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Arsi Shabrina
"Latar belakang: : Refluks laringofaring merupakan keluhan yang sering ditemui pada poli rawat jalan THT RSCM.. Kuesioner yang selama ini sering digunakan di Poli THT RSCM adalah kuesioner Skor Gejala Refluks (SGR). Kuesioner memiliki kekurangan berupa banyak gejala-gejala terkait refluks laringofaring yang tidak termasuk dalam kuesioner ini. Saat ini terdapat suatu kuesioner yang dianggap lebih signifikan dalam menilai refluks laringofaring dibandingkan SGR yaitu Reflux Symptom Score (RSS) yang belum diadaptasi ke bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pendahuluan dari penelitian terapi proton pump inhibitor untuk pasien OMSK aman aktif dengan refluks laringofaring Metode: Pasien-pasien curiga refluks laringofaring dan pasien yang sudah didiagnosis refluks laringofaring yang datang ke Poli THT RSCM dilakukan anamnesis, dan diminta untuk mengisi kuesioner SGR dan RSS yang sudah diadaptasi lintas budaya ke Bahasa Indonesia sesuai dengan metode WHO. Pasien juga dilakukan pemeriksaan rinofaringolaringoskopi serat optik lentur untuk melihat kriteria objektif refluks laringofaring yaitu skor temuan refluks (STR). Hasil: Penelitian melibatkan 44 subjek yang memenuhi kriteria penerimaan. Kuesioner RSS ini memiliki nilai p dan korelasi yang signifikan untuk setiap item pada penilaian frekuensi dan keparahan kecuali satu item yaitu diare. Kuesioner ini juga memiliki Cronbach Alpha di atas 0,6 untuk masing-masing bagian pada penilaian frekuensi dan keparahan. Kesimpulan: Instrumen RSS versi Bahasa Indonesia telah diadaptasi lintas budaya (transcultural), valid dan reliabel sebagai instrumen untuk menilai gejala pada RLF.

Introduction: Laryngopharyngeal reflux is frequently found in the ENT outpatient clinic of Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital in Jakarta. Laryngopharyngeal reflux is also a risk factor for Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM). The questionnaire that has been frequently used in the ENT outpatient clinic is the Reflux Symptom Index (RSI) questionnaire. However, this questionnaire doesn’t include many symptoms related to laryngopharyngeal reflux. Currently, there is a questionnaire that is considered more significant in assessing laryngopharyngeal reflux than RSI, the Reflux Symptom Score (RSS). This questionnaire has not been adapted to Indonesian yet. This study is a preliminary study of a proton pump inhibitor therapy study for CSOM patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux Methods: Method: Suspected laryngopharyngeal reflux patient or patient that already been diagnosed as reflux laryngopharyngeal reflux that came to Cipto Mangunkusumo general hospital ENT outpatient clinic were interviewed and asked to fill RSI and transcultural adapted RSS. Patients were also examined using flexible rinopharyngolaryngoscopy flexible to assess reflux finding score. Results: This study involved 44 subjects who met the inclusion criteria. This RSS questionnaire has a p-value and significant correlation for each item on the assessment of frequency and severity except for one item diarrhea. This questionnaire also has Alpha Cronbach above 0.6 for each section on the assessment of frequency and severity. Conclusion: RSS Indonesian version has been transculturally adapted also valid dan reliable as an instrument to asses symptoms in laryngopharyngeal reflux."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elvie Zulka Kautzia Rachmawati
Refluks laringofaring (RLF) pada anak merupakan kelainan yang sering ditemukan
dan dihubungkan dengan peningkatan insidens berbagai penyakit saluran napas dan
gangguan tumbuh kembang, oleh karena itu diperlukan instrumen diagnosis yang tepat
untuk penatalaksanaanya. Sampai saat ini, instrumen terstandarisasi belum ada,
sehingga diperlukan satu cara untuk mendiagnosis secara mudah, murah, nyaman, tidak
invasif namun mempunyai nilai diagnosis tinggi. Pada orang dewasa, RLF sering kali
dikaitkan dengan Hipertrofi Tonsil Lingual (HTL) dan keberadaan DNA Human
Papillomavirus (HPV), namun hal ini belum dapat dibuktikan pada anak. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mendapatkan instrumen diagnostik RLF serta melihat hubungan antara
RLF dan HTL dan keberadaan DNA HPV pada RLF dengan HTL.
Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang dengan 3 desain penelitian, yaitu uji
diagnostik kuesioner Skor Gejala Refluks (SGR) dan Skor Temuan Refluks (STR)
dibandingkan dengan pHmetri 24 jam, dilanjutkan dengan studi kasus kontrol untuk
menilai hubungan RLF dan HTL, serta uji melihat keberadaan HPV DNA pada HTL
dengan RLF dengan cara Linear Array genotyping. Kriteria inklusi adalah anak berusia
5‒18 tahun, memiliki beberapa keluhan seperti banyak riak di tenggorok, sering nyeri
menelan, rasa tersangkut dan mengganjal di tenggorok, mendehem, tersedak, bersuara
serak dan batuk kronik. Kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan nasofaringolaringoskopi
untuk menilai keadaan faring dan laring dan pemasangan pHmetri. Apabila pasien RLF
terdapat HTL derajat 2 dan 3, dilakukan biopsi tonsil lingual untuk menilai keberadaan
Dari hasil penelitian ini, diperoleh satu instrumen baru yang terdiri dari keluhan
berdehem, batuk mengganggu dan choking, disertai kelainan pita suara dan edema
subglotik. Instrumen dengan titik potong 4, mempunyai nilai diagnostik yang baik
dengan nilai sensitivitas 75%, spesifisitas 76%, Nilai Prediksi Positif 80% dan Nilai
Prediksi Negatif 71%. Instrumen baru ini dapat digunakan untuk mendiagnosis RLF
pada anak. Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara HTL dengan RLF dan keberadaan
HPV DNA tidak terdeteksi pada HTL pasien RLF.

Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is common condition in children which is connected
to the increased incidence of airway problems and a developmental delay, therefore a
reliable diagnostic tool is required to manage the condition. There is no standardized
instrument to diagnose LPR yet, consequently, obtaining an instrument which is cost
effective, simple, convenient, non-invasive but yield a good diagnostic values
(sensitivity, specificity, Positive Predictive Value (PPV) and Negative Predictive Value
(NPV)) is essential. In adult, LPR is frequently linked to Lingual Tonsil Hypertrophy
(LTH) and the presence of HPV DNA in its tissue, however those findings have not
been confirmed in pediatric population. The aim of this study is to obtain a good
diagnostic instrument for LPR, to observe the relationship between LPR and LTH and
to identify the existence of HPV DNA in LTH of patient with LPR.
A diagnostic study was done comparing adult questionaires for LPR i.e. Reflux
Symptom Index (RSI) and Reflux Finding Score (RFS) with 24 hour pHmetry, followed
by a case control study to determine the relationship between LPR and LTH and a
crossectional study to evaluate the existence of HPV DNA with Linear Array
genotyping in LTH. The inclusion criteria are age between 5‒18 years old, with the
complain of phleghmy throat, frequent odinophagia, the sensation of lump in the throat,
frequent throat clearing, choking episode, hoarseness and chronic cough. Then the patient
underwent nasopharyngolaryngoscopy for laryngeal evaluation followed by pHmetry
insertion. If LPR is confirmed, the biopsy will be taken from LTH, to see the existence
A new diagnostic instrument, consists of frequent throat clearing, annoying cough,
choking, vocal cords abnormalities, and subglottic edema has been developed and it
demonstrates a good diagnostic outcome. The cut-off is score 4, which produced 75%
sensitivity, 76% specificity, 80% NPP, 71% NPN. Therefore, this instrument can be
applied to diagnose LPR in children. Neither a significant relationship between LPR and
HTL nor the existence of HPV DNA are demonstrated"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar belakang: Myasthenia Gravis Composite Score (MGCS) merupakan alat ukur untuk menilai derajat keparahan pasien MG. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas MGCS ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Metode penelitian: Dilakukan translasi dan adaptasi lintas budaya sesuai kaidah WHO, selanjutnya dilakukan uji validitas isi dan reliabilitas MGCS versi bahasa Indonesia. Populasi penelitian ini semua subjek dewasa dengan diagnosis MG yang berobat di poli Saraf RSCM, yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi.
Hasil. Tiga puluh lima subjek memenuhi kriteria inklusi, diperiksa oleh tiga puluh PPDS Neurologi berbeda. Mayoritas subjek perempuan (68,6%) dengan rerata usia 44,80 (SD:12,56) tahun. Pada uji validitas isi MGCS berdasarkan pendapat ahli. Poin MGCS memiliki kesesuaian terhadap manifestasi klinis dari MG, dan tidak ada perbedaan klinis di Indonesia dengan negara pengembang, sehingga dinyatakan valid. Hasil uji reliabilitas antar pemeriksa menggunakan intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) dengan nilai ICC tiap item antara 0,79-1,0, dan Cronbach’s Alpha tiap item >0,88.
Kesimpulan. MGCS versi bahasa Indonesia valid dan reliabel dalam menilai derajat keparahan pasien MG.

Introduction. Myasthenia Gravis Composite Score (MGCS) is a severity measurement of MG patients. This study aims to test the validity and reliability the Indonesian Version of MGCS.
Methods. Cross-cultural translation and adaptation was conducted according to WHO rules, then validity and reliability test was performed. The population of this study were all adult that have diagnosis of MG at RSCM neurology outpatient clinic who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Results. Thirty five subjects met the inclusion criteria, was examined by thirty different neurology resident. The majority of the subjects were female (68.6%) with a mean age of 44.80 (SD:12.56) years. The content validity of MGCS-INA was validate by expert judgement. Every point of MGCS suitable with clinical manifestation of MG, and no difference in clinical manifestation of MG worldwide, so it declared valid. Reliability test-retest using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) showed result between 0.79-1.0, and Cronbach’s Alpha each items >0,88.
Conclusion. The Indonesian version of MGCS is valid and reliable in assessing severity in MG patients.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Astria Sriyana
Latar belakang: Otitis media supuratif kronik merupakan penyakit yang memiliki banyak faktor risiko, salah satunya yang diduga adalah peran dari refluks laringofaring. Refluks laringofaring (RLF) merupakan naiknya cairan lambung yang mengenai daerah laring dan faring. Penelitian mengenai refluks pada pasien OMSK dewasa belum banyak diteliti sehingga penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui peranan RLF dalam patofisiologi OMSK. Tujuan: Meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai peran RLF sebagai salah satu faktor risiko OMSK. Metode: Penelitian potong lintang analitik untuk mengetahui refluks laringofaring sebagai faktor risiko OMSK berdasarkan hubungan reflux symptom index (RSI), reflux finding score (RFS) terhadap kadar pepsin. Hasil: Proporsi subjek OMSK dengan pepsin positif pada sekret telinga tengah sebesar 59,5%. Rerata kadar pepsin sekret telinga tengah lebih tinggi secara bermakna pada kelompok OMSK dengan RFS positif dibandingkan kelompok RFS negatif (P<0,05). RFS positif mempunyai risiko 5,13x terdapat pepsin positif pada telinga tengah (CI 95% = 1,095-24,073). Tidak didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara nilai RSI dengan kadar pepsin telinga tengah. Kesimpulan: Penilaian RFS perlu dilakukan pada pasien OMSK untuk mengetahui adanya RLF yang dapat meningkatkan risiko terdapatnya pepsin di telinga tengah dan kemungkinan berperan dalam inflamasi kronis OMSK. RLF perlu diteliti lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui hubungannya sebagai faktor risiko OMSK.
Kata kunci: Refluks laringofaring, pepsin, OMSK

Background: Laryngopharyngeal reflux is suspected to be the one of risk factor that contributes in chronic suppurative otitis media. Laryngopharyngeal reflux is defined as the reflux of gastric content into larynx and pharynx. This study purpose is to know the role of laryngopharyngeal reflux in the pathophysiology of CSOM. Objective: To increase the knowledge about the role of LPR as a risk factor CSOM. Methods: This study is a cross-sectional analytic research to study LPR as a risk factor CSOM based on RSI and RFS relationship with pepsin level in the middle ear. Results: This study found 59.5% CSOM subjects having positive pepsin in the middle ear. Mean middle ear pepsin levels were significantly higher in the group of CSOM with positive RFS than negative group (p<0.05). RFS positive increase the risk by 5.13 times the presence of positive pepsin in the middle ear (95% CI = 1.095 to 24.073). There are no significant relationship between RSI with pepsin levels in the middle ear. Conclusion: Positive RFS increase the risk of the presence of pepsin in the middle ear and may have role in chronic inflamation. LPR should be investigated further to determine its relationship as a CSOM risk factor
Keywords: Laryngopharyngeal reflux, Pepsin, CSOM"
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laura Anasthasya
"LATAR BELAKANG: Prevalensi GERD di Indonesia semakin meningkat.GERD dapat memengaruhi kualitas hidup penderitanya. Kuesioner GERD Qualityof Life GERD-QOL telah diuji keandalan dan kesahihannya di Cina. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk menterjemahkan kuesioner GERD-QOL ke dalam bahasaIndonesia dan menguji keandalan dan kesahihannya.
METODE: Sebagai tahap awal, kuesioner GERD-QOL terlebih dahuluditerjemahkan dengan metode forward backward translation ke dalam bahasaIndonesia, dan dievaluasi oleh tim peneliti sehingga dihasilkan kuesioner GERDQOLversi bahasa Indonesia. Sembilan puluh satu orang pasien yang telahdidiagnosis GERD secara klinis sebelumnya berdasarkan kriteria Montreal,diwawancarai dengan menggunakan kuesioner GERD-QOL versi Indonesia dankuesioner SF-36. Keandalan dinilai melalui metode konsistensi internal dan tesulang dengan mewawancarai pasien pada hari pertama dan hari ke-14. Kesahihan dinilai menggunakan kesahihan konstruksi dan kesahihan eksternal melaluiperbandingan dengan SF-36.
HASIL: GERD-QOL berbahasa Indonesia memiliki keandalan konsistensiinternal kuesioner yang baik Cronbach alpha: 0,687 ndash;0,842 dengan keandalantes ulang yang baik intra class correlation coefficient: 0,756-0,936, P

BACKGROUND: GERD prevalence in Indonesia has been increasing. GERDcan affect quality of life. GERD Quality of Life GERD QOL questionnaire hasbeen translated and validated in China. This study is aimed to translate GERDQOLquestionnaire into Indonesian version and to assess its validity andreliability.
METHODS: GERD QOL is translated into bahasa Indonesia using forwardbackward translation and compared by experts to original version. Total of 91patients have been diagnosed clinically with GERD based on Montreal consensus,were recruited to complete the questionnaire and validated Indonesian SF 36.Reliability was conducted by using internal consistency and test retest methodwith 14 days interval. Validity was conducted by using construct validity andexternal validity with SF 36 comparison method.
RESULT Indonesian version of GERD QOL was internally reliable withCronbach Alpha 0.822 and had good test and retest reliability intra classcorrelation coefficient 0.756 0.936, P
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azhari Ganesha
"Latar belakang. Skala Inflammatory Neuropathy Cause and Treatment (INCAT) motorik dan sensorik merupakan skala penilaian keterbatasan aktivitas sehari-hari dan keluhan sensorik pada pasien CIDP. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas skala INCAT motorik dan sensorik ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Metode. Dilakukan adaptasi dan translasi kultural sesuai kaidah WHO, kemudian dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas skala INCAT versi bahasa Indonesia. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua pasien dewasa dengan diagnosis CIDP yang dirawat maupun berobat rawat jalan di RSCM yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi.
Hasil. Tiga puluh satu subjek memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Sebagian besar laki-laki (56,60%). Usia berkisar antara 21 tahun sampai 77 tahun, dengan prevalensi tertinggi usia < 60 tahun. Pada uji validitas INCAT motorik pertama memiliki nilai antara 0,850-0,875, pada pemeriksa kedua didapatkan nilai 0,844 sampai 0,913. Pada uji validitas INCAT sensorik pertama didapatkan nilai antara 0,769-0,866. Pemeriksaan kedua didapatkan nilai 0,759 sampai 0,866. Hasil uji reliabilitas internal INCAT motorik pertama mendapatkan nilai 0,639 dan kedua mendapatkan nilai 0,717. Reliabilitas eksternal INCAT motorik didapatkan nilai 0,652 . Uji reliabilitas internal INCAT sensorik pertama mendapatkan hasil 0,837-0,875, kedua mendapatkan hasil 0,833-0,890 . Reliabilitas eksternal mendapatkan hasil 0,631. Waktu yang diperlukan untuk melakukan pengisian kurang dari 10 menit.
Kesimpulan. Skala INCAT motorik dan sensorik versi bahasa Indonesia valid dan reliabel dalam mengevaluasi keterbatasan aktivitas dan keluhan sensorik pada pasien CIDP.

Introduction. The motor and sensory Inflammatory Neuropathy Cause and Treatment (INCAT) scale is a scale for assessing the limitations of daily activities and sensory complaints in CIDP patients. This study aims to test the validation and reliability of the motor and sensory INCAT scale into Indonesian languange.
Methods. Cultural adaptation and translation were carried out according to WHO rules, then the Indonesian version of the INCAT scale was tested for validity and reliability. The population of this study were all adult patients with a diagnosis of CIDP who were treated as well as outpatients at the RSCM who met the inclusion criteria.
Results. Thirty-one subjects met the inclusion criteria. Most of the men (56.60%). Age ranged from 21 years to 77 years, with the highest prevalence aged <60 years. In the first motor INCAT validity test, it has a value between 0.850-0.875, the second examiner gets a value of 0.844 to 0.913. In the first sensory INCAT validity test, values were obtained between 0.769-0.866. The second examination obtained a value of 0.759 to 0.866. The results of the first motor INCAT internal reliability test got a value of 0.639 and the second got a value of 0.717. External reliability of motor INCAT obtained a value of 0.652 . The first sensory INCAT internal reliability test got 0.837-0.875 results, the second got 0.833-0.890 results. External reliability results in 0.631. It takes less than 10 minutes to do the examination.
Conclussion. The Indonesian version of the motor and sensory INCAT scale is valid and reliable in evaluating activity limitations and sensory complaints in CIDP patients.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Juniarto Jaya Pangestu
"Pendahuluan: Nyeri bahu merupakan salah satu masalah yang kerap menjadi keluhan pasien di klinik orthopaedi. Saat ini belum ada instrumen untuk menilai luaran klinis bahu berbahasa Indonesia yang sudah teruji validitas dan reliabilitas. Constant Score (CS) merupakan alat ukur luaran yang sering digunakan dalam literatur untuk mendeskripsikan kondisi fungsional bahu.
Metode: Adaptasi Constant Score ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dilakukan sesuai dengan pedoman yang direkomendasikan oleh Beaton et al. Pengambilan sampel secara konsekutif dilakukan di klinik orthopaedi RS Cipto Mangunkusumo dan RSUP Fatmawati pada pasien dengan keluhan nyeri bahu. Uji validitas dan reliabilitas kuisioner CS-INA versi final dilakukan oleh satu orang peneliti dalam 2 kali kesempatan dengan rentang 1-2 minggu. Responden juga diminta mengisi kusioner SF-36 berbahasa Indonesia pada pertemuan pertama.
Hasil: Sebanyak 102 bahu (101 pasien) diikutsertakan dalam studi validasi dan reliabilitas. Uji validitas konstruk antar poin kuisioner menunjukkan korelasi moderat hingga kuat (Koefisien korelasi 0,429-0,846; p < 0,05). Validitas kriteria dengan kuisioner SF-36 juga menunjukkan korelasi kuat (Pearson correlation 0,90; p < 0,05). Uji reliabilitas menunjukkan konsistensi internal yang sangat baik (Cronbach’s  = 0,85) dan korelasi intrakelas yang baik (ICC = 0,86). Hasil yang baik juga ditunjukkan dari skor SEM 7,32 dan 6,82 serta MDC 14,4 dan 13,3. Dalam penelitian ini tidak didapatkan efek floor and ceiling.
Kesimpulan: Adaptasi Constant Score ke dalam bahasa dan kultur Indonesia menghasilkan alat ukur luaran yang valid dan reliabel untuk digunakan dalam populasi pasien Indonesia dengan keluhan nyeri bahu.

Introduction: Shoulder pain is one of the main complaints of patients coming to the orthopaedic clinic. To the extend of our knowledge, there has been no outcome measure relating to shoulder complaints in Indonesian language. Constant Score (CS) is widely used in publications and literatures to explain shoulder functional outcome.
Method: Cross-cultural adaptation of the Constant score to Indonesian language and culture was performed according to recommendation by Beaton et al. Data from patient with shoulder pain were collected consecutively in the orthopaedic clinic in Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital and Fatmawati General Hospital. Validity and reliability study of the final version of CS-INA was conducted by one researcher in 2 meetings, within 1-2 weeks. The Indonesian version of the SF-36 questionnaire was also given to the respondents.
Results: A total of 102 shoulders (101 patients) was included in the study. CS-INA showed excellent construct validity between items of questionnaire (correlation coefficient 0.429-0.846; p < 0.05) and criterion validity with SF-36 (Pearson correlation 0.90; p < 0.05). Reliability study showed good internal consistency (Cronbach’s  = 0.85) and intraclass correlation (ICC = 0.86). The SEM of the test and retest were 7,37 and 6,82, while the MDC were 14,3 and 13,3. There is no floor and ceiling effects observed in this study.
Conclusion: The Indonesian version of the Constant Score exhibits good validity and reliability for Indonesian population complaining of shoulder pain.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dessy Priyanto Hamidjojo
"Latar belakang: Di tempat kerja, untuk menapis kesehatan mental pada pekerja merupakan salah satu tantangan baik bagi tenaga kesehatan maupun staf dan juga pekerja itu sendiri. Penapisannya memerlukan kuesioner yang dapat mengenali masalah kesehatan mental yang banyak terjadi seperti distres psikologis, depresi, kecemasan dan somatisasi dalam suatu waktu seperti kuesioner Four-Dimensional Symptoms Questionnaire (4DSQ). Namun, kuesioner ini memerlukan adaptasi dengan budaya Indonesia dan penilaian psikometrinya.
Tujuan: Melakukan adaptasi bahasa dan budaya dan penilaian psikometri berupa reliabilitas konsistensi internal pada kuesioner 4 Dimensional Symptoms Questionnaire (4DSQ).
Metode: Proses validasi bahasa dan budaya sesuai dengan prosedur standar dari organisasi resmi Mapi Research Trust yang menaungi kuesioner 4DSQ. Pengujian reliabilitas konsistensi internal dengan metode Chronbach’s Alpha pada data primer dari 252 sampel pekerja pabrik botol plastik.
Hasil: Penyesuaian bahasa dan budaya telah dilakukan pada proses adaptasi kuesioner. Semua atribut distres psikologis didapatkan pada kuesioner ini. Beberapa konsep utama dari gangguan somatisasi, kecemasan dan depresi didapatkan dalam kuesioner ini. Nilai reliabilitas konsistensi internal secara keseluruhan untuk kuesioner 4DSQ versi Bahasa Indonesia yaitu 0,94.
Kesimpulan: Kuesioner 4DSQ telah dilakukan adaptasi bahasa dan budaya ke versi Bahasa Indonesia dan menunjukkan konsistensi internal yang baik sebagai kuesioner penapis 4 dimensi kesehatan mental pada pekerja berbahasa Indonesia.

Background: Screening a worker’s mental health state in the workplace can be difficult for medical personnel, who may be concerned for both staff and the worker. The screening requires a comprehensive questionnaire such as Four-Dimensional Symptoms Questionnaire (4DSQ) that may identify common mental health issue such as psychological distress, depression, anxiety and somatization in a single assessment. The questionnaire, on the other hand, requires further customization and psychometric testing for Indonesian culture.
Objectives: This study aims to cross-culturally adapt the questionnaire and its psychometric qualities within the Indonesian cultural environment
Methods: The original questionnaire was cross-culturally adapted according to the recommendations of Mapi Research Trust. The psychometric test of internal consistency, counted with Cronbach's Alpha methods from primary data filled by 252 worker of a plastic bottle factory.
Results: During the cross-cultural adaptation process, some alterations were made to accommodate Indonesian culture. This questionnaire contains all of the psychological characteristic of psychological distress as well as several key concepts of depression, anxiety, and somatization. The Indonesian version of the 4DSQ has an internal consistency of 0.94.
Conclusion: The 4DSQ has been cross-culturally adapted into Indonesian version and from the psychometric test provides a good reliability as a screening questionnaire for four dimension of mental health issues upon Indonesian-speaking worker.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andira Larasari
Latar Belakang. Gangguan cemas menyeluruh (GCM) merupakan salah satu bentuk gangguan ansietas tersering pada populasi epilepsi yang dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup, sehingga deteksi dini sangatlah penting. Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) merupakan instrumen penapis GCM satu-satunya yang pernah divalidasi pada pasien epilepsi, yaitu di Korea dengan titik potong ≥7. Instrumen GAD-7 dapat dikerjakan pasien sendiri kurang dari 3 menit, sehingga cocok digunakan di poliklinik neurologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kuesioner GAD-7 versi bahasa Indonesia yang valid, reliabel dan akurat untuk menapis GCM pada pasien epilepsi dewasa.
Metode Penelitian. Penelitian dibagi menjadi 2 tahap. Tahap pertama meliputi adaptasi lintas budaya berdasarkan ketentuan World Health Organization (WHO), uji validitas isi berdasarkan penilaian pakar mengenai relevansi butir pertanyaan GAD-7 hasil adaptasi, dilanjutkan uji validitas interna, reliabilitas interna dan reliabilitas test-retest pada 30 pasien epilepsi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Tahap kedua adalah uji diagnostik. Hasil GAD-7 dengan titik potong ≥7 dibandingkan dengan wawancara Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview International Classification of Diseases-10 (MINI ICD-10) sebagai baku emas.
Hasil. Koefisien validitas isi berdasarkan metode Martuzua dari GAD-7 hasil adaptasi bahasa Indonesia adalah 0,847. Hasil uji validitas interna dengan korelasi Spearman didapatkan koefisien korelasi 0,648 hingga 0,800 (p<0,01). Uji reliabilitas konsistensi interna dengan Cronbach?s Alpha 0,867. Perbedaan nilai koefisien korelasi dan Cronbach?s Alpha antara pemeriksaan pertama dan retest menunjukkan reliabilitas test-retest yang baik. Dari 146 subyek uji diagnostik, prevalensi GCM hasil pemeriksaan MINI ICD-10 sebesar 16,4%. Dengan titik potong ≥7, GAD-7 memiliki sensitivitas 100% dan spesifisitas 84,4%.
Kesimpulan. Kuesioner GAD-7 versi Indonesia terbukti valid dan reliabel sehingga dapat digunakan untuk menapis GCM. Dengan titik potong ≥7, GAD-7 memiliki nilai akurasi yang tinggi untuk menapis GCM pada pasien epilepsi dewasa.ABSTRACT
Background. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of the most common type among anxiety disorders in epilepsy population that can impaired patients quality of life. The Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) is a screening tool for detecting GAD that has been validated in epilepsy patients in Korea with cut-off point ≥7. The GAD-7 could be filled by the patients themselves in less than three minutes; hence, it is appropriate to be used in the neurology outpatient setting. The objective of this study is to obtain a valid, reliable, and accurate GAD-7 in Indonesian language as a screening tool of GAD in adult epilepsy patients.
Method. The study was conducted in two phases. The first phase included transcultural adaptation based on World Health Organization standards, content validity test based on expert consideration regarding the relevance of GAD-7 question items, followed by internal validity test, internal reliability test and test-retest in 30 epilepsy patients. The second phase was diagnostic test, in which, the GAD-7 with cut off point ≥7 will be compared with Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview International Classification of Diseases-10 (MINI ICD-10) as the gold standard examination for diagnosing GAD.
Results. Content validity coefficient of GAD-7 adapted version based on Martuzua method was 0.847. Internal validity test with Spearman correlation obtained the correlation coefficient 0.648 to 0.800 (p< 0.01). Internal consistency reliability test with Cronbach?s Alpha was 0.867. The difference of correlation coefficient and Cronbach?s Alpha between the first and the retest showed good test-retest reliability. Out of 146 subjects of diagnostic test, the prevalence of GAD using MINI ICD-10 was 16.4%. With cut off point >7, GAD-7 had sensitivity 100% and specificity 84.4%.
Conclusion. The Indonesian version of the the GAD-7 was proven to be valid and reliable, also was found to be accurate as a screening tool for GAD in adult epilepsy patient with cut off point ≥7.;Background. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of the most common type among anxiety disorders in epilepsy population that can impaired patients quality of life. The Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) is a screening tool for detecting GAD that has been validated in epilepsy patients in Korea with cut-off point ≥7. The GAD-7 could be filled by the patients themselves in less than three minutes; hence, it is appropriate to be used in the neurology outpatient setting. The objective of this study is to obtain a valid, reliable, and accurate GAD-7 in Indonesian language as a screening tool of GAD in adult epilepsy patients.
Method. The study was conducted in two phases. The first phase included transcultural adaptation based on World Health Organization standards, content validity test based on expert consideration regarding the relevance of GAD-7 question items, followed by internal validity test, internal reliability test and test-retest in 30 epilepsy patients. The second phase was diagnostic test, in which, the GAD-7 with cut off point ≥7 will be compared with Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview International Classification of Diseases-10 (MINI ICD-10) as the gold standard examination for diagnosing GAD.
Results. Content validity coefficient of GAD-7 adapted version based on Martuzua method was 0.847. Internal validity test with Spearman correlation obtained the correlation coefficient 0.648 to 0.800 (p< 0.01). Internal consistency reliability test with Cronbach?s Alpha was 0.867. The difference of correlation coefficient and Cronbach?s Alpha between the first and the retest showed good test-retest reliability. Out of 146 subjects of diagnostic test, the prevalence of GAD using MINI ICD-10 was 16.4%. With cut off point >7, GAD-7 had sensitivity 100% and specificity 84.4%.
Conclusion. The Indonesian version of the the GAD-7 was proven to be valid and reliable, also was found to be accurate as a screening tool for GAD in adult epilepsy patient with cut off point ≥7.;Background. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of the most common type among anxiety disorders in epilepsy population that can impaired patients quality of life. The Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) is a screening tool for detecting GAD that has been validated in epilepsy patients in Korea with cut-off point ≥7. The GAD-7 could be filled by the patients themselves in less than three minutes; hence, it is appropriate to be used in the neurology outpatient setting. The objective of this study is to obtain a valid, reliable, and accurate GAD-7 in Indonesian language as a screening tool of GAD in adult epilepsy patients.
Method. The study was conducted in two phases. The first phase included transcultural adaptation based on World Health Organization standards, content validity test based on expert consideration regarding the relevance of GAD-7 question items, followed by internal validity test, internal reliability test and test-retest in 30 epilepsy patients. The second phase was diagnostic test, in which, the GAD-7 with cut off point ≥7 will be compared with Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview International Classification of Diseases-10 (MINI ICD-10) as the gold standard examination for diagnosing GAD.
Results. Content validity coefficient of GAD-7 adapted version based on Martuzua method was 0.847. Internal validity test with Spearman correlation obtained the correlation coefficient 0.648 to 0.800 (p< 0.01). Internal consistency reliability test with Cronbach?s Alpha was 0.867. The difference of correlation coefficient and Cronbach?s Alpha between the first and the retest showed good test-retest reliability. Out of 146 subjects of diagnostic test, the prevalence of GAD using MINI ICD-10 was 16.4%. With cut off point >7, GAD-7 had sensitivity 100% and specificity 84.4%.
Conclusion. The Indonesian version of the the GAD-7 was proven to be valid and reliable, also was found to be accurate as a screening tool for GAD in adult epilepsy patient with cut off point ≥7.;Background. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of the most common type among anxiety disorders in epilepsy population that can impaired patients quality of life. The Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) is a screening tool for detecting GAD that has been validated in epilepsy patients in Korea with cut-off point ≥7. The GAD-7 could be filled by the patients themselves in less than three minutes; hence, it is appropriate to be used in the neurology outpatient setting. The objective of this study is to obtain a valid, reliable, and accurate GAD-7 in Indonesian language as a screening tool of GAD in adult epilepsy patients.
Method. The study was conducted in two phases. The first phase included transcultural adaptation based on World Health Organization standards, content validity test based on expert consideration regarding the relevance of GAD-7 question items, followed by internal validity test, internal reliability test and test-retest in 30 epilepsy patients. The second phase was diagnostic test, in which, the GAD-7 with cut off point ≥7 will be compared with Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview International Classification of Diseases-10 (MINI ICD-10) as the gold standard examination for diagnosing GAD.
Results. Content validity coefficient of GAD-7 adapted version based on Martuzua method was 0.847. Internal validity test with Spearman correlation obtained the correlation coefficient 0.648 to 0.800 (p< 0.01). Internal consistency reliability test with Cronbach?s Alpha was 0.867. The difference of correlation coefficient and Cronbach?s Alpha between the first and the retest showed good test-retest reliability. Out of 146 subjects of diagnostic test, the prevalence of GAD using MINI ICD-10 was 16.4%. With cut off point >7, GAD-7 had sensitivity 100% and specificity 84.4%.
Conclusion. The Indonesian version of the the GAD-7 was proven to be valid and reliable, also was found to be accurate as a screening tool for GAD in adult epilepsy patient with cut off point ≥7."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubna Muhammad Qadri
"Latar belakang : Reaksi simpang yang terjadi akibat penggunaan OAE berpengaruh terhadap kualitas hidup pasien epilepsi. Angka kejadian reaksi simpang akibat penggunaan OAE dilaporkan mencapai 80%. Sampai saat ini belum didapatkan studi atau instrumen yang valid dalam menilai reaksi simpang pada penggunaan OAE di Indonesia. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah melakukan validasi terhadap kuesioner Liverpool Adverse Events Profile (LAEP) versi bahasa Indonesia dan mendapatkan prevalensi reaksi simpang serta faktor yang berpengaruh.
Metode penelitian : Dilakukan studi observasional potong lintang pada pasien epilepsi dengan dosis OAE yang stabil di poliklinik epilepsi rumah sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo. Kuesioner diterjemahkan dari versi bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia dan dilakukan penerjemahan kembali ke bahasa aslinya untuk menilai ketepatan dari bahasa. Validitas dan reliabilitas diuji dengan menggunakan koefisien korelasi Spearman dan cronbach's alpha. Faktor yang dianalisis adalah durasi epilepsi, onset epilepsi, frekuensi bangkitan, tipe epilepsi, etiologi epilepsi, sindrom epilepsi, jumlah OAE, durasi OAE dan komorbiditas.
Hasil : Didapatkan 19 variabel pertanyaan yang valid dengan rentang koefisien korelasi 0,465 sampai 0,690. Cronbach?s alpha 0,846. Prevalensi reaksi simpang pada pasien epilepsi yaitu 91%. Reaksi simpang yang sering terjadi adalah kelelahan (67,8%), mengantuk (66,7%), gangguan daya ingat (62,2%) dan kesulitan berkonsentrasi (56,7%). Variabel klinis yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian reaksi simpang yaitu politerapi (p=0.022).
Kesimpulan : Kuesioner Liverpool Adverse Events Profile versi bahasa Indonesia merupakan instrumen yang valid dan reliabel dalam menilai reaksi simpang pada penggunaan OAE pada pasien epilepsi. Politerapi merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian reaksi simpang.

Background : Adverse effects (AE) of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) affect the quality of life of patients with epilepsy. The prevalence of AE of AEDs in patients with epilepsy is up to 80%. There are no studies nor validated instruments in measuring AE of AEDs in patients with epilepsy in Indonesia. This study aimed to validate the Indonesian version of The Liverpool Adverse Events Profile (LAEP) also to determine the prevalence of AE of AEDs in patients with epilepsy and related factors.
Methods : An observational cross-sectional study was carried out on epilepsy outpatients clinic in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Patient treated with a stable dose of AED were enrolled. The questionnaire was translated from the English version into Indonesian version and then was back-translated to examine its accuracy. The validity and reliability was tested by Spearman correlation coefficient and cronbach?s alpha. The Indonesian version of LAEP was selfadministered by the patient. The analyzed factors consisted of epilepsy duration, onset of epilepsy, seizure frequency, type of epilepsy, etiology and epilepsy syndrome, number of AEDs, AEDs duration and comorbidity.
Results : All of the 19 variable of questions were valid, with range of correlation coefficient from 0.465 to 0.690. The cronbach?s alpha was 0.846. Ninety patients were enrolled. The prevalence of AE of AEDs in patients with epilepsy was 91%. The most common AE were tiredness (67.8%), sleepiness (66.7%), memory problems (62.2%) and difficulty in concentrating (56.7%). Clinical variables that influenced the AE was polytherapy.
Conclusion : The Indonesian version of the Liverpool Adverse Events Profile is a valid and reliable instrument in assessing AE of AEDs in patients with epilepsy. Almost all of the patients in this study experienced an AE. Polytherapy was the related factors of AE of AEDs.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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