ABSTRAKKegiatan real estate development adalah kegiatan pengembangan sebuah proyek dengan cara membangun bangunan diatas sebidang lahan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan nilai dalam rangka mendapatkan keuntungan. Kegiatan real estate development seringkali membawa dampak berupa kerusakan lingkungan seperti menurunnya kapasitas ekologis di lokasi proyek dan sekitarnya, eksploitasi energi, dan emisi polutan yang berlebihan. Untuk mengatasinya, dewasa ini konsep green building telah dilibatkan dalam pengembangan bisnis properti di Indonesia khususnya produk perkantoran. Seperti diketahui konsep green building berdampak pada meningkatnya biaya baik untuk perencanaan, pembangunan maupun perawatan gedung. Walaupun demikian semakin banyak bangunan perkantoran yang mengaplikasikan pendekatan green building, menurut data GBCI tahun 2017 terdapat 17 gedung yang sudah mendapat sertifikasi green building dalam berbagai level. Untuk itu perlu ditelusuri lebih lanjut apakah penerapan konsep green building pada perkantoran di Jakarta berpengaruh terhadap nilai properti secara keseluruhan. Tulisan ini membahas hasil penelitian yang dilakukan mengenai pengaruh konsep green building terhadap nilai properti perkantoran khususnya di Jakarta. Penelitian membandingkan antara perkantoran yang menggunakan pendekatan green building dengan perkantoran konvensional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara dengan pengembang, dan pengelola gedung. Hasil yang didapatkan bahwa konsep pendekatan green building pada perkantoran di Jakarta dapat meningkatkan nilai properti terkait aspek kegunaan, kelangkaan, kebutuhan, dan transferability.
ABSTRACTA real estate development is defined as an activity that develops a project through building parcels on a land with the goal of increasing its property value in order to gain profit. A real estate development often produces negative impacts towards the environment such as the reduction of the ecological capacity in the site and its surroundings, energy exploitation, and excessive pollutant emission. To overcome these issues, the green building concept or approach has been adapted by several real estate businesses in Indonesia especially in the office sector. As what has been known, the green building approach results in the increase of price in the planning, construction and the building rsquo s maintenance. But despite this issue, more and more office buildings are adapting the green building concept. According to the data provided by GBCI in 2017, there are 17 buildings listed as a certified green building office in various levels. Thus, it is important to further analyze about whether or not the green building approach for the office sector in Jakarta has impacted the property value. This paper will discuss about the research results regarding the effect of the green building approach towards the property value of office buildings especially in Jakarta. The research will be executed by comparing office buildings that have already adapted the green building concept with the ones that have not, or in other words, the conventional office buildings. Data gathering is done through observation and interviews with developers, building managers. The preliminary results show that by adapting the green building concept for office buildings in Jakarta, the property value regarding the utility, scarcity, effective demands, and transferability aspect can increase."