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Zainur Agung Pratama
"Perkembangan teknologi, secara spesifik teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, membawa banyak perubahan pada aspek kehidupan manusia. Namu laju perkembangan teknologi yang sangat cepat inilah kemudian muncul dilema moral yang baru yang sangat khas dengan kemajuan teknologi. Tulisan ini mencoba membahas salah satu permasalahan moral yang sangat khas dengan kemajuan teknologi, yaitu permasalahan pendamping buatan. Dalam tulisan ini, dengan berlandaskan gagasan etika informasi penulis mencoba memberikan justifikasi etis bahwa menjalin hubungan dengan pendamping buatan atau lebih memilih untuk berteman dengan pendamping buatan ketimbang dengan manusia tidaklah salah secara moral. Bahkan mungkin dalam terang etika informasi tindakan tersebut dapat dikatakan sebagai tindakan yang benar.

The development of technology, specifically information and communication technology, has brought many changes to aspects of human life. However, this very fast pace of technological development then emerges a new moral dilemma that is very typical of technological advances. This paper tries to discuss one of the moral problems that is very typical of technological advances, namely the problem of artificial companions (artificial encounters). In this paper, based on the idea of information ethics, the author tries to provide ethical justification that having a relationship with artificial companions or preferring to be friends with artificial companions rather than humans is not morally wrong. Maybe even in the light of information ethics these actions can be said to be the right actions."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taufik Asmiyanto
"Sistem etika dibangun untuk memandu manusia menemukan keselarasan hidup. Namun, ketika sebuah etika dikembangkan dengan menafikan keberadaan manusia, maka timbul pertanyaan: untuk kebutuhan siapakah etika tersebut? Disertasi ini bertujuan untuk menyingkap selubung makna atas gagasan Luciano Floridi yang membangun etika informasi dengan menjadikan informasi sebagai pusat refleksinya. Informasi tidak lagi sekadar masalah epistemologis. Namun, informasi ditempatkan menjadi persoalan ontologis (reontologization), sehingga manusia beralih-pusat dari subjek (decentering subject) menjadi setara dengan entitas lainnya. Semua entitas yang ada dipahami sebagai objek informasi yang memiliki hak yang sama untuk dihargai dan dihormati (the ontological equality principle). Penilaian moral didasarkan pada prinsip moral yang bersifat formal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi proses alih-pusat yang berakibat pada distribusi peran antara manusia (responsibility) dan entitas nonmanusia (accountability). Sebagai konsekuensinya, distribusi tersebut melahirkan dualisme peranan yang memisahkan masalah moralitas (responsibility) dengan hukum (accountability) yang selama ini keduanya dicampuradukkan tanpa disadari. Namun, pandangan ini justru menyisakan kontroversi bahwa agen moral buatan dapat dikenai sangsi hukum (accountability). Sementara, agen moral manusia hanya dimintai pertanggungjawaban moral (responsibility).

An ethical system is built to guide people to find harmony in life. However, when an ethic is developed by denying human existence, then the question arises: for whose needs is the ethic? This study aims to disclose the veil of meaning in Luciano Floridi's idea of establishing information ethics by making information as its center of reflection. Information is no longer a mere an epistemological problem; it turns, however, into an ontological issue (reontologized). Thus, humans are no longer subjects (decentered subjects), equal with other entities. All entities are understood to be objects of information, having equal rights to be appreciated and respected (the ontological equality principle). Moral judgment is based on four formal moral principles. Hermeneutics Phenomenology of Paul Ricoeur is used to disclose the veil. The results showed that there was a dehumanization process, resulted in the delegation of moral responsibility from human (responsibility) to entity artificial intelligence (accountability). Thus, it gives birth to a dualism of responsibility that precisely clarifies matters of morality (responsibility) and law (accountability) which had been both mixed up unnoticed. However, this view also leaves the controversy that an artificial moral agent can be subject to legal sanction (accountability). Meanwhile, human moral agents are only accounted for moral responsibility."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hilmi Demir
"The philosopher, Luciano Floridi claims that these new technologies have led to a revolutionary shift in our understanding of humanity?s nature and its role in the universe. Florodi?s philosophical analysis of new technologies leads to a novel metaphysical framework in which our understanding of the ultimate nature of reality shifts from a materialist one to an informational one. In this world, all entities, be they natural or artificial, are analyzed as informational entities. This book provides critical reflection to this idea, in four different areas, information ethics and the method of levels of abstraction the information revolution and alternative categorizations of technological advancements applications, education, internet and information science epistemic and ontic aspects of the philosophy of information.
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ridho Anugrah
"Penggunaan dan perkembangan pesat teknologi informasi digital memunculkan perubahan signifikan di dalam
struktur masyarakat. Luciano Floridi dengan teori re-ontologisasi mengatakan informasi dapat mengubah struktur
masyarakat secara radikal. Re-ontologisasi ini dibentuk dari interaksi antara inforgs dan infosphere. Kemudian
teori tersebut menjadi dasar etika yang disebut etika informasi (IE). Etika informasi menekankan idealitas, tanpa adanya entropi di dalam infosphere untuk menjelaskan apa itu `baik`. Dari pemahaman bahwa etika adalah konstruksi idealitas, Floridi menganggap manusia sebagai homo poieticus. Homo poieticus berarti manusia yang memiliki sifat pembentuk dan penjaga. Artikel ini berpendapat sebelum menjadi homo poieticus, manusia harus
kembali melihat keterbatasan kapasitas kognitifnya. Terutama di dalam pesat dan masifnya perkembangan
informasi. Melalui etika behavioral, menjelaskan permasalahan kognitif manusia sebagai agen moral terbatas oleh
rasio dan kebiasaannya. Etika behavioral menggunakan konsep dasar seperti keterbatasan rasionalitas, etikalitas
terbatas, dan heuristik di dalamnya. Dengan memahami dan menyadari keterbatasan tersebut, manusia dapat
memaksimalkan penilaian etis. Keterbatasan ini tidak memungkinkan adanya pemahaman holistik dari etika
maupun infosphere. Namun, dari keterbatasan tersebut untuk menjaga infosphere usaha yang dilakukan adalah
memaksimalkan penilaian etis. Dari usaha maksimalisasi ini, menurut penulis homo poieticus dapat menjadi lebih
Usage and progress of digital information technology sparks significant shift in the structure of society. Luciano Floridi with his re-ontologization, explaining information could change the society`s structure in radical way. Reontologization is made by interactions of inforgs and infosphere. The theory become a foundation towards a system of ethics named information ethics (IE). Information ethics emphasises on infosphere state with ideality, without entropy to explain what is `good`. Ethics is a construct ons of ideality of infosphere, the role of human being in Floridi`s sense is to become homo poieticus. Homo poieticus is a demiurgic attitude of the informational and moral agent. This article argues that before becoming homo poieticus, moral agents should take a look back into our own limitations of cognitive capacities. Especially in this abundance and fast growing information condition. Through behavioral ethics, I shall explain the problem of limitations of moral agent. Behavioral ethics using concepts like bounded rationality concept, bounded ethicality, and heuristics to explain it. With understanding and realising the limitations, moral agents could maximising ethical decision making. The limitations shows the impossibilities of holistic
understanding of ethics nor infosphere. From maximising the limitations, I think homo poieticus could become
more virtuous or wise demiurgic agent.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Regina Lisa Firstia
"Library and Information Science dikenal sebagai Ilmu praktis yang lebih mengedepankan filsafat terapan, namun Luciano Floridi melihat kedekatan yang kuat antara Filsafat Informasi dan Library and information of science (LIS). Filsafat Informasi dilihat memiliki potensi menjadi fondasi teoritis dari Library and Information Science (LIS) sebab menyediakan pemahaman sistematis tentang konsep dasar yang berkaitan dengan Ilmu pengetahuan, Perpustakaan, dan Informasi melalui pemahaman terhadap sifat, nilai, dan tujuan dalam praktik kepustakawanan itu sendiri. Penulis menggunakan hermeneutic method sebagai pisau analisis untuk menjembatani pemikiran Luciano Floridi dengan relevansi kondisi LIS pada masa saat ini. Melalui sumber-sumber tulisan maupun interpretasi pihak ketiga atas perspektif Luciano Floridi terhadap hubungan LIS dan Filsafat Informasi sebagai data acuan, penulis mencoba mengambil simpul atas pergeseran yang terjadi tentang esensi kelimuan LIS dengan hadirnya potensi Filsafat Informasi.

Library and Information Science is known as a practical science that prioritizes applied philosophy, but Luciano Floridi sees a strong affinity between Information Philosophy and Library and information of science (LIS). Information philosophy is seen as having the potential to become the theoretical foundation of Library and Information Science (LIS) because it provides a systematic understanding of the basic concepts related to Science, Library and Information through an understanding of the nature, values and goals of librarianship practice itself. The author uses the hermeneutic method as an analytical tool to bridge Luciano Floridi's thoughts with the relevance of the current LIS condition. Through written sources and third party interpretations of Luciano Floridi's perspective on the relationship between LIS and Information Philosophy as reference data, the author tries to draw conclusions about the shifts that have occurred about the essence of LIS scholarship with the presence of the potential for Information Philosophy."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Girasa, Rosario
"Artificial intelligence (AI) is the latest technological evolution which is transforming the global economy and is a major part of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.”
This book covers the meaning, types, subfields and applications of AI, including U.S. governmental policies and regulations, ethical and privacy issues, particularly as they pertain and affect facial recognition programs and the Internet-of Things (IoT). There is a lengthy analysis of bias, AI’s effect on the current and future job market, and how AI precipitated fake news. In addition, the text covers basics of intellectual property rights and how AI will transform their protection. The author then moves on to explore international initiatives from the European Union, China’s New Generation Development Plan, other regional areas, and international conventions. The book concludes with a discussion of super intelligence and the question and applicability of consciousness in machines. The interdisciplinary scope of the text will appeal to any scholars, students and general readers interested in the effects of AI on our society, particularly in the fields of STS, economics, law and politics."
Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2020
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Turner, Jacob
"This book explains why AI is unique, what legal and ethical problems it could cause, and how we can address them. It argues that AI is unlike any other previous technology, owing to its ability to take decisions independently and unpredictably. This gives rise to three issues: responsibility--who is liable if AI causes harm; rights--the disputed moral and pragmatic grounds for granting AI legal personality; and the ethics surrounding the decision-making of AI. The book suggests that in order to address these questions we need to develop new institutions and regulations on a cross-industry and international level. Incorporating clear explanations of complex topics, Robot Rules will appeal to a multi-disciplinary audience, from those with an interest in law, politics and philosophy, to computer programming, engineering and neuroscience. "
Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
George, F.H.
New York: Gordon and Breach Science, 1986
001.535 GEO a
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Patrick Yudhistira Budiono
"Pendidikan merupakan salah satu sektor yang terus bertransformasi dengan cepat seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi. Salah satu teknologi yang menjanjikan dan telah mengubah landscape pendidikan adalah kecerdasan buatan (AI). Kecerdasan buatan telah terbukti berhasil dalam menyelesaikan masalah kompleks di berbagai bidang, termasuk pendidikan. Dalam konteks adopsi AI di institusi pendidikan, ChatGPT muncul sebagai salah satu kecerdasan buatan yang menawarkan banyak manfaat untuk pendidikan. Namun terdapat beberapa kelemahan yang dimiliki oleh ChatGPT yang berpotensi bisa menimbulkan dampak negatif bagi penggunanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor yang memengaruhi mahasiswa di Indonesia dalam mengadopsi/menggunakan teknologi ChatGPT dan merancang rekomendasi strategi yang dapat diterapkan untuk meningkatkan adopsi dan penerimaan penggunaan ChatGPT secara efektif dalam dunia pendidikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) dan metode Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Sebanyak 270 responden berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Mayoritas responden memiliki kecenderungan positif dalam menerima dan menggunakan ChatGPT dalam konteks pendidikan. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data, penggunaan ChatGPT dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh faktor behavioural intention (niat perilaku), social influence (pengaruh sosial) dan habit (kebiasaan). Sedangkan faktor performance expectancy (harapan kinerja), effort expectancy (harapan usaha), facilitating conditions (kondisi fasilitas), dan hedonic motivation (motivasi hedonik) tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap mahasiswa untuk menggunakan ChatGPT. Melalui analisis data, dilakukan perancangan rekomendasi strategi. Setelah itu, dilakukan validasi strategi yang telah dirancang dengan matriks dampak-usaha. Terdapat 4 strategi yang diprioritaskan dari 7 strategi yang diusulkan karena berada dalam kuadran kiri atas diagram.

Education is one of the sectors that is rapidly transforming alongside technological advancements. One promising technology that has revolutionized the education landscape is artificial intelligence (AI). AI has proven to be successful in solving complex problems in various fields, including education. In the context of AI adoption in educational institutions, ChatGPT emerges as one of the artificial intelligence technologies that offers numerous benefits for education. However, ChatGPT also has certain limitations that can potentially have negative impacts on its users. This research aims to analyze the factors influencing Indonesian students' adoption and usage of ChatGPT technology and design recommended strategies that can be implemented to enhance the adoption and effective usage of ChatGPT in the field of education. This study adopts the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) framework and employs Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) as the research method. A total of 270 respondents participated in this study. Most respondents have a positive inclination towards accepting and using ChatGPT in the context of education. Based on the data analysis, the usage of ChatGPT is significantly influenced by behavioral intention, social influence, and habit. However, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, and hedonic motivation do not have a significant impact on students' intention to use ChatGPT. Through data analysis, recommended strategies are designed. These strategies are then validated using an impact-effort diagram. Among the proposed strategies, four prioritized strategies are identified as they fall into the upper-left quadrant of the diagram."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The purpose of the paper is to ilustrate,using theories of mass communication how the images of the presidential candidates as presented by the cyber vehicle,the candidates websites content and the internet as a political tool ,worked to determine the 2004 Indonesia's election result
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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