online untuk layanan tertentu pada Klinik Satelit UI Makara (KS UI Makara) dilakukan melalui beberapa
platform yang berbeda. Per Februari 2023, reservasi
online konsultasi janji temu poli umum dan poli gigi dilakukan melalui aplikasi DoctorTool Mobile, reservasi
online konseling melalui situs konselingmakaraui.wixsite.com/seekhelp, dan reservasi
online lab melalui situs reservasi.ehealth.co.id/kliniksatelitui. Saat ini, proses reservasi untuk setiap layanan KS UI Makara masih belum tersentralisasi dalam suatu sistem yang utuh. Tidak hanya untuk proses reservasi, sistem layanan kesehatan KS UI Makara juga memiliki potensi untuk ditingkatkan guna mendukung kebutuhan masyarakat dalam hal layanan kesehatan digital lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan desain antarmuka aplikasi layanan kesehatan Klinik Satelit UI Makara dengan pendekatan
user-centered design. Dalam merancang solusi desain antarmuka, penulis mengikuti prinsip
Shneiderman’s Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design sebagai acuan. Berdasarkan hasil survei dan wawancara, terdapat sebanyak 24 fitur yang berhasil diidentifikasi. Setelah rancangan berhasil dibuat, tahap evaluasi desain dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan empat instrumen, yaitu
Usability Testing (UT),
Single Ease Question (SEQ), wawancara kontekstual, dan
System Usability Scale (SUS). Hasil
usability testing memberikan hasil di atas rata-rata dan berada di kuartil teratas, yaitu sebesar 92%. Selanjutnya, nilai SEQ yang diperoleh adalah 6,48 dari 7. Desain aplikasi MakaraHealth mendapatkan skor rata-rata SUS sebesar 83,13 dan mendapatkan
grade A. Hal ini menyimpulkan bahwa aspek
usability dan visibilitas desain dari aplikasi MakaraHealth tergolong sangat baik.
Online reservations for certain services at Satelit UI Makara Clinic (KS UI Makara) are made through several different platforms. As of February 2023, online reservations for general poly and dental poly appointments are made through the DoctorTool Mobile application, online reservation of counseling through the konselingmakaraui.wixsite.com/seekhelp website, and online reservation of the lab through reservasi.ehealth.co.id/kliniksatelitui site. Currently, the reservation process for each KS UI Makara service is still not centralized in a complete system. Not only for the reservation process, the KS UI Makara health service system also has the potential to be improved to support the needs of the community in terms of other digital health services. This study aims to design an alternative interface design for the Satelit UI Makara Clinic health service application with a user-centered design approach. In designing interface design solutions, the author follows the principles of Shneiderman’s Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design as a reference. Based on the results of surveys and interviews, there were 24 features identified. After the design was successfully made, the design evaluation stage was carried out using four instruments, namely Usability Testing (UT), Single Ease Question (SEQ), contextual interviews, and the System Usability Scale (SUS). Usability testing's results gave above-average results and were in the top quartile, which was 92%. Furthermore, the SEQ value obtained was 6.48 out of 7. The MakaraHealth application design gets an average SUS score of 83.13 and gets an A grade. This concludes that the usability and design visibility aspects of the MakaraHealth application are very good."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023