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Hesty Putri Intan Pratiwi
"Apotek merupakan sarana pelayanan kefarmasian tempat dilakukannya praktik kefarmasian oleh apoteker. Apotek roxy adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa penjualan obat obatan. Standar pelayanan kefarmasian di apotek terdiri dari pelayanan farmasi klinik dan pengelolaan sediaan farmasi. Pengelolaan sediaan farmasi tersebut terdapat poin terkait penyimpanan obat. Penerapan praktik penyimpaan ketersediaan obat sangat penting untuk menunjang pelayanan kefarmasian yang optimal. Tujuan dilakukan tugas khusus ini yaitu untuk mengetahui dan meningkatkan pemahaman terkait sistem penyimpanan obat di Apotek Roxy Biak dan mengetahui besar persentase kesesuaian sistem penyimpanan obat di Apotek Roxy Biak berdasarkan Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian. Metode yang digunkaan yaitu observasional dan bersifat deskriptif dengan melakukan pengamataan terhadap kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung dan wawancara kepada apoteker pendamping. Hasil yang didapat berupa persentase dan ditentukan kriteria nya. Berdasarkan pengamatan yang dilakukan terhadap sistem penyimpanan obat di Apotek Roxy Biak didapatkan bahwa sistem penyimpanan yang dilakukan sudah sesuai dengan Petunjuk Teknis Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Apotek yakni sebesar 82,61% (sangat baik).
A pharmacy is a pharmaceutical service facility where pharmaceutical practice is carried out by pharmacists. Roxy Pharmacy is a company that operates in the field of pharmaceutical sales services. Pharmaceutical service standards in pharmacies consist of clinical pharmacy services and management of pharmaceutical preparations. Management of pharmaceutical preparations includes points related to drug storage. The implementation of drug storage practices is very important to support optimal pharmaceutical services. The aim of carrying out this special task is to find out and increase understanding regarding the drug storage system at the Roxy Biak Pharmacy and to find out the percentage of suitability of the drug storage system at the Roxy Biak Pharmacy based on Pharmaceutical Service Standards. The method used is observational and descriptive by observing ongoing activities and interviews with accompanying pharmacists. The results obtained are in the form of percentages and the criteria are determined. Based on observations made on the drug storage system at the Roxy Biak Pharmacy, it was found that the storage system implemented was in accordance with the Technical Instructions for Pharmaceutical Service Standards in Pharmacies, that is 82.61% (very good)."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Friscilia Nindita Pamela
"Evaluasi kesesuaian pelayanan kefarmasian di apotek mulai dari penerimaan, pemeriksaan ketersediaan, penyiapan sediaan farmasi, alat kesehatan, dan bahan medis habis pakai termasuk peracikan obat, pemeriksaan, penyerahan disertai pemberian informasi. Pada setiap tahap alur pelayanan resep dilakukan upaya pencegahan terjadinya kesalahan pemberian obat (medication error). Pelayanan dan pengkajian resep di Apotek Roxy Biak aspek administratif, farmasetika, dan klinis serta pengelolaan sediaan farmasi di Apotek Roxy Biak mulai dari perencanaan, pengadaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan disertai stok opname yang dilakukan setiap hari, pemusnahan, pencatatan dan pelaporan telah memenuhi persyaratan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan No. 73 Tahun 2016.
Evaluation of the suitability of pharmaceutical services in pharmacies starts with acceptance, checking availability, preparation of pharmaceutical preparations, medical devices and consumable medical materials including drug dispensing, inspection, delivery accompanied by provision of information. At each stage of the prescription service flow, efforts are made to prevent medication errors. The service and review of prescriptions at the Roxy Biak Pharmacy in administrative, pharmaceutical and clinical aspects also management of pharmaceutical preparations at the Roxy Biak Pharmacy starting from planning, procurement, receipt, storage with stock taking which is carried out every day, destruction, recording and reporting has met the requirements of Minister of Health Regulation No. 73 of 2016. "
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Nanda Nurhayati
"Pelayanan kefarmasian di instalasi rumah sakit dilakukan sesuai standar pelayanan kefarmasian yang telah ditetapkan sebagai pedoman apoteker dalam menjalankan profesinya. Salah satunya terkait pengelolaan sediaan farmasi dan bahan medis habis pakai dengan tujuan menganalisis kesesuaian tempat penyimpanan sediaan farmasi dan bahan medis habis pakai. Analisis dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan hasil observasi terhadap standar penyimpanan obat dan bahan medis habis pakai dan ditemukan hasil bahwa penyimpanan obat dan bahan medis habis pakai sudah sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan. Sistem penyimpanan sediaan farmasi dan bahan medis habis pakai yang telah tepat diharapkan membantu pelayanan obat dapat dilaksanakan secara tepat guna dan hasil guna.
Pharmaceutical services in hospital installations are carried out in accordance with pharmaceutical service standards that have been set as guidelines for pharmacists in carrying out their profession. One of them is related to the management of pharmaceutical preparations and consumable medical materials with the aim of analyzing the suitability of storage places for pharmaceutical preparations and consumable medical materials. The analysis was carried out by comparing the observation results against the storage standards of medicine and consumable medical materials and found that the storage of medicine and consumable medical materials was in accordance with the standards that had been set. The right storage system for pharmaceutical preparations and consumable medical materials is expected to help medicine services be carried out appropriately and effectively."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Nanda Nurhayati
"Pelayanan farmasi klinik merupakan bagian penting dari komitmen apotek untuk memberikan pelayanan prima. Pengkajian resep merupakan bagian penting dalam pelayanan farmasi klinik untuk menentukan masalah terkait obat dalam resep seperti obat antihipertensi. Tujuan dari pengkajian ini adalah menilai kerasionalan resep dalam aspek administratif, farmasetik, dan klinis pada resep obat antihipertensi yang dilayani oleh Apotek Roxy Biak selama bulan April 2023. Dari seluruh resep yang masuk, dipilih dua resep untuk dikaji aspek administratif, farmasetik, dan klinisnya. Berdasarkan pengkajian dari aspek farmasetik, kedua resep tidak ada penyimpangan, namun dari aspek administratif tidak terdapat berat badan pasien dan paraf pembuat resep dan dari aspek klinis terdapat adanya duplikasi dan interaksi antar obat yang perlu dimonitor. Hal tersebut perlu dikonfirmasi kembali untuk mencegah terjadinya kesalahan pemberian obat.
Clinical pharmacy services are an important part of the pharmacy's commitment to provide excellent service. Prescription assessment is an important part of clinical pharmacy services to determine problems related to prescription drugs such as antihypertensive drugs. The purpose of this review is to assess the rationality of prescriptions in administrative, pharmaceutical, and clinical aspects of antihypertensive drug prescriptions served by Roxy Biak Pharmacy during April 2023. Of all the incoming prescriptions, two prescriptions were selected to be studied for administrative, pharmaceutical, and clinical aspects. Based on the assessment from the pharmaceutical aspect, there are no irregularities in the two prescriptions, but from the administrative aspect there is no patient weight and prescription-making paraphrasing and from the clinical aspect there is duplication and interaction between drugs that need to be monitored. This needs to be reconfirmed to prevent the occurrence of medication errors."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Mardy Fitria
Drug information services and counseling are important aspects of clinical pharmacy services to increase public knowledge about how to use drugs properly. Drug information services is an activity carried out by pharmacists in providing information about drugs that are impartial, evaluated critically and with the best evidence in all aspects of drug use to other health professionals, patients or the public. Counseling is an interactive process between pharmacists and patients/families to increase knowledge, understanding, awareness, and compliance so that a change in behavior occurs in drug usage and resolves problems faced by patients. The implementation of drug counseling and information services at the Roxy Pharmacy has not yet been implemented for all patients who meet the counseling criteria. This is caused by various factors such as the limited time that the patient can spare, the patient's willingness to be counseled, and the patient who uses a delivery service to redeem his prescription. Roxy Biak Pharmacy provides a telephone number that patients can use to contact the pharmacist on duty. However, from the archives of drug information services reports and drug-related counseling at the Roxy Biak Pharmacy, it is known that all of them are still carried out face-to-face. Therefore, drug information services and counseling are still often hampered by the patient's time availability."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Stella Maureen Wijaya
"Ketidaksesuaian prosedur atau kondisi penyimpanan dapat berakibat pada ketidakefektifan obat yang dapat merugikan bagi perusahaan dan pasien yang mengonsumsi obat tersebut. Beberapa faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas produk selama penyimpanan yaitu sanitasi, suhu, kelembaban, pencahayaan, ventilasi, segregasi. Kondisi penyimpanan hendaknya disesuaikan dengan sifat produk maupun material. Simulasi penyimpanan diawali dengan melakukan pendataan sediaan topikal di Apotek Roxy Jagakarsa, membuat desain simulasi tempat penyimpanan sediaan topikal, mengganti tempat penyimpanan sediaan topikal dari karton kotak obat bekas menjadi akrilik, membuat etiket, menyusun sediaan secara alfabetis, menempel stiker LASA. Hasil dari simulasi tersebut yaitu rak penyimpanan sediaan topikal dipisahkan antara sediaan setengah padat, sediaan berbentuk cair, dan sediaan
fast moving. Sediaan topikal telah disusun berdasarkan bentuk sediaan dan alfabetis sesuai dengan Permenkes. Tidak dilakukan penyimpanan berdasarkan kelas terapi dengan pertimbangan bahwa satu sediaan topikal dapat terdiri dari kombinasi zat aktif dan memiliki banyak kegunaan.
Inappropriate storage procedures or conditions can result in drug ineffectiveness which can be detrimental to the company and patients taking the drug. Some factors that can affect product quality during storage are sanitation, temperature, humidity, lighting, ventilation, segregation. Storage conditions should be adjusted to the nature of the product and material. Storage simulation begins with collecting data on topical preparations at Roxy Jagakarsa Pharmacy, making a simulation design for the storage of topical preparations, changing the storage of topical preparations from used medicine box cartons to acrylic, making etiquette, arranging preparations alphabetically, sticking LASA stickers. The result of the simulation is that the topical preparation storage rack is separated between semi-solid preparations, liquid preparations, and fast moving preparations. Topical preparations have been arranged by dosage form and alphabetically in accordance with the Minister of Health regulations. Storage is not carried out based on therapeutic class with the consideration that one topical preparation can consist of a combination of active substances and has many uses."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Hibban Arasy
"Standar pelayanan kefarmasian di apotek terbagi menjadi dua aspek, yaitu pengelolaan sediaan farmasi, alat kesehatan, dan Bahan Medis Habis Pakai (BMHP) serta pelayanan farmasi klinis. Salah satu aspek yang diatur dalam farmasi klinis adalah pelayanan informasi obat (PIO) baik secara aktif maupun secara pasif (Kementerian Kesehatan RI, 2016). PIO secara aktif adalah penyediaan informasi obat yang proaktif, di mana apoteker memberikan pelayanan secara aktif terkait informasi obat kepada pasien, sementara PIO secara pasif adalah penyediaan informasi obat yang reaktif atau tidak langsung, seperti menjawab pertanyaan seputar obat dari pasien, penerbitan leaflet, poster, atau pembuatan informasi mengenai obat pada pricetag (Kementerian Kesehatan RI, 2019). Pembuatan informasi obat pada pricetag umumnya dilakukan pada obat golongan bebas atau Over the Counter (OTC) yang dapat langsung dilihat oleh pasien. Pembuatan informasi obat pada pricetag obat OTC ini bertujuan untuk membantu pasien membandingkan berbagai jenis obat OTC yang tersedia di apotek sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi kesehatan saat melakukan swamedikasi. Laporan ini akan berfokus pada pelayanan informasi obat demam-batuk-pilek dewasa dengan menggunakan media brosur dan swamedikasi pada pasien apotek Roxy Poltangan periode 6-28 Februari 2023.
The pharmaceutical service standards in the pharmacy are divided into two aspects: the management of pharmaceutical preparations, medical devices, and Disposable Medical Supplies (DMS), as well as clinical pharmacy services. One aspect regulated in clinical pharmacy is drug information service (DIS), both actively and passively (Ministry of Health RI, 2016). Active DIS involves providing proactive drug information by pharmacists to patients, while passive DIS refers to reactive or indirect provision of drug information, such as answering patient inquiries about drugs, issuing leaflets, posters, or creating information on pricetags (Ministry of Health RI, 2019). Drug information on pricetags is commonly provided for over-the-counter (OTC) drugs that can be directly seen by patients. The purpose of providing drug information on pricetags for OTC drugs is to help patients compare various OTC drug options available in the pharmacy based on their needs and health conditions when practicing self-medication. This report will focus on providing drug information services for adult fever-cough-cold with the use of brochures and self-medication for patients at Roxy Poltangan Pharmacy during the period of 6-28 February 2023."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Athaya Syaharani Putri Kusumowardhani
"Pelaksanaan pelayanan kefarmasian di apotek harus mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 73 Tahun 2016. Salah satu tugas apoteker di apotek adalah memastikan praktik pelayanan kefarmasian dijalankan sesuai dengan standar pelayanan kefarmasian di apotek. Pengamatan tugas khusus di Apotek Roxy Pondok Labu. Berdasar hasil observasi, kegiatan pengelolaan sediaan farmasi, alat kesehatan, dan BMHP serta pelayanan farmasi klinis yang diterapkan di Apotek Roxy Pondok Labu telah sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 73 Tahun 2016. Namun dalam implementasi pelayanan farmasi klinis, terdapat beberapa kegiatan yang belum terlaksana di Apotek Roxy Pondok Labu, seperti konseling, pemantauan terapi obat, pelayanan kefarmasian di rumah, dan monitoring efek samping obat. Pada pengkajian resep terdapat beberapa pertimbangan klinis yang tidak dikaji, seperti reaksi obat yang tidak diinginkan, kontra indikasi, dan interaksi obat.
The implementation of pharmaceutical services in pharmacies must refer to Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 73 of 2016. One of the duties of pharmacists in pharmacies is to ensure that pharmaceutical service practices are carried out by pharmaceutical service standards in pharmacies. Observation of special assignments at the Roxy Pondok Labu Pharmacy. Based on the results of observations, the management of pharmaceutical preparations, medical devices, and BMHP as well as clinical pharmacy services implemented at the Roxy Pondok Labu Pharmacy is by the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 73 of 2016. However, in the implementation of clinical pharmacy services, several activities have not been carried out in Roxy Pondok Labu Pharmacy, such as counseling, monitoring of drug therapy, home pharmacy services, and monitoring of drug side effects. In reviewing prescriptions, several clinical considerations were not reviewed, such as unwanted drug reactions, contraindications, and drug interactions."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggita Dwi Suryani
"Apotek merupakan salah satu sarana pelayanan kefarmasian dimana dilaksanakannya praktik kefarmasian oleh Apoteker. Kegiatan pelayanan di apotek telah berkembang menjadi layanan komprehensif untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien atau pharmaceutical care. Konsep pharmaceutical care berkaitan dengan konsep dasar Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP). Good Pharmacy Practice atau GPP merupakan panduan internasional mengenai praktik kefarmasian yang dibuat oleh International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) yang berkolaborasi dengan World Health Organization. Menurut panduan GPP, apoteker harus memastikan bahwa kondisi penyimpanan yang disediakan telah tepat untuk semua obat terutama obat yang perlu pengawasan khusus. Tujuan laporan PKPA ini adalah untuk menganalisis implementasi aspek penyimpanan di KFA No. 382 yang disesuaikan pada panduan Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP). Analisis didasarkan dari observasi dan impementasi panduan GPP mengenai aspek penyimpanan sediaan obat di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 382. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, prosedur penyimpanan sudah hampir sepenuhnya menerapkan panduan Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) yaitu sebanyak 95,65% atau 22 variabel sesuai dengan poin-poin yang diatur dalam panduan GPP. Namun, masih terdapat satu variabel (4,35%) yang belum sesuai dengan panduan GPP.
The pharmacy is one of the pharmaceutical service structures where pharmaceutical practices are carried out by pharmacists. Service activities in pharmacies have turned into comprehensive services to improve patient’s quality of life (pharmaceutical care). The concept of pharmaceutical care is linked to the basic concept of good pharmacy practice (GPP). Good pharmacy practice (GPP) is an international guide to pharmaceutical practice created by the Federation of International Pharmaceuticals (FIP) in collaboration with the World Health Organization. According to GPP guidelines, pharmacists must ensure that the storage conditions provided are appropriate for all medicines, especially those that require special supervision. The purpose of this PKPA report is to analyze the implementation of archiving aspects in KFA No. 382 adapted to the guidelines of good pharmacy practice (GPP). The analysis is based on the observation and implementation of the GPP guidelines relating to aspects of the conservation of medicines at the Kimia Farma pharmacy No. 382. Based on the results of the analysis, the storage procedure almost fully implemented the guidelines of good pharmacy practice (GPP), i.e., 95.65% or 22 variables according to the points set out in the GPP guidelines. However, there is still one variable (4.35%) that does not comply with GPP guidelines."
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Theresa
"Apotek merupakan suatu sarana pelayanan kefarmasian tempat dilakukannya praktek kefarmasian oleh Apoteker. Pelayanan kefarmasian di Apotek terbagi kedalam dua jenis yaitu pengelolaan Sediaan Farmasi, Alat Kesehatan, dan Bahan Medis Habis Pakai serta pelayanan farmasi klinis. Mengingat banyaknya ketidaksesuaian antara resep yang diberikan oleh dokter kepada pasien, maka tugas khusus ini dilakukan untuk melakukan observasi terkait pelayanan farmasi klinis di Apotek Biak khususnya terkait ketepatan pelayanan resep serta kesesuaian data dan kelengkapan resep yang diterima di Apotek Roxy sesuai dengan ketentuan Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian yang berlaku. Hal ini diharapkan dapat mencegah terjadinya kesalahan pemberian obat (medication error). Pembuatan laporan tugas khusus Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA) di Apotek Roxy Biak diawali dengan mengumpulkan beberapa data berupa sampel resep bulan Februari 2023 dan dilakukan analisis resep berdasarkan telaah aspek administratif, farmasetik, dan klinis. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan yang telah dilakukan, pelayanan farmasi klinis yang dilakukan di Apotek Roxy termasuk pelayanan dan pengkajian resep serta dispensing obat yang dilakukan sudah tepat dan sesuai dengan Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Apotek, serta Resep obat yang diterima dan dilayani di Apotek Roxy biak sudah sesuai dengan kelengkapan data yang tepat berdasarkan pengkajian administrative, farmasetika, dan klinis.
Pharmacy is a pharmaceutical service facility where pharmacists practice pharmacy. Pharmacy services at pharmacies are divided into two types, namely management of pharmaceutical preparations, medical devices and consumable medical materials and clinical pharmacy. Given the many discrepancies between prescriptions given by doctors to patients, this special task was carried out to make observations related to clinical pharmacy services at the Biak Pharmacy, especially regarding the accuracy of prescription services and the suitability of data and completeness of prescriptions received at Roxy Pharmacy in accordance with the provisions of Pharmaceutical Service Standards. apply. This is expected to prevent drug administration errors (medication errors). The preparation of a special task report for the Pharmacist Professional Work Practice at the Roxy Biak Pharmacy begins with collecting some data in the form of a sample prescription for February 2023 and analyzing the prescription based on a review of administrative, pharmaceutical and clinical aspects. Based on the results of the activities that have been carried out, clinical pharmacy services carried out at the Roxy Pharmacy including service and review of prescriptions and dispensing of drugs carried out are appropriate and in accordance with Pharmaceutical Service Standards."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library