ABSTRAKPersalinan merupakan peristiwa menegangkan bagi seorang ibu dan dukungan suami
ternyata berpengaruh penting terhadap kondisi psikologis ibu bersalin. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui sikap suami terhadap pendampingan persalinan.
Penelitian menggunakan desain deskriptif sederhana. Pengambilan data sampel 103
orang suami dari ibu hamil dengan metode consecutive sampling selama sebulan.
Instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner pengetahuan sikap yang dikembangkan sendiri
oleh peneliti dan Birth Partcipation Scale yang telah diterjemahkan dalam bahasa
Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukan 89,3% suami memiliki sikap positif terhadap
pendampingan persalinan. Pembentukan sikap ini lebih didominasi komponen
kognitif dan konatif. Implikasi keperawatan, penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa peran
suami penting untuk diperhatikan dalam proses persalinan. Penelitian ini tidak
mengidentifikasi faktor yang mempengaruhi pembentukan sikap suami terhadap
pendampingan persalinan sehingga penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan untuk meneliti
faktor tersebut.
ABSTRACTChildbirth was stressfull moment for mother and support from husband was important
factor that could influence mother`s psychology during childbirth. The purpose of this
was to describe the husband`s attitude related to companionship during childbirth.
This study used simple descriptive research design that involved 103 husbands from
pregnant mothers taken with consecutive sampling and it hold in a month. The
instruments were questionnaire about knowledge of attitude developed by researcher
and Birth Participatipon Scale translated in Indonesian. This study showed 89,3% of
respondents have positive attitude about companionship during childbirth. This
attitude was dominant of cognitive and conative component. Implicated this study for
nursing proved that husband?s role important to be attented in childbirth process. This
study did not research about the factors influenced husband`s attitude about
companionship during childbirth, so that future studies are expected to discuss about
it`s attitude."