"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai faktor-kator yang dapat mempengaruhi intensi
pengguna intenet banking untuk mau mengadopsi mobile banking yang
dikeluarkan oleh bank yang sama. Bank yang dijadikan objek penelitian adalah
BCA dengan layanan Klik BCA dan m-BCA. Terdapat lima exogenous construct
yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini yaitu: task fit, monetary value,
connectivity, personal innovativeness, dan absorptive capacity. Endogenous
construct yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini adalah perceived usefulness,
perceived ease of use, serta usage intention Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
hanya perceived usefulness dan perceived ease of use sangat mempengaruhi
intensi nasabah pengguna Klik BCA untuk menggunakan mobile banking.
Namun, tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara absorptive capacity
terhadap inetensi untuk mengadopsi. Serta perceived ease of use memiliki
pengaruh negatif terhadap perceived usefulness.
The focus of this study to understand factors that influence intention of intenet
banking costumer to use mobile technology that created by the same bank. The
object of this research is BCA that create Klik BCA and m-BCA. To create a
unified view, this study use five exogenous construct: task fit, monetary value,
connectivity, personal innovativeness, and absorptive capacity. Also, three
endogenous construct: perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and absorptive
capacity. The result of this studies show that perceived ease of use and perceived
usefulness influence consumer intention to adopt mobile banking. Moreover, task
fit and monetary value can increase consumer‘s perceived usefulness
significantly. Connectivity and personal innovativeness also influence consumer‘s
perceived ease of use. However, absorptive capacity doesn‘t influence usage
intention and there is negative influence of perceived ease of use to perceived
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014