"Pangkalan Data Pendidikan Tinggi PDDIKTI adalah basis data yang menghimpun data pendidikan tinggi dari setiap perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. PDDIKTI dikelola oleh Pusat Data dan Informasi Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi. Layanan PDDIKTI Feeder dikembangkan untuk memfasilitasi Perguruan Tinggi mengumpulkan datanya. Penelitian ini menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi penerimaan PDDIKTI Feeder di Perguruan tinggi. Technology Acceptance Model TAM dan variable-variabel eksternalnya digunakan untuk melakukan penelitian ini. Variabel-variabel eksternal yang dikembangkan antara lain: Service Quality, User Training, Social Influence, Self Efficacy, Information Quality, Facilitating Condition, dan Compatibility. Structural Equation Modeling SEM digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang dikumpulkan dari 248 responden. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa variabel-variabel yang mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel lain. Diantaranya adalah Social Influence terhadap Intention to Use dan Perceived Usefulness, Information Quality terhadap Perceived Ease of Use dan Perceived Usefulness, User Training terhadap Perceived Ease of Use, Compatibility terhadap Perceived Ease of Use, Facilitating Condition terhadap Intention to Use, Self Efficacy terhadap Perceived Ease of Use dan Service Quality terhadap Perceived Usefulness. Di sisi lain, beberapa variabel tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan. Diantaranya adalah Service Quality terhadap Perceived Ease of Use, Compatibility terhadap Perceived Usefulness, Facilitating Condition terhadap Perceived Ease of Use, dan Self Efficacy terhadap Perceived Usefulness.
Pangkalan Data Pendidikan Tinggi PDDIKTI is a centralized database that collects data from all higher education institutions in Indonesia. PDDIKTI is managed by Data and Information Center at theMinistry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. PDDIKTI Feeder Services aredeveloped to facilitate universities collecting their data. This study analyzes factors affecting the acceptance of PDDIKTI Feeder Services athigher education institutions. The Technology Acceptance Model TAM and its external variables are used to conduct this research. The external variables are Service Quality, User Training, Social Influence, Self Efficacy, Information Quality, Facilitating Condition, and Compatibility. Structural Equestion Modeling SEM is used to analyze data collected from 248 respondents. The results show some variables that have significant influence on other variables. These are Social Influence to the Intention to Use and Perceived Usefulness, Information Quality to the Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness, User Training to the Perceived Ease of Use, Compatibility to the Perceived Ease of Use, Facilitating Condition to the Intention of Use,Service Qualityto the Perceived Usefulness, and finally Self Efficacy to the Perceived Ease of Use. On the other hand, some variables have no significant influence. These are Service Quality to the Perceived Ease of Use, Compatibility to the Perceived Usefulness, Facilitating Condition to the Perceived Ease of Use, and Self Efficacy to the Perceived Usefulness."