Nama : Maynia Meigas Gumbardania
Program Studi : Profesi Ners Ilmu Keperawatan
Judul : Analisis Asuhan Keperawatan Penerapan Teknik Relaksasi Napas Dalam dan Hipnotis Lima Jari Terhadap Ansietas dengan Kehamilan.
Kecemasan merupakan perasaan tidak nyaman yang terjadi karena kegelisahan, kekhawatiran dan ketakutan dalam diri terhadap suatu ancaman yang tidak spesifik yang mempengaruhi kehidupan individu. Ancaman yang terjadi pada individu dapat berupa perubahan status atau peran baru. Kehamilan menjadi perubahan dalamkehidupan wanita yang dapat memicu perasaan takut dan menimbulkan kecemasan tersendiri. Kecemasan yang terjadi terus menerus pada ibu hamil akan mempengaruhi kesehatan ibu dan janin. Sehingga perlu penanganan asuhan keperawatan psikososial untuk mengurangi ansietas klien. Maka penulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis asuhan keperawatan ansietas pada ibu hamil yang diberikan selama lima hari. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa asuhan keperawatan ansietas dengan menerapkan teknik relaksasi napas dalam dan hipnotis lima jari dapat menurunkan tingkat ansietas klien dari ansietas sedang menjadi ringan. Penulis merekomendasikan agar dilakukan terapi lain seperti relaksasi otot progresif untuk mengurangi ansietas pada ibu hamil.
Kata Kunci : Ansietas, Hipnotis Lima Jari, Kehamilan, Relaksasi Napas Dalam
Nama : Maynia Meigas Gumbardania
Program Studi : Profesi Ners Ilmu Keperawatan
Judul : Analysis of nursing care application of deep breathing and guided imagery for reducing anxiety with pregnancy
Anxiety is an uncomfortable feeling that occurs due to anxiety, worry, and fear in themselves to an unspecified threat that affects an individuals life. Threats that occur to individuals can be in the form of status changes or new roles. Pregnancy becomes a change in a womans life that can trigger feelings of fear and cause anxiety itself. The anxiety that occurs continuously in pregnant women will affect the health of the mother and fetus. So we need to handle psychosocial nursing care to reduce client anxiety.This paper aims to analyze the nursing care of anxiety in pregnant women given for five days. The results show that anxiety nursing care by applying deep breathing and five-finger hypnosis techniques can reduce the level of client anxiety from moderate anxiety. The author recommends that other therapies such as progressive muscle relaxation be used to reduce anxiety in pregnant women.
Keywords; anxiety; deep breathing; five-finger hypnosis; pregnancy
Less education related to various diseases has an impact on the increasing prevalence of disease in the community, one of which is hypertension. As one of the health workers, nurses play an important role in overcoming the problem of hypertension in the community such as providing family-based nursing care. The purpose of this final scientific work is to provide an overview of family nursing care on the problem of hypertension. The writing of this scientific work is based on the application of interventions in the form of warm compresses to the nape of the neck in hypertensive patients and at risk of hypertension. In addition, the writing of this scientific paper is analyzed based on various concepts and related research. The results of the intervention show that the application of warm compresses is effective for lowering blood pressure and reducing pain in the neck. Therefore, nurses can apply the warm neck compress as a non-pharmacological intervention in providing nursing care in families with hypertension and encourage families to do warm compresses as a way to treat hypertension at home."