"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat respons saksi dalam perilaku cyberbullying. Dalam penelitian ini, terdapat dua studi korelasional yang dilakukan. Studi 1 berkaitan dengan respons saksi yang dilihat berdasarkan faktor individu dan melalui pendekatan Theory of Planned Behavior TPB . Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan responden sejumlah 117 mahasiswa dari beberapa universitas yang terdapat di Jabodetabek. Sementara itu, SEM PLS digunakan untuk menganalisis prediksi keseluruhan model TPB mengenai respons saksi di dalam cyberbullying. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sikap, norma subjektif, dan persepsi kendali perilaku dapat memprediksi intensi. Di antara ketiga variabel tersebut, sikap adalah variabel paling dominan yang memengaruhi respons saksi. Selanjutnya, ditemukan bahwa faktor kondisi ragam relasi saksi memiliki peranan dalam hubungan antara intensi dan respons saksi terhadap cyberbullying. Pada studi ke-2, peneliti memasukkan ragam relasi sebagai moderator antara sikap, norma subjektif, dan persepsi kendali perilaku. Pada studi 2 tersebut, ditemukan bahwa dari keempat kondisi ragam relasi saksi dengan pelaku dan korban, kondisi relasi saksi tidak mengenal pelaku dan korban adalah kondisi yang paling memengaruhi hubungan antara sikap dengan intensi. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengurangi dan menghentikan perilaku cyberbullying, perlu dilakukan penguatan diri personal melalui sikap setiap individu. Penguatan diri personal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan menumbuhkan kesadaran diri mengenai bahaya cyberbullying. Untuk melaksanakan hal tersebut, diperlukan peran dan dukungan dari orang-orang di lingkungan sekitar individu; seperti kepedulian menciptakan susana sehat. Perilaku saling menghargai dan menghormati dalam berinteraksi di dunia maya menjadi cerminan tingginya norma subjektif. Di samping itu, persepsi kendali perilaku dapat ditumbuhkan dengan cara meningkatkan kemampuan asertif, empati, kepedulian sosial, dan membangun relasi yang baik terhadap sesama.
This study examines the response of bystander in cyberbullying. There are two correlational studies conducted. Study 1 relates to bystanders 39; s response viewed by individual factors and through the Theory of Planned Behavior TPB approach. This research was conducted with respondents of 117 students from several universities located in Jabodetabek. Meanwhile, SEM PLS was used to analyze the overall prediction of the TPB model of bystander response in cyberbullying. The results show that attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control can predict the intention. Among the three variables, attitudes are the most dominant variables that influence the response of bystander. Furthermore, it was found that the variation factor of the bystander relation relationship had a role in the relationship between the intention and the bystander response to cyberbullying. In the second study, the researcher included the variety of bystander relationships as moderators between attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived of behavioural control. In the second study, it was found that from the four conditions of the various relations of a bystander with the perpetrators and victims, the condition of the bystander relation did not recognise the perpetrator and the victim was the condition that most affected the relationship between attitude and intention. The implications of the study are to reduce and to stop cyberbullying behaviour; it is necessary to strengthen the personal self through the attitude. Growing self-awareness can do personal self-reinforcement about the dangers of cyberbullying. Furthermore, the role and support of people in the individual 39;s surroundings are required; such as caring to create a good internet sharing. The behaviour of mutual respect and respect in interacting in the virtual world becomes a reflection of the high subjective norm. Also, perceived of behavioural control can be grown by increasing assertiveness, empathy, social awareness, and building good relationships with others."