"Tesis ini membahas penerapan strategi pemasaran Word of Mouth di dalam aktivitas Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) yang telah perusahaan B2B Telekomunikasi di Indonesia dan analisis pengaruhnya terhadap brand attachment untuk menciptakan pembelian atau permintaan kebutuhan target pasar potensial terhadap produk layanan perusahaan tersebut di masa-masa mendatang. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap korporasi-korporasi dari berbagai segmen industri yang menjadi pelanggan 3 (tiga) perusahaan B2B telekomunikasi besar di Indonesia yang dianggap mewakili pelaku industri, yaitu Lintasarta, Telkom dan XL. Analisis data dilakukan dengan simple regression dan multiple regression, terhadap variabel brand awareness, brand image, brand satisfaction, brand trust, dan brand attachment.
......The focus of this study is to analyze the impact of brand attachment as word of mouth marketing strategy, as part of the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) activities, for B2B telecommunications companies in Indonesia. PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta, PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk, and PT XL Axiata, the biggest players in ICT solutions with their programs in creating the needs for their Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Solution for their potential target markets, are the example for this research for using word of mouth marketing strategy for creating the purchase intention by building brand awareness, brand image, brand satisfaction, brand trust, and brand attachment. The type of this research is quantitative research with descriptive research design and using simple regression and multiple regression."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013