarkan diri ke Direktorat Jenderal Multilateral Kemenlu mengindikasikan banyaknya celah dalam UU keormasan sehingga banyak ormas asing yang memilih untuk tidak mendaftarkan diri di Kemenlu dan tetap bisa beroperasi di Indonesia.

This research examines intelligence cooperation responding the presence of foreign Non Government Organizations BFDW (brut for the world) operating in Papua and several other regions in Indonesia. This research try to analyze the program of BFDW with it patners in Indonesia and to what extent these programs are in harmony with development in Indonesia and don?t endanger the sovereignity of the republic of Indonesia.
The result of this study concluded that BFDW with its local patners has so many programs with the themes of programs issues on human rights advocacy, humanity, equality, increasing the role of women in public space. In addition research result found that BfdW does not have permission both from foreign ministry of Indonesia and from local government.
TPOA (Foreign surveillance team) including intelligent community in Indonesia and intra government instution responded this issue. However until the final research done there had been no single policy carried out by government as a follow up to these findings.
The results of the study also found the conclusion that the large number of foreign NGOs operating in Indonesia and not registering with the ministry of foreign aafair indicates that there are many loopholes in the law on organization. Many foreign NGOs choosed not to register themselves with the ministry of foreign affairs and they can still operated their programs throuch its local partners
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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