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Muhammad Taufiqurrohman
"This paper examines the unsettling stories of poverty from rural Indonesia in two films, Siti (2014) and Turah (2016). The concept of structural poverty enables a thorough analysis of these films’ depictions of poverty and the main characters’ reactions to the poverty they experience. This paper also employs the concept of gendered poverty to highlight how gender injustice perpetuates the poverty of women, as depicted in the films. Both structural and gendered poverty are propagated by the interpellation of ideological state apparatuses. This paper argues that the poverty of the rural people depicted in both films results from structural engineering by the elite, not from natural or inevitable conditions. This poverty is further intensified by the patriarchal culture of rural communities, which perpetuates gender inequality and results in deeper poverty for women. Every woman in these two films seems to have accepted, or at least resigned herself to, the patriarchal system and the gendered poverty it produces. The sole exception is Siti, who struggles against the double burden of being both housewife and breadwinner, resisting the naturalization of poverty and thereby revealing the role that ideological state apparatuses play in perpetuating oppression in society writ large as well as in individuals’ minds and souls."
Kyoto : Nakanishi Printing Company, 2022
050 SEAS 11:2 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
New York : The United Nations , 2001
362.5 Cho
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Maaike Ira Puspita
"Kebijakan naturalisasi pesepakbola asing dengan alasan kepentingan negara senantiasa digaungkan demi peningkatan prestasi jangka pendek. Namun nyatanya, peningkatan prestasi sepakbola Indonesia masih belum bisa memenuhi harapan. Karena itu, penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengeksplorasi dalam rangka menggali lebih jauh implementasi kebijakan naturalisasi dalam perspektif ketahanan nasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus, dengan pengambilan data melalui observasi secara terstruktur, in-depth interview kepada 9 informan kunci dan penguatan dari data dokumen terkait informasi naturalisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa walaupun peningkatan prestasi melalui jalur naturalisasi belum signifikan, namun berdampak besar pada ketahanan nasional karena berkontribusi terhadap pemain lokal melalui transfer of knowledge dan membangun rasa nasionalisme. Pembinaan usia dini menjadi masalah klasik yang terus terjadi sehingga Indonesia tetap stagnan berada di bawah negara-negara ASEAN seperti Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia dan Filipina. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa untuk peningkatan prestasi jangka panjang, dibutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang mumpuni, terlebih Indonesia akan menghadapi bonus demografi menuju generasi unggul dan Indonesia emas tahun 2045.
The naturalization policy for foreign footballers is often utilized to increase a short-term football achievement. However, in reality, Indonesia’s football achievement is still far from expectation. Therefore, this research is aimed at exploring in order to find out more on the implementation of naturalization policy in the perspective of national resilience. This research is using qualitative approach with study case methods, by using samples through a structured observation, in-depth interview on 9 key informants as well as gathering documented data on naturalization information. This research shows that although there is no significant increase in football achievement, it has proven to strengthen the national resilience due to the contribution of transfer of knowledge and the development of nationalism among players. Early childhood development is still a classic problem that restrain Indonesia to surpass the achievement of other ASEAN countiries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines. This research also finds that in order to increase sports achievement in the long term, Indonesia needs qualified human resources. Moreover, Indonesia will face a demographic bonus in building a high-competence generation towards the development of “Indonesia Emas” in 2045."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Washington, D.C. : The World Bank , 2005
362.5 WOR p
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Pattinama, Marcus J.
"Dalam kajian ini dilakukan studi literatur mengenai konsep kemiskinan dan pengamatan ke lokasi penelitian untuk mendeteksi siapakah penduduk miskin itu? Kemudian mencari alternatif kebijakan yang sesuai dengan kondisi spesifik lokal untuk menanggulangi kemiskinan, dan akhirnya menggali serta memahami kearifan penduduk lokal dalam hubungannya dengan upaya preventif untuk menanggulangi kemiskinan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan observasi langsung, in-depth interview dan diskusi kelompok fokus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsep kemiskinan bersifat banyak sisi (multifaset). Orang Bupolo dan petani Surade sama-sama mengolah lahan sempit. Petani Surade miskin karena tidak mempunyai lahan atau memiliki lahan tetapi dengan skala usaha yang relatif kecil. Orang Bupolo memiliki tanah yang relatif luas tetapi mempunyai keterbatasan akses pada teknologi, hidup terisolasi karena tidak mempunyai akses terhadap sarana dan prasarana sosial ekonomi maupun komunikasi, sehingga mereka hidup miskin dan hanya cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan sehari-hari. Jadi definisi kemiskinan perlu diperluas meliputi akses terhadap infrastruktur sosial ekonomi, keluar dari keterisolasian, ketidakberdayaan, dan kebebasan mengeluarkan pendapat, serta memperoleh keadilan dalam pembangunan. Kemiskinan tidak bisa didefinisikan secara tunggal yakni dari kacamata pemenuhan kebutuhan kalori semata sebagaimana yang dilakukan Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS) selama ini, karena pada hakekatnya definisi kemiskinan tidak hanya bersifat relatif tetapi juga dinamis.
Literature reviews on the concept of poverty and local observation on the field study were employed to investigate who the poor are, in order to seek alternative policies according to specific local conditions to combat poverty, and to see local wisdom in a preventive effort to reduce poverty. Survey methodology, in-depth interviews and focus groups discussions were used in this study. The findings suggest that the concept of poverty is multifacet. Both Bupolo people and Surade farmers cultivate small land. While Surade farmers are poor with no or limited land size and with relatively small scales' business, Bupolo people have relatively larger land size but have limited technology access, and less access to social economic infrastructure, making them poor and only able to survive with food daily. The concept of poverty needs to be extended to include access to social economic infrastructure, remoteness, disempowerment, freedom of speech, and fairness in development. Poverty cannot be defined individually solely from the context of the calorie fulfilment as a standard used by BPS. However, in principle, the concept of poverty cannot only be defined as a relative, but also dynamic concept."
Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UI, 2009
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Japan has no official "poverty line," and subsequently no official statistics on poverty.In practice,the public aissistance's minimum standard of living " (below which subsistence benefits can be claimed) ia used to calculate the poverty rate or the OECD index, which is defenit as 50% of the population's median income....."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyu Indrawan
"Penelitian ini menggunakan empat periode data panel rumah tangga 1993 2007 untuk menguji keberadaan dan pola jebakan kemiskinan poverty traps di tingkat rumah tangga di Indonesia Selain itu tesis ini menguji bagaimana pola ini berubah untuk kelompok mata pencaharian dan wilayah yang berbeda Penelitian ini mengikuti pendekatan aset asset based approach yang diperkenalkan oleh Barret dan Carter 2006 serta Adato et al 2006 Pendekatan ini memerlukan penerapan metode parametrik untuk membentuk sebuah indeks aset dan metode non parametrik untuk mengestimasi pola aset dinamik dan jebakan kemiskinan Penelitian ini menemukan adanya bukti yang menunjukkan adanya jebakan kemiskinan dengan banyak titik keseimbangan di wilayah Sumatra Penemuan lain adalah bahwa seluruh rumah tangga di wilayah Sulawesi cenderung memusat ke sebuah titik keseimbangan di bawah batas kemiskinan pada periode menengah Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa rumah tangga di wilayah Sulawesi terjebak dalam kemiskinan secara bersama sama Akan tetapi terdapat bukti bahwa rumah tangga di wilayah Jawa dan Bali Nusa Tenggara Barat serta Kalimantan cenderung memusat ke sebuah titik keseimbangan di atas batas kemiskinan Hal ini berarti rumah tangga di wilayah ini tidak terjebak dalam kemiskinan
Using four waves of longitudinal household panel data 1993 ndash 2007 this paper examines the existence and patterns of household level poverty traps in Indonesia and how these patterns vary across different livelihood groups and regions in the country By following an asset based approach introduced by Barrett and Carter 2006 and Adato et al 2006 this paper performs parametric to construct an asset index and nonparametric techniques to estimate dynamic asset pattern and the poverty trap Findings indicate that there is evidence for multiple equilibria poverty trap in Sumatra region Also this study finds that all households in Sulawesi region converge to a single stable equilibrium in the longer period which is below the poverty line This may indicate that households in Sulawesi are collectively trapped However the findings show that households in Java and Bali West Nusa Tenggara and Kalimantan converge to a single stable equilibrium above poverty line This means that household in these regions do not face a poverty trap "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta : State Secretariat of Republic of Indonesia , 1996
362.559 8 IND a
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Washington, D.C.: International Finance Corporation , 2001
338.96 INT b
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
"Studies assessing the link between trade liberalization, poverty and equity come up with datatable result. The effect of open markets on poverty alleviation is usually divisive between pros (Anderson, Jha, et.al dan Bhattasali et al) and cons (Coller and Dollar,Twyford,Medeley and abbotts),while effect on equity is more conclusive...."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library